UNCLAIMED PROPERTY BY NAME FOR PROPERTY UNDER $100 Claim # Name Amount Original Date Address City Zip 94 Aaron, Justin Wade $ 1.09 9/14/2001 200 S. Tyler Amarillo, TX 79107 6674 Abbott, Bryan Dana $ 58.75 7/22/2013 110 5th Ave Canyon, TX 79015 8131 Abbott, Paula Kay $ 18.00 6/22/2015 9928 Abdi, Mohamed O $ 7.00 12/3/2018 1600 Dale St., Apt #215 Amarillo, TX 79117 1429 Abello, Royal $ 13.66 1/28/2005 4100 Weeks Park Lane #212 Wichita Falls, TX 76309 4967 Abernathy, Allison Marie $ 0.44 10/26/2011 2007 S. Bonham Amarillo, TX 79109 5784 Abernathy, Alyssa $ 20.00 10/25/2014 1364 Abernathy, Connie $ 0.19 12/1/2004 4316 S. Travis Amarillo, TX 79110 1371 Abernathy, Jeffery $ 0.02 12/6/2004 105 Quail Amarillo, TX 79108 8856 Abernathy, Robert Lawrence $ 20.00 8/8/2016 1112 Abernathy, Travis $ 12.00 6/27/2004 3304 S. Van Buren Amarillo, TX 79109 1883 ABN AMRO $ 93.64 1/23/2003 7159 Corklan Drive Jacksonville FL 32258-4455 7438 Abraha, Mulubrhan $ 11.00 11/24/2014 PO Box 314 Guymon, OK 73942 9410 Abrego, Victor $ 10.00 11/13/2017 504 N. Main Hendly, TX 79237 4968 Abu, Yasin Mahamud $ 20.00 11/18/2011 107 Rivera # Cactus, TX 3130 Aburto, Julio Irvin $ 6.81 3/12/2007 505 W. 8th St Friona, TX 79035 7439 Aburto, Miguel Angel $ 23.00 6/24/2014 3420 S. Coulter Amarillo, TX 79107 3369 Aceto, Bella $ 12.25 10/19/2010 9929 Acevedo, Jose-Luis Jason $ 2.00 9/5/2018 1105 SW 13th Amarillo, TX 79102 8132 Acevedo, Linda Velasquez $ 0.30 3/27/2015 7440 Aceves, Alberto Gonzalez $ 5.00 8/18/2014 708 S. Houston Amarillo, TX 79106 9080 Aceves, Kelee Jacob $ 0.10 7/16/2016 1009 Almond Amarillo, TX 79118 6675 Aceves, Kelee Jacob $ 3.26 12/23/2013 1009 Almond Amarillo, TX 79118 1198 Aceves, Keli $ 17.00 8/11/2004 816 N. Tyler Amarillo, TX 79107 3115 Acey, Joyce Marie $ 4.17 2/28/2007 1916 S. Seminole Amarillo, TX 79103 2702 Achog, Thon $ 5.14 2/22/2006 4210 Paramount #256 Amarillo, TX 79109 1331 Acord, James $ 9.00 11/1/2004 17751 Adobe Lane Canyon, TX 79015 6676 Acosta, Angel Jr. $ 7.00 12/5/2013 4022 Rolinda Dallas, TX 4462 Acosta, Daniel Tizoc $ 12.04 4/20/2010 2448 El Segundo Comptom, CA 90222 2114 Acosta, Eric $ 1.65 11/3/2007 5932 Acosta, Melissa Roxanne $ 20.00 3/5/2012 3019 NE 25th Amarillo, TX 79107 4087 Acosta, Sergio $ 2.15 4/30/2009 10116 W. Williams St Tolleson, AZ 85353 6432 Acosta-Vargas, Jesus Manuel $ 7.00 10/2/2012 1109 Sierra Pampa, TX 79065 9252 Acton, Ashley Kay $ 10.00 5/2/2016 8133 Adair, Kyle Andrew $ 11.91 10/20/2015 4463 Adame, Armando $ 9.99 8/3/2010 2710 8th Ave #H Canyon, TX 79015 3787 Adams, Christopher David $ 4.58 1/10/2008 24000 US Hwy 60 PO Box 125 Umbarger, TX 79091 3775 Adams, Daniel William $ 3.92 9/23/2008 16341 FM 1062 Canyon, TX 79015 1557 Adams, Jamison $ 10.15 5/23/2005 PO Box 485 Happy, TX 79042 9411 Adams, Jeffery J $ 6.00 3/20/2017 5128 Temple Dr. Amarillo, TX 79110 4969 Adams, Sarah Rachel $ 10.00 12/19/2011 562 E. Division Pilot Point, TX 76258 7441 Adams, Sierra Grace $ 25.00 9/8/2014 17601 FM 2186 Amarillo, TX 79119 9412 Adams, Stephen Douglas $ 1.12 1/6/2017 6307 Elmhurst Road Amarillo, TX 79106 293 Adams, Tenika Dannyell $ 0.30 5/21/2002 1642 N. Nelson Amarillo, TX 79107 693 Adams, William Max $ 3.17 5/28/2003 413 Holman Ln Canyon, TX 79015 4970 Aday, Aaron Cody $ 5.57 10/7/2011 806 NE 6th Andrews, TX 79714 9413 Aday, Matthew Albert $ 5.00 4/10/2017 7116 Mosley Amarillo, TX 79119 5837 Adburahman-Hassan, Fatuma $ 8.40 1/23/2012 4464 Addam, Abbas Ajyao $ 0.75 2/2/2010 4348 Addam, Ali Ajyad-Daw $ 21.00 2/5/2009 3612 S. Washington St Amarillo, TX 79118 2796 Addison, William Robert $ 8.00 5/1/2006 3918 Addy, Stanton L $ 13.88 4/21/2008 8030 Advanced Imaging Center Of Amarillo LLP $ 10.53 11/23/2016 7400 Wallace Blvd Amarillo, TX 79106-1818 4971 Agith, Agwar Denig $ 9.00 1/10/2011 3765 Aguayo, Marcus $ 3.63 7/4/2008 3525 Aguayo, Marcus $ 12.00 8/9/2007 8134 Aguer, Aguer Albino $ 43.25 12/29/2015 2115 Aguero, Fernando $ 1.02 5/20/2005 8135 Aguilar, Adam $ 1.78 3/27/2015 1415 Aguilar, Adrian $ 20.84 1/18/2005 6677 Aguilar, Alberto $ 6.00 5/20/2013 4972 Aguilar, Elder Ricardo $ 13.75 10/13/2011 8136 Aguilar, Elena Jean $ 47.00 1/26/2015 8137 Aguilar, Joaquin Valles $ 4.17 3/23/2015 4973 Aguilar, Johnathan $ 47.00 3/24/2011 3670 Aguilar, Lazara $ 0.16 12/17/2007 9930 Aguilar, Luez $ 3.00 9/17/2018 4424 Parker Amarillo, TX 79100 6472 Aguilar, Luis Angel $ 10.00 10/22/2012 As of 5/20/2021 1443 Aguilar, Ramiro $ 24.10 2/10/2005 7442 Aguilar, Ramiro Ivan $ 0.15 12/7/2014 6145 Aguilar, Ramiro Ivan $ 18.75 6/6/2012 9931 Aguilar, Ruben Lee $ 8.25 11/9/2018 4050 Nughes Amarillo, TX 79107 1163 Aguilar, Sammy $ 20.00 7/26/2004 6093 Aguilar, Vanessa Ann $ 0.47 5/15/2012 3580 Aguilar-Mendoza, Miguel $ 0.36 9/21/2007 8138 Aguilera, Jason H $ 25.00 5/21/2015 6678 Aguirre, Armando $ 2.75 11/18/2013 1965 Aguirre, Frank $ 9.31 2116 Aguirre, Julian $ 4.00 3/16/2007 9414 Aguirre, Leopoldo Garcia $ 10.00 3/24/2017 1712 SE 5th Ave Amarillo, TX 79109 5806 Aguirre, Lucy M $ 3.00 1/9/2012 6679 Aguirre, Michael $ 5.07 2/22/2013 4060 Aguirre, Monica Sabina $ 0.31 4/8/2009 125 Aguirre, Raul, Jr $ 0.21 10/22/2001 32 Aguirre, Raul, Jr $ 0.69 7/12/2001 1367 Aguirre, Richard Jr. $ 7.00 12/2/2004 9249 Ahnood, Hooman $ 6.00 4/29/2016 3551 Ahumada-Ontivares, Reynaldo $ 0.35 8/30/2007 4465 Aikens, Stephen L Jr $ 3.81 9/7/2010 9287 Akanyim, Jacob R $ 9.50 7/5/2016 9932 Akbari, Mehrdad $ 7.00 10/2/2018 6312 Montview Dr. Amarillo, Tx 79124 8139 Akers, Jonathan Courtney $ 1.75 4/9/2015 3808 Akin, Barry Wayne $ 5.61 7/8/2008 4223 Akin, Barry Wayne $ 8.32 2/13/2009 3655 Akins, Beverly Jean $ 19.53 12/6/2007 4466 Akinyemi, Oluwagbemiga Edward $ 5.00 5/3/2010 7443 Al Hardan, Mohammed Faraj Saee $ 27.93 7/17/2014 5800 Al Sabham, Mohammed A. $ 80.00 1/4/2012 104 N 28th Apt #16 Canyon, Tx 79016 1550 Alamo Jr, Victor $ 1.60 5/16/2005 6318 Alaniz, Alberto $ 17.00 8/16/2012 4467 Alaniz, Daniel James $ 0.54 3/25/2010 205 Alaniz, Harold Christopher $ 0.03 1/23/2002 473 Alaniz, Harold Christopher $ 1.93 11/5/2002 529 Alaniz, Harold Christopher $ 2.81 12/22/2002 5989 Alaniz, Maria Magdalena $ 13.00 3/27/2012 4468 Alaniz, Ramon $ 0.24 12/2/2010 3764 Alarcon Vargas, Ana M $ 3.58 12/18/2008 6290 Alarcon, Jose Maria $ 22.12 8/8/2012 2902 Alarcon, Ramon $ 5.00 8/2/2006 9933 Alarcon-Hernandez, Manuel $ 1.15 8/27/2018 1601 Martin Rd. Amarillo, Tx 79107 4040 Alba-Estrada, Omar $ 74.33 4/16/2008 7444 Albert, Sarah Elizabeth $ 20.00 5/27/2014 1302 Albright, Julie $ 5.07 10/8/2004 258 Albright, Matthew Lawrence $ 4.00 4/7/2002 4469 Albright, Wesley Paul $ 5.85 1/26/2010 9245 Alcius, Marckson $ 0.75 4/25/2016 9934 Alcorta, Luis Gonzales $ 15.00 7/5/2018 105 S. Florida Amarillo, Tx 79107 4974 Aldaco, Olga Betancourt $ 3.75 3/11/2011 4411 Alejandre, Juan Jose $ 43.75 11/3/2009 504 Aleman, Blake Andrew $ 0.03 12/5/2002 6118 Aleman, Blake Andrew $ 13.82 5/25/2012 2589 Aleman, Chris $ 10.00 11/15/2007 3538 Aleman, Gabriel Dean $ 12.65 8/20/2007 2730 Alexander, Buster $ 0.21 3/16/2006 6342 Alexander, Byron Wade $ 4.75 8/25/2012 9935 Alexander, Dekendrick Brandon $ 50.00 2/23/2018 1811 N. Travis Amarillo, Tx 79119 4470 Alexander, Jordan Patrick $ 29.00 11/18/2010 9384 Alexander, Nathaniel $ 10.00 1/16/2018 4975 Alexander, Robert Wayne $ 27.00 12/14/2011 2928 Alexander, Steven Darnell $ 3.16 8/30/2006 6680 Alexander, Tessa Marie $ 5.00 7/11/2013 2803 Alexander, Timothy Lynn $ 0.21 5/5/2006 4976 Alfaro, Cecilio $ 1.36 3/10/2011 9936 Alfaro, Michael $ 16.00 12/10/2018 1300 Kimberly Amarillo, Tx 79111 3706 Alfaro-Flores, Jose $ 0.73 1/7/2008 3985 Alfaro-Flores, Jose $ 25.00 1/8/2008 2908 Alford, Jeff Don $ 11.10 8/9/2006 3975 Alfred, Alaq $ 21.74 3/17/2008 5954 Ali, Mohammed Hassan $ 5.00 3/12/2012 8818 All Star Dodge $ 9.25 2/26/2018 PO Box 8999 Amarillo, TX 79114 9937 Allemand, Robert $ 0.50 9/28/2018 2222 S. Hayden Amarillo, Tx 79109 6681 Allemand, Robert $ 7.00 2/7/2013 2222 S. Hayden Amarillo, Tx 79109 1498 Allen, Adrian $ 7.80 4/1/2005 9938 Allen, Angelique Schevette $ 7.00 7/19/2018 905 Washington Amarillo, Tx 79107 6063 Allen, Boyd Scott $ 8.00 4/30/2012 As of 5/20/2021 8886 Allen, Brandon Jacob $ 15.00 11/8/2016 318 Allen, Carla Renee $ 1.62 6/18/2002 7445 Allen, Charles Aaron $ 7.05 1/6/2014 4977 Allen, Christopher M $ 0.72 4/6/2011 8141 Allen, Danny Ray $ 1.95 8/19/2015 2117 Allen, Darius $ 2.00 10/13/2006 1441 Allen, Don $ 43.00 2/8/2005 6461 Allen, Gary Don $ 6.00 10/22/2012 2975 Allen, Joseph Keith $ 2.16 10/23/2006 2825 Allen, Kenneth $ 6.74 5/19/2006 2838 Allen, Lisa Dawn $ 11.29 6/6/2006 478 Allen, Marshall Deon $ 0.71 11/8/2002 8142 Allen, Matthew Charles $ 39.00 12/28/2015 389 Allen, Sasha Lynn $ 0.29 8/27/2002 1629 Allen, Thomas $ 5.00 8/2/2005 6682 Allen, Tiffany Rose $ 12.75 9/23/2013 3374 Allen-Cleveland, Diamond $ 5.00 12/14/2010 6683 Allgood, Joey Alvin $ 38.75 1/25/2013 4978 Allgood, Patrick Ryan $ 0.69 9/25/2011 4979 Allgood, Patrick Ryan $ 26.75 9/6/2011 6579 Allmond, Charles Edward $ 0.51 12/17/2012 9939 Allmond, James Brian $ 46.75 10/31/2018 3501 S.
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