Qlrutrnl flaittr ·.a Brrkly Nrw.a ilagazinr. Vol. 7, No. 14 Thursday, April 4, 1968 Ten Cents GOP Candidates Dinner Shooting Under Investigation The sign below was hung on a bridge on the way into Brown­ ville Junction Monday after a n incident involving shooting on .r;;;;;;;'HIIIP• • the previous evening. Appar - ently the sign was meant to be humorous but there was noth - ing funny about the incidentand it could have had tragic conse ­ quences. A car parked on Main Stree t in Brownville Junction was s t­ ruck by bullets while its occu­ lllijllliiM pants were in a nearby house last Sunday evening. A Republican Candidate's Dinner was held at the Sebec Cor­ Cont'd on Page 20 ner Grange Hall last Friday night. Among those present were L to R seated: Sen Rodney Ross, Brownville, candidate for re ­ election; Philip Bartram, Dover- Foxcroft, candidate for coun­ ty commissioner; Rep. Elden Shute Jr. , Farmington, candida­ te for nomination as Representative to Congress from the Sec­ ond District; Wayne Clukey of Sangerville, candidate for sher­ iff; Frank Murch of Dover-Foxcroft, candidate for sheriff; in the back row: Rep. Claude Trask, candidate for representa ti ,.e, Mrs . Virginia Judkins, Dover-Foxcroft, candidate for Regis­ trar of Probate; Rep. Charlotte White, Guilford and Rep. John Meisner of Dover-Foxcroft, both candidates for re-election. Rep. Elden Shute of Farmington, spoke at the invitation of a member of the group, Senator Rodney Ross . He was introduc­ ed by Cyril Joly of Waterville. County Commissioner Franklin Titcomb of Abbot, state com­ nitteeman from Piscataquis County presided at the meeting and intvoduced the candidates. The Belltones furnished vocal music before and after the din­ ner which was served to approximately 100 people . Representative Shute's speach was concerned with the grow­ ing discontent with the war in Vietnam, crime in our cities, a decrease in our Poverty program, rioting and the c redibility gap. I :.P..:a~g.:.e....:2:...._ _ ______________________ _____ _ _ _ THE TOWN CRI ER THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. '111ifo e"HtlflUKi ty we hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns in our coverage through NEWS, lNFORM.A TION, AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. ;J.l""pital ~ew" we accept no financial responsibility for errors in advertising but will gladly print corrections. The monthly meeting of the Trustees is April 8 at the. offices Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN of the Bangor Hydro-Electric Co. CRIER mav be obt::~ined through our office. Statistics for March: Admissions- 75; discharges - 81 ; 94% If you have news or available photos of any sort capaci ty. we urge you to call an editor or drop in. Dead­ Receptionists are: F riday, Edna Treworgy; Saturday, Lynn line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate Sinclair and Geneve Rus sell; Sunday, Bertha Howland and Doris copy received earlier in the week. Willinski; Monday, Vikki Howard; T uesday, CatherineEllison; Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Dis­ Wednesday, Louise Cunningham; Thursday, Muriel Quimby. play ad space by the column inch. ADMISSIONS WEEK OF MARCH 25TH: MILO: BROWNVILLE: EDITOR - JOANNE BRIGHAM Arno Pratt Lorinda B utler Milo - 943-7384 Estella Royal William Russell Eugene Carver Emily Crandall Mildred Genthner Dorothy Gray Parker Dean REAL ESTATE Linda Swelley OLD TOWN: MILO -Clark Apartments, 3 If you want to P.UY, SELL, Betty Morrison Charles Tibbetts modern apartments each with RENT or SWAP , try "Town Gor don Ellis CHARl,ESTON: Crier" Classified. ba th, lovely modern kitchens, Lloyd Perkinn Scott Hender son large lot. Excellent investment, DISCHARGES: FOR SALE $10, 000. MILO: BRO'WNVILLE: National Zip Code Directory, SC HOODIC LAKE - Summer available at The Milo P1·inting Linda Dwelley Hazel Wright camps from $27 50 to $6000 Ruel Dubay Company and at the Bradstreet Vendla Skoog all furnisl1ed. Beverly Farra·r home on Pleasant St. Milo.$1. Daniel Jay Dorothy Monroe -Real Estate Harry Pray William Russell Broker -Milo - 943-8837 Arthur Fowles Eva Cobb FOR RENT Jennie Ricker Dorothy Gray Large desirable Lots, city WILL DO sewing and mend­ Eugene Cat·ver OLD TOWN: water and sewerage, $25.00 ing in my home. ?Ylrs. Walter Mildred Genthner Heleu Ewer a month. Lougee - 27 Albert Street, Geraldine H.ublee and baby KNAPP TRAILE R PARK Milo, Maine Dorothy Douglass CHARLESTON: Kimble St. , Milo - 943-2639 Da.!'Jel Marks Scott Henderson JOB OPPORTUNITY Parker Dean SANGERVILLE: Part or full time, Dover­ Gordon Ellis Rita Tibbetts FOR SALE Foxcroft, Dexter and Guil­ SEBEC: ETNA: Pile new lumber containing ford area. Neat apprearing Fred Packard Thelma Small boards 2 x 5, 2 x 6, three ladies desired. Wr.ite Adv­ BIRTHS: To Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Crandall of Brownville, a 6 X 6 X 32, two 6 X 6 X 24. ertiser 102,% The Town C r­ daughter. $350 forpileor 69 a foot. ier, Milo Maine. 04463. TRANSFERRED: Faye Lovell of Milo to HibbardNursiug Home, Lovejoy, 16 First St., Derby Dover-Foxcroft. FOR SALE FOR SALE Small utility trailer, new ANOTHER TIME 1965 - 2 door, white Ford tongue and new tires. Espec­ IS ALSO COMING! Falcon, standard transmis­ ially ideal for compact car. sion, radio, heater, and seat Make an offer. Contact the belts. One owner, Soldier from Town Crier - 943-7384 South. Actual mileage 32732 . Book price. ~~~t\~~ Lovejoy, 16 First St., Derby ~~~~ ~~~~~~~1~ WORK WANTED \~\\ \Q.~"\\ CAMPING TIME ..• TIME TO OPEN UP THE COTTAGE Na?.arene P astor desires • •• TIME TO LINE UP THAT l'."'EW GAS APPLIANCE • • • painting work. Good referen­ \~~~~\)\\\~\\ TIME TO ARRANGE FOR FUEL DELIVERY AT THE ces. Call 943- 2219 LAKE • .. TIME TO GIVE US A CALL! ~\~ ~\ ~'0.~~~~~ ~\\~~~ Chase & Kimball Oil C.ompany l Dover-Foxcroft 564-3324 Guilford .876-3000 THE T 0 W N CRIER Doctor Joins Milo Staff The two pretty little ladies above are Lisa and Amber Cyr, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cyr of Milo. The girls as a singing sister act will be among the many participants in the Milo Alumni Association's Variety Show to be presented at the Dr. Dale Bouton (left) is welcomed by Dr. John Curtis (right) Wingler Auditorium of the Milo Town Hall on Saturday evening of the Milo C ominuni ty Hospital Staff. (Staff photo by Paul Day) at 8:00. Adult and Student tickets will be available at the boxoff­ ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON JOINS MILO HOSPITAL STAFF ice. Proceeds will benefit the Alumni As~ociation's Scholarshir Chairman of the Trustees, H. C. Bundy, M.D. has announced Fund. ( Staff photo by Mike Brigham) the addition to the Hospital Staff of Dale C.' Bouton, M.D. Dr. Bouton, a native of Pennsylvania, attended the public · schools of Syracuse, New York. His graduation in 1937 from ·r--------------------------..,. the Syracuse University College of Medicine was followed by trainingforOrthopedicSurgery, then five years in Army Medi­ cal Corps. He is a Diplomat of American Board of Orthopedic Surgery; licensed in New York State and Maine. We're Doing From _1947 until coming to Dexter, Maine in October 1966, Dr. Bouton mad~ this his specialty in New York State. He is Con­ sultantin Orthopedic Surgery to the following hospitals: Plum­ mer Memorial, Dexter; SebasticookValley, Pittsfield; Charles Fine! But ... A. Dean Memorial, Greenville; Mayo Memorial, Dover-Fox­ croft; Milo Community, Milo. The Boutons reside at 2 High Street, Dexter. They have a The constantly increasing demand for HATHAWAY married son who teaches in the public schools in New York SHIRTS makes it necessary that we keep expanding our State, also a daughter who is a Junior in Aroostook State Col­ production force! lege, Presque Isle, Maine. Having a camp on Moosehead Lake, We are now training gir ls to become expert stitchers the doctor's hobbies are hunting and fishing. at our Dover-Foxcroft plant. A BIG $1 60 per hour • starting r-------·"-7.: --------------------. wage and a piece-work incen­ EASTER GREETINGS TO ALL tive plan will have you earn­ We will have a full line of Easter Lilies and other much more. Plants, Cut Flowers of All Kinds! In addition to excellent earnings, our employees enjoy Arrangements of Fresh Flowers, also Arrangements these benefits; seven paid holidays; free group insurance; of Wax Flowers at the PRICES PEOPLE WANT TO PAY! three weeks paid vacation; pleasant working conditions. Experience is not necessary. South Main Street Greenhouse Apply at Personnel Office, Hathaway Shirt Building, Guilford Road, Dover-Foxcroft, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. or call 564-2649. Cut Flowers,. Plants GUILF'ORO, MAINE C. F. Hathaway Company (~ Floro.! Designs 04443 TEL. 976-4491 I A. Division Of warnaco '--------------------------------· ~----------------------------------------~ Page 4 THE TOWN CRIER _..;;;.. ... -~~-~~-.--......---------- ----- ______________ M.S.A.D. #41 DIRECTORS :M~EETING HELD AT l\.11LO The Directors of Maine School Ad minis trati ve Dis t.riet No. 41 had their organizational meeting for 1968 Wednesday, M:arch 27, at the Miio Elementary Sc'hooL Mr. Gary Robinsor1 of Milo was elected Chairman, and Mr. Chaun.cey Hoskins of Milo, Vice-chairman. The Chairmanappointed Mr. RalphPerryofBrownville ,runc­ tion to serve on the finance committee with Mr. Leon Speed 0f We welcome all Open Letters and Letters te the Editor. Atkinson and Mr. Gary· Robinson. The C hairm<3.n also appoi nted Mr. Donald Stickney of Brownville and Mr. Chal'les Brown of An open letter to the Editor: LaGrange to serve on the building committee. Other building we are a group of studentS and teachers from the Milo Juilior committee members are Major Edward Royal, Mr.
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