Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg A novel migration approach towards decentralized automation in cyber-physical production systems Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doktoringenieurin (Dr.-Ing.) von M.Sc. Ambra Calà geboren am 08.08.1989 in Mussomeli genehmigt durch die Fakultät für Maschinenbau der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Gutachter: apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder Prof. Eugenio Brusa Dr. Matthias Foehr Promotionskolloquium am 11.01.2019 Preface This thesis is the result of my work as research assistant at the Institute of Ergonomics, Manufacturing Systems and Automation (IAF) of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and external PhD student at Siemens Corporate Technology in Erlangen. I want to thank my doctoral supervisor apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder. His positive and productive support during these years helped me to find a clear vision and improve my research. And I want to thank my supervisor on the industry side, Dr.-Ing. Matthias Foehr. His numerous critical stimuli and attention to details helped me to shape this work. Also, I thank Prof. Eugenio Brusa for his secondary assessment and precious collaborations during the last years. I want to thank Dr. Ing. Thomas Schäffler, who, in his position as Research Group Head at Siemens Corporate Technology, has made this work possible at all. Moreover, I thank all colleagues of the chair of Factory Operations and Manufacturing Systems and of the research group Engineering Methods and Tools at Siemens Corporate Technology, especially Jan Vollmar, Dr. Michael Gepp and Jürgen Elger for their friendship, strong support and fruitful discussions. Finally, I am very grateful to my parents, sister and my fiancé Riccardo, who always encouraged me in my ventures and supported this work. Magdeburg, 02.10.2018 Ambra Calà iii iv Abstract Manufacturing industries have recognized the continuous need to change their current production systems in order to face new market requirements of shorter product lifecycle, increased product variety and shorter time-to-market. Within the context of the fourth industrial revolution, the German Industry 4.0 initiative supports the transformation towards flexible and reconfigurable Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) based on Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Cloud technologies. Several technologies have been developed towards the decentralization of automation architectures and the introduction of new intelligent systems for the realization of the so called “Smart Factories”. However, these technologies have not been yet implemented in industry due to the manufacturers’ conservatism in radical changes and the lack of smooth and well-defined migration path towards CPPS. Although migration processes and strategies already exist in literature, approaches that deal with the migration of traditional production system towards the fourth industrial revolution are still missing. This thesis proposes a novel migration approach to support manufacturers in the stepwise migration of their current infrastructures towards decentralized automation in CPPS. The aim of the stepwise approach is to identify the business opportunities related to the introduction of digitalization and robotization in manufacturing companies and prioritize those areas in which Industry 4.0 technologies would offer the most benefit. The first part of the thesis provides some definition of the Industry 4.0 paradigm and digital technologies, investigating how the upcoming revolution will affect the tradition manufacturing. In addition, it analyzes existing migration strategies and processes in literature as well as related engineering practices, pointing out the lack of specific methodologies that can support the migration towards CPPS. The second part of the thesis describes the so called HoMoCPPS approach, which represents a holistic migration approach towards CPPS based on a 5-phase process. The logic of the approach as well as the migration process and its embedded methods and tools are described in details. Moreover, the thesis covers the application of the migration approach in industry. The results of its implementation in a real case study are presented in the end, showing the benefit of the proposed migration approach. v vi Kurzfassung Die verarbeitenden Industrien haben erkannt, dass ihre derzeitigen Produktionssysteme ständig geändert werden müssen, um den neuen Marktanforderungen nach einem kürzeren Produktlebenszyklus, einer größeren Produktvielfalt und einer kürzeren Time- to-Market gerecht zu werden. Im Rahmen der vierten industriellen Revolution unterstützt die Initiative Industrie 4.0 den Wandel zu flexiblen und rekonfigurierbaren Cyber-Physical Production Systemen (CPPS) basierend auf Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) und Cloud-Technologien. Mehrere Technologien wurden entwickelt, um Automatisierungsarchitekturen zu dezentralisieren und neue intelligente Systeme für die Realisierung der sogenannten "Smart Factories" einzuführen. Diese Technologien wurden jedoch noch nicht in der Industrie implementiert, da die Hersteller in radikalen Veränderungen konserviert sind und ein reibungsloser und gut definierter Migrationspfad in Richtung CPPS fehlte. Obwohl Migrationsprozesse und -strategien bereits in der Literatur existieren, fehlen noch Ansätze, die sich mit der Migration des Traditionsproduktionssystems in Richtung der vierten industriellen Revolution befassen. Diese Arbeit schlägt einen neuartigen Migrationsansatz vor, um Hersteller bei der Migration ihrer derzeitigen Infrastrukturen in Richtung einer dezentralen Automatisierung in CPPS zu unterstützen. Ziel des schrittweisen Ansatzes ist es, die unternehmensrelevante Einführung von Digitalisierung und Robotisierung in produzierenden Unternehmen zu identifizieren und diejenigen Bereiche zu priorisieren, in denen Industrie 4.0-Technologien den größten Nutzen bieten. Der erste Teil der Arbeit liefert eine Definition des Paradigmas der Industrie 4.0 und digitaler Technologien und untersucht, wie sich die bevorstehende Revolution auf die traditionelle Fertigung auswirkt. Darüber hinaus analysiert es bestehende Migrationsstrategien und -prozesse in der Literatur sowie verwandte technische Verfahren und weist auf das Fehlen spezifischer Methoden hin, die die Migration zu CPPS unterstützen können. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschreibt den so genannten HoMoCPPS-Ansatz, der einen ganzheitlichen Migrationsansatz für CPPS auf der Basis eines 5-Phasen-Prozesses darstellt. Die Logik des Ansatzes sowie der Migrationsprozess und seine eingebetteten Methoden und Werkzeuge werden detailliert beschrieben. Darüber hinaus behandelt die Arbeit die Anwendung des Migrationsansatzes in der Industrie. Die Ergebnisse seiner vii Implementierung in einer realen Fallstudie werden am Ende präsentiert, was den Nutzen des vorgeschlagenen Migrationsansatzes zeigt. viii Declaration of Honor I hereby declare that I produced this thesis without prohibited external assistance and that none other than the listed references and tools have been used. I did not make use of any commercial consultant concerning graduation. A third party did not receive any nonmonetary perquisites neither directly nor indirectly for activities which are connected with the contents of the presented thesis. All sources of information are clearly marked, including my own publications. In particular I have not consciously: - Fabricated data or rejected undesired results - Misused statistical methods with the aim of drawing other conclusions that those warranted by the available data - Plagiarized data or publications - Presented the results of other researchers in a distorted way I do know that violations of copyright may lead to injunction and damage claims of the author and also to prosecution by the law enforcement authorities. I hereby agree that the thesis may need to be reviewed with an electronic data processing for plagiarism. This work has not yet been submitted as a doctoral thesis in the same or a similar form in Germany or in any other country. It has not yet been published as a whole. Magdeburg, 02.10.2018 Ambra Calà ix x Table of Contents Preface ............................................................................................................. iii Abstract ............................................................................................................. v Kurzfassung .................................................................................................... vii Table of Contents ............................................................................................. xi List of Figures .................................................................................................. xv List of Tables .................................................................................................. xvii Abbreviations .................................................................................................. xix 1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Problem Context ............................................................................................ 1 1.2 Motivation and Scope .................................................................................... 3 1.3 Thesis Outline ............................................................................................... 5 2 Current Changes in Production Systems .....................................................
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