Lake County Agricultural Society, Inc. Presents Don't LAKE Miss a Minute COUNTY of This Year's Fair! FAIR PREMIUM BOOK 2019 JULY 23-28, 2019 1301 MENTOR AVENUE PAINESVILLE TWP., OHIO 1 The History of The Lake County Fair By Jack Daniels The Lake County Agricultural Society, Inc. was established in 1840. This is the same year that the Ohio Legislature allowed the northern portion of Geauga County to divide and form the smallest county in Ohio-Lake County. Although the activities of our society date back to the origins of the Geauga County Fair because members of our area participated in that Fair, the fi rst County Fair of the new Lake County was held in 1852. The location of the Fairgrounds was on Bank Street east of the Painesville Red Cross Building in the present site of the Cummings allotment. Members were given eight tickets to the Fair for one dollar. This also entitled them to free admission for their horses and carriages. No pool or betting was allowed, and the last day of the Fair was reserved for the sale or exchange of livestock. In 1880 a premium was offered to the person bringing the most dog scalps but by 1885 the dog population was apparently reduced, and the premium was offered for woodchuck scalps instead. There were plowing contests, displays of stoves, organs, homemade horseshoes, home tanned hides and homemade perfumes. In 1894 the Fair Board asked the County Commissioners for fi nancial assistance. The Commissioners readily recognized the need, but the County Prosecutor ruled that the money could not be expended for this purpose. They had no choice but to submit a bond issue for Fair activities to the electorate. The Fair was on hard times for it was still in the depression year of 1894, and the issued failed. The Lake County Agricultural Society, Inc. disbanded at that time and reorganized in 1911 with greater fi nancial support. That same year they purchased property from various families at the present site and the fi rst new Fair was held in 1912. The “Log Cabin” was built in 1915 with materials donated to the Fair Board by descendants of the original settlers of the county. When the gates were opened on the fi rst County Fair to be held in eighteen years, more than 28,000 people scattered themselves around the sixty-fi ve acres comprising the new Fairgrounds. The realization slowly dawned that Lake County was one of the leaders in the United States in the development of blooded livestock of all varieties. Lake County, in 1912, was famed as the home of numerous steamship companies and the paradise of Cleveland industrialist “gentlemen farmers” who raised the most fancy grades of blooded livestock. The fi rst new Fair exhibited more than half a million dollars worth of fancy cattle, thoroughbred horses, choicest hogs, best bred sheep and other kinds of fi ne blooded animals housed in the County. A Grandstand was constructed in 1913 but was destroyed by fi re in 1964 and was subsequently rebuilt. The Lake County Fair still enjoys the support of local industry and agriculture as well as that of the community at large. There are old buildings as well as new buildings refl ecting the diverse nature of modern Lake County. There are buildings and activities that blend our combination of industry and agriculture to the best interests of both endeavors and, certainly, the best interests of Lake County, Ohio. Welcome to the Lake County Fair. 2 DEMOLITION DERBY SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2019 • 6 PM ENTRY FEE: $35 (includes Fair admission) • PIT PASSES: $15 (includes Fair admission) PRO STOCK FULL-SIZE 1st - $1,000 • 2nd - $400 • 3rd - $100 ECONOMY STREET STOCK FULL-SIZE 1st - $600 • 2nd - $200 • 3rd - $100 STOCK MINI-VAN/TRUCK/SUV 1st - $800 • 2nd - $300 3rd - $100 PRO STOCK COMPACTS 1st - $800 • 2nd - $300 • 3rd - $100 ECONOMY STREET STOCK COMPACTS 1st - $600 • 2nd - $200 • 3rd - $100 POWER WHEELS For more information visit: www.lakecountyfair.org or www.derbydog-productions.com Thank you to our sponsor of the 2019 Lake County Demo Derby 3 4 Lake County Farm Bureau and The Merhar Agency, Nationwide Entertainment Tent SSchedulechedule TTuesdayuesday 7 pp.m..m. BBakedaked GGoodsoods AuctionAuction WWednesdayednesday 7 pp.m..m. RRobertobert PPottsotts - MMixix ooff 770-80s0-80s LLightight RRockock TThursdayhursday 7 pp.m..m. EErinrin BBurke,urke, BBalladsallads & FFolkolk FFridayriday 111:301:30 aa.m..m. FFreeree SSeniorenior activities,activities, BingoBingo byby WINTWINT Radio,Radio, vendorvendor ddisplays,isplays, andand lunchlunch forfor 200200 SeniorsSeniors providedprovided byby LakeLake CCountyounty CCouncilouncil onon AgingAging (receive(receive lunchlunch ticketstickets atat thethe ttent,ent, fi rrstst ccome,ome, fi rrstst sserved)erved) 7 pp.m..m. PPawnawn BBandand - 660s0s tthroughhrough ppresentresent RockRock andand RollRoll SSaturdayaturday 2 pp.m..m. LLineine DDancingancing withwith Dee'sDee's CountryCountry KickersKickers FFAITH,AITH, FFAMILYAMILY AANDND CCOUNTRYOUNTRY NNIGHTIGHT AATT TTHEHE FFAIRAIR 6 pp.m..m. MMaryary JJamesames - SSinger-Songwriteringer-Songwriter iinn CContemporaryontemporary ChristianChristian MusicMusic 77:30:30 pp.m..m. CChiphip andand NikkiNikki HeadleyHeadley - CountryCountry GospelGospel SSundayunday NNoonoon LLatinoatino DayDay Lake County Farm Bureau Proud to Sponsor the Lake County Farm Bureau and The Merhar Agency, Nationwide Entertainment Tent 2019 Lake County Fair 5 2019 PATRONS OF THE FAIR JUDGE LARRY ALLEN, LAKE COUNTY FARM BUREAU RETIRED WILLOUGHBY COURT LAKE COUNTY SOIL & WATER MARK & MICHELLE BYRAM CHARLES AND VICTORIA LEDFORD JUDY MIKE & KELLY CICCONETTI DANIEL AND BETTY LETTSHEK WADE & CONNIE CROFOOT MICHAEL & TARA LYNCH & FAMILY BOB & DAWN DAWSON RICHARD & JUDY PARKER ALBERT DIIORIO – FAIR SECRETARY 1995-2008 JOHN & CRYSTAL PASQUARELLI STATE SENATOR JOHN EKLUND THE PONY RIDE EXPRESS JIM FARRELL IN LOVING MEMORY ANTHONY M. RITCHIE JR. LORRAINE M. FENDE, IN MEMORY OF BETTE ROCK – LAKE COUNTY TREASURER THE VOICE OF THE FAIR GARY AND PEGGY FUSSNER DR. ROB & AMANDA SCHWARTZ JAMES R. GILLS ROBERT & POLLY SIDLEY GRAND RIVER LODGE #57 I.O.O.F. LINDA SKOK BRUCE & BARBARA PLAISTED GREIVE JOE & MICHELLE SLANSKY & FAMILY LARRY & SUSAN HACKLEY DR. LYNN & SHEILA SMITH JENNIFER & MACKENZIE HUPP THE SUNDY FAMILY PHIL JENKINS THE TAYLORS ED & PAULA KRAUSE NEIL & JACKIE WILSON DAVE KRYCH - WICKLIFFE GERRY & JEANNE WOJCIECHOWICZ NOTICE OF DIRECTOR ELECTIONS September 28, 2019 - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Must be a member of the Lake County Agricultural Society, Inc. to vote. Sale of Membership Tickets ceases September 14, 2019. 6 A Note From The President I would like to thank all Fair Board members, employees, Ladies Auxiliary and all the volunteers for a great 2018 fair and a great year. Enough can’t be said for all the hours they put in to putting on our fair and run the fairgrounds throughout the year. Thanks again. Some highlights over the past year were the continuing of our roof up grades. We were able to reroof two more buildings this past year; the live- stock auction pavilion and the draft horse barn #18. We were also able to make some electrical upgrades on the fairgrounds. We would also like to congratulate our Lake County Fair Queen Mackenzie Hupp for her fi ne job representing Lake County at the 2019 OFMA Ohio Fairs Queen competition. Out of all the Ohio counties represented at the OFMA con- ference, Mackenzie made it to the semifi nals cut of 16. Thanks again Mackenzie. Also, congratulations go out to Joe Slansky for receiving the ODA Director’s Award and our Fair Board on the many communication awards that they received at the 2019 OFMA convention. I would also like to thank our County Commissioners and the Ohio State Univer- sity Extension for their continued help and support. Wade Crofoot, President Become an Agricultural Member – Only $25 – JOIN NOW!!! Dam JLS Stable Quarter Horses Boarding -FTTPOTt4BMFT %POLFZTt.VMFT Wadsworth, Ohio 1BJOFTWJMMF 0IJP HEEHAW YOUR WAY ON OVER TO THE DONKEY/MULE TENT AT THE LAKE COUNTY FAIR! 7 ANNUAL MEETING Members of the Society must be residents of the County of Lake, eighteen years of age and be the holder of a membership ticket bought during the current year. No membership will be issued to a corporation, organization, partnership or firm. Members may vote for Directors at the Annual election of Directors to be held the September 28th at the Fairgrounds and participate in other business at the Annual Meeting. Rule 3, Department of Agriculture of the State of Ohio. Members of a County Agricultural Society must declare their candidacy for a designated office of a Director of a County Fair Board by filing a petition with the Secretary of the County Agricultural Society for that office signed by 10 or more members of the Society who are residents of the County in which the Society is organized, at least 10 days before the Annual election of Directors is held. Reorganizational meeting in which new officers are elected will be held the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Agricultural Society in October of each year. DIRECTORS' TERMS OF OFFICE TERM EXPIRES: 2019 - W. Crofoot, J. Farrell, J. Merhar, R. Parker, Jim Slansky, D. Wilcox Jr. 2020 - S. Andow, R. Dawson, M. Peplowski, R. Sidley, D. Wilcox, R. Van Pelt 2021 - G. Adams, R. Gregory, J Hejduk, J. Slansky, S. Ohmes, S. Taylor, C. Woodman The Annual Election of Directors will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2019. FAIR OFFICE HOURS Monday, July 1 thru Wednesday, July 3 ................................................................. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, July 8 thru Friday, July 12 ........................................................................ 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, July 15 thru Tuesday, July 16 ...................................................................9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 17 thru Friday, July 19 ................................................................ 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
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