S15830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 18, 2007 Grandmothers raising their grand- I would like to ask the Senator from warm most of the time. We have people children, living on fixed incomes, rely- Ohio whether he is familiar with Sec- who are homeless there who are des- ing—because they have no choice but ond Harvest, which is a major national titute. Food banks is the difference be- to rely—on food pantries, on food dona- organization that involves itself in the tween being very hungry and having tions, on food banks. processing of contributions from pri- something to eat. The unemployed, the sick, the aged, vate industry and from the Federal I, at one time, in disguise, spent 2 the homeless, the mentally ill. And in Government into food pantries, and days with the homeless. It was a num- Hocking County, 1 out of 14 people whether he has any experience in deal- ber of years ago that I did that, but it went to one food bank on 1 day. There ing with the Second Harvest food pan- is something I will never forget. People are people who live in the communities tries in his area or other food pantries. are not there because they want to be. that all of us serve. Food banks in The last point I would like to make They are not there because they are Ohio, in Montana, Michigan, Illinois, is that we were told on Sunday that lazy. There are some who are alco- Arizona, New York, New Mexico, North people who care, particularly during holics, and there are some who have Dakota, and Rhode Island and in every this holiday season, should go to drug problems, there is no question State of the Union are underfunded and secondharvest.org, but find their local about that. But there are so many of overextended. Food banks too often are pantry, find where they can drop off these people who have emotional prob- rationing rations, trying to prevent food, volunteer for an hour, make a do- lems who have no community health children and families from going hun- nation, do something that will make centers where they can go, so they are gry over the holidays. In Lorain, OH, you feel good about yourself this holi- just down and out. my hometown, the Salvation Army day season. All the Senator from Ohio is saying Food Pantry ran out of food com- But I would like to ask the Senator is that food banks, the places where pletely and was forced to close tempo- from Ohio whether he has been con- the poorest of the poor go to get a rarily. The society of St. Vincent de tacted by these agencies dealing with meal, don’t have food. I want the at- Paul Food Pantry in Cincinnati has Second Harvest. tention to be directed to the last two been forced to give families 3 or 4 days Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I thank things we have tried to work on: keep- of food instead of the customary 6 or 7 the senior Senator from Illinois for his ing people warm in the wintertime and days of food when people come to see work on food issues and on other helping people so they are not starving. them. In Athens County, OH, earlier issues, including everything from So I appreciate this. this month, the director of the Family subprime to minimum wage and all The people who are cold in the win- and Friends Choice Pantry was actu- issues where we can play a role in im- tertime don’t have people to come and ally ‘‘praising God we are in a snow- proving the lives of people who, as the lobby for them. People who are home- storm and not many people showed up’’ Senator from Illinois said, are working, less don’t have people here lobbying for because if they had, her pantry would in most cases, full-time jobs. them, coming in their limousines and have run out of food. In Ohio as a Second Harvest is one of the great or- parking over on Constitution Avenue, whole, 70 percent of food pantries don’t ganizations in this country—in Illinois, and sometimes they are in their Gucci have enough food to serve everyone in in Ohio, in Nevada, and in Vermont, all shoes and they have to walk all the need. over this country. I urge people, under- way across half a block to come and That is why earlier last week I of- standing that Second Harvest is not lobby for some of the tax breaks they fered legislation to act to alleviate the getting the donations they used to get, want. For people who are hungry and current food shortage. That is why I they are not getting enough help from people who are cold, that isn’t the case. want to see us include $40 million in the Government, they are not getting So I appreciate very much the Senator emergency food aid for food pantries as much from supermarkets and from from Ohio bringing to the attention of across my State and across the coun- businesses as they got before, and they, the Senate something that needs to be try. I appreciate the leadership of Sen- frankly, are not getting as many chari- done. ator DURBIN and Majority Leader REID table donations because people who f in wanting to include this at the next gave before sometimes are in need opportunity come January to get this themselves because it is often people CONSOLIDATED APPROPRIATIONS $40 million out to the States, out to who don’t make a lot of money who are ACT, 2008 churches and food banks and food pan- the most generous with their money Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- tries so that the 1 out of 14 people in and with their assistance, to plea to imous consent that the Chair lay be- Hocking County and people in need all people in our States, businesses, indi- fore the Senate the message from the over this country can get the assist- viduals who are as lucky as we are in House on H.R. 2764. ance we can afford to give them. this Chamber, to help Second Harvest, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, will the to go on Web sites and look in the yel- the previous order, the Chair lays be- Senator from Ohio yield for a question? low pages and look around their com- fore the Senate a message from the Mr. BROWN. I yield to the senior munities where they can help people so House. Senator from Illinois. The legislative clerk read as follows: Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I would that this will actually make a dif- like to ask through the Chair—I want ference. So I thank the Senator from Resolved, That the House agree to the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. to first thank the Senator from Ohio Illinois for his interest. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I men- 2764) entitled ‘‘An Act making appropria- for his leadership on this issue. He is tions for the Department of State, foreign new to the Senate but not new to this tioned to my friend from Ohio a fact that I just heard. I hope it is wrong, operations, and related programs for the fis- issue. cal year ending September 30, 2008, and for Times have changed in America, and but if it is wrong, it is not much wrong. other purposes,’’ with amendments. The average income of people who vote not for the better when it comes to CLOTURE MOTION in America today is $70,000 a year. I am food pantries. People need help. I just Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to very happy we have people who have a this Sunday visited the Greater Chi- concur in the amendments of the little—people of means who are voting, cago Food Depository and learned that House. I have a cloture motion. there is an 11-percent increase over last but the reason I mention that is the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- year in the number of people coming last two issues that have been brought ture motion, having been presented into food pantries served in the greater before the Senate, one dealing with under rule XXII, the Chair directs the Chicagoland area, and most of them LIHEAP—that is, how people stay clerk to read the motion. have jobs. These are people who, when warm in the wintertime; that was by The legislative clerk read as follows: the Senator from Vermont, Mr. SAND- they fill up the gas tank and need an- CLOTURE MOTION ERS—and now the Senator from Ohio is other $20 to fill the tank, realize they We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- are not going to have enough money to talking about food banks. In Nevada, 25 ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the buy food for their children that they percent of the homeless are veterans, Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby planned on buying, and they make a and we have a very difficult problem, move to bring to a close debate on the mo- stop at the food pantry. especially in Las Vegas. The weather is tion to concur in the House amendments to VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:53 Dec 19, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18DE6.073 S18DEPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMSENATE December 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S15831 H.R.
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