La Société des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Chef de Chemin de Fer Mike McGary betterment of our organi- members of this organiza- Yager, Sous Public Rela- is detailed in our Ritual zation are among the best tion and our 105% mem- tions, my Aide de Camps Manual. As you know our I’ve seen and I’m proud to bership quota for the year. Don Carr and Larry Butts, ritual is what separates us have had both of them as This year so far, I have had made sure this trip was from other veteran orga- one of my appointed of- two visits. The first was very memorable and I nizations. Let’s put into ficers. May they rest in to Kissimmee, Florida for wanted for nothing. Friday practice all of our rituals peace. their Mid-winter Chemi- late morning we had a trip and ceremonies, for that I’d like everyone to know not. Passé Chef de Chemin to the Richard Childress is what makes us who we that nearly 6800 renew- de Fer Mac McCarthy and winery. What a beautiful are. Happy Birthday! al notices were stuffed his wife Patti along with place and great lunch was Remember to communi- into envelopes this week Grand Chef Mike Klyap had there. Considering cate. We all need to do a and mailed out to our de- and Grand Correspondant the small turnout at the better job of this. Knowl- linquent members. If you John Kaiserian and my trials they still raised over edge is the all-power- Chef de Chemin de Fer are one of those members Aide de Camp Don Carr $800.00 for our programs. ful tool of success, and Mike McGary or you know of a member made for a very enjoyable $250.00 of that was raised spreading of that knowl- that has received a notice, visitation. It was very in- for Boxcar with me taking edge is how we grow. Greetings everyone. I hope please take care of the re- formative listening to the a turn in the stocks, with Whether it’s mentoring a everyone had a joyous newal process as soon work that is being per- seemingly everyone lining fellow member or passing Holiday season with as possible and get them formed by those in Flori- up with multiple pies, at on the letters of our Na- family and friends. For me mailed in. You should be da on behalf of this great least that was what it felt tional Sous Directeurs so it was a great ending to aware that the per capita organization. like, but definitely for a everyone gets the message, what was a great year for great cause. Next month from our membership The following week I was it needs to be done by ev- me. My early thoughts on brings visits to Ontario, dues is a major funding off to Greensboro, North eryone. Until the next time this year, is an even better California and the Cajun source for the staff and Carolina for the Joint Car- remember to Have fun get- year. Wreck. I look forward to office of National. Your olina Wreck. It was nice ting the job done. My first comments are to seeing old and new friends National Correspondant, seeing some old and some express my sympathies to there, hopefully that in- Terry Sims, along with of the new friends I made the families of L.S. Pauley, cludes YOU. Regards. our staff have streamlined at Myrtle Beach in Sep- Sous Directeur of POW- Mike McGary many of the tasks that Na- tember. Madam President This year marks our orga- MIA, and Red Costa, Sous tional performs for us, but Penny Prevette Haigler, nizations 100th birthday. I Chef de Chemin de Fer Directeur of Membership, let’s face it the money has and David Van Wormer encourage all Locales and 2020 who have recently left our to be there for them to get had everything running Grands to celebrate this ranks. Both voyageurs are the job done. So, let’s get like clockwork. They event in March at your going to be sorely missed. those dues renewed and along with Diane Yager, regular scheduled Prom- Their work efforts for the start working on the future Sous Carville Star, Paul enade. The ceremony NONPROFIT NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION PERMIT NO. 963 INDIANAPOLIS, IN U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE 2 PAGE FORTY & EIGHTER WINTER 2020 VOITURE NATIONALE OFFICERS 2020 MEMBERSHIP 2020 Mike McGary Chef de Chemin de Fer Indiana January 23rd, 2020 Terry Sims Correspondant National Indiana Frank Kronen Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer Ohio Frank Compo Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer California Dave Hill Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer South Carolina Ted Canellos Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer Illinois John Murphy Aumonier Ohio Mike Wood Avocat Georgia Dan Dumas Commissaire Intendant California David Cook Conducteur Ohio Ron Pfalzgraf Historian Wisconsin FORTY & EIGHT COMMUNICATIONS STAFF FRANCE 2 120 136 113.33% Publiciste Bruce Kouba Kansas Frank W. Kronen PALS Renslar Keagle Texas Public Relations Robert Cearlock Illinois Photographe Larry Butts Georgia L’editeur Tom Orval Wisconsin This newspaper is owned by Voiture Nationale of La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux. It is published quar- terly with editorial offices at 250 East 38th Street, Indianapo- lis, IN. 46205. Phone 317-634-1804; FAX: 317-632-9365; E-mail: [email protected]. The official website is www.fortyandeight.org. Price per single copy is $2.00 and a yearly subscription is $7.00. CHILD WELFARE Joe Donovan National Directeur Frank Campo Greetings Voyageurs and Happy New Year to all. As I reflect on the wonderful activities that we accomplish for the benefit of Children, many of which are doc- umented with pictures in either your Locale, Grande or the Nation- al Voyageur Briefs and Forty and Eighter Maga- RHODE ISLAND 4 2 2 100.00% zine, I know in my heart that we do so much more that is NOT re- corded for all to see. We provided blankets for victims of fire, maybe a jacket or pants for a victim of a flood, perhaps water or a hot meal for hurricane or tornado victims, all of which come through your donations to our Na- tional Child Welfare Program. The primary fund- raising effort of our National Program is sale of our Dave Hill yearly pins. We cannot continue our program with- out the assistance of our members. There are sev- eral Grande Voitures that do not participate in our pin or direct donation program, and I suspect they V2000 462 371 80.30% don’t participate in others also. We have almost 500 TOTALS 21036 15066 71.62% pins remaining for Fiscal Year 2020. We had to pay -5970 for those pins up front. Can’t I please get your order for pins especially from those Grande Voitures that have not yet ordered and paid for their pins. You know who you are so I won’t embarrass you by list- ing the non-participants. However, I do challenge you to remember your obligation as stated in our preamble to our National Constitution wherein we Frank Kronen pledge to “actively participate within our member- ship in projects relating to (a) the welfare of the children of America” etc. Won’t you order some pins, TODAY! Orders for our pins will be gladly Frank Compo shipped on consignment at $3.00ea or how about 100 pins pre-paid at $2.75ea? My contact information is above. Dave Hill Thanks for your belonging to the premier Veterans Ted Canellos Charitable Organization, Joe Ted Canollos WINTER 2020 FORTY & EIGHTER PAGE 3 PUBLIC RELATIONS GREYBEARD REFLECTIONS ON LA SOCIETE Robert Cearlock – National Directeur Why? Because as I became that required help to achieve then you should also be not only honors our Veter- aware of the other members their goals or survive disas- proud of your ability [and ans military service but ac- identities, I realized that they ter. These programs are com- responsibility] to seek out knowledges their continued were the real driving forces munity oriented and not ex- nominees for La Société. But honorable service to their in virtually every other Vet- clusive to Veterans or their and this must be emphasized; community! erans Service Organization families, but they emphasize bringing in a new member is Have you invited a new in my community and even our desire to help the com- only the start. Your responsi- member this year? Can they my State. munities that we were will- bility to mentor and support rely on you to provide guid- After my first year it was ing to defend by our service. that member is ongoing. If ance with the traditions, rit- evident to me that the unique As we lament the de- you fail to fulfill this respon- uals, programs and Officer and admirable quality of La cline in membership, I must sibility you will have just “re- responsibilities? If not, why Société was the desire of emphasize my lead in state- cruited” a card carrier and not? Are you willing to con- its members to continue to ment that this letter is from that member will soon fall by cede defeat? If not, then pro- serve not only their fellow a “Greybeard” and accept the wayside. vide at least one nominee Veterans but their whole that is that group that I am a We are the 1% of the 1% this year and do everything community. I looked upon member of, that has dropped and that must remain the in your power to mentor and Voyageurs All, this unique quality as the ex- the ball! We cannot blame “cream of the crop” and that encourage them to carry on tension of these individuals the “under fifty” members is why I despise the term re- when we Greybeards are When I was invited to join desire to provide service and for the decline.
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