The original documents are located in Box 25, folder “Thomas Jefferson Day - H.J. Res. 670” of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 25 of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library COSPONSORS TO H.J. RES. 670 James Abdnor James C. Cleveland Tom Harkin Bella S. Abzug William S. Cohen Herbert E. Harris Brock Adams James M. Collins William H. Harsha Joseph P. Addabbo Barber B. Conable, Jr. Margaret M. Heckler Glenn M. Anderson Silvio 0. Conte W.G. Hefner John B. Anderson James C. Corman Henry Helstocki Ike F. Andrews William R. Cotter David N. Henderson Mark Andrews Philip M. Crane Floyd V. Hicks Frank Annunzio Dan Daniel Elwood Hillis John M. Ashbrook Robert W. Daniel, Jr. Kenneth L. Holland Herman Badillo George E. Danielson f.farjorie S. Holt Alvin Baldus Mendel J. Davis Frank Horton Max Baucus James J. Delaney James J. Howard Robert E. Bauman Ron de Lugo Allan T. Howe Robin L. Beard William L. Dickinson Carroll Hubbard, Jr. Berkley Bedell Christopher J. Dodd William J. Hughes Alphonzo Bell Thomas J. Downey William L. Hungate Charles E. Bennett 1homas N. Downing Henry J. Hyde Tom Bevill Pierre S. du Pont Richard H. !chord Mario Biaggi Jack Edwards John Jarman Jo nathan B. Bingham David F. Emery James M. Jeffords James J. Blanchard John N. Erlenborn Albert w. Johnson Lindy Boggs John G. Fary Harold T. Johnson Edward P. Boland Dante B. Fascell James P. Johnson John Brademas Millicent Fenwick Ed Jones John B. Breaux Paul Findley Walter B. Jones John Breckinridge Hamilton Fish, Jr. Jack F. Kemp Jack Brinkley Joseph L. Fisher William M. Ketchum William M. Brodhead Floyd J. Fithian Martha Keys William S. Broomfield Walter Flowers Thomas N. Kindness Clarence J. Brown William D. Ford Robert Krueger George E. Brown, Jr. L.H. Fountain Robert J. Lagomarsino James A. Burke Bill Frenzel Robert L. Leggett Phillip Burton Barry M. Goldwater, Jr. Jim Lloyd Caldwell M. Butler Willis D. Gradison, Jr. Marilyn Lloyd Goodloe E. Byron Charles E. Grassley Clarence D. Long Tim Lee Carter Gilbert Gude Gillis W. Long Elford A. Cederberg James A. Haley Trent Lott Shirley Chisholm Tim L. Hall Hanuel Lujan, Jr. Don H. Clausen Lee H. Hamilton Robert McClory Del Clawson John Paul Hammerschmidt John Y. McCollister Mark W. Hannaford Robert C. McEwen George Hansen 2 John J. McFall Ralph S. Regula David C. Treen Matthew F. McHugh John J. Rhodes Morris K. Udall Ray J. Madden Matthew J. Rinaldo Guy Vander Jagt Edward R.Madigan Ray Roberts Richard F. Vander Veen James R. Mann Peter W. Rodino, Jr. Joe D. Waggonner, Jr. James G. Martin Paul G. Rogers William F. Walsh Dawson Mathis Charles Rose Charles W. Whalen, Jr. Romano L. Mazzoli Dan Rostenkowski Charles E. Wiggins Lloyd Meeds Edward J. Roush Bob Wilson John Melcher John H. Rousselot Charles Wilson Edward Mezvinsky Martin A. Russo Charles H. WiJson Robert H. Michel Jim Santini Larry Winn, Jr. Abner J. Mikva Ronald A. Sarasin Antonio Borja Won Pat George Miller Paul S. Sarbanes John W. Wydler Wilbur D. Mills James H. Scheuer Sidney R. Yates Joseph G. Minish Herman T. Schneebeli Gus Yatron Donald J. Mitchell Richard T. Schulze C.W. Bill Young Joe Moakley Keith G. Sebeluis Don Young G.V. Montgomery John F. Seiberling Clement J. Zablocki W. Henson Moore George E. Shipley Robert Duncan Carlos J. Moorhead Garner E. Shriver Jamie L. Whitten Williams S. Moorhead Robert L.F. Sikes Elizabeth Holtzman Charles A. Mosher Paul Simon Dominick V. Daniels Ronald M. Mottl B.F. Sisk Edwin B. Forsythe John M. Murphy Joe Skubitz Thad Cochran Morgan F. Murphy Neal Smith James G. O'Hara Lucien N. Nedzi Gene Snyder Shirley N. Pettis Bill Nichols Stephen J. Solarz Edward R. Roybal Henry J. Nowak Floyd Spence James L. Oberstar Harley O. Staggers George M. O'Brien J. William Stanton Thomas P. O'Neil, Jr. James V. Stanton Otto E. Passman Pete Stark Edward J. Patten Tom Steed Jerry M. Patterson William A. Steiger Claude Pepper Samuel S. Stratton Peter A. Peyser W.S. Stuckey, Jr. J.J. Pickle Leonor K. Sullivan Melvin Price James W. Symington Albert H. Quie Steven D. Symms, William J. Randall Gene Taylor _ Thomas J. Rees Frank Thompson, Jr. -. - , -- -.· -· ~- : .. ·"'7_ -.-- ---";·::· ,.,,,,, • ·--- --- ",:;<..,~y~ '-·· -.. ., .:. ........ -- :."-~ .-::: : ,· ._- ~. :~"' .:~.-~ > «. .. ~ .:_; - ~ ,··..., : ~~-<~i ; ._ .. -._~:_;~ -~~'"--,'. .:·· ·:. \> .. ·< ~,. -~: ~ -:-. E 5038 ;_ ... ~:·~:,;;~~CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-·· Extensions -(Jr Rt:mar!U~ 26, 1 • • .·.·.;.a._·.. -~ ,_ .... _.,..· • - .._ ,·.", - ~ -~· , .··-.::. -·°':·--:.-~,,.(_-- .·~· , • \ I ~. (. Etllm connti'.Ntit COiXEGE BI- 'birthday, I BID today.offering a me~ure colleag\ie.and my frien~ <!: v. "So CENTENNIAL PROJECT HONORS·. to"that effect.:_>- .... ·. ·. -~.: -:. ;-::._.· MONTGOJURT -of M1ssia81ppl, who 7 THOMAS JEP'FERSoN ' -~ · -~ . _ :_ Mr. Speaker,' this proposed legislation· worked so hard as one of the lea . • _ • . _ 1s a principal project of the Elgin Com- congressl~nal sPokesm&t\ for the c · HON ROBERT McCLORY".?::::; ' mtmity Colleg~ Bicentennial Commia- · . of POW·and MIA famlllea. Bis sel - ·· • ?':··'._'~-: ' ·s1on~ It is a project with which I fully . as cha1rman of the new committee 1: ·-::· ""''i·;.:-"'·~ "-·:<>F;lLLINOJIJ :· -. ;.~ "'. '.t·.-~, ,·conClJI" and which I hope will be !mple~ .. best Posslble'assurance that the'. Job :--._:..~N ~E;;H~l:JS!C C?P_JtEP~A~_,l. 0 .:m_ented by ~avorable action.on the meas-... be'carried ~t:.:_Bis untiring leadersh ·,. ··<.·. Shursd411, -~efJ..fefP~ _25 _ f97S.::~··:-:f'_'Ul'e:J!hlch :I_·.am offering· _in alternate. the fight_fo~ _a co~pl~te POW-M!A . - . .,, . --·"=---. -~--c·· v,•· form; ,s:oples"of. which are_ attached .t.o ~counting has been an ~iratlo;n. Mr. McCLORY, ~.Speaker! one.. -0~."'.andmadeeipartof~eserematks:·;_._."", _kno}"_thatiils t!Xperlence 8.Dd deee ~~ most creaave and inspired Ol'JaniZ4'-~,;;;_~:- . '£_ ..--:;· :::.r :J'U. BU.. 670. ~~'~>-o-: :,-::..;.:;;, .. sonal concem w1I1 enable hfni. to· do . tions to receive.Bicentennial designation.~- -~ - . :• .-:::• .:: .. _;.;... -• .: A.:.·rn·· • ·'. har"Job and dolt weB.>-.-:... .>::;;~:.:;..,. is th · tabllShed at' Elgin Com :Joint reao1u ....n.., ...,., .....a; ......,... 13, 197... "' , . _ • .... ~-· ._.,- ' uni::,.ocnell. es ·- ...,.,~ m hi·ch· '--~·-H.;;;.-·-: aa.''Thomaa Jefferson DaJ'!-;_i.:-~'.".:~:<-..:<~ -'~ .:-;~ ..-."·· . "'r - •... -' .. ·:::.::..:-.• ~' :kn d~:na~~~ii~en~al Col- -:,-·}i~01~11" bj ·ih'e---s~te'~~;aa:-: 8~~#/·>~~i{op;·.~-:itAS ·B~: ·• lege for 7;;.· -:~-~-:-A.~,.,.:~- ~eprµ~tatltlfEI. o/. _the . Unltecl: sta.J~- ,of .. ::..~· -~; .;;':!"!'·:ww·. __ , . .N! . _. ~ 1976• • -~r· .. ~ • ••·• •• ·.• .'."_,.tmeric/J in Con!J'i"U. a.saeml>Zea, 'I'ha~prll ~. :---.~-. '~ ·,. ..::,:~~~-:· ·""·~ ;·._, .. ~ · The Elgin C~Dll;D~b' College Bicen-..- ·1s, ~97; th.8 l>lrthday of ThomU ..Teffirson.. :~~b~: .. · HON. 'BUD ·sHUSTEJf":-'_:- - . ___tennlal Co~~n. co~ed of Carole 111 destgnated 88 "Th<>,maa Jeff~ ~:v';. and-.·~.~,·:-""~-.::'.·.. ·- - · ·. .,.: ;:,~:· ·- ·· Ackemann, c~~- .Demlis Slentk~, the Pres1d1111t.Ja authortv.ecl and requested ·=-·· · -~--= ··"·~· _PEl'fHSTLY~: --~-.'."'-­ • r~;·_--:· cocha1nna.n~·,1t.:·~~fferson _project ::lo·l8auj.;.p~&matJ.on calllngtorthe obserr~ ;~ l1'l J'BE H~t:JSE~~!" ~A_· ·. .; chairman, V1rg1nla Rauimerer-has de-,:· ance _of sucJI, day. ~t~.aPPI'l?..Pr1a~ ,ce~ <·?-: · · Fr{da11/-September 26, 1975 ! .. _ veloped a proposal that.Thomas Jeffer- :JDC?liles ancL~vttl.ea~!',:;-..:-·'.:-:\"~--~--,f,..--:-... --~· · ·•. · · · · . "' - · .·,.. -:.~ . .son, third President of the United States;.:.:.:t--b-::1;.n,,..... -~ ....) ·--~ ~-- ·z:;o~."'r~- ··-.-.·Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. SJ>ea,ker;• a • ·1 and the principal author·of the Declara·:·-~ ::::~_.:_, ~: .: . -:H.B. 9858 =<:'· ~;c'l- ·:s.-:~:->:.--.;. thoughtful eclit.ori!'l dealing with the tton.- Qt "Ind@ende=e;-'Sliollld_ be eom- ·,~ bill to amend title 15, United St:atea Code. ues of our tlm~ ~peared bl the Al 0 memorated by designat1ng.~ a national : :,-· tg · znake Thomaa Jeft'!_1'89D 8 lilrtbdaY. _a ,Mirror Of September °%3, 1975.--..~-~; . ;. legalholldayordayOf_&Pecial()bservance-' ;..,__legal public. ho!lda7--.~--:;:" -~--."':··:~:.,.< ,-c. I .. commend ~t t.o .my .colleagues _ the &econd Monday.JnA_pril as.4Jefferson•a· ;~ ··JJe It ena.cted_'l111 the Senate a.114 HO'U.tfJ o/ ...their ~onsldera~~- ~~~o~;;.~~ bfrtbAn-. -;.;,:.. .• ·.-f,;'...:;..-:.:,;....:;~,y,a.; ._,, .,.-,--~··, .. .Repr~enta.tivU ·Of· the. VnUed ~ta.ta o/ ~-: .-. SENSE-Ol" 8KAJa _,!IAB BDN Losr ..:: -. · . ~ ·.:<· • •• '-"' "'.? ;;<:~·~_,,.,. .... · ' ·· · . · .~-: - ·- ·· ·<America. tn Oongrua a.aaembled, That eectto:11 , • · · . · · - ·• · ,. ..,, · · Mr.-· Speaker:-·-in:.. ·'·conn_ ectlon ·-with·· •.· ... 03·· {b)'"'M_.tttl .... u-•ted statee c6d_ e re;. The W'?ma:n._who -tried to M198SBlna . ··-'· . • ·'~::: . -.· .. :-
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