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Drawing Nos: 16043-PA-100 B, 16043-PA-101, 16043-PA-102, 16043-PA-103, 16043-PA-104, 16043-PA-105 16043-PA-300, 16043-PA-110, 16043- PA-111, 16043-PA-112, 16043-PA-113, 16043-PA-210, 16043-PA-310 16043-PA-120, 16043-PA-121, 16043-PA-122, 16043-PA-123, 16043- PA-220, 16043-PA-320, 16043-PA- 100, 16043-PA-201, 16043-PA-202 16043-PA-203, 16043-PA-204, 16043-PA-205, 16043-PA-400 16043- PA-401. Applicant: Mayfair 500 (Purley) Ltd Agent: Leona Hannify of Iceni Projects Ltd Case Officer: Georgina Betts 1 bed 2 bed 3 bed Total Houses 6 6 Flats 9 5 2 16 Totals 9 5 8 22 Number of car parking spaces Number of cycle parking spaces 23 (incl. 3x disabled) 36 1.1 This application is being reported to Planning Committee because the ward councillor (Cllr Badsha Quadir) made representations in accordance with the Committee Consideration Criteria and requested committee consideration and objections above the threshold in the Committee Consideration Criteria have been received. 2.0 RECOMMENDATION 2.1 That the Planning Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to: The prior completing of a legal agreement to secure the following planning obligation a) Affordable housing provision – on-site 6x one bedroom shared ownership units b) Affordable housing review mechanism c) Financial contribution towards air quality d) Local employment and training strategy e) Zero Carbon off-set contribution f) Car Club membership g) Any other planning obligation(s) considered necessary by the Director of Planning and Strategic Transport 2.2 That the Director of Planning and Strategic Transport has delegated authority to negotiate the legal agreement. 2.3 That the Director of Planning and Strategic Transport has delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives to secure the following matters: Conditions 1) Development implemented in accordance with submitted drawings 2) Details of materials to be submitted and approved 3) No windows other than as shown 4) Remove Permitted Development for house extensions (Classes A to E) 5) Landscaping scheme including boundary treatment and maintenance strategy to be submitted and approved 6) Details of finished floor levels, security lighting, refuse, recycling and cycle stores to be submitted for approval 7) Retention of car and cycle parking spaces and electric vehicle charging spaces 8) Approval of construction logistics plan 9) Arboricultural Method Statement to be implemented in accordance with submitted details 10) Water efficiency 110L per hear per day 11) Sustainable development zero carbon 12) In accordance with the Flood Risk Assessment, Surface Water Management Plan and the approval of detailed design of a surface water drainage scheme 13) Street levels and gradients to be submitted and approved 14) Air quality assessment to be submitted and approved 15) Noise assessment to be submitted and approved 16) Noise from any plant or equipment to be 10db below background noise 17) Reinstatement of raised kerbs 18) Development to commence within 3 years of the date of permission 19) Any other planning condition(s) considered necessary by the Director of Planning and Strategic Transport Informatives 1) Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – Granted 2) Removal of site notices 3) Code of practice on construction sites 4) Subject to a legal agreement 5) Any other informative(s) considered necessary by the Director of Planning and Strategic Transport 2.4 That the Planning Committee confirms that adequate provision has been made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees as required by Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2.5 That, if by 18th August 2017 the legal agreement has not been completed, the Director of Planning and Strategic Transport has delegated authority to refuse planning permission. 3.0 PROPOSAL AND LOCATION DETAILS Proposal 3.1 Demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of frontage and rear blocks in the following forms: Two storey block with roofspace accommodation to the front of the site comprising of 2x three bedroom, 5x two bedroom and 9x one bedroom flats with basement parking. Six two storey with roofspace accommodation semi-detached properties to the rear all consisting of three bedrooms. 3.2 The buildings would have pitched roofs and the indicative materials would seek to respect local character. 3.3 The access would be to south of the site adjacent to 17 Russell Hill and would lead to an under croft parking area (providing 16 spaces for the frontage block) and a surface parking area (for the six semi-detached properties to the rear) providing 6 spaces and 1 visitor space. The access road would comply with highway standards and is large enough to accommodate refuse vehicles. 3.4 A total of 23 parking spaces would be provided, including three disabled bays, as well as 36 cycle parking spaces. Five electric charging points are provided; two disabled bays would also be able to access this provision. 3.5 Refuse storage for the flats would be provided within the under croft parking area while detached refuse/cycle storage would be provided towards the frontage of the semi- detached properties at the rear. 3.6 The design of the flat block towards the front of the site would respect the appearance and massing of Russell Hill while the semi-detached properties to the rear would respond positively to the adjacent development at Holmoak Close. 3.7 Following an independent assessment of the Viability Report 6x one bedroom shared ownership units have been secured. 4.0 Site and Surroundings 4.1 The application site lies on the western side of Russell Hill and is currently occupied by two large detached properties. The site is roughly rectangular in shape with an approximate width of 40/53 metres and a depth of 54/72 metres. The land slopes substantially to the west with the properties within Plough Lane approximately two stories lower than the application site. 4.2 The site adjoins a back land development to the north at Holmoak Close which consists of 5 detached two storey properties, notably built closer together than the original properties on Russell Hill. The surrounding area is residential in character and comprises largely two storey detached properties although a significant level of recent flatted developments exist further south. Most properties, including recent developments, are two/three stories in height with accommodation in the roof space being of a hipped roof form with prominent gable features. 4.3 There are currently multiple crossovers into the site to the existing properties. The proposal seeks to consolidate this arrangement with one vehicular access sited adjacent to 17 Russell Hill. 4.4 There is a prominent cedar tree towards the frontage of 19 Russell Hill. However this tree is not subject to a Tree Preservation Order, nor is it considered worthy of such. 4.5 The site has a PTAL rate of 0 and therefore has the lowest PTAL rating. It should be noted that there is a footpath (No106) in close proximity of the site and which would provide access to very good public transport. 5.0 Planning History 5.1 16/01567/P – An application was withdrawn for the demolition of existing buildings; erection of two storey detached building with accommodation in roof space comprising 5 three bedroom, 5 two bedroom and 6 one bedroom flats; erection of 3 four bedroom detached house; provision of associated access, parking, and landscaping. 6.0 SUMMARY OF KEY REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION There are no protected land use designations on the site and therefore the principle of development is acceptable, subject to assessment of other related planning considerations; The proposed development would contribute positively to borough-wide housing targets and would deliver 6x shared ownership one bedroom units.
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