glasgow2014.com Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games OFFICIAL RESULTS BOOK Badminton 24 July–3 August 2014 Badminton Medal Standings As of SUN 3 AUG 2014 AFTER 6 OF 6 EVENTS Men Women Mixed Total Rank Rank CGA by G S B Tot G S B Tot G S B Tot G S B Tot Total 1 MAS - Malaysia 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 =3 2ENG - England 11 1112 31225 1 3IND - India 1 12 112 1124 2 4 CAN - Canada 1 1 1 1 6 5 SIN - Singapore 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 =3 6 SCO - Scotland 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 Total:22262226222666618 LEGEND = Equal sign indicates that two or more players or Countries share the same rank by total B Bronze G Gold S Silver Tot Total BD0000000_95 12.0 Report created SUN 03 AUG 2014 16:01 Page 1 of 1 Badminton Medallists by Event As of SUN 3 AUG 2014 Event Date Medal Name CGA Code Men's Singles SUN 3 AUG GOLD PARUPALLI Kashyap IND SILVER WONG Derek SIN SAT 2 AUG BRONZE GURUSAIDUTT R V IND Men's Doubles SUN 3 AUG GOLD GOH Wei Shem MAS TAN Wee Kiong SILVER CHRISNANTA Danny SIN TRIYACHART Chayut SAT 2 AUG BRONZE LANGRIDGE Chris ENG MILLS Peter Women's Singles SUN 3 AUG GOLD LI Michelle CAN SILVER GILMOUR Kirsty SCO SAT 2 AUG BRONZE SINDHU P V IND Women's Doubles SUN 3 AUG GOLD HOO Vivian Kah Mun MAS WOON Khe Wei SILVER GUTTA Jwala IND PONNAPPA Ashwini SAT 2 AUG BRONZE ADCOCK Gabrielle ENG SMITH Lauren Mixed Doubles SUN 3 AUG GOLD ADCOCK Chris ENG ADCOCK Gabrielle SILVER LANGRIDGE Chris ENG OLVER Heather SAT 2 AUG BRONZE BANKIER Imogen SCO BLAIR Robert Mixed Teams MON 28 JUL GOLD CHAN Peng Soon MAS GOH Wei Shem HOO Vivian Kah Mun LIEW Daren LIM Loo Yin PEI JING Lai TAN Wee Kiong TEE Jing Yi WEI FENG Chong WOON Khe Wei SILVER ADCOCK Chris ENG ADCOCK Gabrielle ELLIS Andrew LANGRIDGE Chris MILLS Peter OLVER Heather OUSEPH Rajiv ROBERTSHAW Kate SMITH Lauren WALKER Sarah BRONZE CHRISNANTA Danny SIN FU Mingtian BD0000000_93 12.0 Report created SUN 03 AUG 2014 16:01 Page 1 of 2 Badminton Medallists by Event As of SUN 3 AUG 2014 Event Date Medal Name CGA Code Mixed Teams MON 28 JUL BRONZE HEE Terry SIN HUANG Chao LIANG Xiaoyu NEO Vanessa SARI Shinta Mulia TRIYACHART Chayut WONG Derek YAO Lei BD0000000_93 12.0 Report created SUN 03 AUG 2014 16:01 Page 2 of 2 Emirates Arena Badminton SeedingList Men's Singles (MS) Women's Singles (WS) CGA World CGA World Seed Name Seed Name Code Ranking Code Ranking 1 WEI FENG Chong MAS 19 1 PUSARLA Venkata IND 11 2 PARUPALLI Kashyap IND 21 2 GILMOUR Kirsty SCO 17 3 OUSEPH Rajiv ENG 27 3 LI Michelle CAN 20 4 KIDAMBI Srikanth IND 31 4 TEE Jing Yi MAS 32 5 RAJAH MANURI VENKATA Gurusai IND 35 5 PUTHENPURAYIL CHANDRIKA Th IND 38 6 WONG Derek SIN 39 6 CHAN Michelle NZL 65 7 LIEW Daren MAS 44 7 WALKER Sarah ENG 74 8 MERRILEES Kieran SCO 88 8 RANKIN Anna NZL 79 Men's Doubles (MD) Women's Doubles (WD) CGA World CGA World Seed Name Seed Name Code Ranking Code Ranking ADCOCK Chris YAO Lei 1 ELLIS Andrew ENG 1 SARI Shinta Mulia SIN LANGRIDGE Chris HOO Vivian Kah Mun 2 MILLS Peter ENG 2 WOON Khe Wei MAS CHRISNANTA Danny GUTTA Jwala 3 TRIYACHART Chayut SIN 3 MACHIMANDA Ashwini Ponnappa IND MIDDLETON Robbin ADCOCK Gabrielle 4 SMITH Ross AUS 4 SMITH Lauren ENG LIU Adrian 5 NG Derrick CAN CHOPRA Pranaav 6 DEWALKAR Akshay IND TAM Raymond 7 WARFE Glenn AUS DENNERLY-MINTURN Kevin 8 LEYDON-DAVIS Oliver NZL Mixed Doubles (XD) Mixed Teams (XT) CGA World CGA World Seed Name Seed Name Code Ranking Code Ranking ADCOCK Chris 1 Malaysia MAS 1 ENG ADCOCK Gabrielle 2 England ENG CHRISNANTA Danny 9 Wales WAL 2 SIN NEO Vanessa 10 South Africa RSA BANKIER Imogen 11 Mauritius MRI 3 SCO BLAIR Robert 12 N. Ireland NIR LANGRIDGE Chris 13 Sri Lanka SRI 4 ENG OLVER Heather 14 Uganda UGA CHAN Peng Soon 15 Ghana GHA 5 MAS PEI JING Lai 16 Jamaica JAM BRUCE Alex 17 Barbados BAR 6 CAN NG Toby 18 Kenya KEN CHAN Phyllis 19 Seychelles SEY 7 CAN NG Derrick 3/4 Singapore SIN SMITH Ross 3/4 India IND 8 AUS VEERAN Renuga 5/8 Canada CAN 5/8 New Zealand NZL 5/8 Scotland SCO 5/8 Australia AUS Legend : * - Denotes notional world ranking position (for details see IBF Statute Book, Competition Regulation 10) BD0000000_45 1.0 Report created WED 23 JUL 2014 14:48 Page 1 of 1 Badminton Men's Singles Entry List by Event As of TUE 29 JUL 2014 World Ranking CGA Name Date of Birth BWF ID as of 10 JUL 2014 Code 19 WEI FENG Chong MAS 26 MAY 1987 52030 21 PARUPALLI Kashyap IND 8 SEP 1986 53944 27 OUSEPH Rajiv ENG 30 AUG 1986 51613 31 KIDAMBI Srikanth IND 7 FEB 1993 93627 35 GURUSAIDUTT R V IND 1 MAR 1990 39 WONG Derek SIN 13 JAN 1989 52701 44 LIEW Daren MAS 6 AUG 1987 52864 88 MERRILEES Kieran SCO 12 SEP 1989 54204 94 KARUNARATNE Niluka SRI 13 FEB 1985 14004 101 KARUNARATNA Dinuka SRI 6 OCT 1987 52229 107 WU Joe NZL 20 JAN 1986 14739 138 HUANG Chao SIN 30 JUN 1992 53773 143 FONT Daniel WAL 22 FEB 1993 63977 146 MALIEKAL Jacob RSA 1 JAN 1991 38907 165 FOWKE Michael NZL 6 DEC 1990 89001 195 TAWANA Gaone BOT 21 JAN 1991 77223 237 VIJAYANATH Prakash RSA 7 NOV 1994 81606 244 THO Jeff AUS 14 APR 1988 52666 278 HENRY Gareth JAM 10 AUG 1991 29498 281 D'SOUZA Andrew CAN 1 JUL 1994 282 EKIRING Edwin UGA 22 DEC 1983 52645 311 DONKOR Emmanuel GHA 13 JAN 1994 91881 349 SAM Daniel GHA 7 JAN 1994 82852 363 LUBAH Aatish MRI 3 NOV 1995 66071 392 CHONGO Ngosa ZAM 10 OCT 1992 74887 456 STEPHENSON Tony NIR 10 FEB 1991 16797 461 PAUL Georges MRI 7 JAN 1996 64839 471 RASHEED Ajfan MDV 15 FEB 1990 67237 516 DULLEWA Buwaneka SRI 8 MAY 1996 68845 516 MUNGA Victor Odera KEN 11 DEC 1979 14501 528 MBOGO Patrick Kinyua KEN 6 JUN 1982 54586 562 AYITTEY Abraham GHA 22 OCT 1999 80134 611 PADMORE Andre BAR 16 DEC 1982 611 THORPE Dakeil BAR 12 SEP 1989 61939 648 GITHITU Joseph Matheri KEN 19 NOV 1982 84238 669 GHISLAIN Kervin SEY 20 MAR 1992 62026 672 MURPHY Tony NIR 24 JUL 1990 58355 1125 HAQUE Mohammed BAN 10 MAR 1980 87239 1125 JAMAN Ayman Ibn BAN 22 JUN 1997 68766 1125 SARIM Mohamed MDV 10 JAN 1987 68507 1125 SHARAFUDDEEN Nasheeu MDV 1 APR 1984 77224 1214 EDOO Sahir MRI 13 OCT 1987 51549 1318 TUKIRE Wilson UGA 1 DEC 1987 79272 * BENJAMIN Ryan SHN 12 FEB 1992 * BHATTI Muhammad Irfan Saeed PAK 18 NOV 1992 95500 BDM001000_32C 2.0 Report created TUE 29 JUL 2014 15:46 Page 1 of 2 Badminton Men's Singles Entry List by Event As of TUE 29 JUL 2014 World Ranking CGA Name Date of Birth BWF ID as of 10 JUL 2014 Code * CLARK Douglas FLK 19 JUN 1977 6621 * CONSTABLE Mark JEY 15 SEP 1976 8208 * CRIBB Richard NFK 28 NOV 1970 85983 * CUPIDON Georgie SEY 10 NOV 1981 12216 * DONOHOE Michael NFK 20 AUG 1961 98992 * HARDY Stuart GGY 15 JAN 1989 94271 * HUTCHINGS Alexander JEY 20 MAY 1991 73581 * JAFFRAY Dominic FLK 9 MAR 1995 83737 * LI Benjamin Pui Hun IOM 6 JUL 1993 98700 * MALCOUZANNE Steve SEY 21 JUN 1982 13083 * MARCH Duane SHN 9 JUL 1974 * MULENGA Chongo ZAM 19 AUG 1998 65857 * PALMER Garron JAM 19 AUG 1984 51455 * PENNEY Daniel GGY 15 FEB 1987 66352 * QUINTAL Jason NFK 13 OCT 1987 66902 * STEWART Ross FLK 21 DEC 1997 64232 * YON Lee SHN 17 JUN 1992 Total of entries: 62 NOTES All changes are available in INFO. BDM001000_32C 2.0 Report created TUE 29 JUL 2014 15:46 Page 2 of 2 Emirates Arena Badminton Men's Singles TUE 29 JUL 2014 Round of 64 Results DULLEWA Buwaneka (SRI) beat WU Joe (NZL) 23-21, 21-17 Name Seed CGA Match Game1 Game2 Game3 WU Joe NZL 0 21 17 DULLEWA Buwaneka SRI 2 23 21 Duration* (minutes) 37 19 16 Longest rally (seconds) 42 42 26 Longest rally (strokes) 42 42 19 Average rally (seconds) 8 8 8 Average rally (strokes) 6 6 6 Shuttles used 11 5 6 Court: 3 Match Number: MS102 Umpire: NATU Girish (IND) Service Judge: MAHADOO Satiawan (MRI) WU Joe DULLEWA Buwaneka Game1 Game2 Game3 Game1 Game2 Game3 Match Points 2 Game Points 1 5 Points scored without service 7 8 8 8 Points scored with service 14 9 15 13 Biggest scoring run without change of service 4 5 5 4 Biggest lead 2 6 4 4 Biggest come back to win the game 2 6 Service faults Penalties. Yellow / Red / Black Card (Score) WU Joe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 DULLEWA Buwaneka 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 WU Joe DULLEWA Buwaneka 21 22 23 WU Joe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 DULLEWA Buwaneka 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 NOTES Match points will only be recorded as such, and not also as game points LEGEND MS Men's Singles * Includes breaks during and between games BDM001602_73 1.0 Report created TUE 29 JUL 2014 12:40 Page 1 of 1 Emirates Arena Badminton Men's Singles TUE 29 JUL 2014 Round of 64 Results VIJAYANATH Prakash (RSA) beat PADMORE Andre (BAR) 21-15, 21-7 Name Seed CGA Match Game1 Game2 Game3 VIJAYANATH Prakash RSA 2 21 21 PADMORE Andre BAR 0 15 7 Duration* (minutes) 21 10 8 Longest rally (seconds) 22 14 22 Longest rally (strokes) 18 11 18 Average rally (seconds) 7 7 8 Average rally (strokes) 5 5 6 Shuttles used 7 4 3 Court: 2 Match Number: MS103 Umpire: HOARE Kelly (AUS) Service Judge: KGABOETSILE Emmanuel (BOT) VIJAYANATH Prakash PADMORE Andre Game1 Game2 Game3 Game1 Game2 Game3 Match Points 2 Game Points 1 Points scored without service 8 5 7 5 Points scored with service 13 16 8 2 Biggest scoring run without change of service 5 8 3 1 Biggest lead 6 14 2 Biggest come back to win the game 2 Service faults Penalties.
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