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For more information, visit www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/whatis/policies/p9-26.html. IEEE Computer Society Magazine Editors in Chief Computer IEEE Security & Privacy Computing in Science David Alan Grier (Interim), David Nicol, University of Illinois & Engineering Djaghe LLC at Urbana-Champaign Jim X. Chen, George Mason University IEEE Micro IEEE Software IEEE Intelligent Systems Lizy Kurian John, University of Ipek Ozkaya, Software V.S. Subrahmanian, Dartmouth Texas, Austin Engineering Institute College IEEE MultiMedia IEEE Internet Computing IEEE Computer Graphics Shu-Ching Chen, Florida George Pallis, University of and Applications International University Cyprus Torsten Möller, University of Vienna IEEE Annals of the History IT Professional of Computing Irena Bojanova, NIST IEEE Pervasive Computing Marc Langheinrich, University of Gerardo Con Diaz, University of Lugano California, Davis www.computer.org/computingedge 1 AUGUST 2019 • VOLUME 5, NUMBER 8 THEME HERE 14 18 40 Penetration IoT Safety: State Lance Gharavi: Testing in the of the Art Performance- IoT Age Inspired Science + Technology Security and Privacy 8 The Fuzzing Hype-Train: How Random Testing Triggers Thousands of Crashes MATHIAS PAYER 14 Penetration Testing in the IoT Age CHUNG-KUAN CHEN, ZHI-KAI ZHANG, SHAN-HSIN LEE, AND SHIUHPYNG SHIEH Smart Homes 18 IoT Safety: State of the Art JANUSZ ZALEWSKI 23 Physical Computing’s Connected and Shape- Changing Future HEATHER M. PATTERSON Autonomous Vehicles 28 Next-Generation Smart Environments: From System of Systems to Data Ecosystems EDWARD CURRY AND AMIT SHETH 37 My Mother the Car (or Why It’s a Bad Idea to Give Your Car a Personality) PHIL LAPLANTE Robotics 40 Lance Gharavi: Performance-Inspired Science + Technology BRUCE CAMPBELL AND FRANCESCA SAMSEL 47 A Comet Revisited: Lessons Learned from Philae’s Landing ANDRÁS BALÁZS Departments 4 Magazine Roundup 7 Editor’s Note: Finding Flaws in Security 47 58 Conference Calendar A Comet Revisited: Lessons Learned from Philae’s Landing Subscribe to ComputingEdge for free at www.computer.org/computingedge. CS FOCUS Magazine Roundup eases software reuse but has yet to be widely adopted in sci- entifi c computing. In this article from the March/April 2019 issue of Computing in Science & Engi- neering, the authors propose embedding component frame- enterprises have been pro- works inside high-performance he IEEE Computer posed, but how eff ective are languages directly to improve Society’s lineup of 12 these schemes? The authors of fl exibility. They present this T peer-reviewed tech- this article from the April 2019 approach through the example nical magazines covers cut- issue of Computer evaluate the of a high-performance Bayesian ting-edge topics ranging from eff ectiveness of Cyber Essen- inference application. software design and computer tials and fi nd that its security graphics to Internet comput- controls work well to mitigate IEEE Annals of the ing and security, from scien- threats that exploit vulnerabili- History of Computing tifi c applications and machine ties remotely with commodity- intelligence to visualization level tools. Hacking the Cis-tem and microchip design. Here are This article from the Janu- highlights from recent issues. Computing in Science & ary–March 2019 issue of IEEE Engineering Annals of the History of Comput- Computer ing looks at the case of trans- Fostering Reuse in gender Britons who tried to Basic Cyber Hygiene: Scientifi c Computing With correct the gender listed on their Does It Work? Embedded Components government-issued ID cards, A number of security certifi ca- Component-based programming but ran up against the Brit- tions for small- and medium-size is a programming paradigm that ish government’s increasingly 4 August 2019 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 2469-7087/19/$33.00 © 2019 IEEE computerized methods for track- data. The network takes the binary as a multi-objective optimization ing, identifying, and defi ning citi- image of a sketched object as input problem for optimizing cost and zens. These newly computerizing and produces a corresponding time. The performance of the algo- systems show some of the earli- segmentation map with per-pixel rithm is evaluated by mapping it est examples of transphobic algo- labelings as output. A subsequent to a dynamic model of the multi- rithmic bias; explicit attempts to post-process procedure with multi- commodity transportation problem program trans people out of the label graph cuts further refi ne the with multiple optimizing parame- system can be seen in the program- segmentation and labeling result. ters. The algorithm is found to ter- ming of the early Ministry of Pen- The authors validate the proposed minate successfully in linear time sions computer system designed method on two sketch datasets. at each destination accounting for to apportion benefi ts to all tax- Experiments show that the method uncertainties, which are the natu- paying British citizens. Transgen- outperforms the state-of-the-art ral property of the real world, thus der citizens pushed back against method in terms of segmentation optimizing the objective function these developments, attempting to and labeling accuracy and is sig- at all nodes. hack the bureaucratic avenues and nifi cantly faster, enabling further categories available to them, lay- integration in interactive draw- IEEE Internet Computing ing the groundwork for a coalesc- ing systems. The authors demon- ing political movement. This strate the method’s effi ciency in a meChat: In-Device Personal article argues that uncovering the sketch-based modeling applica- Assistant for Conversational deep prehistory of algorithmic tion that automatically transforms Photo Sharing bias and investigating instances input sketches into 3D models by It is still challenging
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