A Spectral Bound on Hypergraph Discrepancy Aditya Potukuchi Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA https://www.adityapotukuchi.com/ [email protected] Abstract Let H be a t-regular hypergraph on n vertices and m edges. Let M be the m × n incidence matrix √ 1 of H and let us denote λ = maxv∈1⊥ kvk kMvk. We show that the discrepancy of H is O( t + λ). As a corollary, this gives us that for every t, the discrepancy of a random t-regular hypergraph with √ n vertices and m ≥ n edges is almost surely O( t) as n grows. The proof also gives a polynomial time algorithm that takes a hypergraph as input and outputs a coloring with the above guarantee. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Mathematics of computing → Discrete mathematics Keywords and phrases Hypergraph discrepancy, Spectral methods, Beck-Fiala conjecture Digital Object Identifier 10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2020.93 Category Track A: Algorithms, Complexity and Games Funding Aditya Potukuchi: Research supported in part by NSF grants CCF-1540634 and CCF- 1814409. Acknowledgements I am extremely thankful to Jeff Kahn for suggesting the problem and to Shachar Lovett for the discussions that led to a refinement over a previous version. I would also like to thank Huseyin Acan and Cole Franks for the very helpful discussions. I would also like to thank the anonymous ICALP referees for the numerous detailed comments and suggestions. 1 Introduction The main aim of this paper is to give a spectral condition that is sufficient for the discrepancy of a regular hypergraph to be small. This is proved via the partial coloring approach while using some combinatorial properties of the hypergraph that are given by this spectral condition. This immediately implies, via an old proof technique of Kahn and Szemerédi, that for every t, the discrepancy√ of a random t-regular hypergraph on n vertices and m ≥ n edges is almost surely O t. Previously, a result of this form was proved by Ezra and Lovett [11] who show that the discrepancy of a random t-regular hypergraph on n vertices and m ≥ n √ edges is O( t log t) almost surely as t grows. More recently, Bansal and Meka [3] showed√ that for random t-regular hypergraphs on n vertices and m edges, the discrepancy is O t almost surely provided t = Ω (log log m)2. To state our result formally, we make some definitions. Let H = (V, E) be a hypergraph, with V as the set of vertices, and E ⊆ 2V as the set of (hyper)edges. Let X = {χ : V → {±1}}, be the set of ±1 colorings of V , and for χ ∈ X , and P e ∈ E, denote χ(e) := v∈e χ(v). The discrepancy of H, denoted by disc(H) is defined as: disc(H) := min max |χ(e)|. χ∈X e∈E We call a hypergraph t-regular if every vertex is present in exactly t hyperedges. These will be the main focus of this paper. For a hypergraph H, let M = M(H) be the |E| × |V | incidence matrix of H, i.e., M has rows indexed by E, columns indexed by V , and entries are M(e, v) = 1 if v ∈ e and 0 otherwise. We will use k · k to denote the Euclidean norm throughout the paper. Our main result is the following: © Aditya Potukuchi; E A licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY T C 47th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2020). S Editors: Artur Czumaj, Anuj Dawar, and Emanuela Merelli; Article No. 93; pp. 93:1–93:14 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, Germany 93:2 A Spectral Bound on Hypergraph Discrepancy I Theorem 1. Let H be a t-regular hypergraph on n vertices and m edges with M as its incidence and let λ = maxv⊥1,kvk=1 kMvk. Then √ disc(H) = O t + λ . Moreover, there is an O˜((max{n, m})7) time algorithm that takes the hypergraph H as input and outputs the coloring with the above guarantee. 1.1 Background The study of hypergraph discrepancy, which seems to have been first defined in a paper of Beck [4], has led to some very interesting results with diverse applications (see, for example [18, 9]). One of the most interesting open problems in discrepancy theory is what is commonly known as the Beck-Fiala conjecture, regarding the discrepancy of general t-regular hypergraphs. I Conjecture 2 (Beck-Fiala conjecture). For a t-regular hypergraph H, we have √ disc(H) = O( t). Although this conjecture is usually stated for bounded degree hypergraphs (as opposed to regular ones), this is not really an issue. One can always add hyperedges containing just a single vertex and make it regular, which increases the discrepancy of the original hypergraph by at most one. Beck and Fiala [5] also proved that for any t-regular hypergraph H, disc(H) ≤ 2t − 1. This is more commonly known as the Beck-Fiala theorem. Essentially the same proof can be done a bit more carefully to get a bound of 2t − 3 (see [6]). Given Conjecture 2, it is perhaps surprising that the best upper bound, due to Bukh [8], is “stuck at” 2t − log∗ t for large enough t. It is possible that one of the reasons that the discrepancy upper bounds are so far away from the conjectured bound (assuming it’s true) is our inability to handle many “large” hyperedges. Indeed, if one is offered the restriction that each hyperedge is also of size O(t) (regular and “almost uniform”), then a folklore argument using the Lovász Local Lemma √ shows that the discrepancy is bounded by O( t log t). The proof of Theorem 1 also relies on being able to avoid dealing with large edges (which are few, if any, in number). 1.2 Discrepancy in random settings Motivated by the long-standing open problem of bounding discrepancy of general t-regular hypergraphs, Ezra and Lovett [11] initiated the study of discrepancy of random t-regular hypergraphs. By random t-regular hypergraph, we mean the hypergraph sampled by the following procedure: We fix n vertices V and m (initially empty) hyperedges E. Each vertex in V chooses t (distinct) hyperedges in E uniformly and independently to be a part of. They √ showed that if m ≥ n, then the discrepancy of such a hypergraph is almost surely O( t log t) as t grows. The proof idea is the following: First observe that most of the hyperedges have size O(t). For the remaining large edges, one can delete one vertex from every hyperedge and make them pairwise disjoint. This allows one to apply a folklore Lovász Local Lemma based argument, but with a slight modification which makes sure that the large edges have discrepancy at most 2. More recently, Bansal and Meka [3] reduced the discrepancy bound to A. Potukuchi 93:3 √ 2 O( t) almost surely as long as t = Ω (log√ log n) for all m and n. A corollary of Theorem 1 states that one can get the bound of O( t) for every (not necessarily growing) t = t(n) as n grows and m ≥ n. More formally, Corollary 3. There is an absolute constant C > 0 such that the following holds: Let H be I √ t a random t-regular hypergraph on n vertices and m ≥ n hyperedges where t = o( m). Then, √ P disc(Ht) ≤ C t ≥ 1 − o(1) The theorem that implies Corollary 3 from Theorem 1 is the following: Theorem 4. Let M be the incidence matrix of a random t-regular set system on n vertices, I √ where t = o( m), and m ≥ n edges. Then with probability at least 1 − nΩ(1), √ max kMvk = O t . v⊥1,kvk=1 A couple of remarks here: First, observe that it suffices to prove Theorem 4 for m = n. Indeed, let M and N be random m × m and m × n random matrices (m > n) respectively distributed by choosing t random 1’s in each column independently. Notice that the distribu- tion of N is exactly the same as that of the first n columns of M. Then, setting Mn to be the matrix consisting of the first n columns of M, we observe that λ(M ) ≤ λ(M). Second, √ n we point out that t = o( m) is just a limitation of the proof technique in [13] (also see [7]) that we use to prove this theorem. Although we believe that Theorem 4 should hold for all t < m, we do not make any attempt to verify this, especially since the result of Bansal and Meka [3] already takes care of the discrepancy of random hypergraphs in this case. Although many variations of Theorem 4 are known and standard, one needs to verify it for our setting too. It should come as no surprise that the proof follows that of Kahn and Szemerédi’s 1 in [13], which is postponed to Section 3.2. 1.3 The partial coloring approach Most of the bounds and algorithms on hypergraph discrepancy proceed via a partial coloring approach. In general, a partial coloring approach [4] works by coloring a fraction of the (still uncolored) vertices in each step, while ensuring that no edge has discrepancy more than the desired bound. Perhaps the most famous successful application of this is Spencer’s celebrated √ “six standard deviations” result [22], which gives a bound of 6 n for any hypergraph on n vertices and n edges.
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