PDF Output of CLIC (Clustering by Inferred Co-Expression)

PDF Output of CLIC (Clustering by Inferred Co-Expression)

PDF Output of CLIC (clustering by inferred co-expression) Dataset: Num of genes in input gene set: 7 Total number of genes: 16493 CLIC PDF output has three sections: 1) Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) Heatmap shows pairwise correlations between all genes in the input query gene set. Red lines shows the partition of input genes into CEMs, ordered by CEM strength. Each row shows one gene, and the brightness of squares indicates its correlations with other genes. Gene symbols are shown at left side and on the top of the heatmap. 2) Details of each CEM and its expansion CEM+ Top panel shows the posterior selection probability (dataset weights) for top GEO series datasets. Bottom panel shows the CEM genes (blue rows) as well as expanded CEM+ genes (green rows). Each column is one GEO series dataset, sorted by their posterior probability of being selected. The brightness of squares indicates the gene's correlations with CEM genes in the corresponding dataset. CEM+ includes genes that co-express with CEM genes in high-weight datasets, measured by LLR score. 3) Details of each GEO series dataset and its expression profile: Top panel shows the detailed information (e.g. title, summary) for the GEO series dataset. Bottom panel shows the background distribution and the expression profile for CEM genes in this dataset. Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) with Dataset Weighting Scale of average Pearson correlations Num of Genes in Query Geneset: 7. Num of CEMs: 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Med14 Med21 Med6 Cdk8 Ccnc Med10 Med23 Med14 Med21 Med6 Cdk8 CEM 1 (46 datasets) Ccnc Med10 Med23 0610009D07Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:7.Predicted989.SelectedDatasets:46.Strength:0.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]NATcomplex",Page1 Smarcad1 Smarca5 Smchd1 Trmt10c Magohb Prpf40a Nudcd2 Ncapg2 Rbmxl1 Ccdc58 Cep192 Trmt11 Rbm12 Dcaf13 Dnajc9 Psma1 Magoh Prpf4b Polr2d Med23 Med10 Med21 Med14 Srsf10 Nup54 Cks1b Caap1 Ddx21 Haus3 Pbdc1 Rad17 Abce1 Pfdn4 Asf1a Tfdp1 Cse1l Txnl1 Med6 Wdr3 Rpa3 Pno1 Ccnc Cdk8 Tipin Orc6 Hat1 Dis3 Ltv1 Ssb 0.0 1.0 GSE20954 [14] GSE15155 [12] GSE7275 [8] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE48935 [12] GSE47694 [10] GSE49237 [8] GSE50813 [24] GSE21836 [8] GSE42601 [6] GSE12993 [6] GSE24243 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE29458 [23] GSE18135 [18] GSE44175 [18] GSE58368 [15] GSE14406 [54] GSE12454 [13] GSE27708 [9] GSE25286 [10] GSE27114 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE9533 [35] GSE13235 [9] GSE19512 [6] GSE38693 [8] GSE37546 [20] GSE7863 [16] GSE6837 [8] GSE57797 [23] GSE13874 [14] GSE11356 [9] GSE21711 [6] GSE15330 [27] GSE51628 [15] GSE31028 [6] GSE11258 [24] GSE15794 [6] GSE26616 [6] GSE32277 [33] GSE45820 [6] GSE16874 [12] GSE5861 [6] GSE8322 [12] GSE6998 [32] GSE36513 [8] GSE27605 [8] GSE43373 [130] GSE10210 [16] GSE15325 [23] GSE36415 [14] GSE13106 [10] GSE29485 [12] GSE10644 [18] GSE24276 [6] GSE19204 [6] GSE4230 [8] GSE38257 [14] GSE12498 [12] GSE11862 [6] GSE4308 [16] GSE9913 [9] GSE36665 [6] GSE35219 [6] GSE2557 [6] GSE13693 [9] GSE7430 [12] GSE14478 [7] GSE28093 [6] GSE27261 [8] GSE10776 [15] GSE21278 [48] GSE51804 [10] GSE35366 [78] GSE27516 [17] GSE4734 [61] GSE33942 [12] GSE7424 [8] GSE30176 [12] GSE40368 [10] GSE9297 [27] GSE49346 [6] GSE38048 [20] GSE59672 [12] GSE13611 [8] GSE7764 [10] GSE24489 [14] GSE27848 [16] GSE27720 [6] GSE48204 [6] GSE28389 [20] GSE27195 [6] GSE23002 [8] GSE43825 [31] GSE23895 [18] GSE27309 [10] GSE26461 [6] GSE27378 [8] GSE44084 [8] GSE41084 [6] GSE8025 [21] GSE7225 [9] GSE6196 [9] GSE37975 [8] GSE19657 [21] GSE20944 [18] GSE49283 [12] GSE10813 [12] GSE30498 [12] GSE49248 [12] GSE6223 [13] GSE52022 [8] GSE7759 [112] GSE28664 [17] GSE30083 [12] GSE13129 [12] GSE21224 [16] GSE5333 [16] GSE8684 [10] GSE35044 [9] GSE30868 [8] GSE13553 [10] GSE46091 [8] GSE13692 [8] GSE17383 [6] GSE33471 [12] GSE45619 [6] GSE24203 [8] GSE6065 [100] GSE55809 [8] GSE10904 [6] GSE12465 [14] GSE17112 [8] GSE14415 [31] GSE30160 [6] GSE41925 [8] GSE35435 [6] GSE11982 [6] GSE14753 [6] GSE13707 [20] GSE26076 [12] GSE40296 [6] GSE51385 [8] GSE11382 [10] GSE39233 [40] GSE4749 [6] GSE26476 [6] GSE46606 [30] GSE12518 [6] GSE36810 [16] GSE18567 [24] GSE18925 [6] GSE20152 [8] GSE16992 [48] CEM+ CEM GSE16110 [16] GSE18326 [8] GSE11990 [20] GSE15433 [9] GSE15871 [18] GSE13149 [25] 0.0 GSE38574 [32] GSE7810 [9] GSE16751 [6] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE18745 [6] GSE4786 [9] GSE31702 [10] GSE44162 [6] GSE44101 [6] GSE31406 [12] 0.2 GSE22291 [16] GSE48004 [6] GSE37000 [47] GSE27159 [8] GSE28593 [9] GSE9146 [27] GSE43381 [26] GSE12810 [6] GSE18148 [6] 0.4 GSE7683 [12] GSE18587 [9] GSE15772 [8] GSE21063 [24] GSE10113 [12] GSE46723 [6] GSE57469 [6] GSE4193 [8] GSE28408 [6] 0.6 GSE36826 [12] GSE18993 [13] GSE17728 [12] GSE10290 [24] GSE28333 [6] GSE18669 [12] GSE19369 [8] GSE30980 [6] GSE6526 [16] 0.8 GSE7762 [36] GSE4928 [8] GSE37676 [6] GSE6482 [9] Score 34.05 34.07 34.22 34.22 34.28 34.42 34.66 34.85 35.37 35.42 35.43 35.54 35.84 36.11 36.13 36.56 36.78 36.86 37.00 37.16 37.20 37.83 38.37 38.62 38.84 38.89 39.37 39.44 39.55 39.63 39.90 40.00 40.08 40.22 40.23 40.29 40.62 40.64 40.85 41.45 42.29 43.30 48.42 1.0 Notes Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:7.Predicted989.SelectedDatasets:46.Strength:0.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]NATcomplex",Page2 Mphosph6 Casp8ap2 Smndc1 Armc10 Prps1l3 Anp32e Nup160 Topbp1 Exosc9 Tsen15 Dnttip2 Pgam5 Psma4 Psma2 Gtf2h2 Mak16 Nop58 Cenpk Rnpc3 Ccne2 Naa15 Tex30 Snrpe Gspt1 Mcm4 Sarnp Mis12 Atad2 Trmt6 Nol11 Lin54 Pwp1 Srsf1 Pcna Exo5 Leo1 Ints2 Dbr1 Rrs1 Gnl3 Utp6 Anln Rnf4 Nip7 Ect2 Tsr1 Taf2 Eri1 Itpa Set 0.0 1.0 GSE20954 [14] GSE15155 [12] GSE7275 [8] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE48935 [12] GSE47694 [10] GSE49237 [8] GSE50813 [24] GSE21836 [8] GSE42601 [6] GSE12993 [6] GSE24243 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE29458 [23] GSE18135 [18] GSE44175 [18] GSE58368 [15] GSE14406 [54] GSE12454 [13] GSE27708 [9] GSE25286 [10] GSE27114 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE9533 [35] GSE13235 [9] GSE19512 [6] GSE38693 [8] GSE37546 [20] GSE7863 [16] GSE6837 [8] GSE57797 [23] GSE13874 [14] GSE11356 [9] GSE21711 [6] GSE15330 [27] GSE51628 [15] GSE31028 [6] GSE11258 [24] GSE15794 [6] GSE26616 [6] GSE32277 [33] GSE45820 [6] GSE16874 [12] GSE5861 [6] GSE8322 [12] GSE6998 [32] GSE36513 [8] GSE27605 [8] GSE43373 [130] GSE10210 [16] GSE15325 [23] GSE36415 [14] GSE13106 [10] GSE29485 [12] GSE10644 [18] GSE24276 [6] GSE19204 [6] GSE4230 [8] GSE38257 [14] GSE12498 [12] GSE11862 [6] GSE4308 [16] GSE9913 [9] GSE36665 [6] GSE35219 [6] GSE2557 [6] GSE13693 [9] GSE7430 [12] GSE14478 [7] GSE28093 [6] GSE27261 [8] GSE10776 [15] GSE21278 [48] GSE51804 [10] GSE35366 [78] GSE27516 [17] GSE4734 [61] GSE33942 [12] GSE7424 [8] GSE30176 [12] GSE40368 [10] GSE9297 [27] GSE49346 [6] GSE38048 [20] GSE59672 [12] GSE13611 [8] GSE7764 [10] GSE24489 [14] GSE27848 [16] GSE27720 [6] GSE48204 [6] GSE28389 [20] GSE27195 [6] GSE23002 [8] GSE43825 [31] GSE23895 [18] GSE27309 [10] GSE26461 [6] GSE27378 [8] GSE44084 [8] GSE41084 [6] GSE8025 [21] GSE7225 [9] GSE6196 [9] GSE37975 [8] GSE19657 [21] GSE20944 [18] GSE49283 [12] GSE10813 [12] GSE30498 [12] GSE49248 [12] GSE6223 [13] GSE52022 [8] GSE7759 [112] GSE28664 [17] GSE30083 [12] GSE13129 [12] GSE21224 [16] GSE5333 [16] GSE8684 [10] GSE35044 [9] GSE30868 [8] GSE13553 [10] GSE46091 [8] GSE13692 [8] GSE17383 [6] GSE33471 [12] GSE45619 [6] GSE24203 [8] GSE6065 [100] GSE55809 [8] GSE10904 [6] GSE12465 [14] GSE17112 [8] GSE14415 [31] GSE30160 [6] GSE41925 [8] GSE35435 [6] GSE11982 [6] GSE14753 [6] GSE13707 [20] GSE26076 [12] GSE40296 [6] GSE51385 [8] GSE11382 [10] GSE39233 [40] GSE4749 [6] GSE26476 [6] GSE46606 [30] GSE12518 [6] GSE36810 [16] GSE18567 [24] GSE18925 [6] GSE20152 [8] GSE16992 [48] CEM+ CEM GSE16110 [16] GSE18326 [8] GSE11990 [20] GSE15433 [9] GSE15871 [18] GSE13149 [25] 0.0 GSE38574 [32] GSE7810 [9] GSE16751 [6] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE18745 [6] GSE4786 [9] GSE31702 [10] GSE44162 [6] GSE44101 [6] GSE31406 [12] 0.2 GSE22291 [16] GSE48004 [6] GSE37000 [47] GSE27159 [8] GSE28593 [9] GSE9146 [27] GSE43381 [26] GSE12810 [6] GSE18148 [6] 0.4 GSE7683 [12] GSE18587 [9] GSE15772 [8] GSE21063 [24] GSE10113 [12] GSE46723 [6] GSE57469 [6] GSE4193 [8] GSE28408 [6] 0.6 GSE36826 [12] GSE18993 [13] GSE17728 [12] GSE10290 [24] GSE28333 [6] GSE18669 [12] GSE19369 [8] GSE30980 [6] GSE6526 [16] 0.8 GSE7762 [36] GSE4928 [8] GSE37676 [6] GSE6482 [9] Score 29.68 29.70 29.72 29.75 29.91 29.99 30.00 30.21 30.25 30.28 30.31 30.38 30.53 30.59 30.60 30.73 30.80 30.82 31.09 31.11 31.26 31.30 31.31 31.35 31.43 31.48 31.56 31.57 31.58 31.62 31.64 31.64 31.98 32.05 32.19 32.34 32.38 32.44 32.46 32.59 32.69 33.16 33.16 33.23 33.35 33.59 33.74 33.83 33.87 33.96 1.0 Notes Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:7.Predicted989.SelectedDatasets:46.Strength:0.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]NATcomplex",Page3 Arhgap11a Commd2 Cenpc1 Skiv2l2 Zc3h15 Isg20l2 Rbm34 Rbmx2 Rsl1d1 Tcerg1 Eef1e1 Zfp131 Med17 Gtf2e2 Gtf2e1 Kpnb1 Lrrc40 Wdr77 Ncbp2 Actl6a Dhx15 Rad51 Kif18a Ckap2 Cdc73 Mcm6 Ccar1 Parp2 Yars2 Spdl1 Hbs1l Sf3a3 Snrpf Msh6 Bub1 G2e3 Xpo5 Fmr1 Uba2 Skp2 Hells Tfam Fen1 Rars Sfpq Npat Rfc4 Ctcf Eed Ttf2 0.0 1.0 GSE20954 [14] GSE15155 [12] GSE7275 [8] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE48935 [12] GSE47694 [10] GSE49237 [8] GSE50813 [24] GSE21836 [8] GSE42601 [6] GSE12993 [6] GSE24243 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE29458 [23] GSE18135 [18] GSE44175 [18] GSE58368 [15] GSE14406 [54] GSE12454 [13] GSE27708 [9] GSE25286 [10] GSE27114 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE9533 [35] GSE13235 [9] GSE19512 [6] GSE38693 [8] GSE37546 [20] GSE7863 [16] GSE6837 [8] GSE57797 [23] GSE13874 [14] GSE11356 [9] GSE21711 [6] GSE15330 [27] GSE51628 [15] GSE31028 [6] GSE11258 [24]

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