Congregation Torah Ohr 19146 Lyons Road, Boca Raton, FL 33434 (561) 479-4049

Congregation Torah Ohr 19146 Lyons Road, Boca Raton, FL 33434 (561) 479-4049

February 22—28, 2019 17—23 Adar I 5779 Congregation Torah Ohr 19146 Lyons Road, Boca Raton, FL 33434 (561) 479-4049 Rabbi Benjamin S. Yasgur Rabbi Dr. Chaim Shapiro, Rabbi Emeritus Jonas Waizer, President Office Hours Mon. - Thur. 9:00am - 3:00pm 7th Annual Siyum Mishnayot Friday 9:00am - 12noon Sunday, February 24 5:00pm SHABBAT SCHEDULE Parshat Ki Tissa Early Mincha 4:30 Parasha pg. 484 Haftarah pg. 1160 FRIDAY, February 22 PLEASE SEE CALENDAR FOR EVENTS IN THE NEXT CANDLE LIGHTING THREE WEEKS Earliest 5:06pm Standard 5:59pm 3/10 Yom Iyun—Festive Breakfast and Day of Learning Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00pm 3/11 Harold Waller: “Israeli Elections: Order Out Of Chaos?” SHABBAT SHACHARIT Hashkama Minyan, Beit Midrash 7:20am 3/12 Sisterhood Mini Boutique Nusach S’fard Minyan West Wing 8:15am 3/18 Pesach Wine Orders due Main Minyan, Main Sanctuary 8:30am 3/21 Private Masquerade Ball – Purim Seudah in the CV Party Room Upstairs Minyan 9:00am 3/23 Saturday Night at the Movies: The Women’s Balcony Beit Midrash Minyan 9:45am Latest Shema 9:42am SHABBAT AFTERNOON Daf Yomi 4:10pm Pre-Mincha Shiur with Asher Herzberg Mishna Yomit 4:55pm Guest Speaker Asher Herzberg 5:10pm Shabbat Afternoon 5:10 pm Mincha followed by Seudah Shlisheet 5:40pm Ma’ariv 6:49pm From the Half Shekel to the 13 Midos: The Power of Tefillah. Shabbat Ends 6:54pm For more than 30 years Asher Herzberg has delivered Daf Yomi shiurim daily. He gives a shiur in Tefillah (Prayer) for retirees in Kew Gardens Hills, NY and other shiurim in Parashat HaShavuah, Sefas Emes, Shmiras HaLashon and more. WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Earliest Davening (Sun-Thurs) 5:42am* Earliest Tallit/Tefillin (Sun-Thurs) 6:09am* Daf Yomi 6:45am & after 7:30am Minyan Chumash Class after 8:00am Minyan Anyone who is celebrating a special occasion or observing a yahrzeit and wishes to request an SHACHARIT aliyah to the Torah, please contact the gabbai of Sunday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am your minyan in advance. If you are a new Monday 6:50am 7:30am 8:00am member, please introduce yourself to the gabbai Tuesday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am so he may honor you properly. Wednesday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am Thursday 6:50am 7:30am 8:00am —The Ritual Committee Friday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am MINCHA/MA’ARIV Rabbi BenjaminYasgur (561) 451-2566 Sunday—Thursday 6:00pm [email protected] m Repeat K’riat Shema after 6:56pm* Office Hours Monday & Wednesday 10:30am to 1:30pm Hattie Thum Women’s Tehillim Group Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00am to 12 noon Sunday, 9:00am It is advisable to call in advance for an appointment. Afternoon appointments available by request. *These are the latest times during the week Event flyers and forms can be printed from the Torah Ohr website or picked up in the shul lobby. SPONSORSHIPS SEUDAH SHLISHEET this Shabbat, February 23rd, is sponsored by Arlene and Marcos Talerman in memory of her parents, .(ע'ה and Teddy Makowsky (Tuvia ban Yosef (ע'ה Esta Makowsky (Esther bat Nachum A Year of Learning Sponsored by ע'ה Learning Friends in memory of Saul Chapman, Yisrael Kalman ben Moshe ע'ה Friends of Judy Garber in her memory, Yehudis bat Shalom A Month of Learning Sponsored by In Memory of ע'ה Bea Peyser her mother, Reizel bat Shammai 2/1-2/28 ע'ה Melvin and Haren Haller his mother, Fayge bat Yaakov 2/8-3/8 ע'ה Bea Peyser her stepfather, Avraham Michoel ben Shmuel HaLevi 2/8-3/8 ע'ה and his mother, Chienna bat Aryeh Leib ע'ה Josh and Carol Samborn his father, Shmuel Aryeh ben Baruch 2/22-3/28 A Week of Learning Sponsored by In Memory of ע'ה Evelyn and Isaac Blachor her mother, Perel Rivka 2/22-3/1 (ע'ה Betty and Howard Zavin their friend, Allan Farkas (Alter Yosef ben Pinchus 2/22-3/1 A Day of Learning Plus Torah Fund Sponsored by In Memory of ע'ה Shirley and Marvin Weinstein her father, Akiva ben Zalman Meir 2/27 A Day of Learning Sponsored by In Honor of 2/22 Terry Augenbraun his wife Hedy’s Birthday A Day of Learning Sponsored by In Memory of ע'ה Ernie Bloom his wife, Ruchama Esther bat Yakov 2/23 ע'ה Kayla and George Heino her father, Chaim Yehudah Leib ben Bezalel 2/23 ע'ה Ernie Bloom his mother-in-law, Masha bat Yitzak 2/24 ע'ה Rena and Allan Mosak her father, Meyer ben Yoseph 2/24 ע'ה Sandi and Sidney Goldschmidt her father, Moshe ben Simcha 2/28 ע'ה Judah Klein his mother, Sprinza bat Avrahom 2/28 Mazel Tov New Members Karla Gross on the marriage of her grandson Shelly and Susan Fruchter-Kramer on the birth of a great-grandson Kayla and George Heino on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Estelle and Nysen Mael on the marriage of a grandson Joan and Eric Carlsen on the marriage of a grandson Menachem Edelstein Arlene and Larry Soberman on the birth of a granddaughter Robert Goodman and Francine Cappell on the birth of his granddaughter REFUAH SHELAYMAH Malka Silver Fuchs (Malka Shoshana bat Esther Beila), Avi Gilad (Avihu ben Leah), Judy Goldman (Rivka bat Tcherna), George Heino (Rafael Yaakov Yissocher Noson ben Alta Elka), Jack Kaufman (Yaakov Yehoshua ben Bayla Gitel), Bruce Lederman (Baruch Aharon ben Bashya), Malka Levy (Malka bat Leah), Charles Meyers (Meier ben Chava), Mitchel Nerenberg (Menachem Mendel ben Leah), Margareta Neulinger (Malka bat Esther), Rabbi Chaim Shapiro (Chaim ben Mariasha Rivka), Barbara Sterman (Bracha bat Batya), Rabbi Shmuel Tokayer (Rav Shmuel ben Malka), Heni Weisfogel (Esther Hena bat Gitel), Louis Witonsky (Lavan ben Yehuda), Ernie Bloom (Shaul HaCohen ben Alta Chanah), Reuven Eliyahu ben Shaindel Malka. Mishloach Manot Pesach Wines DEADLINE EXTENDED Buy by the case and save! Orders due March 1st! Order forms in the lobby or print online. This year do a double mitzvah~ Every Mishloach Manot basket also sends Matanot l’Evyonim. Men’s Club Fundraiser Lifted From The Trash Heaps Purim Seudah Thursday, March 21 @ 4:45 pm by Sam Colman CV Clubhouse Party Room $14 ~ Available in the office $30 per person FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE FLYER Sisterhood Invites You to Join Us for The Ruth Fruchter/ Berdie Schiffenbauer Women's Amen Group Rosh Chodesh Adar II Davening and Pushka Party Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019 Time: 9:00 am Place: Congregation Torah Ohr Social Hall Refreshment Sponsors: Ileana Goldwasser, Batsheva Klein, Myrna Kosowsky, Sara Maryles, Gail Meller, Judy Poretsky, Arlene Talerman, Shirley Weinstein, and Bea Werden D'var Torah by Esther Brocha Fuchs (see flyer in lobby for more details and to RSVP) Safety Committee—Volunteers Needed Please call Jay Levy 845-721-3845 Boca Raton Regional Hospital Shabbat Room If you need the Shabbat Room over Shabbat or Yom Tov, call the hospital’s Patient Advocate Services at (561) 395-7100. This is part of the hospital’s Guest Services. AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: Any information or announcements you want to appear in the bulletin are due by Tuesday afternoon. Sponsorship forms must be completely filled in. Information received after the cutoff date may not be included in the Bulletin or made available to our Gabbaim for announcing. Example: for a Yahrzeit to be announced on a Wednesday or Thursday, the form would need to be received by Tuesday of the previous week (9-10 days before the date of the sponsorship) to allow for our Bulletin preparation time. Congregation Torah Ohr Parshat Ki Tissa February 22— February 28, 2019 פרשת כי תשא Adar I – 23 Adar I 5779 17 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Earliest Davening: 5:42am* Earliest Tallit/Tefillin : 6:09am* 22 (17 Adar I) 23 (18 Adar I) Daf Yomi: 6:45am and after 7:30am Minyan Chumash Class: After 8:00am Minyan Parshat Ki Tissa Plag (Sun-Thurs): 5:07-5:09pm Candle Lighting 7:20a, 8:15a, 8:30a, NEW TIME—Mishnah Berurah: Sun-Thurs: 50 minutes before Mincha 9:00a, & 9:45a– Shacharit 9:42a– Latest Shema Mishna Yomit: Sun-Fri: 15 minutes before Mincha●Shabbat:15 minutes before Rabbi’s shiur 5:06p– Earliest 4:10p– Daf Yomi Mincha/Ma’ariv: Sun - Thurs: 6:00p Repeat K’riat Shema: 6:56pm* with Bracha 4:55p– Mishna Yomit (*Latest time during the week) 5:59p– Standard 5:10p– Guest Speaker Asher 6:00p– Mincha Herzberg Sunday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am Wednesday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 5:40p– Mincha followed by Seudah Shlisheet Monday 6:50am 7:30am 8:00am Thursday 6:50am 7:30am 8:00am 6:49p– Ma’ariv 6:54p– Shabbat Ends Tuesday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am Friday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 24 (19 Adar I) 25 (20 Adar I) 26 (21 Adar I) 27 (22 Adar I) 28 (23 Adar I) 1 (24 Adar I) 2 (25 Adar I) 9:00a– Hattie Thum 01:11a– Israel Bonds 10:00a– Jack Prince: 10:00a– Marty Levine: 01:11a– Rabbi Benjamin Yasgur: Parshat Vayakhel Tehillim Group Breakfast “Jewish Prayer and Ethics” "Controversial Figures and "Parashat HaShavua Candle Lighting 7:20a, 8:15a, 8:30a, 4:30p– Early Mincha 11:00a– David Cheslow: Decisions in Tanach" Investigations (P.I.)” 9:00a, & 9:45a– Shacharit 5:00p– Siyum Mishnayot "Talmud Without Fear: 11:00a– Rabbi Michael 11:00a– Malka Morris: "History of Sermons: Main Shul— Kanterovitz: “Book of Kings I” 5:09p– Earliest with R’Kornblum Gemara Topics for Men & the Development of the Oral 12:00p– Pinny Davidman: Upstairs—R’Greene Mishnah Berurah Women" Law" (for women only) Bracha “Sefer Ahava: A Textual 9:38a– Latest Shema Monday - Thursday: 5:10p 00:11a– Rabbi Kenneth 11:00a– Mel Greenbaum: 6:04p– Standard Study” 4:15p– Daf Yomi 4:00p– Sisterhood Book Greene: "Where Does the "Learn to Layn" 6:05p– Mincha Mishnah Yomit 8:00p– Rabbi Josh 5:00p– Mishna Yomit Monday - Thursday: 5:45p Review P'shat End and the Drash 11:00a– Chaim Forer: “Tanya” Begin?" (Tanach required) Grajower: "Women, 12:15p– Lunch and Learn 5:15p– Shiur by Rabbi Dahan Mincha/Ma’ariv 8:00p–

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