SPECIAL ARTICLES IN VOLUMES 51-79 OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK Acquisition of Political and Social Rights Oscar and Mary F. Handlin by the Jews in the United States 56:43-98 The American Jew: Some Demographic Ben B. Seligman 51:3-52 Features American Jewish Tercentenary David Bernstein 57:101-18 American Jewry, 1970: Sidney Goldstein 72:3-88 A Demographic Profile Antisemitism as a Policy Tool in the Maurice Friedberg 71:123-40 Soviet Bloc A Century of Reform Sefton D. Temkin 74:3-75 Judaism in America The Church and the Jews: Judith Herschcopf 66:99-136 The Struggle at Vatican II 67:45-77 Concerning Jewish Theology in North Lou H. Silberman 70:37-58 America: Some Notes on a Decade The Condition of American Jewry in Henry L. Feingold 76:3-39 Historical Perspective: A Bicentennial Assessment Conference on Jewish Material Claims Lucy S. Dawidowicz Against Germany 54:471-85 61:110-27 Economic Status and Occupational Structure Eli E. Cohen 51:53-70 Eichmann Trial European Jewry Before and After Hitler Salo W. Baron 63:3-53 The Proceedings Leon Poliakov 63:54-84 America's Response George Salomon 63:85-103 The Judgment Sidney Liskofsky 63:104-19 Text of the Indictment 63:120-31 413 414 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1980 Intermarriage in the United States Arnold Schwartz 71:101-21 Israel and the United Nations: Shabtai Rosenne Changed Perspectives, 1945-1976 78:3-59 Jewish Academics in the United States: Seymour Martin Lipset and Their Achievements, Culture and Politics Everett Carll Ladd, Jr. 72:89-128 Jewish Education—For What? Walter I. Ackerman 70:3-36 Jewish Fertility in the United States Erich Rosenthal 62:3-27 Jewish Labor Movement in the United States Will Herberg 53:3-74 Jewish Social Work in the United States, Herman D. Stein 57:3-98 1654-1954 Jewish Studies in American Liberal-Arts Arnold J. Band 67:3-30 Colleges and Universities The Jews in Western Europe Today Arnold Mandel 68:3-28 Leadership and Decision-making in a Charles S. Liebman Jewish Federation: The New York 79:3-76 Federation of Jewish Philanthropies The Legal Status of the Daniel J. Elazar and American Jewish Community Stephen R. Goldstein 73:3-94 Library Resources for Jewish Studies Charles Berlin 75:3-54 in the United States North American Settlers in Israel Gerald Engel 71:161-87 Orthodoxy in American Jewish Life Charles S. Liebman 66:21-97 Yitzchak Leybush Peretz: An Appreciation S. Niger 54:542-19 Professional Personnel in the Social Services Arnulf M. Pins 64:203-35 of the Jewish Community The Purposes of the Jewish Community Carl Urbont 68:29-59 Center Movement: An Appraisal of Their Operation Reconstructionism in American Jewish Life Charles S. Liebman 71:3-99 SPECIAL ARTICLES IN VOLUMES 51-79 / 415 Religion in Israel Zvi Yaron 76:41-90 The Sephardim of the United States: An Exploratory Study Marc D. Angel 74:77-138 Social Characteristics of American Jews, 1654-1954 Nathan Glazer 56:3-41 The Soviet Jewish Problem at the United Nations Ronald I. Rubin 71:141-59 Soviet Jewry Since the Death of Stalin: A Twenty-five Year Perspecative Leon Shapiro Spiritual Life of American Jewry, 1654-1954 79:77-103 Studies of Jewish Intermarriage in the United Joseph L. Blau 56:99-170 States Erich Rosenthal 64:3-53 Three Centuries of Jewish Life in England, S. D. Temkin 58:3-63 1656-1956 The Training of American Rabbis Charles S. Liebman 69:3-112 Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada, Louis Rosenberg 62:28-49 1760-1960 "Who Hast Not Made Me a Man": Anne Lapidus Lerner The Movement for Equal Rights for Women 77:3-38 in American Jewry OBITUARIES Leo Baeck By Max Gruenewald 59:478-82 Jacob Blaustein By John Slawson 72:547-57 Martin Buber By Seymour Siegel 67:37—43 Abraham Cahan By Mendel Osherowitch 53:527-29 Albert Einstein By Jacob Bronowski 58:480-85 Felix Frankfurter By Paul A. Freund 67:31-36 Louis Ginzberg By Louis Finkelstein 56:573-79 Jacob Glatstein By Shmuel Lapin 73:611-17 Hayim Greenberg By Marie Syrkin 56:589-94 Abraham Joshua Heschel By Fritz A. Rothschild 74:533-44 Horace Meyer Kallen By Milton R. Konvitz 75:55-80 Herbert H. Lehman By Louis Finkelstein 66:3-20 416 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1980 Judah L. Magnes By James Marshall 51:512-15 Alexander Marx By Abraham S. Halkin 56:580-88 Reinhold Niebuhr By Seymour Siegel 73:605-10 Joseph Proskauer By David Sher 73:618-28 Maurice Samuel By Milton H. Hindus 74:545-53 Leo Strauss By Ralph Lerner 76:91-97 Max Weinreich By Lucy S. Dawidowicz 70:59-68 Chaim Weizmann By Harry Sacher 55:462-69 Stephen S. Wise By Philip S. Bernstein 51:515-18 Harry Austryn Wolfson By Isadore Twersky 76:99-111 Index Abarbanel (Argentina), 194 Youth Division—Zeirei Agudath Is- Abbeyfield Camden Jewish Society (Gt. rael, 303 Britain), 201 Agudath Israel World Organization, Abendpost, 86 302 Ablin, Mario, 194 Agudath Israel (Argentina), 191, 194 Abraham, Ernst, 224 AISA (see Asociacion Israelita Sefaradi Abrahams, Harold, 206 Argentina) Abramowitz, Israel, 278 Aisenson, Jose, 196 Abramson, Harold, 32n Akhbar al-Yom (Egypt), 254 Absorption of Immigrants, The, 62n Akiba School (France), 210 Abt Museum (South Africa), 280 Alba, Richard, 32n Acerbo Cultural (Argentina), 195 Albany Jewish World, 354 ACIS (see Asociacion Comunidad Isra- Alcalay, Issac A., 362 elita Sefaradi de Buenos Aires) Alcoholics Anonymous (Canada), 175 Ackerman, Walter, article by, 130-148, Alejandro Aguado, 195 130n Alexander, Theodore, 10, 12 Ad Hoc Commission on Justice for Algemeiner Journal, 355 Anatoly Shcharansky, 121, 122 Algeria, 93, 190 Adam, Yekutiel, 273 Ali, Kamal Hassan, 260 Adams, Louise, 134n Alioto, Joseph, 11 Adar, Zvi, 190 Allen, Bertha, 187 Adath Israel Congregation (Canada), Allied Jewish Community Services 186 (AJCS; Canada), 175, 182, 183 Adler, Hans, 280 Alliger, Joseph K... 362 Adlerstein, Leo, 234 Allende, Walter, 189 Afghanistan, 89 Alliance Israelite Universelle (France), AFL-CIO, 125 212 Afn Shevel, 355 Alliance of Christian Churches (W. Die Afrikaner (South Africa), 276 Germany), 228 Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB; Amalrik, Andreii, 240 South Africa), 276 Ambivalent American Jew, The, 5n Agudath Israel of America, 302 AMC Cancer Research Center and Hos- Children's Division—Pirchei Agu- pital, 321 dath Israel, 303 National Council of Auxiliaries, 321 Girls' Division—Bnos Agudath Is- America, 76 rael, 303 America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Women's Division—N'Shei Agudath 150 Israel of America, 303 America-Israel Friendship League, 324 417 418 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1980 American Academy for Jewish Re- The American Israelite, 359 search, 297 American Jewish Alternatives to Zion- American Associates of Ben-Gurion ism, 293 University of the Negev, 324 American Jewish Archives, 359 American Association for Ethiopian American Jewish Committee (AJC), 9, Jews, 319 18, 26, 72, 73, 74, 75, 81, 82, 84, 85, American Association for Jewish Edu- 102, 103, 113, 125, 150, 192, 196, cation, 76, 132n, 137n, 143, 151, 229, 293 303 American Jewish Congress, 18, 76, 81, American Bar Association, 122 82, 86, 103, 105, 150, 294 American Biblical Encyclopedia Soci- American Jewish Correctional Chap- ety, 297 lains Association, Inc., 321 American Civil Liberties Union American Jewish Historical Quarterly, (ACLU), 4-7, 11, 14-24, 76, 84, 85 4n American Committee for Shaare Zedek American Jewish Historical Society, Hospital in Jerusalem, Inc., 324 297 American Committee for the Weizmann American Jewish History, 353 Institute of Science, Inc., 324 American Jewish Joint Distribution American Council for Judaism, 293 Committee (JDC), 150, 251, 252, American Council for Judaism Philan- 300 thropic Fund, 300 American Jewish Journal, 353 American Federation of Jewish Fight- American Jewish League for Israel, ers, Camp Inmates and Nazi Vic- 325 tims, 9, 319 American Jewish Press Association, 297 American Federation of Jews from Cen- American Jewish Public Relations Soci- tral Europe, Inc., 319 ety, 331 American Friends of the Alliance Israel- American Jewish Society for Service, ite Universelle, Inc., 300 Inc., 321 American Friends of Haifa University, American Jewish Times—Outlook, 359 324 American Jewish World, 354 American Friends of the Hebrew Uni- American Jewish Year Book, 3n, 29n, versity, 324 35n, 94, 130n, 132n, 146n, 159n, American Friends of the Israel Mu- 197, 199, 243, 244, 248, 253, 267, seum, 325 269, 270, 271, 355 American Friends of the Jerusalem American Mizrachi Woman, 355 Mental Health Center—Ezrath American Mizrachi Women, 325 Nashim, Inc., 325 American Nazi Party (see National So- American Friends of Religious Freedom cialist White Peoples' Party) in Israel, 324 American Newspaper Guild, 21 American Friends of the Tel Aviv Uni- American ORT Federation, Inc.—Or- versity, Inc., 325 ganization for Rehabilitation American Histadrut Cultural Exchange Through Training, 301 Institute, 297 American and European Friends of American-Israel Cultural Foundation, ORT, 301 Inc., 325 American Labor ORT, 301 American Israel Public Affairs Commit- Business and Professional ORT, 301 tee, 325 National ORT League, 301 American-Israeli Lighthouse, Inc., 325 Women's American ORT, 301 INDEX / 419 American Physicians Fellowship, Inc. Arens, Moshe, 260 for Medicine in Israel, 325 Argentina, 188-196, 226, 265 American Red Magen David for Israel, Foreign Ministry, 188 Inc., 326 Argentine Council of Jewish Women, American Sephardi Federation, 319 192 American Society for Jewish Music, 297 Argentine-Jewish Institute of Culture American Sociological Review, 32n, and Information, 195 33n Argentine League for the Rights of American Students in Israel, 60n Man, 188
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