A Bibliography ofof thethe History of Inland Waterways, Railways andand RoadRoad TransportTransport in thethe BritishBritish Isles,Isles, 19891989 The compilationcompilation team forfor thisthis fifthfifth annual bibliographybibliography was: Grahame BoyesBoyes Alan Jackson William Skillern Ray CookCook Roger Jermy Oliver Smart David Croft Peter JJohnson ohnson Peter SomervailSomervail John DunabinDunabin Duncan McKay Paul SowanSowan John GillhamGillham Neil Pitts Donald StegglesSteggles John GoughGough Paul Reynolds Richard StoreyStorey E.E.N.C.Haywood N. C. Haywood Peter Richards Michael Thomson Stanley Holland Matthew Searle Alan Voce John James Alan Simpson Peter Wakelin The followingfollowing abbreviations are used for commercialcommercial transport historyhistory periodicalsperiodicals and journals ofof nationalnational transporttransport historyhistory societies:societies: BR]BRJ British Railway Journaljournal RM Railway Magazine HMRSjHMRSJ Hist.ModelHist.Model Rly Rly Soc.Jrd Soc.jnl RRW W Railway WorldWorld IRR Industrial Railway RecordRecord SLSjSLSJ Stephenson Loco. Soc.jnlSoc.Jnl JR&CHSjR&CHS Jnljnl Rly Rly & & Canal Canal Hist.Soc. Hist.Soc. TR Tramway Review JTHjTH Jnljnl ofof Transport Transport HistoryHistory WW Waterways World `Ott.xxxx''Ott.xxxx' indicatesindicates a cross-referencecross-reference toto anan entry in George Ottley, A bibliographybibliography of British railway historyhistory (1966) or its Supplement (1988). tf indicatesindicates that aa copycopy of the book has not been seen and, therefore,therefore, thethe bibliographicalbibliographical details may not be accurate. Members withwith accessaccess to these works are asked to contact the editor. Acknowledgement isis againagain mademade toto the Ian Allan bookshop at Waterloo, the World of Transport bookshopbookshop at Twickenham, andand thethe InlandInland Waterways Waterways AssociationAssociation bookshop for allowing protractedprotracted browsing among their shelves, and to severalseveral societies andand individuals who have supplied details and answered queries. Any comments or offersoffers of assistance with the compilation of the next bibliography should be addressed to Grahame Boyes, 7 Onslow Road,Road, Richmond, Surrey TW10TWlO 6QH. SECTION GG GENERALGENERAL GA GENERALGENERAL HISTORY HISTORY AND AND DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OFOF TRANSPORT IN THE BRITISH ISLES 1 MORE, CHARLES.CHARLES. The The Industrial Industrial Age: Age: economy economy and and society society inin Britain Britain 1750-1985.1750-1985. London: Longmans,Longmont, 1989. pp.xi,449. Many references to transport. GB TRANSPORTTRANSPORT AT AT PARTICULAR PARTICULAR PERIODSPERIODS GB2 MedievalMedieval period period upup toto 0.1600c.1600 2 EDWARDS, j.F.J.F. TheThe transport transport system system of of medieval medieval EnglandEngland andand Wales: Wales: aa geographicalgeographical synthesis.synthesis. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis,thesis, Unit,.Univ. of Saiford,Safford, 1987. GB5 TwentiethTwentieth century century (See also no.33.) 3 PALIN, MICHAEL. Changing transport. Geography vol.73 (1988) pp.308-17. Transport in Britain in thethe pastpast 30 years. GC TRANSPORTTRANSPORT IN IN PARTICULAR PARTICULAR REGIONS REGIONS OF THE BRITISH ISLES GC1bGClb England—SouthEngland-South WestWest region 4 HERBERT, N.M.(ed).N.M.(ed). A A history history of of the the county county ofof Gloucester. Gloucester. Vol.4,VolA, TheThe citycity ofof Gloucester.Gloucester. Oxford Unit,.Univ.Press, Press, for 1.1.ofInst. of Hist. Hist.Research, Research, 1988. pp.xxiv,474,124]pp.xxiv,474,(24) pl.pI. [Victoria history of the counties ofof England series.] Numerous refs toto river, canal, road, tramroad & rIyrly transport.transport. pp.251-8, 'Quay'Quay and docks', by A.R.J.Jurica. 96 GC1cGClc England—SouthEngland-South EastEast Region 5f5t MOORE, PAM.PAM. TheThe industrial industrial heritage heritage ofof Hampshire Hampshire andand thethe IsleIsle ofof Wight. Chichester: Phillimore, 1988.1988. pp.124. 9999 illns.ilIns. London and London TransportTransport 6 CROOME, DESMONDDESMOND F.F. LondonLondon Transport Transport reports reports and and associated associated material.material. Underground News 19891989 pp.369-71,404-pp.369-71 ,404- 5,440-1.5,440-l. An annotated bibliography,bibliography, 1933-83.1933-83. 7 FRIEND, DEBORAH.DEBORAH. WheelsWheels ofof London. London. ISub-title[Sub-title onon cover:cover: FourFour centuriescenturies ofof commuter travel.]traveI.) West Wickham: Comerford && Miller, 1989. pp.80. [London pridepride collectioncollection series.) Outline history of London's public tranpsort. 8 GRAVES, CHARLES. LondonLondon TransportTransport at at war war (1939-1945). (1939-1945). Repr.of Ott.596/810,Ott.596/81O, withwith new intrdn byby Oliver Green. Harpenden: Oldcastle/LondonOldcastlelLondon Transport Museum, 1989. pp.liv1,97.pp.[ivl,97. 9 LAWRENCE, DAVID. LondonLondon Transport capcap badges.badges. Harrow Weald: CapitalCapital Transport,Transport, 1989.1989. pp.128. 211211 drwgs.drwgs. Drwgs & detailed notes onon the badges of London TransportTransport r1y,rly, tram, trolleybustrolleybus & bus staff,staff, incl.thoseincl. those ofof somesome ofof L.P.T.B.'sL.P.T.B. 's predecessors. predecessors. GCle England—EastEngland-East Midlands Midlands regionregion 10 MILLS, DENNIS R. (ed).(ed). TwentiethTwentieth century century Lincolnshire.Lincolnshire. Lincoln: Hist.ofHist.rif Lincolnsh.Cmtee,Lincolnsh. Cmtee, jorfor Soc.jorSoc.for Lincolnsh.Hist.Lincolnsh.Hist.& & Arch., 1989. pp.xvii,401.pp.xvii,40l. 101101 illns. [History ofoj Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire, vol.12.1vol.12.) Ch.5, 'Roads'Roads replacereplace railways', byby PeterPeter R.White.R.White. RefsRefs toto rlys,r1ys, tramstrams && buses.buses. GC1hGClh England—NorthEngland-North WestWest region 11 ASHMORE, OWENOWEN (ed).(ed). HistoricHistoric industriesindustries ofof MarpleMarple andand Mellor.Melior. ByBy membersmembers ofof the MarpleMarple BranchBranch ofof the Workers' Educational Assorts.Assocn. Rev.edn of Ott.9181. Stockport: Stockport Leisure Services Divn,Dien, 1989.1989. pp.88,tivl.pp.88,[ivl. pp.76-8, Turnpike roads. pp.78-84,pp.78-84, Canals. pp.84-8,pp.84-8, Railways.Railways. 12 RAIL, waterwater && tramways: three walks in north east Cheshire. [Chester]:[Chester}: Cheshire County Council, 1986.1986. pp.32 (incl.covers).(incl.covers). Walks along the Macclesfield, Bollington && MarpleMarple Rly, Macclesfield CanalCanal and Poynton Colliery Rly. GCGClj lj England—NorthEngland-North region 13 GEORGE, DAVIDDAVID andand BRUMHEAD,BRUMHEAD, DEREK.DEREK. Cumbrian Cumbrian industrial industrial archaeology: archaeology: aa fieldfield guide.guide. Manchester: [authors],[authors}, 1988. pp.79,plus 7pp bibliogr. 26 maps,6 drwgs. Typescript. GC4 IrelandIreland 14114t GILLIGAN,GILLlGAN, H.A. AA history history of of the the PortPort ofof Dublin.Dublin. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan,Macmillan, 1988.1988. pp.I?].pp.[?l. 15 HIGGINS, JOHN F. Transport in Ireland. Dublin: C.l.E.C.I.E. Group,Group, 1987. pp.26. 2222 illns.illns. Review of developmentsdevelopments in in the the r1yrly && busbus operationsoperations of of the the Coras Coras IompairIompair Eireann.Eireann. Address byby thethe C.I.E. GeneralGeneral Manager to the summersummer schoolschool of the Transport SalariedSalaried Staffs' Assorts,Assocn, Ruskin Hall, Oxford, 1515 July 1987.1987. 16 HORNER, ARNOLD.ARNOLD. Developments Developments inin earlyearly morningmorning publicpublic transporttransport asas anan indicatorindicator ofof change change inin thethe DublinDublin city-city­ region. Irish GeographyGeography vol.21 (1988) pp.45-7. Since 1956.1956. GE TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ENGINEERING ENGINEERING GE1GEl BiographiesBiographies of of transport transport engineersengineers 17 LANE, MICHAEL R.R. TheThe Rendel Rendel connection: connection: aa dynastydynasty ofof engineers.engineers. London: Quitter,Quiller, 1989. pp.224. Many illns,iIIns, incl.col. James Meadows Rendel (1799-1856) andand Rendel, Palmer & Tritton, civilcivil engineers.engineers. Their workwork includedincluded bridges,bridges, ferries, docks, roads & rlysr1ys inin BritainBritain && overseas.overseas. GE2 CivilCivil engineering engineering (general): (general): construction; construction; problemsproblems ofof terrain;terrain; tunnelling 18118t WEST, GRAHAM. InnovationInnovation and thethe riserise ofof the tunnelling industry. Cambridge Univ.Press,Unie.Press, 1988. pp.355. 6969 illns.iIIns. GE4 VehiclesVehicles 19 BONNETT, HAROLD.HAROLD. LincolnshireLincolnshire steamsteam in camera. Buckingham: Quotes,Quotes, 1988.1988. pp.88. A photographic record of steam transport: rlys,r1ys, industrialindustrial rlys,r1ys, roadroad vehicles vehicles && inlandinland wwys.wwys. 20 HOLDEN, BRYAN.BRYAN. Birmingham'sBirmingham's workingworking horses: a century of horse power on road, rail && canal. Birmingham: Barbryn, 1989. pp.120.pp.I20. Many illns. I! GG TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 21 HIBBS, JOHN. AnAn introductionintroduction to transporttransport studies.studies. 2nd2nd ednedn ofof Ott.10761.Ott.1076l. London: KoganKogan Page,Page, 1988. pp.110. GG3 PortsPorts associated associated with with inland inland waterways waterways andand railways,railways, but notnot ownedowned by themthem (See(See also no.14.)no. 14.) 22 EVANS, M. TheThe seaborneseaborne tradetrade ofof thethe portport ofof Ipswich Ipswich and itsits members. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis,thesis, Unie.ofUniv. of EastEast Anglia,Anglia, 1987.1987. 23123t FREEMAN,FREEMAN, RAY. RAY. Dartmouth: Dartmouth: a newa new history history of of the the port port
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