October 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1709 occasion of its Champions Dinner. A Library HONORING MR. BOBBY RUSH and apprenticed under as well. He has sang Champion is committed to the success of the in night clubs, at festivals, at charity events, library. They frequent programs held by the li- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON and in concert halls all over the world—Chi- brary, encourage others to visit and use the li- OF MISSISSIPPI cago, Cleveland and Clarksdale Mississippi, brary, and are concerned about issues that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Detroit, the Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall, may affect the library. Mr. John Pallone, Mr. Poland, Japan, China, Arkansas, Louisiana, Friday, October 19, 2012 John (Jack) Kearns, Ms. Marsha Cohen, Mr. and Canada just to name a few places—and Emmanuel Itzol and Miss Ashley Pape are Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- he is still traveling the world and performing. truly deserving of the Library’s Champion dis- er, I rise today to honor a philanthropic and In an interview back in the 90s with Stanley tinction. blues musician in his own rights, Mr. Bobby Booth, he said, ‘‘Until a few years ago, nobody Born and raised in Long Branch, New Jer- Rush, born Emmit Ellis, Jr.; however he pre- knew I exist. Not really. I’m probably the only sey, John Pallone is an active member of the fers to be called ‘‘Bobby Rush’’ in a one syl- one livin’ who have did as well as I’ve done, Long Branch community. In addition to serving lable pronunciation. The decision to change and nobody know nothin’ about me.’’ One of as a Trustee of the Long Branch Free Public his name came simply out of respect for his the reasons is because Bobby Rush has al- Library, John is a member of the Amerigo father, Pastor Emmit Ellis, Sr.; because Emmit ways been his own manager, never taking on Vespucci Society and is involved with the Holy Ellis, Jr. wanted to be a Blues entertainer. anyone to manage him, answering his own Name Society at Christ the King Parish. He is I could talk only about his career as a Blues phone calls, and booking his own shows and also a Long Branch City Councilman and a artist and leave out the humanitarian side of then showing up to perform—no imposter board member of the Long Branch Urban En- Bobby Rush but I would be, as my mother there! When I asked him about that comment, terprise Zone. used to say ‘‘short changing,’’ him. Blues is he said, ‘‘I’m just a Blues singer, I am just I Jack Kearns worked in the telecommuni- his ‘‘love’’, but his compassion is people. am, the people’s Blues singer. I never wanted Bobby Rush started singing at an early age, cations industry for over 30 years, serving as to get too high where they couldn’t reach me around six, when he made his first instrument, a Division Manager at AT&T before his retire- but I wanted to be high enough to be able to a guitar, out of a broom. He started enter- ment. Following his career with AT&T, Mr. help them.’’ taining around ten years old, and formed his Kearns pursued teaching, working as an ad- After a lifetime of achievement, in April first band around age thirteen. Here are three junct professor with Boston University, the 2000, the Mississippi Senate passed Resolu- eyebrow raising interesting facts about Bobby University of Colorado at Denver and Georgia tion 43 honoring Bobby Rush for his musical Rush. One, with his father being the pastor of Institute of Technology. Mr. Kearns also taught career. Then in 2003, he started his own perhaps at least two churches, he never sang project management programs to manager- record label, Deep Rush, on which he cut his in the choir but he certainly sang from his level individuals in government and the private CD ‘‘Undercover Lover’’ while performing live seat. Second, although his parents were de- sector. Most recently, Mr. Kearns is working at club Ground Zero in Clarksdale, Mississippi. vout church goers and gospel listeners, they as a local news journalist. He is also active in He is also the owner of Rush Productions, Inc. never discouraged Bobby Rush from singing his community, serving as a member of the Also in 2003, he was featured in Richard and performing the Blues. And, they never Long Branch Rotary Club and President of the Pearce’s documentary film ‘‘The Road to saw him perform but he said, ‘‘Every time I Board of Trustees of the Long Branch Con- Memphis,’’ which was part of the Martin went home they had all my music already so cordance. Scorsese’s film series ‘‘The Blues.’’ His I’m sure they kept up with me.’’ And third, in Marsha Cohen and her family have been awards and recognitions include but are not getting started he often would role play himself residents of Elberon, New Jersey for 15 years. limited to: Best Live Performer of the Year, performing and entertaining. Trying to mimic In addition to raising her family and working in Best Blues Entertainer of the Year, Best Soul/ after other entertainers, he would ask his sales, Ms. Cohen is devoted to the arts. She Blues Album of the Year, and the James uncle about who was old enough to visit the recently exhibited her paintings at the Elberon Brown Heritage Award. clubs and watch them perform. He said he Mr. Bobby Rush is still breaking barriers in Branch of the Long Branch Free Public Library would add his own personal touch, of course. the last decade because he has finally and also offered art classes at the library. In Many people may not be aware of this but crossed over to white audiences; race is not addition to sharing her work with the library in 1951 he recorded his first song with Chess the face of entertaining any longer but rath- patrons, Ms. Cohen frequents the library Records. Not only was he making history at er—whether or not the artist is good at what weekly with her 6 children and 3 grand- Chess Records with other artists like Bo he does, and that he is. children, passing along her passion for read- Diddly, Buddy Guy, Jimmy Rogers, Lowell Like he said back in the 90s, nobody knew ing. Fulson, Memphis Slim, and others but he ac- he existed a few years earlier. But, I want to A lifelong resident of Long Branch, New Jer- tually broke the color barrier around 1951 or help make sure people know there is more to sey and a 2009 graduate of Long Branch High 1952 when he became the first black enter- Bobby Rush than a Blues song. I stated ear- School, Emmanual Itzol currently attends tainer to play on Bourbon Street on Chicago’s lier, ‘‘Blues is his ‘‘love’’, but his compassion Brookdale Community College. His love for Southside. is people.’’ education is evident in the volunteer opportu- As a teenager, in 1953, he moved to Chi- Throughout his career, he has met people nities he undertakes with the Long Branch cago with his family and began performing on with circumstances that have reminded him of Public Schools and he has carried this pas- the local blues scene. He also formed his own himself. For example, at one time in his Blues sion into college, majoring in Elementary Edu- band. But it was in the 1970s when his career career he was too poor to afford health insur- cation. Not only does Mr. Itzol like helping the really started to take off with his first hit ance, so as a result, his wife and three chil- community through volunteer projects, he also ‘‘Chicken Heads’’ on the Galaxy Record label. dren died of sickle cell anemia. So, because enjoys entertaining them and performs as a Bobby Rush has sold over 259 records on the of that he is always giving to support sickle DJ at events. Southern ‘‘Chitlin’ Circuit.’’ cell anemia research. Blues in the Schools The youngest of the Champions, Ashley Bobby Rush, like all other southern blues Program is a program he started because he Pape is a 7 year old 2nd grader with a love artist, could take a life-time telling stories wanted to help the Blues stay alive through of stories. She is an avid reader and enjoys about the highs and lows of his career. I’m our children! You can certainly make a living visiting museums to learn more about the sub- sure he can tell you about how he faced racial singing the Blues and be able to help some- jects that interest her, including spiders, mum- issues, menial pay, his efforts to break the one in the process. Computers in Schools is mies and Egypt. Ashley also enjoys spending color barriers while out on tour in order to another program he supports; once, he do- time at the beach and the pool, riding her bi- make a living so he could provide for his fam- nated all the proceeds from an event to buy cycle, and drawing, among others. She is cur- ily, and even the disparaging work conditions thousands of dollars worth of computers for rently working toward becoming a Brownie he endured, to say the least. West Tallahatchie County School District in within the Girl Scouts organization. Ashley Nevertheless, this veteran of the Blues has Tallahatchie County, MS. hopes to one day be a scientist and President definitely established a name for himself And his humanitarian journey continues.
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