School Age Services Telephone No. Of Children Registration Tusla Number Service Name Address Town County Registered Provider Number of Age Profile Service Type Service Can Conditions Attached Date Service Accommodate Anne Bernadette TU2020CW002SA Askea Community Childcare Centre Brownshill Road Askea Carlow Greene 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 36 10/09/2020 Ballon Rathoe Community childcare TU2020CW004SA Facility LTD Ballon Childcare Facility Ballon Carlow Michael O'Toole 05 99159888 4 – 10 Yrs Combined 80 08/10/2020 John Sweeney Park Afterschool, TU2019CW001SA Carlow Regional Youth Service 48 John Sweeney Park Carlow Carlow Lisa Hutton 059 9168008 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 15 20/09/2019 New Oak/Askea Afterschool, Carlow TU2019CW003SA Regional Youth Service Browneshill Road Carlow Carlow Lisa Hutton 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 20 16/10/2019 Michelle Doyle Anne TU2021CW001SA Scallywags Woodglade Fenagh Carlow Nolan 059 9727760 4 - 15 Yrs Combined 24 19/02/2021 Cill an Oir Afterschool, Carlow TU2019CW002SA Regional Youth Service 32 Cill an Oir Graiguecullen Carlow Lisa Hutton 059 9164757 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 22 20/09/2019 TU2020CW001SA Little Orchard Community Service Seskin Rd Leighlinbridge Carlow Thomas Lalor 059 9722933 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 40 04/02/2020 TU2020CW005SA Rathoe Community HUB Rathoe Rathoe Carlow Yvette Byrne 059-9148879 4 - 15 Yrs Combined 40 17/11/2020 TU2020CW003SA Coiste Naíonra Ceatharlach Áras na nÓg , Éire Óg, O'Brien Road Carlow Bride de Roiste 087 2857048 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 36 10/09/2020 Bailieborough Development TU2019CN001SA Association Chilcare Services (After St Annes Community Centre, Chapel Road Bailieborough Cavan Peader Reynolds 042 9694716 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 30 12/07/2019 TU2021CN002SA Bailie Tots Play School and Creche Galbolie Bailieborough Cavan Margaret Cundelan 087 9807891 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 35 19/02/2021 TU2019CN004SA Clever Clogs Childcare Services Ltd Unit 6 Annagh Business Park Ballyconnell Cavan Paula Donohoe 049 9526516 4 - 15 Yrs Combined 36 15/11/2019 TU2020CN010SA Play Days/Nulty Creche Limited Assan, New Inn Ballyjamesduff Cavan Paul Nulty 086 0621390 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 30 17/11/2020 TU2019CN005SA Happy Days Afterschool St. Bricins College, Railway Road Belturbet Cavan Aisling Reilly 049 9524863 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 25 17/01/2020 0499529072 / TU2020CN006SA Drumlane Community Childcare CLG Milltown Belturbet Cavan Bernard Burns 0838601164 4 – 12 Yrs Combined 24 08/10/2020 049 4365674 / TU2020CN008SA Playaway Creche Foxglove Hill, Rocklands Cavan Cavan Anne Clarke 0861723057 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 12 17/11/2020 TU2020CN009SA Cootehill Community Childcare Drumnaveil Cootehill Cavan Miriam McCullagh 049 555 5751 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 24 17/11/2020 TU2019CN003SA Circle of Friends Childcare Services Community Hall , Railway Road Killeshandra Cavan Nicola Clail 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 24 16/10/2019 TU2020CN005SA Kiddiez Den Toylion, Church Road Kilnaleck Cavan Priscilla Smith 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 30 27/08/2020 TU2020CN002SA Ciara's Home From Home Glasscarrick Loughduff Cavan Ciara Kieran 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 12 04/03/2020 Laragh Childcare Services Company TU2019CN002SA Limited by Guarantee Laragh Parish Hall, Laragh Stradone Cavan Marianne Cosgrove 049 4323862 4 - 15 Yrs Standalone 24 20/09/2019 TU2020CN004SA Claddagh Community Childcare Bawn Road Swanlinbar Cavan Tony McGovern 4 - 10 Yrs Combined 22 17/07/2020 TU2020CN001SA Angela Deighan's Montessori School Rampart View Virginia Cavan Angela Deighan 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 22 20/02/2020 TU2020CN003SA Krafty Kidz Ballyconnell Daisy Hill, Ballyconnell Cavan Cavan Ciaran McManus 049 9526045 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 36 02/07/2020 0499526045 / TU2020CN007SA Krafty Kidz Community Childcare Cullyleenan, Ballyconnell Cavan Cavan Ciaran McManus 0834874072 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 36 08/10/2020 0858619840/ TU2021CN001SA Blacklion Childcare Service CLG Blacklion Childcare Toam Cavan Cavan Niamh Kenefick 0719853055 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 41 11/02/2021 TU2019CE011SA Cratloe ASC Limited St. John's NS, Gleannliam , Brickhill West Cratloe Clare Valerie O'Connell 061 357111 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 22 17/01/2020 TU2019CE007SA Seoda Beag Crusheen Village Crusheen Clare Carina Roseingrave 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 24 04/11/2019 TU2019CE002SA MaryK's Childcare and Aftercare Community Centre, Deerpark Doora Ennis Clare Mary Kennedy 065 6868575 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 24 22/08/2019 TU2019CE004SA Ennis CBS Afterschool New Road, Lifford Ennis Clare Maura Coughlan 065 6841205 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 36 20/09/2019 School Age Services Telephone No. Of Children Registration Tusla Number Service Name Address Town County Registered Provider Number of Age Profile Service Type Service Can Conditions Attached Date Service Accommodate Ballynacally NS Before and After- TU2019CE010SA School Service Ballynacally National School, Ballynacally Ennis Clare Laura Corbett 065 6832533 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 8 15/11/2019 065 6829685 / TU2020CE007SA Bon's Bunnies Creche Rockforest, Galway Road, Barefield Ennis Clare Siobhan Rynne 0863940076 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 6 17/11/2020 Nurture Childcare & Early Learning TU2020CE008SA Services Government Buildingsx, Kilrush Rd Ennis Clare Ciara Gallagher 065 6866011 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 10 17/11/2020 TU2020CE011SA Ennis Clare 065 6841352 4 - 12 Yrs 6 Deirdre McGrath Childminding 1 Fergus Lawn, Tulla Road Deirdre McGrath Combined 09/12/2020 TU2020CE004SA Loughgraney Kids Corner Flagmount , Caher Feakle Clare ThomasDeiric De O'Mara Siún Úna Ní 061 925895 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 22 27/08/2020 Mol an Óige Agus Tiocfaidh Sí Gháirbhith TU2020CE001SA Teoranta Millfield Inis Díomáin Clare 065 7072814 4 - 15 Yrs Standalone 25 04/02/2020 TU2020CE006SA Kildysart Kidz Care & Education Kildysart Community Centre Kildysart Clare Michelle Eustace 065 6826545 4 – 12 Yrs Combined 24 17/11/2020 Lorna Shanahan Towill TU2019CE008SA Kilnaboy Kids Club Kilnaboy Halla Kilnaboy Clare Orla Kenny 065 6837456 4 - 15 Yrs Standalone 24 15/11/2019 Cranny National School, Carrowreagh East , TU2019CE006SA Cranny After School Care Cranny Kilrush Clare Caroline Cleary 065 6832345 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 24 04/11/2019 TU2020CE009SA Mountshannon Childcare Centre Mountshannon Mountshannon Clare Audrey Flynn 061 926918 4 – 12 Yrs Combined 22 17/11/2020 Scoil na Mainistreach Quin Dangan, New TU2019CE001SA Busy Bees Afterschool Club Line Road Quin Clare Jill Morris 065 6825003 4 - 10 Yrs Standalone 24 09/08/2019 TU2019CE009SA Quin Dangan Breakfast Club Newline Road Quin Clare Geraldine Vahey 065 6825785 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 24 15/11/2019 TU2019CE005SA Kidz Haven Afterschool Hope Cafe , Smithstown Shannon Clare Siobhan Mulderrig 4 - 10 Yrs Standalone 25 16/10/2019 TU2020CE005SA Little Bubbles 5 Inis Beag Shannon Clare Emma Bowen 087 6280398 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 22 17/11/2020 Sixmilebridge & District Community TU2021CE002SA Services CLG Shannon Road Sixmilebridge Clare Caroline Coyne 06 1713028 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 36 19/02/2021 TU2019CE003SA Teach na nog kidz Ltd Coopers Park, Tulla Tulla Clare Carina Roseingrave 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 30 20/09/2019 TU2021CE001SA Bright Sparks Montessori Doonane Tulla Clare Ann Hanrahan 065 6835478 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 12 12/01/2021 Hurlers Cross Playschool & TU2020CE002SA Afterschool Care Clonmoney West, Bunratty Clare Annmarie Griffin 061 350555 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 24 20/02/2020 Sinead Dillon Before & Afterschool TU2020CE003SA Classes Caherea , Lissycasey Ennis Clare Sinead Dillon 065 6834029 4 - 10 Yrs Standalone 12 27/08/2020 065 6834863/087 TU2020CE010SA Clare 4 - 12 Yrs 48 Lissycassey Laugh and Learn Lissycasey Sandra Clancy 7465315 Combined 09/12/2020 TU2019CC048SA Na Seoda Oga Ballincollig Community Hall, Station Road Ballincollig Cork Jean Murphy 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 25 15/11/2019 Frances Cunningham- TU2020CC028SA Kindercare Childcare Unit 8, 9 & 10, Classes Lake Retail Park Ballincollig Cork Murphy 021 4873367 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 22 TU2020CC017SA Goggins Hill Childcare Goggins Hill Ballinhassig Cork Jennifer Cantwell 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 33 04/03/2020 Sherpa Kids Ballinspittle National Teresa Bebb David TU2019CC006SA School Ballinspittle National School Ballinspittle Cork Bebb 02 14773193 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 22 12/07/2019 Sherpa Kids Ballygarvan National Teresa Bebb David TU2019CC003SA School Ballygarvan National School Ballygarvan Cork Bebb 02 14773193 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 45 12/07/2019 TU2020CC046SA Discoveries Montessori Ballyhooly Community Centre Ballyhooly Cork Catherine Burke 086 8845246 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 20 17/11/2020 18 Rosewood Lawn, Rosewood, New Cork TU2020CC010SA Bandon Montessori and Daycare Road Bandon Cork Aine Murphy 021 4663000 4 - 10 Yrs Combined 12 04/02/2020 TU2020CC031SA Barryroe Childcare Lislevane Bandon Cork Ireneaus Moloney 02 38840466 4 – 12 Yrs Standalone 22 10/09/2020 TU2019CC019SA Hairy Henry Ballylickey Bantry Cork Sandra Schmid 087 9389867 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 10 09/08/2019 TU2020CC041SA Kealkil Childcare Droumlickacrue, Kealkil Bantry Cork Martina Doody 087 2978538 4 - 12 Yrs Combined 12 17/11/2020 School Age Services Telephone No. Of Children Registration Tusla Number Service Name Address Town County Registered Provider Number of Age Profile Service Type Service Can Conditions Attached Date Service Accommodate Club Spraoi Before & After School TU2019CC040SA Care (Beaumont) Beaumont Cork Priscilla McCann 021 4444444 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 40 24/10/2019 TU2020CC038SA Bridges Childcare Derry Berrings Cork Eileen Crowley 021 7332016 4 - 12 Yrs Standalone 12 17/11/2020 TU2019CC052SA Bishopstown Out of School Care 5 Melbourn Road Bishopstown Cork Margaret
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