2004 GENERAL ELECTION -- Vote November 2 Georgia — United States Senate Senator Zell Miller (D) announced that he is retiring at the end of the term Republican Democrat Johnny Isakson Denise Majette Age: 59 (12/28/1944) Age: 49 (5/18/1955) Political experience: U.S. Representa- Political experience: U.S. Repre- tive, 1999-Present; Georgia Senate, sentative, 1st term, 2003-2004; 1993-96; Georgia House, 1977-90 DeKalb County Judge, 1993-2002 Background: BBA, University of Geor- Background: BA, Yale University, gia, 1966; Real estate executive; Meth- 1976; JD, Duke University, 1979; At- odist torney, Judge; African Methodist Episcopal Web: www.isakson.net (campaign) and Web: www.denisemajetteforsenate.org (campaign) isakson.house.gov (official) and www.house.gov/majette (official) Campaign Office: 404-705-8822 Campaign Office: 404-284-2420 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Key Issue Positions: “I have a deep respect for life, and a voting record that Abortion “I support a woman’s right to choose whether or reflects that respect. I am personally opposed to abor- not she has an abortion.” Voted against ban on tion except in cases of rape, incest, and to protect the partial-birth abortions in 2003 and against the life of the mother.” Voted for the ban on partial-birth Unborn Victims of Violence Act in 2004 abortion in 2003 and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act in 2004. Supports federal funding of stem cell research using Cloning Supports federal funding of stem cell research human embryos—one of 38 Republicans who signed a using human embryos. letter to the President advocating this. “I believe a quality education, whether public, private, Education “Education for our children is critical to the future or home school is the essential key to a better quality of our economy. ...I have fought to fully fund of life, lower unemployment, eliminating welfare, and programs such as the Head Start and No Child Left expanding economic prosperity for all Ameri- Behind program, and other educational initiatives, cans.” (April 2003 position statement) that will produce the skill workers vital to a vibrant and healthy economy.” (campaign website) Supports requiring schools to allow prayer; sponsored a “Vouchers should not be used as an alternative to resolution to let schools display the words “God Bless providing sufficient support for improving the qual- America” in 2001 ity of public schools.” (2002) Voted in May to pass a bill that limits the awards given Health “We should permit the government to negotiate in medical malpractice suits to $250,000. Voted for the Care with drug companies for fair prices for Medicare Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act of beneficiaries. We should allow the reimportation of 2003. prescription drugs from countries like Canada, where they are often cheaper than the same drugs sold in the U.S.” “By voting to improve Georgia’s infrastructure we are Jobs There are 3 critical steps: (1) ensure that small creating thousands of high-paying jobs. Furthermore, businesses have access to the capital and assis- we must invest in our workforce with continuing educa- tance they need; (2) fully fund job training pro- tion objectives, job training initiatives, better health grams; and (3) fully fund educational initiatives so care, and tax relief.” that we have an educated workforce in the future. More Key Issues (Marriage, Taxes, Terrorism, and Values) on Page 2 Sources: Organizations listed here, Project Vote Smart, campaign websites, Congress.org, Marietta Daily Journal, Political State Report, and OnTheIssues.org in partnership Concerned Women for America with our friends 1015 Fifteenth St., NW, Suite 1100 at Faith2Action Washington, D.C. 20005 www.cwfa.org www.f2a.ORG 2004 GENERAL ELECTION -- Vote November 2 Georgia — United States Senate Senator Zell Miller (D) announced that he is retiring at the end of the term Republican Democrat Johnny Isakson Denise Majette “The President is right to call for democratic action by Marriage “I support civil unions and equal rights for all, but I Congress and the states to protect the institution of believe that marriage should be defined by reli- marriage. And I support a constitutional amend- gious institutions.” (written statement) Does not ment.” (Feb. 2004) support the Federal Marriage Amendment “Taxpayers’ money performs best in the hands of the Taxes No statement on website regarding tax policy; people who earned it. Lowering taxes and reforming voted against making Marriage Penalty Relief per- our tax structure are vital steps to stimulate our econ- manent in April (HR 4181) and did not vote in May omy and expand our job base.” Voted in May to make on a bill to maintain the upper limits on the 10 Marriage Penalty Relief permanent. Voted in April to percent tax bracket at $7,000 for individuals and maintain the upper limits on the 10 percent tax $14,000 for couples (HR 4275) bracket. “Since terrorists act on their timetable and not ours, we Terrorism “The Bush administration led our nation into a war must not be complacent in securing the homeland. for reasons that have proven to be inaccurate. This includes making our borders secure and perform- ...We must make sure the men and women serving ing stronger background checks on individuals coming in Iraq have what they need to protect them. But into our country.” we need to be working with the international com- “As we enter another round of base closing, we must munity to help restore peace and stability in Iraq fight to keep Georgia’s 13 military installations open as so that we can bring our troops home as quickly as they are critical to protecting America.” possible.” “Our nation was founded on strong moral values and a Values “I believe that I am answering God’s call to service. respect for God. I have always been, and will continue I have the desire to give back to the community.” to be, committed to protecting the free exercise of religion and ending government hostility to traditional values.” Interest Group Ratings Year(s) ISAKSON MAJETTE American Civil Liberties Union 2003-04 0% 80% American Conservative Union 2003/Life 84%/84% 20%/20% AFL-CIO — Labor Union 2003 0% 87% Christian Coalition 2003 92% 8% Citizens Against Government Waste 2003 87% 16% Concerned Women for America LAC 2003 86% 14% Family Research Council 2003 92% 8% Gun Owners of America 2003 B- 60% Not Rated Human Rights Campaign 2001-02 17% Not Rated NAACP 2003 15% 95% National Education Association 2003 17% 100% National Right to Life 2003-04 82% 0% Sierra Club 2003 0% 100% Sources: Organizations listed here, Project Vote Smart, campaign websites, Congress.org, Marietta Daily Journal, Political State Report, and OnTheIssues.org in partnership Concerned Women for America with our friends 1015 Fifteenth St., NW, Suite 1100 at Faith2Action Washington, D.C. 20005 www.cwfa.org www.f2a.ORG .
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