![KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIV, NO 177 US Army Kwa]Alem Atoll, Marshall Islands WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,198](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIV, NO 177 US Army Kwa]alem Atoll, Marshall Islands WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,198 John Paul II States: Shultz Reports Progress On Arms Talks Dissent Unacceptable By Barry Schweld embassy, a few blocks from the heSitated and then replJed, through a By VIctor L SImpson AP Diplomatic Writer WhIte House, and prepared to turn RUSSIan Interpreter, "We also made ASSOCiated Press Wnter their attentIOn to AfghanIstan and some optmustlc statements" WASHINGTON - Secretary of other regIOnal Issues later In the As for the two working groups that LOS ANGELES - Pope John State George P Shultz today reported afternoon met at the State Department whtle "some progress" on nuclear arms Shultz IS tryIng to persuade Paul II declared today It IS a "grave Shultz and Shevardnadze took a boat error" to belIeve one can dIssent from control Issues as he renewed pre­ Shevardnadze to agree to a nde along the Potomac RIver, summIt talks wIth Soviet Foreign withdrawal of 115,000 Soviet troops church teachIng and stIll be a good Shevardnadze saId that "If we didn't Cathohc, as he reaffumed church MInister Eduard A Shevardnadze from the country over a few months' expect anything, we wouldn't be The headway, Shultz said, had tIme prohlbltlons on women pnests, SIttIng here" contraceptIOn, dIVorce, abortIon and been reached by a group of U Sand Despite Inltlally downbeat U S Shultz then volunteered, "They Soviet negotIators and weapons forecasts, the two sides have made homosexual acts made some progress, but the minister WIthout budgmg on the Issues that experts who met for three hours muted claIms of progress ever since and I agreed whIle they weren't Tuesday mght and also by a separate the foreIgn mInIster began hIS talks have dIVIded the Roman CatholIc perfect they were the best we had" Church In the Umted States, the pope group that dealt WIth bilateral Tuesday They are deSIgned to Iron He could not be asked for told an assembly of Arne rt can questIons out dIfferences In the way of a treaty clanficatlOn because the handful of He did not proVide any detaIls In a to ban US and SovIet Intermedlate­ bishops reporters and photographers who "DIssent from church doctrIne bnef exchange WIth reporters after range nuclear missiles and over were allowed a few rrunutes In the meetIng for more than an hour With human nghts and Afghamstan as remaInS what It IS, dissent, as such It eighth floor conference room were may not be proposed or receIVed on Shevardnadze at the S tat e well ushered out by State Department Department Asked what he thought of the an equal footIng WIth the church's offiCIals authennc teachmg " They then dined over pheasant In a Optlmlstlc statements now comIng Charles E Redman, the ghttenng ballroom at the Soviet from U S offICIals, Shevardnadze The pope also saId the dlgmty of department spokesman, saId that the women was equal to that of men but mormng agenda was devoted to arms reaffumed they cannot become control Issues and that Shultz had pnests recel ved reports from U S members The pope's address to 300 bishops of the workmg groups before seeIng at Our Lady Queen of the Angels Shevardnadze MInor SemInary began hiS second TheIr goal, as before, was to pare down theIr dIfferences over a day In Los Angeles The speech was schedule for phaSIng out the missIles conSIdered one of the most Important and over U S warheads on West the pope would dehver on hIS lO-day German rockets, so the treaty could US tour, and VatIcan OffiCIals saId be In shape for sIgmng at a the pope worked on It as he flew here superpower summit. from Phoemx on Tuesday Bork Denies He Acted Illegally Surrounding Watergate Role By Larry Margasak order to do so Even then, Bork Associated Press Wmer added, he fully expected the Water­ gate InveStlgatlon to go forward WASHINGTON - Supreme He Said he believed at the ttme that Court nomInee Robert H Bork today was what the pubhc wanted "There denIed that he had acted Illegally In was never any doubt In my mInd that fmng speCIal Watergate prosecutor that's exactly what I wanted," said ArchIbald Cox 14 years ago and saId Bork, who was the No 3 offiCIal In that he "dId my utmost" to make sure the Justice Department at the tIme the InvestIgatIOn Into the NIxon ad­ "And, In fact, I dId my utmost to mInIstratIOn went forward keep that speCIal prosecutor force in­ "My moral and profeSSIOnal lIves tact and gomg forward " were on the lIne If somethmg hap­ Metzenbaum raIsed the Issue of pened to those InvestIgatIons," Bork Watergate rather than ask Bork about said as he recalled the dramatIC events hIS JudICIal philosophy The OhIO of 1971, whIch culmInated In the Democrat and other opponents of resIgnatIon of PreSIdent NIxon Bork's nomInatIon to the high court POUNCE Bork dlso disclosed that he had re­ hope to use the events of 14 years ago Leesburg FI - Ponce the cat wants to pounce but ponders the position buffed a request from the WhIte to questIOn Bork's fitness as a Justice of a tree frog discovered prowling on a wmdow at hiS home m Leesburg House to reSIgn as a top JustIce De­ Bork's nommatIOn has been In­ Unable to force the confrontation the cat presses the investigation With partment offICial at the tIme and be­ tensely controversial, with liberals patience and a prolonged stare come NIxon's chIef Watergate de­ sayIng he would use hIS seat to at­ (AP Laserphoto) fen~e lawyer He SaId he conVinced tempt to overturn prevIOus rulings then-WhIte House ChIef of Staff that have estabhshed nghts to abor­ Alexander M Halg that' I was not the tIOn, pnvacy and affirmatIve actIOn, State Department Shutting Down nght man for the job" and supporters attemptIng to portray Bork stIffly turned aSIde a sugges­ hIm as a mamstream conservatIve Washington PLO Office tIOn from Sen Howard Metzenbaum, judge Bork has been an appeals court By Barry Schweld mISSIOn and, therefore, could be D-OhIO, that he had acted Illegally In judge In Washmgton Since 1982 fmng Cox In what became known as AP Dlplomallc Wrtter closed despite the First Amendment's Bork today stoutly defended hIS free-speech and free-assocIatIOn the Saturday NIght Massacre "No, I actIons as soliCItor general In Nixon's WASHINGTON - The State guarantees don't think It was, senator," Bork JustIce Department Department, In a demonstratIOn of However, the State Department saId In the openIng mOlT ~nts of the NIxon ordered Bork to fIre Cox "u S concern over terronsm," IS offiCIal SJld the United States' fully second day of hIS conflrma!1on hear­ after Attorney General Elhot RIchard­ gIVing the Palestme LiberatlOn supports the legitimate nghts of the Ings son and Deputy Attorney General OrgamzatIon 30 days to close ItS Palestlman people Bork SaId he had fIred Cox be­ WIlham Ruckelshaus reSIgned rather InformatIon office In WashIngton cause NIxon had gIven him a legal than do so Richardson has SInce Said Charles E Redman, the f' he believes Bork acted legally In car­ department spokesman, on Tuesday Reagan Heads Constitution Celebration rying out the dismIssal order clted as among the reasons the Metzen baum challenged Bork membership of accused hIjacker Abul By Phyllis MeSSinger changed It s still our bluepnnt for about hiS role In adVISIng NIxon on Abbas on the PLO executIve Assoczaled Press Wruer freedom," Reagan told the crowd that the legal ramIfICatIOnS of refUSIng to committee and the reaffiliatlOn of filled the west lawn of the U S turn over InformatIOn to the speCIal mIhtant PalestInIan groups with the WASHINGTON - PreSident Capitol prosecutors who were investIgating PLO last Apnl Reagan today haIled the 200-year-old "For over 200 years we have lIved Watergate But, Bork Said today, "I Abbas IS accused In the 1985 ConstItutIOn a<; a "bluepnnt for WIth freedom under law, and perhaps never adVIsed the White House how hijacking of the Itahan crUIse shIp freedom" and then led thousands of we have become complacent about It to deal with" the speCial prosecutors' AchIlle Lauro and the slaYing of a school children, federal workers and We should never forget how rare and request for matenals handIcapped Amencan passenger, tounsts In reciting the Pledge 0 f precIous freedom IS," Reagan Said Bork saId that after fmng Cox, he Leon Kllnghoffer AllegIance Senate Majonty Leader Robert came to no ImmedIate declSlon about He saId the PLO could mallltlan Its Shortly afterward, 100 000 red, Byrd, D-W Va, Said Amencans may whether the Watergate InveStIgatIOn New York offIce, whIch has white and blue bJlloons were released sometImes "take It for granted that the should be contInued by Cox' aSSIS­ "observer status" at the UnIted to end a 31/2-hour tnbute to the preSIdent and the Congress share the tants or a new speCial prosecutor NatIOns blcentenmal of the Constitution power' Metzenbaum suggested that Bork Redman said the WashIngton "Times have changed, but the basIC "But, even today" Byrd said 'we appeared at the tlme to be dragging office has operated as a foreIgn premise of the Cons!Jtutlon hasn't must check and balance each other" hIS feet LOCAL NEWS " PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, WEDNESDAY, SEP1EMBER Honduras Contract Was Subject Of NMA Meet; Beef & Bean Tix Selling Dunng the August meetIng of the Global chapter of the NatIOnal Management ASSOCIatIon, Maunce "Moon" Mullen, aSSIstant supenntendent of UtIlitIes, and Lew Larsen, dlvlSlon manager of supply, related their expenences dunng the constructIon of the facuItIes at Palmerola Arr Force base In Honduras Mullen and Larsen recounted the baSIC hVIng COndItIOns and the obstacles overcome In constructIng over 20 support facllines dunng therr
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