: — : : : : k PVBLISHEn BJilLY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman -k * ic COMPLETE Record of U. S, GOVERNMENT Activities VoL. 3 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUAEY 11, 1919. No. 535 TRADE WITH FINLAND MAY BE ORDERS TO COMPLETE PAY Army Post Exchanges RESUMED UNDER REGULATION OF SOLDIERS IN ARREARS Are Forbidden to Sell Unauthorized Insignia SAYS THE WAR TRADE BOARD ARRIVING AT CAMPS WITH The War Department authorizes OUTLINE OF PROCEDURE IS GIVEN A “CONVALESCENT CENTER” publication of the following Under direction of the Secretary List of Commodities Which Do Not of War an order has been issued as INSTRUCTIONS ALSO follows Require Import Certificates From 1. “ It has been brought to the Inter-Allied Trade Committee SENT ARMY HOSPITALS attention of the War Department if that post exchanges and similar Applications Are in Order. Detachment Commanders places are selling unauthorized in- signia such as service ribbons and The War Trade Board announces, in a and Disbursing Officers gold and silver stars to be worn on new ruling (W. T. B. R. 590), supple- the uniform.” Required to See That En- menting AV. T. B. R. 577, issued February 2. “ Responsible officers will take 5, 1919, that arrangements have now been immediate steps to have such listed Men Are Promptly made whereby both export shipments to practice discontinued by post ex- and import shipments from Finland may Paid Reports to changes and stores under their im- — Be Made be resumed. mediate jurisdiction. At the same All shipments for export to tlie above- by Wire Direct to Director time every effort will be made to mentioned country must be covered by an influence stores located near posts, of Finance, War Depart- import certificate issued by the interallied camps, or cantonments, discon- to trade committee, at Helsingfors, except tinue the practice.” ment, Washington. shipments of the commodities listed below. The War Department autliorize.s the Tlie procedure for the exportation of following statement: commodities to Finland is, in all cases, as Unfler order of the Secretary of “War, BRITAIN TO PERMIT LIMITED follows instructions have been sent to all camps and cantonment commanders, with the Procedure for Exportation. U. S. BOOT exception of Camps Mills, Merritt, and AND SHOE IMPORTS 1. Exporters should apply for licenses Stuart, as follows to the Bureau of Exports, AVashington, “ Eulistetl men arriving at a camp and Consul General Skinner, at London, D. C., or any branch office thereof, using attached to a convalescent center Avill be application form X or X-A. has cabled the State Department that the taken up on the rolls of that detachment 2. Exporters in the United States, be- and steps taken immediately by the de- British Government has decided, as a fore filing applications for export licenses, tachment commander to complete pay- must receive advice from the prospective tenjporary expedient, to permit importers ment of all men in arrears of full pay. importer in Finland tliat there has been Casuals in this and other casual organiza- of American boots and shoes to import issued by the Intei’-Allied Trade t'ommit- tions will continue on the rolls of their tee, at Helsingfors, a certificate stating one-quarter of the quantities which they organizations when sick in base or camp their approval of the proposed consign- ho.spitals, and detachment commanders respectively obtained in the year 1913. ment. The number of this certificate and disbursing officers will be required to should be forwarded by the importer in see that they are paid promptly. Finland to the American exporter, who should specify such number on the ap- Supplementary Pay Rolls. FUEL ADMINISTRATION GAS plication for export license. “ Supplementary rolls will pay be used The details of all import certificates freely, consi.stent with proper REGULATIONS STILL IN FORCE function- issued iu Finland will be transmitted by ing of personnel and finance offices, in- to the American repre.seutative on the Inter- sure payment of all men in arrears of pay Owing to an apparent misapprehension Allied Trade Committee to the AA'ar Trade who have been omitted from or not paid in some quarters to the effect that the Board, AA’^a.shlngton, D. C., where the same on the regular pay roll or who arrived at suspension of certain fuel regulations ef- will he used to verify tlie applications camp after the first of the month. It is fective February 1 applied to commodities that are presented for consideration. urgent that every man in your camp other than coal and coke, a statement was Imports from Finland to the United casuals, patients, and members of regular issued by the United States Fuel Admin- States will be subject to the same rules organizations—be paid promptly all pay istration lo-diiy calling attention to the and regulations which govern the importa- in arrears. Before being transferred to fact tliat natural gas regulations were not tion of commodities from otlier countries another camp all men will be paid in full, cancele(i by that order. in Europe. when possible, to include the last preced- ing month. List of Commodities. “ LOOMS AND SPINDLES TO RUN, Effective February 1, 1919, reports The following commodities, referred to will be made by wire direct to the di- Con.sul General Robert P. Skinner, at above, do not require import certificates rector of finance, War Department, London, cables under date of February 4 and will be licensed freely if the applica- Washington, D. C., on February 1.5 and Cotton Control Board yesterday with- tions are otherwise in order: the 15th of each on month thereafter, drew all restrictions on the running of showing the date on which payment of Adding and calculating machines. looms and spindles and all manufacturers Alabaster for .statuary purposes. all organizations was completed, to- are at liberty to run machinery as de- Artists’ material (excluding oils and turpen- gether with the number of individual en- sired. Orders fixing tines' . maximum prices of Athletic goods. (Continued on page 2.) raw cotton i-emain in force. Bicycles and accessories (excluding tires). — ; 2 THE OFFICIAL' U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, FEBRUABY 11, 1919, Buttons of all Idncts (except military but- tons, horn buttonS(;;an(i vegetable ivory but- CLEMENCY FOR ARMY PRISONERS tons). Enlistment in Navy Ca.sh registers. Cigar and cigarette holders. , CONVICTED BY COURTS-MARTIAL ' By Weeks Since Dec. 12 China. clay. China , Clocks, including clocks for time checking. Tlie Secretary of War to-day made the Secretary Daniels authorizes Cora 1 following statement: Cutlery, all forms. the following: Dental bur.s. The cessation of liostilities and tlie re- Dental filling materials. The number of enlistments in turn of conditions approximating those Drugs, various. Duplicating machinery and supplies therefor. the Navy, by weeks, from the date of peace render it just and proper that Dyes and dyestuffs. on which voluntary enlistments clemency be exercised toward prisoners Earthentvare. convicted by general courts-martial for Electroplated, gilded, or silver goods (except were resumed until the week end- those of solid silver or gold. olfenses committed since tlie beginning Fans and hand screens. ing last Thursday, is shown in of the present war. With this end in Fancy goods, of paper, ivor.v, mother of pearl, the following table: view, a board consisting of officers of ex- tortoise shell, amber or amberoid. perience civil Feathers, made up. Week ending Enlistments. in as well as military life Films, printed positive or negative, subject has been constituted in the Judge Advo- to censorship. December 12, 1918 374 cate’s office to examine the records of Flower seeds (except seeds of oil-bearing December 1918 730 plants). 19, these prisoners and enable the Judge Ad- Flowers, artificial. December 26, 1913 _ _ 489 vocate General to recommend to the Sec- Fountain pens. January 2, i919 _ 745 retary of War reduction of .sentences Fresh fruit. January 1919 1,099 Fresh fruit juice (unsweetened). 9, as the facts and dictates of justice in Furs, dressed, dyed, or manufactured. January 16, 1919 _ _ _ 1, 102 each case may warrant. The command- Gage glasses. January 23, 1919 1,295 Glassware. ants of the barracks liave been Instructed Hair ornaments and combs. January 30, 1919 1, 606 to forward promptly to the Judge Advo- Hair nets of silk or hair. February 6, 1919 1, 637 cate General their recommendations as Hardware for builders (if of iron or steel). to each prisoner. Hats of all kinds. Household furnishings, fixtures and equip- Such action will effect a speedy re- ment (if manufactured of wood, iron, or vision of sentences to meet the changed steel) (except upholstered furniture). conditions, and will unquestionably re- Ink (other than printers’ ink). APPORTIONMENT OF DELEGATES Iron and steel and manufactures thereof (ex- sult in a substantial reduction of the sen- cept high-speed steel). tence in nearly all cases save those of Imitation TO GERMAN NATIONAL ASSEMBLY leather goods. the gravest character or where aggra- Jewelry (except jewelry containing in excess of 45 per cent gold). vated circumstances exist. Jewelry (imitation). Advices to the State Department quote Jewelry, real, mountetl with precious stones the German newspaper (excluding articles of solid gold, silver, or announcements of platinum) elections as oflicially given by the Com- ORDERS TO COMPLETE PAYMENT Daces and guipure. missioner of Elections, stating the appor- Laundry machinery. in Ledgers, loose-leaf, and similar stationery. tionment the German National As- OF SOLDIERS NOW IN ARREARS Lighting fixtures (if of iron or steel). sembly as 163 Democrats, 88 Centrists, Marble, raw and manufactured. 75 German Democratic Party, 92 German (Continued Mats and matting made of guinco and paviera.
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