HOW THE STARS GOT STARTED... Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey say: "Our Dad led the brass band in our home town. He started us on our way tooting in the band when we were eight years old. We watched and studied successful musicians as much as we could, worked real hard and, little by little, began to get there." agree with more people THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE! Scholastic Vol. 95 March 12, 1954 No. 18 WANTKI) Founded 1867 £otered as second class matter at Notre Danu^ Indiana, Accepted for mailing at snecial rate of postage. Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized BRAIN SURGEONS June 2S, 1918. FOR GUIDED MISSILES Editor PATRICK C. CARRICO Fundamentally, guided missiles are Managing Editor planes without pilots or "pilot- LAWRENCE J. BREHL less" aircraft. To enable the missile Associate Editor to fulfill its mission, a substitute is WILLIAM F. NOONAN needed for the human element. Our "brain surgeons"...scientists PAUL FULLMER Features and engineers of Bell Aircraft's elec­ FRED C. ECKART News tronics and ser\'omechanisms de­ PAUL J. LaFRENIERE ....Assistant News partments...supply this substitute. JOHN A. ADAMS Copy Complex electronics systems are ROBERT B. FROLICHER Sports the brains of a missile. Servomech- JERRY D. BAIER Advertising anisms provide the "muscles." En­ B. JERRY CAMPBELL Circulation gineers are needed to develop these BOB FOWLER... Editorial Cartoonist important "brain-muscle" systems. DICK HAIRSINE Photography Co­ You can't possibly find a more chal­ ordinator lenging or satisfactory assignment! JOHN P. DEFANT....Faculty Moderator • ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS IS'E\VS STAFF: ClifTord Carlson, Dick Colgan, Dave • MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Cohen, John Ciisack, George Dailcy. Tim Dcvereux. Bob Dunseath, Gerry Gates, Jim Gibbons, Jcrrold Hilton, Robert Kaufman. John Kelly, Eugene Lcs- • AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERS mcz, James Mason. James Mcintosh. Charles Mc- Kendrick. Jack Mullin. Francis Newman, Dick • PHYSICISTS Norton. Jim OBrien, Henry O'Bryan, Tom Quinn, Dick Rust, Pete Sturtevant, Ray Walsh, Mike Ward, Norman Wendrowski, • MATHEMATICIANS SPORTS STAFF: Erwin Alfonsus, Phil Bolin, John Cywinski, Dave Davin, Kit Eckl, Gar>- Gates, John Guegen, Dave Kilkcary. Jack Kirby. Ray Lescher, Contact your Placement Dick Mannion, Jim Morris, John Phelan, Bob Ruhl. LIBRARIAN: Norbert G. Radziwon. Director to arrange for an appointment on.,. Member of Cath'olic School Press Association, As- foclated Collegiate Press. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly during the school year, except during vacation and ex­ amination periods at the tLiiversity of Notre March 11 and 12 Dame. Address all manuscripts to the Fditor, Box 185. Notre Dame, Indiana. or write to OUR COVER: The Bengal Bouts have always been close to the heart of Scho­ ENGINEERING PERSONNEL lastic's editors, since they were first dreamed up by one of our predecessors back in 1931. The Scholastic handled promotions for the Bengals for many years until—^like everything else that people seem to like—they grew .up too fast. Our thanks to Father Brennan, CORPORATIOi "Nappy" Napolitano, and publicity man John Snakard for lining up another in­ P. O. Box 1 teresting evening for St. Patrick's night when the finalists start slugging it out mi^ Buffalo 5, N.Y. for the missions in Bengal, India. March 12. 1954 DR. W TURBOW Fish, Steaks, Chops OPTOMETRIST OPTICAL REPAIRS —; Frames Repaired, Replaced and Chicken Week Query A Snap Broken Lenses Duplicated At Prices You Will Appreciate "Bring In The Pieces" Editor: — EYES EXAMINED The WEEK is slowly, but surely driv­ * ing me nuts. 207 W. Washington Do you mean to infer that it takes an OUver Hotel Phone 4-5777 Our Speciaity alumnus of the synthetic subway variety to discover that one Jack Dittmer of Vi Golden Brown Fried Chicken Iowa and Milwaukee Brave fame is the answer to your query? Perhaps I should Shoestring Potatoes /jf. be more charitable toward the current Jug of Honey crop of Notre Damers, as I had the plea­ JEitf^a^if. and sure of seeing Jack perforin against the Hot Buttered Rolls '49 National Champs, as well as cavort Book SAofi in the flannels of the transplanted $1.30 Braves last year. We Sell Truth Heartiest congrats on "The Frank New Catholic Books, Missals, and • Leahy Era"; also The Week in the same issue of the Scholastic. That issue Avill Prayer Books. Religious Articles. be treasured as a permanent part of my 110 East LaSalle Ave., So. Bend Joe Nabieht^s collection of reading material pertaining to Notre Dame. I've read reams of Restaurant; printed matter on the Irish, and her sons, but yours was tops. "Chicken in the Rough" HOW'D YOU LIKE TO... Sincerely, 213 N. Main Open Sunday Fred Weineck earn $5000 Sorry, you finished late. Mr. Murphy a year... annouticed the tvinner in his column on Want to travel March .5.—Ed. be an oKicer in and study the air force... Always A "However" • get an exciting abroad? Editor: head start in I had the good fortune of receiving jet aviation... the Feb. 12 Scholastic—indeed one of the most enjoyable Scholastics I have read. AND However (and there always seems to be Take a university-sponsored a "however") there Avas one discordant four via TWA this summer note, and that appeared as the sole con­ and eom full college credit tribution to your "Letters" column. belong while you travel I can honestly say I have never read a more pompous, bombastic letter in my Visit the countries of your choice to a great .. study from 2 to 6 weeks at a life. Master Jackson's desire to show us foreign university. You can do both his accomplishments in English gram­ on one trip Avhen you arrange a uni­ mar is appi-eciated; he may have a c^od flying versity-sponsored tour .Tia TWA. point, but I can truly say that ic was Itineraries include countries in never discovered in the morass of useless Europe, the Middle East, Asia and verbosity. team? Africa. Special study tours available. It occurs to me that the effective mode Low all-inclusive prices with TWA's Captain Maurice G. Steele economical Sky Tourist service. of punishment would be to separate Mas-' and the Aviation Cadet Selec­ For information, write: John H. ter Jackson from his pocket Thesaurus. tion Team No. 401 are coming Furbay, Ph. D., Director, Air World to Notre Dame to show you Tours, Dept. CN, 380 Madison Ave., Yours very truly, how. They'll be here three New York 17, N. Y. Be sure to men­ Alan Pando days, Wednesday, Thursday, tion countries you wish to visit. and Friday, March 17, 18, Eng. (SC) USNR and 19. Meet them in the Class of '53 Cafeteria from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. P. S. I have tried to keep this letter •nunfKOU»*muKU simple for the youth's sake. I'm sure (Continued on Page 6) The Scholastic Parker-Wiiternwi Ine. by Ken Murphy Top of the WEEK In five short days Sweeney's will be selling mucho beer... 36-23-36 Meandered over to another of the many exercise's so instini- mental for seniors before graduating from the old alma mammy the other Saturday—the annual measurement of bodily lengths to make sure we will fit into our burlap sacks on Commencemetit day. The aifair was held in the Vet Rec Hall. We were never in there before, which is probably one reason why they had the measuring there. Probably figured that none of the other fourth-year men had seen it, either, like to hear from the other seniors on and it would be kind of nice if they knew the team that cheerleader captain Ed what it lookeid like before leaving here. Hannan grabbed off the mike and started It isn't such a bad place, we suppose, if yelling some sort of cheer, whereupon you're a vet. the band struck up the Victory March One fellow in line near yours truly and goose-stepped out of the place . noticed on the measurement card that a and we never did hear from the other gown with bachelor's cap was a buck seniors. eighty-five while a master's cap and All we've got to say is Father Joyce gown was two smackers. After thinking and Coach Jordan were lucky they got it ovet carefully he finally decided to their speeches in when they did. spend the extra fifteen cents and get a mastei''s degree. Fourth Row, On the Aisle Proof-Reoder, Printer: Take Note We took in The Lavender Hill Mob at Washington Hall last WEEK—you Mr. and Mrs. North and 'South Amer­ know, one of those jobs with Alec Guin­ ica and all the ships at sea . the kid ness in it. It was the first movie we'd who won the contest was Al Parillo— attended over at the local popcorn-less Parillo, with an "o"—not Parille. Sorry, palestra since last year, when we saw Al, it was spelled right when it left the something about a man in a white suit old Remington. By the way, finish the —^with Alec Guinness in it (both the crossword puzzle? movie and the suit). Complete service to oil Air Force, Army, Navy, and You know, after thinking about it, Marine Personnel. Uniforms, A Roily? No, O'Reilly seems that Alec was over thei-e a couple In case you didn't know, and it didn't of times before that, too. Maybe it would Cops, and accessories — look like anyone did, there was a pep be a lot simpler just to give him an entire ready - to - wear or rally over in the Fieldhouse last Mon­ honoraiy degree, eh what? tailor made to measure.
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