Index Aalst, Jules 269 Blodget, Henry 177–78 accommodation 23 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 74 acculturation 2, 15, 17, 19, 20, 30, 138 n. 1. Book of History, The 書經 115 see also enculturation and inculturation Book of Poetry, The 詩經 115 Age of Empire 8 Boone, W. J. 175–77 agency 95, 102, 111, 125–26 boss Christians of Wenzhou 18, 320, 323 Aleni, Giulio 173, 180, 194 Boxer Uprising义和团运动 57, 204, 226 Ambassadors for Christ (AFC), 89, 214, 219 bracket-sets 斗拱 (dougong) 226 American Bible Society (ABS), 177 brain circulation 84–85 American Episcopal Church Mission 175 brain drain 84 American Maryknoll Fathers 220 British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) 177 American Methodist Middle School 154 Brossard-Mopin (French construction firm) ancestor-related worship 239, see also 215, 217 ancestor worship Brother Groups 兄弟小组 93–94. See also ancestors, Christian 239 Gospel Station ancestral halls, Christian 236–43, 247–50, Buck, Pearl 69 253–54, 256 Buddhism 4, 12, 20, 23, 30, 122, 133, 185–86, ancestral homes 233, 236, 239, 244–45, 222, 241, 263, 325 249–53 Buddhist wisdom 159–60 ancestral tablets 249–50 Buglio, Ludovico 184 ancestral worship 13, 236, 251, 257 Burns, William 265 Anti-Hu Feng campaign 140 Apostolic Delegate 197. See also Cai, Renhou 蔡仁厚 110–11, 126 Catholicism Campus Evangelical Fellowship (CEF, 海外 Aspiration of Christians 聖徒心聲 (Shengtu 校园 Haiwai Xiaoyuan) 90 Xinsheng) 300 Canton 39, 49, 173, 197 Associated Press 71–72. See also YMCA Carey, George Leonard 297 Augustinians 2 Carter, Jimmy 297 Aurora University 震旦大学 208 Castiglione, Giuseppe 219 Catholic University of Peking 208, 210–11, ba shen 八神 (the eight spirits) 172, 177 213–14, 219. See also Fu Ren Baiqi白奇 (village) 241–42 Catholic Baker, Gilbert 297 architecture 198 Baluère, Jean Francois Martin de la 36, 39 artists 210 Basset, Jean 36, 173–74, 180–81 Church 7, 167, 174, 190, 200, 220 Beijing 6, 37, 61, 68, 75, 92–93, 140–42, 144, clergy 42, 44, 213 178, 181, 199, 203, 207–09, 211, 214, 218, counter-Reformation 5 226, 264, 269, 323 families 43, 45, 256 Beijing Chinese Christian Council 93 hymns 264 Beijing dialect 265 mission (to China) 36, 170, 180, 197, 224 Benedictines 208, 211, 214, 219 missionaries 14, 167, 179 Bennett, John C. 56, 74 terminology or translations 178, 181–83, Bethel Worldwide Evangelistic Band 149 189 Bible study groups 92–93, 99 Chao, T.C. 16, 27, 261–62, 268–71, 273–77, Bibliotheca Casanatense 173 280–83, 299–300, 309 bishops, Chinese 50, 217–18 Chaozhou dialect 265 Index 369 Chardin, Teilhard de 75, 77 Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui 中華聖公會 Chen, Yuandu, Luke 陈缘督 210, 219 (The Holy Catholic Church of Cheng, Jingyi 誠静怡 78 China) 294 Chengdu 37, 40–41, 46–47, 50 Church of Christ in China 香港中華基督教 China Christian Council (CCC) 69, 261, 268, 會聖頌團 (Xianggang Zhonghua 270, 298 Jidujiaohui Shengsongtuan) 280, 297 China Trust and Saving Company 154 Clinton, Bill 297 Chinese Anglican Church 294 See also clocks 6–7, 19–20 Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui 中華聖公會 Collège de Saint Joesph 36, 39 Chinese Bible 168 Collegio dei Cinesi 37 Chinese Christian Literature Council 281 Columbia University 58, 61–62, 66, 78 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 17, 69–70, Commission on Sacred Music of the China 77, 140, 143–44, 156, 161 Christian Council 270 Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) Communism (Christian) 141, 155–56, 160 86–87, 95 Confucian Chinese People’s Political Consultative canon/classics 36, 116, 175 Conference (CPPCC) 143 chants 27, 270, 282 Chinese Praise (hymnal) 282 Christians 66 Chinese Renaissance 204, 208, 212, 214, 226 culture 110, 131 chinoiserie 203, 210, 226 doctrine 124 Chituwei 赤土尾 (village in Fujian) 240 expression 120, 122, 133, 184, 284 Christ 49, 62, 66, 74–75, 110–12, 122–25, morality 117, 128 129–32, 146, 150, 155–56, 221, 239, 242, ritual 321 252, 273–74, 276–78, 282–83, 304, 314, teaching 115, 134, 154 320 thoughts 117 Christ-human 111–12, 114, 125, 130. See also Confucius 12–14, 64, 66, 172, 180, 187, 305, Jia, Yuming 320 Christian citang 236, 256. See also ancestral Confucianism 12, 56, 65–66, 74, 77, 111, halls 116–20, 129–33, 212 Christian colleges (China) 55, 60–62, 66, 70, Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith 77, 115 218 Christian Fellowship Hymns 團契聖歌集 contextualisation 102, 290, 300 n. 36 (Tuanqi Shenggeji) 268–70, 280–81, 299, Convention of Beijing (1860) 199 309, 312 Costantini, Celso 197–98, 200–05, 208–11, Christian Herald Crusade (New York based 213, 215, 217–19, 224, 226 mission) 89 Cotta, Antoine 200–01 Christian Manifesto 68, 143–44 Couplets 234 (image 8.1), 236, 239, 240 Christian Tabernacle (commune) 142 (image 8.3), 246–47, 252 Christianity, ascriptive 254 Cross 24 (image 0.4 and 0.5), 74, 234 Christianity (image 8.1), 236, 240 (image 8.3), Chinese 4, 15, 26–28, 55, 58–60, 65, 70, 243, 245 (image 8.4), 264, 283, 320 77, 83, 92, 139, 141, 152–53, 197, 226, 235, 255, 280, 290, 315 d’Artigues, Jacques 37–38 contextualization 102, 290 Da Qin pagoda 大秦塔 23 cultural Christians 255 Daming 大名 205 gentrification of 98–99 Dao 道 (Word) 72, 128, 130, 185–90 indigenization 4, 19, 22–23, 25, 72, 77–78, Daoism 12, 154, 181, 186, 325 98–99, 200–01, 219–21, 255, 261–62, Daxue 大學 (The Great Learning) 125, 293–94, 299–301, 305–07, 311, 315, 321 127–28, 134.
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