A Revolutionary Organization Dedicated To Servinq The People No. 13 February 1973 109 Eost 184th Street 584-5984 7V2% RENT HIKE . Page 2 Vietnam Has Won .... Page 10 inolUfc; jbortion Victory, • Page 7 U.S. Persecutes Aliens . Page 15 WHITE LIGHTNING BULK RATE 109 EAST 184th STREET U.S. POSTAGE BRONX. N.Y. 10468 PAID BRONX. N.Y. In the 1968 Olympic Games,John Carlos and Tommle Smith gav^ the clenched fist salute while getting their medals. To many thl5 was the beginning of ''politics^* in American sports. But the real date goes back to the beginning of sports in the USA, Sports is but a mirror of society, with the same problems. Black ballplayers have always had to fight to make it (Jackie Robinson, Roberto Clemente, etc.)* But 1968 was the start of sports protest on a large scale. It led to well-known in• cidents such as Muhammed All's title being taken away and the expulsion of Vince Mattheys and Wayne Collett from the Munich Olympics. Women are struggling to be allowed to compete in cer• tain sports. Athletes are fighting for unions and bringing suits against football team owners who force players to use drugs (ups and downs). Many people have written about this side of sports: Jim Bouton, Dave Meggyesy, etc.. Most of what they said was that sports and the stereotyped athlete is the perfect American Myth. The athletes are busting the myth and fantasy of sports as something divorced from the real world. Every youth can't make it in sports! Sports is a multi-billion dollar business with the problems of racism, drugs, workers (athletes) and fans being ripped off for profits by the owners. ^'Polities'' has always been part of sports, the politics of money, competition, national hatred as in the racism of the Olympics (allowing the Olympics to be held in Nazi Germany in 1936) . The ''polities'' now entering sports involves the change to cooperation, enjoyment and international unity. Sports protests reflect the whole society by demanding roorQ Pow^r to the Pooplcf B^^l^w ^f^Mg^f^^w examples of the winds of change. fOOtBALL ^ DIIII6S Dave Meggyesy grew up on footballj it shaped his life and controlledthim. He came from a poor family and foot• ball was his way out of the life that he and millions like nim were destined for. He played 7 years for the Cardinals. He describes mends Delng used tne coaches and shot full of novlcalne when In great pain, to turn In a good day for the **team'\ He tells of the use of bar• biturates, amphetamines, and steroids (death drugs) to keep the atheletes going. "I played for approval> not AMD for any great love of the IN JMEiNORY OF game* I can^t separate the BILL WALTON game from the payoffs* ROBERTO CLEMCMTE when society changes, foot• Roberto Clemente was a sym• Bill Walton, seven foot cen• ball will be obselete." ter for UCLA•3 '72 national bol for the Puerto Rican commu• charaplonsnip team, was arrested nity and all freedom loving last May. He t^^k part in a people. He was one of the first building takeover on his campus, Puerto Rican ballplayers and al• protesting US involvement in ways a fighter against racism* He was a great player, yet the Southeast Asia* What caused sportswriters always tried to the red headed> freckled-faced deny this. star, the "All-American boy", to do this? Walton*s reply Clemente died•on a humanita• was, ''I felt we had to raise rian mission, flying food to tne consciousness of tne peo• earthquake-torn Nicarauguao ple around uso They should His first plane load was robbed realize fascism is taking over by the military regime and and we have to stop it. Samoza, the dictator of Nica- raugua. So that the supplies "After a game the press wouldn^t be robbed again, Cle• would say we won because of m<^ mente flew them personally in aftid It wasnH true. I figured an overloaded cargo plane and if they printed falsehoods about crashed. In effect, his death me, they could print anything was caused by the military they want." Bill Walton feels regime just like his struggles that Just because he plays good in baseball were caused by ball, he shouldn^t be given racism. We won't forget this. special favors and lots of money. He feels we need a new END RACIAL DISCRIMINATION system called socialism. ^DAVE MEGGYESY / REMEMBSR CL£M£NT£ FOWER TO THE PEOPLE GRAPEVINE CONDITIONS AT HAVES H.S. Last issuo wo wrote about sadistic rules & punishments In Catholic schools. A brother on 158th Street told us about some of the insanity of Father Ansaldl, Dean of Discipline at Cardinal Hayes High School. Brothers are not allowed to smoke after leaving school,un• o til they reach 149th Street ALL POWER TO THE SISTERS & BROTHERS AT COLUMBUS H.S< Sisters are not supposed to wait for friends in front of Hayes. Students have been threatened COLUMBUS GUTS with suspension for buying hot dogs from a vendor on the same side of the street as the school. Sisters and brothers at Of course, it's ties & jackets Coltimbus H.S. were really angry at all times--no matter how hot when they got their Spring it is. schedules. Students aire guilty until pro- Because of budget cuts, many von lnnocont--that is, you can Classes they wanted were axed. get expelled for any trouble with One sister has tried to get the cops. Modern Dance for over a year^ Priests like Father Ansaldi She got gym instead and it's want straight-laced robots as impossible to get it changed. Gtu<3entSt They muGt be afraid Another eister was stuck in that free thinking young people the same stupid algebra course would not ^w^llow th^ li^s ^nd for Che third time In a row. nonsense that pass for education Many classes ar^ packed with in our schools. forty or more people <> in Che words of one scudenc, WE DEMAND EDUCATION THAT RELATES "Kids refuse to go to school TO OUR LIVESI FOLCHI: because they get programs they DON'T BUY THIS PAPER." don't wantI" A Gist^r Who go^s to cnlumbug GUN HILL TENANTS High School recently told us about this incident. The princi• The united action of 90 fam• pal of Columbus, Mr. Folchi,took ilies living In conditions haz• ardous to life & health has the centerfold of White Lightning halted the outright robbery of School's A Drag" issue and put our hard earned salaries every it in the hall. He put a sign time the rent is due. above it saying,"Don't buy this Every year we pay more rent paper." He put it up a few for decreased service and no times because it was torn down repairs• The slumlord, H. Welsner every timeo & sons, will not get his rent until the second week of this We must have said something month. If he doesnH produce on true because the truth hurts, his promises, he won^t get the TENANT WINS doesn't it, Mr. Folchi? rent for March at all. City agen cies have done nothing about the broken windows, leaking roof^ A tenant who had no hot water POWER TO THE COLUMBUS STUDENTSI WE DEMAND EDUCATION THAT RELATES fallen plaster & peeling paint, for over a month has finally re• let alone the very dangerous TO OUR LIVES! ceived hot water. After receiving condition of the elevator. After a ridiculous 25<p reduction in years of off & on elevator ser rent he decided the only way to vice (people being trapped)there get some action was to with-hold was a bad fii^6 in the shaft on his rente He sent a letter to the January 30th. This criminal neglect by slumlords has got to landlord informing her of his be stopped. action. One month and a half Joining together to fight . later, his hot water pipes were for decent housing has broken fixed. down long barriers between nei• The way the tenants can win ghbors of different ages & cul- is for us to unite and attack the :ures. The struggle has streng• slumlords where it hurts the most thened people »s fe'^-ling that in unity against slumlords, we in their wallets. tenants can win. DECENT HOUSING IS A HUMAN RIGHT! Brothers At St# James Park GXTNHILL ROAD TENANTS ASSOCIATION UNITY IN THE INTERNATIONAL WOMAN'S DAY March 8, International Women's Day, is celebrated by women all over the world• It is a day to remember and continue the strug• gle for equality of women• It is the fight for equal work, equal pay, better opportunities & an end to their exploitation by the rich which led to this day* Sisters & brothers celebrate International Women's Dayl SISTERHOOD IS POWERFUL'. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE1 Pising Up i^ngry, a revolutionary organization in Chicago, re• cently held a 2 day People'o /assembly • 300 people from all over the country were there including representatives fron Viet Nam Veterans i^gainst The War, Kalamazoo, Mich., ^aukegan 111., and White Lightning. RUA'S Bob Lawson urged us all to, ''Laugh and cry with the peggl^e^ live and die with tKe people,'^ ^ ALL POWER TO ALL OFFRESSED PEOPLE! HAYES LETTER PIG SIREN The 46th precinct recently has I read tho lottor from th^ Installed new sirens in their ears COPS BUSTED WITH cer In Afalcon. She thinks she's The Siren has 3 pitches and also a got it bad.
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