Council Meeting 21 February 2007 Crawley Borough Council Minutes of Council 21 February 2007 at 7.30 p.m. Present : Councillor S A Blake (Mayor) Councillor C J Redmayne (Deputy Mayor) Councillors B K Blake, Dr. H S Bloom, B M Brockwell, K Brockwell, A G Brown, B J Burgess, L A M Burke, R D Burrett, B Clay, S M Cleeve, A C W Crane, D G Crow, C L Denman, J I Denman, D English, M T Head, R J Hull, I T Irvine, S J Joyce, R A Lanzer, C C Lloyd, B MeCrow, J Mortimer, D W Murdoch, B J Quinn, A J E Quirk, G K Seekings, L A Seekings, D J Shreeves, B A Smith, J G Smith, L A Walker and M R Weatherley. Officers Present: Michael Coughlin Chief Executive David Covill Director of Resources Karen Hayes Deputy Head of Finance Paul Julian Interim Head of Finance Jim Redwood Director of Environment and Housing Pat Tinsley Head of Democratic Services Roger Brownings Democratic Services Officer 82. Minutes The minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 20 December 2006 and 10 January 2007 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. 83. Public Question Time Questions asked in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9 were as follows:- Mrs Pam Chappell of Southgate requested the Council to make contact with the Railway Operators, Network Rail, to complain of the increasing litter problems in the area of the railway crossing as well as the wider surrounding area associated with the Network. She considered that the litter was attracting an increasing number of rats and was anxious that something should be done to alleviate this problem. A number of Members responded to this matter including, Councillors B K Blake, Irvine, C L Denman, Bloom and Joyce and all agreed that contact needed to be made with Network Rail to convey the Council’s concerns and seek immediate action. Councillor B K Blake confirmed that the Council had previously raised concerns with Network Rail, and whilst there had been some initial improvement, the situation had deteriorated recently. Councillor Blake undertook to contact Network Rail asking them 1 Council Meeting 21 February 2007 again to address the problem. Mrs Chappell was asked to leave her contact details so that she could be copied into the correspondence to be made. 84. Communications (a) Apologies for Absence Councillors C A Cheshire and J L Millar-Smith. (b) Apology for Lateness Councillor L A M Burke. (c) Sister Marie-Odile Herve The Mayor referred to a letter she had recently received from Sister Marie- Odile Herve, (a nun who had lived in the Borough for 54 years) and had recently retired to her home in France to be close to her family. A copy of the letter had been circulated at this meeting to all Members of the Council. The Mayor highlighted Sister Marie-Odile’s gratitude for the kind words and appreciation which had been expressed by Councillors and conveyed in the letter to Sister Marie-Odile from the Mayor. The Mayor’s letter had been sent at the request of the Council at its meeting on 20 December, and the Mayor confirmed that Sister Marie-Odile was settling in very well in Rennes, her native town. 85. Members’ Disclosure of Interests The disclosures of interests made by Members were set out in Appendix A to the minutes. 86. Appointments (a) Sarah Robinson Educational Foundation The Council considered nominating a person to serve on the Sarah Robinson Educational Foundation, following the recent resignation of former Councillor Mary Mayne. RESOLVED. That former Councillor Thakordas Patel be nominated to serve on the Sarah Robinson Educational Foundation. (b) Crawley Ethnic Minority Pa rtnership (CEMP) The Crawley Ethnic Minority Partnership had contacted the Council to say that it would welcome the nomination of a Borough Councillor to serve on that organisation. This was common practice with groups that the Council funded through the award of grant, and the Council was asked to consider nominating a person to serve on the Partnership’s Board. 2 Council Meeting 21 February 2007 The Conservative Group was proposing the nomination of Councillor A J E Quirk to fill the vacancy concerned, whilst the Labour Group was proposing the nomination of Councillor D English. A vote was taken. RESOLVED. That Councillor A J E Quirk be nominated to serve on the Crawley Ethnic Minority Partnership. 87. Members’ Written Questions Questions asked in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.3, together with the answers, were tabled as follows:- Questioner - Councillor A C W Crane Addressed to - Executive Member for Housing Subject - Sale of Council Houses Questioner - Councillor A C W Crane Addressed to - Chair of the Executive Subject - Funding analysis of Housing Revenue Account. Analysis of weekly rent, local tax and water charges for a typical three bedroom house since April 2003. Estimated cost of homelessness borne by the Housing Revenue Account and the General Fund in 2007/2008 and the effect on local tax and rent levels. Rent equalisation. Number of housing dwellings, estimated annual rent income and average weekly rent levels for 2007/2008. Estimated Business Rates payable within Crawley next year and how much was to be retained towards funding services. Expected average Council rent for West Sussex districts in 2007/2008 and what the increase was over the current year. Proposed Council tax for each district council in West Sussex and the percentage variation from the current year. The number of domestic rated properties in Crawley, how many fall into the band C category and the weekly / annual amount payable for CBC, WSCC and SPA for band C Council tax. Debt status, including pension deficit as at 31 December 2006, of WSCC and West Sussex district councils. Questioner - Councillor I T Irvine Addressed to - Chair of the Executive Subject - Land South of Cheal’s Roundabout, Proposed Fire 3 Council Meeting 21 February 2007 Station Site and the Borough Council’s Logo Questioner - Councillor I T Irvine Addressed to - Executive Member for Environmental Services Subject - State Funded Burials / Cremations 88. Reports by Executive Members (i) Councillor MeCrow (the Executive Member for Leisure and Cultural Services) reported on plans to upgrade the access road to Tilgate Park. The road was very narrow in certain places and was in need of general improvement. With this in mind proposals were in place to resurface the road between the K2 Leisure Centre and the community huts, to introduce two lay-bys, and fill pot holes in remaining areas. It was hoped that the work would be completed before the summer. (ii) Councillor Burgess (the Executive Member for Housing) indicated that in view of recent concerns, the Council was currently reviewing the housing repairs and maintenance partnership arrangements. Following discussions involving officers and Members, negotiations had been instigated to seek to improve performance. Councillor Burgess was pleased to report that the performance of the Benefits Service was still very positive, with the Service meeting and exceeding targets of the Best Value Performance Indicator and with additional improvements still being explored. This included, for example, the further promotion of mobile working involving staff going out to meet people in their own homes. Further methods were also being sought for reaching people who were not claiming, but who might be eligible for benefits. Councillor Burgess expressed her thanks and appreciation to all the staff concerned in the Service’s continuing improvement. (iii) Councillor C L Denman (Executive Member for Planning and Economic Development) referred to current rumours which were suggesting that the Council was not now to participate in the County Card Concessionary Travel Scheme. (The Scheme enabled existing holders of the Borough’s concessionary fare card to also have a full fare concession for travel throughout Sussex). Councillor Denman asked Members to quash such rumours if and when they arose, emphasising that the rumours were not true and that the Council would (with effect from April this year) be participating in the Scheme. Councillor C L Denman also referred to the current Examination into the LDF Core Strategy which was taking place in the Town Hall. She reminded Members that the Examination was shaping the development of our town and urged Members to attend whenever they could. 89. Questions to Executive Members 4 Council Meeting 21 February 2007 Questions asked pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 10.1 were as follows:- (i) Question by Councillor Irvine to Councillor Lanzer (as Chair of the Executive). Councillor Irvine referred to the fact that a report on the land south of Cheal’s roundabout, proposed fire station site, was to be submitted to the 28 March meeting of the Executive. He pointed out that the Development Control Committee had twice objected to this proposal and considered that this issue should now be a matter for recommendation to the full Council, rather than an item to be resolved by the Executive. Councillor Lanzer responded by saying that whilst taking on board the views of the Development Control Committee, we needed to distinguish the Council’s role as a Planning Authority and that as the landowner. The matter will be debated by the Executive and will consider all the issues raised. (ii) Question by Councillor Redmayne to Councillor C L Denman (as Executive Member for Planning and Economic Development). Councillor Redmayne explained that he had recently attended a Crawley Pensioners’ Action Group meeting where it was suggested that people in Kent and Berkshire were receiving a travel concession on a nationwide basis. The Group had asked why people in Crawley / Sussex were not receiving a similar concession? In response, Councillor Denman referred to a nationwide concessionary fares scheme which was to be introduced by the Government in 2008, and which the Council would be considering at the appropriate time, and indicated that she would be forwarding details of this initiative to the Action Group for its information.
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