BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR. HARRY ELMER BARNES Elie Wiesel,Holocaust Night, the Memory Cult & the High Rise of Revisionism The Barnes Review The most damn- VOLUME XXI NUMBER 4 JULY/AUGUST 2015 WWW.BARNESREVIEW.COM ing exposé of famed ‘Holocaust Survivor’ Elie Wiesel ever put into print! Holocaust Handbooks Volume 30 ambitious and unscrupulous U.S. Cath- olocaust High Priest by olic intellectuals have hitched a ride on Warren B. Routledge weaves the Holocaust bandwagon as a means of together five compelling and advancing their careers. Ritual denuncia- interrelated narratives. The tion of the alleged “silence” of Pope Pius book’s main concern is to demonstrates Wiesel’s appalling igno- XII is unfortunately very much a part of H rance of both the physical details and lay- present the world’s first unauthorized this behavior. biography of Elie Wiesel. It shines the light outs of the Auschwitz and Buchenwald Finally, the fifth strand concerns all of truth on the mythomaniac who, in the camps, and this ignorance also extends to those U.S. Jews, young and old, who have 1970s, transformed the word “holocaust” German administrative protocols and pro- been turned off by one or another aspect and made it the brand name of the world’s cedures. Amazingly, the novel’s chronolo- of the Holocaust story and its use within greatest hoax: the unfounded claim by an gy of the events said to have “really hap- the U.S. Jewish community, but who extremist segment of World Jewry to the pened” in the author’s life is also disjoint- never criticize it openly for non-Jewish effect that the German government’s ed, confusing and internally contradicto- ears. As for younger U.S. Jews, Rabbi wartime policy of territorial transfer of ry. The author also shows the role played Jacob Neusner has been pointing out for Europe’s Jews out of the Reich was in by the meme of “retroactive continuity” in years that it has not kept them Jewish. actuality an “extermination program.” the telling of the Holocaust story. What he calls the “Holocaust and In these pages, both Wiesel’s personal The third strand involves an historical Redemption” cult within U.S. Jewry has Also inside: deceits and the whole myth of “the six account of the rise of Holocaust Revision- resulted in a staggering abandonment of million” are mercilessly exposed and laid ism mainly in the U.S. and Europe in Jewish identity through intermarriage Restoring bare for the reader’s perusal. Unfortun- response to the many obvious lies con- with non-Jews at percentages never ately, Zionist control of the U.S. govern- tained in the Jewish Holocaust narrative. before seen or even imagined. Southern ment, as well as the nation’s media and From the sudden appearance of the JOE SHELBY academic apparatus, has allowed Wiesel Revisionist work of Profs. Butz and Faur- Order your copy of History and his fellow extremists to force a string isson in the 1970s, through the Zündel tri- HOLOCAUST of U.S. presidents to genuflect before this als of the 1980s, to the work of contempo- AND HIS UNDEFEATED REBELS imposter as symbolic acts of subordina- rary Revisionists like Bradley R. Smith, HIGH PRIEST tion to World Jewry, while simultaneously Germar Rudolf, Carlo Mattogno, Thomas forcing U.S. school children to submit to Kues and others today, this study shows, from THE BARNES REVIEW! Holocaust brainwashing by their teachers. through the words of the Holocaustian The second strand involves close extremists themselves, how effective the Softcover, 474 pages, 6”× 9,” bibliog- BREAD BAKER SAVES THE STRUGGLE FOR HOLOCAUST BLACK ORCHESTRA’S readings of several of Wiesel’s published Revisionists have been in demolishing raphy, index, #711, $35 plus $5 S&H texts, with emphasis on his alleged “auto- their lies. inside the U.S. from TBR BOOK CLUB, THE REVOLUTION? MEDIEVAL FRANCE HIGH PRIEST SINISTER STRAINS biography,” the novel Night. The author The fourth strand shows how certain P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003. BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR.HARRY ELMER BARNES the Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY JULY/AUGUST 2015 O VOLUME XXI O NUMBER 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE REVOLUTION’S ‘GINGERBREAD MAN’ JEWISH-MUSLIM MIDDLE AGE ALLIANCE BY MARC ROLAND BY WILLIAM A. WHITE If an army marches on its stomach, as Napoleon In a previous article, the author described how 4 was alleged to have said, then the Continental 30 Jews in Spain helped the Muslims take over Army of George Washington was finished by winter the Iberian peninsula by throwing open the gates of 1777. Despite Washington’s pleas, rich pro-separatist cities and betraying the Christian inhabitants. But a Colonists and the U.S. Congress were of no help. But Jewish Fifth Column was also at work undermining along came a German baker to save the day. Christo- Christianity in not only Spain, but also southern pher Ludwick not only provided real bread, baked France, during the Muslim era of occupation. Here is on the spot, but he also concocted a tasty stew that the whole story of Jewish efforts in that regard. helped the soldiers survive to fight the British. THE BLACK ORCHESTRA’S DARK TUNES JOE SHELBY: THE UNDEFEATED REBEL BY DANIEL W. MICHAELS BY CLINT LACY TBR readers are well aware of the huge num- The war for many Southerners didn’t end with 40ber of traitors surrounding Adolf Hitler from 12 the surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomattox. as early as 1937. In 1941, turncoats even informed Many wanted to fight on in the West. One of those the Soviets that Operation Barbarossa was being was C.S.A. Cavalry Gen. Joe Shelby and his Iron launched. But traitors were also around Stalin. Brigade, who fought the Union for several more Here is a synopsis of the activities of the Rote months before traveling to Mexico, rather than live Kapelle and the Schwarze Kapelle, two groups under Union occupation. Here is their story. working to oust Stalin and Hitler and deny real peace between the two powerful belligerent states. THE UNION’S GENERAL ORDER NO. 11 BY JOHN TIFFANY IN DEFENSE OF HOLOCAUST DENIERS The brutal treatment of Southerners during BY HARLEN “BUD” SHASTEEN 20their war for independence is a well-known At least a dozen outraged TBR subscribers fact. But one particular order was perhaps the worst 46sent us an article published recently in the war crime of the period. Known as Gen. Order No. John Birch Society’s magazine, in which the 11 of 1863, issued by Union Gen. Thomas Ewing, it Birchers attempted to ridicule Holocaust Revision- ordered the mass evacuation of four entire Missouri ists and maintain the hackneyed holocaust myths counties, regardless of allegiance. that TBR has fully debunked. Here Bud Shasteen takes up his pen in defense of the truth. RESTORING SOUTHERN HONOR INTERVIEW WITH THE VIRGINIA FLAGGERS A SCHOOLTEACHER’S OWN HOLOCAUST Not everyone is ready to lay down and give up BY JOHN FRIEND 23the fight against political correctness. One Truly there is no freedom of speech and group of brave Americans has made it their mission 52thought in American schools today, and this to raise the Confederate flag whenever and wherever sad tale proves it. A schoolteacher, asked by his stu- they can. Here TBR interviews one member of the dents what he thought about certain aspects of “the Virginia Flaggers, a Southern heritage group. Holocaust,” delicately explained he doubted details of the story. Of course, he came under attack. Also featured in this issue: THE GANGSTER WHO CHEATED DEATH Personal from the Editor—2 BY PHILIP RIFE ORGY OF REVENGE IN FRANCE, BELGIUM Editorial: Our greatest weakness—3 The 1930s was the era of the gangster. But one BY JOAQUIN BOCHACA The Revolution in the West—11 26 by one, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson, Though it is the German army that is accused History You May Have Missed—36-39 Machine Gun Kelly and John Dillinger were either ar- 54of perpetrating heinous war crimes during Shocking Wannsee admissions—50 rested or killed by the FBI. All except one, it seems. WWII, the truth is that, after the war, Communists in- WWII’s secret turning points—58 The infamous Dillinger may in fact have outwitted and cited a campaign of bloody retribution against not Focus on the American far right—59 embarrassed J. Edgar Hoover and Melvin Purvis and only the former German occupiers, but also any of The holocaust’s high priest—61 survived, according to this TBR author. their countrymen who supported peaceful relations. Letters to the Editor—62-63 PERSONAL FROM THE ASSISTANT EDITOR The Powder Keg’s Fuse Is Burning THE BARNES REVIEW very time I turn around I see more and more evidence that Publisher & Editor: WILLIS A. CARTO the powder keg that is race relations in this country is Managing Editor/Art Director: PAUL ANGEL Assistant Editor: JOHN TIFFANY ready to blow sky high. We’ve already seen violent blacks Assistant Editor: RONALD L. RAY rioting in Missouri and Maryland, and witnessed racial un- Content Consultant: PETE PAPAHERAKLES rest across many other states in America. The liberal Board of Contributing Editors: E media in the United States continues to blame White oppression or JOAQUIN BOCHACA PROF. RAY GOODWIN CARLO MATTOGNO overly zealous cops for the state of Black communities today and Barcelona. Spain Victoria, Texas Palestrina, Rome, Italy continually underplays the danger disaffected young Blacks pose to PROF. GEORGE BUCHANAN JUERGEN GRAF DANIEL W.
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