/: ■ t . ,\ \ PAGE FORTY-FOUR WEDNESDAY; JULY 9, 1969 N • ® anrljfHtrr lEarning Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock FAA Aide Second Anniversary Average Daily Net Press Run Asks Change r 'T 9lor The Wiiek Ended I dime *8, IN * The Weather Celebration at Cloudy, chance of lAioweni or In Controls thundershowers tonight aftd ear­ ly Friday. Low In the 60a. ’Ilo- ATLANTA, Gfa. (APj — The ; 15,459 morrow becoming piutly cloudy nation’e air traffic control sys­ Mmneheater^A CUy of Vittoge Charm and worm. High In 90s. tem is '^^t^ained to the utmost" PATT VOL. LXXXVm , NO. 238 needs conmlete revision. ('TWENTY PAGES—'TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1969 (CaMSifled AdverUatag ep Ei^{ib U) Federal Aviatloh Administrator PRICE 'TEN CENTS John H. Shiver said Tuesday WILSON nifebt. / In an address to the Air Ldnee Word from a C^ood Friend Pilots Association’s air rafety House Group Rejects forum, Shaffer said use of cofn- 3'UpVUL Sedan, WASHINGTON (AP)—Sen. Karl E. Mimdt ba/i petard trou- puters on the ground and on Ue. board aircraft is the answer. Arguing with Sen. Stuart Symington, D-Mo„ the South Da­ Gromykq Hits China, He said the computers would For the past two years we have been helping Voting Rights Change kota RepubUcan tried to score a point: put "navigational control of air­ the women of Manchester and surrounding towns "Jua* so my good friend won't get caught In the strings of WASHINGTON (AP)— caiartes e . planes back in the cockpit” and get back to the size they desired to be. Wiggins of CalifOr- Ws own-petard.” cut down on the work of control­ A House judiciary subcom- lers. mittee today b5Tiassed Jolnlgn Ford were the "Mlay I say to my good friend who has been a coUege pro­ Now to celebrate our 2nd year and start our fessor—and I’ve never been one—that If he reaUy knew what "The pilot will navigate the President Nixon's propos- c. 3rd off with a bang, we are offering an uncondi­ a petard was he wouldn’t talk about the strings of oiie,” Sym­ aircraft and the controller will ed voting rights legislation Illinois, Rep. John j . ington replied. perform the task he can do most tional money back ^arantee if you are not com­ and approved a five-vear Arizona, the chair- Stresses U.S. Aeeord Hie dictionary definition: "A metal or wood case containing efficiently namely, monitor the ' pletely satisfied with our results. Offer good extension of the existinv ^ RepubUcan Policy existin g Committee and Rep. Bob WU- an explosive for use In breaking down a door or In breachUur system," Shaffer said. July 8th - July 14th, law. son of California, chairman of a wall." - M OSCOW (A P )— For­ He acknowledged "It will take The administration proposal eign Minister Andrei A. a while" to get the new, sophis­ the RepubUcan Congressional We know what we can do for you by the end to shift the focus of the act from Gromyko condemned Red ticated equipment into a elgnlf- Campaign Committee. of July let us prove it to you by coming in to the South to the nation at large China today and made a leant number of aircraft. was never even offered during Notably misaing from the list Patti Wilson Figure Salon, 629 Main St., Man­ of sponsors, however, besides bid for developing friend­ He said the first step In mak­ chester, or calling 649-5452. the brief subcommittee session. ing more efficient use of air Chairman Emanuel Celler, the senior Judictory Oommlttee Leak in Apollo ly relations with the Unit- /.space is rean-iinging air routes D-N.Y., said approval of the Republicans were Rep. William ^ States. ^ / on the basis of aircraft capabili­ 1965 act extension was by "over­ M. McCulloch, of Ohio, the G rom yko, in a m ajor fo r ­ ty —separating aircraft by air­ whelming" voice vote. The full GOP’s leading olvU rights sup­ eign liolicy speech before craft ciasses. Judiciary Committee is also ex­ porter In' the Ifouse, and Rep. the Supreme Soviet— par­ Jolhn B. Anderson, IlUnois, William Flener. the FAA’s di­ pected to approve the bill when Being Repaired liament—said the Kremlin rector of air traffic safety, told it considers It next week. who holds the No. 2 GOP leader­ ship spot behind Ford as chair­ favors talks with Wash-' the pilots he agreed that the air GOP Leader Gerald R. Ford CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. so-caUed B-nut at the base of ingtpn "to find positions traffic control system is "a sick of Michigan, looking for cospon­ man of the RepubUcan Confer­ (AP) — Technicians today one of four heUum botUea at­ ence. Both are strongly support­ of agreement lioth on ques­ •‘lyBiem” which to undermanned, sors of the administration bUI located a leak in the pres- tached to the Inolde f the rock­ HOUSE ing the existing law. tions of bilateral relatiAns \kithout a backup and uses out- ISew^ Pentagon Command Center et. among the 15 committee Repub­ T h T lineup *in“ the Judiciary SUrization , system of the rtioded equipment in some cases. licans, was able to find only two ’There was a posoiblllty the and on unresolved interna­ This is the Army’s new $2.7 mlUion I^ntagon CSarnmittee and on the list o t "POllo 11 rocket and the __________ '"‘When you try to operate an screens, upper left, and subordinates, seated below. JULY junior members willing to jodn problem could be fixed by mere- tional problems." old system and at the same time command center. Equipped with the MteSt ^ g e t s , Satellites keep the post in touch with major mili­ sponsors signal the deep split In space agency sought a iy tightening the "nut: 0«iciala Ho wamsd Peking that ot- get into a new one, it is diffi­ military strategists sitting in control room behind tary units around the world. (AP Photofax) Wednesday Reps. ’Thomas J *^FPubUcan ranks touched off by means of correcting it SO were aaseosing the technfclana’ tonipte to use armed force ogaliMt the Soviet Union "will cult," IJJencr said during a pan­ gla.ss panel, upper right, keep watch on information MeskiU of Conneottcut and (Continued from Page One) that the countdown could report in early afternoon. el discu.s.slon. start on time tonight for HeUum is stored in four 81-cu­ be met with the neceoeory re­ Spokesmen for the govern­ the moon landing mission. bic-foot high pressure bottles. It buff." Air Traffic ControllerH AwHOcia- Is used to pressurise the propel­ Deoptte the beHtgorent tohe, ment, controllers and carr^rs on a match he played recently can see to indicate a drop or a HALE Officials . said they did not tlon, -picked Flener’s agency as CORSET think the problem was serious lant tanks and to operate cer­ he expressed reodlneea to hold took part In llio dlfccuj'«ion and with President Nixon. leveling o f f 8 1 e p h e n J. lx!ing "wont to write memoran­ tain valves. toikn with China "on a wide generally agreed that ■ airports Current ‘"11118 place Is another world." Heimstra, Agriculture Deport­ enough to delay the lengthy dums but take no action.” As the technicians trouble­ nuigv of queoUana" but gave no are the bigge.st ob.stnclc, to solv­ —Sgt. Frank -Puckett of Olyrn- ment economist, on food prices. 945 MAIN STREET Percy Says ‘Hogwash’ countdown, set to start at 8 p.m. ing congestion. "There him been a good deal pla. Wash., back in America as The leak cropped up this shot the problem, the Apollo 11 Indication that the Mao Tee-tung Quotes "Everybody knows that we Downtown Manchester arironaute, NeU A. Armstrong, leodendtip had shown totoreot. A major f>olnt of emphasis of dereliction,” Bntlcy mild. He one of the first contingent of 814 can fight, but we also have to morning In the heUum pressuri­ was tlie propo«il that separate pointed out there 1» no backup By THK AH800IATK DPRB88 U.S. troops withdrawn from Open 6 Days zation system of the first stage Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Mi­ Gromyko’a one-hour and 80- show that we can make some­ chael CoUina cUmbed into the runways be provldkxl for aircraft ivy.stem for controllera while alr- Vietnam. Thoraday to 9 P.M / SALE of the 36-story-taU Saturn 5. minute speech showed an In- "He’s not a guy you have to thing we can sell In the United Of ABM Argument on the basis of speed and weight pliines are loaded with backup "We are moving bJiead to­ Two technicians entered the command ship trainer to prac­ . crenaed ftovtri wtlllngneea to lead arotind a golf course . States."—Ambassador Yitzhek tice the engine maneuver that with big Jets using certain run­ y.sitemH. ward biAinch with confidence." ★ "'BESTFORM" FIBERFILL WASHINGTON (AP) — R e-' ’The senator Is mistaken. **^"‘<* oxygen tank In the deal, with Washington end a Rabin at a New York showing of will shoot them out of earth or­ ways ami smaller craft other He shot around 92. I’d say he —Walter J. Kapryon, deputy di­ publican Ben. Charles Percy ’There has been no change In my ®*id Isolated the leak to a himlenlng hooUllty toward Chl- It WOH bi reaponae to Bailcy'H an Israeli fashion coUeobton. bit and set them on a quartcr- nmways, charge of a "sick system’ that’ could cut a dozen strokes off his rector of the forthcoming bras says It 16 “ pure hogwash” to position,” said Stennls, chalr- irt.
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