Forbes Road Career and Technology Center Forbes Road Mission Statement ThemissionofForbesRoadCareerandTechnologyCenteristoprovidequality Career and Technology Center educaƟonalprogramsthatenableallindividualstoachievetheirfullestpotenƟal andbecomelifelonglearners.Studentwillbeequippedwiththetechnical,aca- demicand21stcenturyskillsnecessarytocompeteintheglobalmarketplace. ForbesRoadCareerandTechnologyCenterdoesnotdiscriminateonthebasisofrace,color, naƟonalorigin,sex,disabilityorageinitsprogramsoracƟviƟesandprovidesequalaccessto Whatcareerpathdoyouwanttoexplore? theBoyScoutsandotherdesignatedyouthgroups.InquiriesmaybedirectedtotheAssistant Director,TitleIXCoordinatororSecƟon504Coordinatorat607BeaƩyRoad,Monroeville,PA Come Visit Us 15146or412-373-8100. 607BeaƩyRoad,Monroeville,PA15146 FrequentlyAskedQuesƟons HowDoIApply? 1. CompleteaForbesRoadCareerandTechnologyCenter’sApplicaƟon. 2. TellyourschoolcounselorthatyouareinterestedinaƩendingForbesRoadCareerandTechnologyCenter.Dis- cusswithhim/heryourcareeropportuniƟesandtechnicalprogramchoice. 3. HandthecounselorthecompletedapplicaƟonwithparentsignature. 4. MakesurethatyoucheckthatForbesRoadCTCisonyournextyear’sschedule. WhatgradedoIneedtobeintoaƩendForbesRoadCTC? StudentscanstartaƩendingForbesRoadCTCasaninthgraderinourExploratoryProgram.Allsendingdistrictstu- dentsingrades10—12areeligibletoparƟcipateinVocaƟonalTrainingaspartofthePDESchoolCode. HowmuchdoesitCost? ThereisnotuiƟoncostforyoutoaƩendForbesRoadCTC.ThesendingdistrictscompensateForbes.Theonlycost toyoumaybeuniform,kitand/ortoolcosts. CanISƟllJoinSportsatmyHomeSchool? YES.YoucanparƟcipatedindistrictsports.ForbesRoadCTCsupportsoursendingdistrictathletes. HowdoIgettoForbesRoadCTC? StudentsarebussedbytheirsendingdistricttransportaƟondepartments. HowCanIEarnCollegeCreditWhileAƩendingForbesRoadCTC? AtForbesRoadCTCyouhavetheopportunitytoearnanywherefrom3-18+collegecreditsthroughdualenrollment programs,SOARstateprogramsandarƟculaƟonagreements. 2 27 ForbesRoad Welcome... Career&TechnologyCenter Ifyouareseriousaboutyourdreams, Instructor:JoshuaAment [email protected] 412Ͳ373Ͳ8100ext234 wewilltakeyourdreamsseriously. ForbesRoadCareerandTechnologyCenterisnotjustyourelecƟve,it’saheadstartonyour OurStudentsCanBecome: Employers Hire ForbesAlumni: future.Rollyoursleevesupandgetstartedinaclassthatisfun,exciƟngandsomethingyou x Dick’sSportingGoods x ForkliftOperators $34,900 willreallyenjoydoing. x FedEx x MaterialSupervisors$50,910 x GiantEagle x ProcurementClerk$40,400 Wehave700studentsandoīer17programsofstudy. x GoodWillIndustries x Shipping/ReceivingClerks$32,070 TheForbes(FRCTC)advantage. x JanitorSupplyCompany x TruckLoader $38,280 x Plumber’sEquipmentCompany Whetheryouplanongoingtocollegeorrightintoyourcareer,FRCTCstudentsgraduate aheadofthegame,givingthemanadvantageoverotherstudents. x Sam’sClub x UnitedStatesPostalService x EXCEPTIONALTEACHERS—Learntoworkasateamwithsomeofthebestexpertsinthe x UnitedParcelService(UPS) Įeld. DIDYOUKNOW??? x STATEOFTHEARTEQUIPMENT–OurlabsareouƞiƩedwithhightechequipmentthat 100% StudentsreceiveOSHASafety willrivalmostcollegesandworkplaces.Ourtools,machines,computersandequip- Certification. mentareamazing. 70%StudentsreceiveForkliftCertification. x INDUSTRYCERTIFICATION—IfthereisacerƟĮcaƟonavailableforyourlab,youcanearn 100%StudentsreceiveCPRCertification. it. 100%StudentsreceiveEmployeeSafety ForbesStudentsAttend: x REALWORLDEXPEREINCE–Whetherit’saCo-op,JobShadow,Internship,ApprenƟce- andFireExtinguisherTraining. shiporClinic,FRCTCstudentsgainrealworldexperienceatlocalcompanies. x CommunityCollegeofAlleghenyCounty 8.6% Jobgrowthinthetransportationand x COLLEGEANDCAREERREADY–FRCTCstudentsareskilled,graduatewithexperience materialsmovingindustrybetween x UniversityofPittsburgh 2012Ͳ2020. andcanearncollegecredits. 26 3 Forbes Road !"" #$%$ Career&TechnologyCenter 2 Instructor:EricPino &'()*+( &',)',( &,-)./( 3 4 4 [email protected] &,0),'( &,()1*( 412Ͳ373Ͳ8100ext268 2 &'-)(,( &/'.)(+( &'')(,( &,0),'( &-.)00( 4 2 &-,)*,( &./)*(( &'0).1( &+()'/( &+0)0,( " # $ !4 &'/)+0( ! " $ 4 &..)..( &/(*)0*( &,()10( &'+)1+( ! ! ' " & % "& 4 &-+)-'( &,')((( &,1)(,( &'/)+/( &,-)/0( ( ! " &,+)(,( &-0),1( &',)+.( )-').(( &./)*(( !' *+ !' ' ! ,+ 4 56 ' &0,)/(( ! 7% 4 Our Students Can Become: Employers Hire Forbes Alumni: &+1)'/( &+*)+/( &',)*.( &1/)10( , !' ' ! ! x Media Post, Inc. ! &.-)(,( ! x Multimedia Artist $54,030 &-.)-+( &./)./( &-,)1+( &'()10( x Photographer $ 30,200 x PA Department of Human Services * - ' 4 &,,)*'( &'()00( ! x Auto/Video Tech $ 37,710 x My Credit Team &,*)*.( &'*)/.( &--)-,( ( , ' x Multimedia Specialist $ 44,470 x Martin’s Customwear ! ! &'/)1'( &+()'/( &'')('( &'/)-.( &.')+0( x Camera/Video Operator $ 39,930 " +.- &,-)/(( ! x Web Developer $ 62,500 &+()1(( &,,)+1( &..)..( &0+)'-( ' " ( &'+)1(( &'0)*1( &.()/,( &-.)+-( &+')*,( - "' ' $ 8 % * * &'-)/'( &.,)//( &0+)**( &,-)(,( &+1)1*( ! ,/ " # # ! ' 8 ) DID YOU KNOW??? % " % # 7 Forbes Students Attend: &,-)/'( &',)//( &,()10( &'')0+( &'.)+/( 80% Students attend PostͲSecondary & - 9 ! 100% Students leave Forbes with a x Art Institute of Pittsburgh &.-)0*( &.0)(,( &,*)*+( &'0)1,( &,0).'( personal website. % / 34 x Pittsburgh Technical Institute &,0)./( ! ( 100% Students gain valuable computer x Point Park University &,')(-( &-+)+/( &'')'+( &-1)1-( skills. , !0 # " - 4 x Robert Morris University ( ! &,()1/( 3 &-')1(( &-*)11( &'()'((( &-0)*0( 20% Employment growth of web x Rochester Institute of Technology developers is projected to grow 20 !' 1234 $ - !# ( ' ! " percent from 2012 to 2022, faster x Full Sail University than the average for all occupations. 4 25 Forbes Road What’s Your College & Career Path Career&TechnologyCenter Instructor:DanOverdorff Why go to college undecided? [email protected] 412Ͳ373Ͳ8100ext293 The Facts on Being Undecided Students AƩending College 30% Freshman do not return sophomore year 80% Freshman are uncertain about their major 38% Starng freshman graduate in 4 years 36% Undeclared juniors graduate in 4 years 74% Declared juniors graduate in 4 Years 50% Change the major at least one me Resources: NCES (Naonal Center for Educaon Stascs), USSC (University of California, PSU (Penn State University) Who says FRCTC students don’t go to college? Employers Hire Forbes Alumni: Our Students Can Become: FRCTC offers you an advantage on your college and career plan. Explore the possibilies at FRCTC. x Plumline Nursery FRCTC student have an increased opportunity to graduate ahead of their peers in similar majors. Imagine x Agricultural Engineer $ 63,820 x Pollino Brothers Landscaping going into college a semester early because of the credits you’ve earned or freeing up your schedule and x Agricultural Manager $ 68,050 x Ricupero Landscaping traveling to China? x Grounds Keeping Supervisory $ 52,270 x West Central Equipment You can graduate and go to college with real-world experiences that others may not have. From engi- x Agricultural Inspector $ 48,950 neering to computer animaon, our students are entering college ahead of the game. Check out College x Landscape Architect $ 58,640 Transfer ( and SOAR, Students Occupaonally and Academically Ready, ( Art Instute of Pisburgh Lock Haven University DID YOU KNOW ??? Bethany College Ohio Technical College x According to the 2010 National Gardening Bradford School Penn State University Association Survey, Americans spend on California University of PA Pennsylvania College of Technology average $363 per year on their lawn and gardening activities. In the United States, that is Community College of Allegheny County Pisburgh Instute of Aeronaucs equal to approximately $30 million per year. Culinary Instute of Pisburgh Pisburgh Technical Instute Edinboro University Rochester Instute of Technology There are approximately 50 million acres of x Forbes Students Attend: grass in the United States. Approximately 21 Empire Beauty School Rosedale Technical Instute million of those acres are in our front and back x Community College of Allegheny County Everest Shadyside Hospital School of Nursing yards. x Bidwell Training Center Forbes Road CTC Thaddeus Stevens College x Penn State University and West Virginia x Westmoreland County Community College Full Sail University Triangle Tech University are two great college options for Landscape Architecture education and are both x Indiana University of Pennsylvania Hiram G. Andrews Center Universal Technical Instute ranked in the top 15 nationally. x California University of Pennsylvania Indiana University of Pennsylvania University of Pisburgh x Penn State University Local #373 Laborers Union Westmoreland County Community College x West Virginia University Local #66 Operang Engineers Youngstown State University 24 5 Amazing companies hire our students... ForbesRoad Career&TechnologyCenter Instructor:MatthewBornak [email protected] 412Ͳ373Ͳ8100ext273 Aerotech Gamestop SalonLook AlleghenyValleyHospital GatewayHighSchool MonroevilleKia AutoZone GFSGroceryGiggles&SmilesDaycare MyersElectric BashPlumbing Goodyear ObergIndustries BestBuyͲGeekSquad GrasingerHomes OpfermanRefrigeraƟonService
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