M i n U - e d is tod to be the closest in the history of poll taking. The question being voted on is “Wh® is the most unpo­ pular boss in America?" George Steinbrenner and Frank Lorenzo are running neck and neck. The winner gets a free vacation on the North Pole for six months. and SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW V O L . 71 NO. 32 USPS 123-420 THURSDAY, MARCH I«, 19» Massage parlor case settled Candidates to face The cu e of the massage parlor such a business would not be permit­ wMch bad been operated at U 1 Val­ ted in town. b attlefield during ley Brook Avenue was settled last Lawrence H. Kalish appeared as Thursday in Lyndhunt Municipal attorney for Johnson and also repre­ com m issioner run Court when Judge James A . Breslin sented Chong Cha Kim o f New York found James Johnson of Belleville City and Lisa P ik Bahle of Long The last day for filing for the time if Commissioner James Guida guilty of leasing the house to two Island City, who operated the parlor. Board of Commissioners race on will seek re-election, Frank New Yoric women who operated die Detective James Mileski had May 9 is today, (Thursday, March Bianchi has filed. business there when he did not have signed the complaint on Dec. 6, 16, at 4 p.m.) At press deadline on The campaign will start slowly a certificate of occupancy for the 1988. Tuesday very few candidates had but will gain speed and during the operation. A spokesman for the Johnson pleaded guilty to leasing fUed. last three weeks. Lyndhurst will be a detective bureau reports that every the premises to the women without Prepared announcements for can­ battle field for the candidates. It is business must secure a certificate of applying for the necessary C O and didacy were made by Commissioner possible that this time there will be occupancy before it may be legally was fined $500 and set costs of John DiLascio, School Board mem­ Ihree full tickets in the race. One will operated. He said an application for court bers Vincent Bello and Frank Bene­ definitely be led by Mayor John detto and Jean Zdep . Gagliardi and the second. Commis­ Pipon and ‘friend’ Names mentioned as possible sioner John DiLascio. A third ticket candidates are Mayor John Gagliar­ is supposed to be in the making. complete narc training di, Commissioner Louis Stellato, The present Board of Commis­ sioners consists of Mayor John Sgt Michael Longobardi of menL An additional three officers William Gallagher, Evelyn Pezzol- Gagliardi, Commissioner Louis Hackensack, Correction Officer will train for canine patrol work at la, Peter Russo, Ted Liva and Paul Stellato, John DiLascio, James Gui­ Louis Pipon of Lyndhurst, and Cor­ the next class. Haggerty. It is not known at press da and Roseann Primerano. Com­ rection Officer Ray Noll of Ridge­ The training cost of the canine missioner Primerano announced she field Park, recently graduated from units is funded by the Sheriffs will not seek re-election. the Atlantic City Police Department Department share of money confis­ Five in field, Lyndhurst is one of the few towns cated from drug raids. ' Canine Training Center. where the Commission form of gov­ The officers and their canine part­ three spots open ernment exists. Five Commissioners Also at the graduation ceremony, ners passed an extremely rigid and are elected to four-year terms. After rigorous sixteen week training per­ Captian Blair Wolfe of WoodRidge Five candidates are left in the field the election the winning candidates received a citation for his expertise iod and established a high caliber of for election to the three seats with the select a Mayor. Each Commissioner in narcotics detection and for his expertise in the field of police canine Helen San Martino Board of Education election set for is then assigned a department and in assistance to the Atlantic City patrol work. April 4th. All three incumbents are that department he is in full charge of These canine patrol teams join the Canine Training Center. Captain San M artino receives now out of the race. Steve V. Cala- all appointments of personnel, all Wolfe is the Officer in Charge of the four narcotic detection teams of the curcio the only incumbent to file for expenditures of money and the poli­ Bergen County Sheriffs Depart- Bergen County Sheriffs k-9 Unit. reelection, dropped out last week. cy of the department ‘Caring Aw ard’ He said he had to devote more time Because of the long period lo his personal business. Benedetto a candidate On March 3; at Ramapo Col­ handicapped students. She has given between elections local politics lege the Bergen County Counselors' unselfishly of her time to help the Remaining in the contest are Lor­ activity is very quiet. Unlike Council in commissioner race and Mayor form of government Association presented their annual needy. At the ceremony Mr. Biasuc- raine Quatrone, Ronald Grillo, where the Mayor is elected by the Captain Frank Benedetto, a 19-year “Caring Award” to 36 high school ci introduced Helen’s brother Walter Charles Sieger, Edward DeNapoli no punches in his opening statement voters and two of three members of police veteran, has officially Benedetto accused Lyndhunt of students. Helen San Martino, a and sister Eleanor who accompanied and Michael Voza. The two other the seven council people face the announced his candidacy for Com­ sweeping the alcohol and drug prob­ senior at Lyndhunt High School, her. Helen plans to become a nurse. incumbents who have not filed peti­ voters each year. missioner in the Township of Lynd- was her school's recipient. Dr. John This was the 5th annual Bergen tions were Vincent Bello and Frank lem under the carpet and then went The lack of political activities in hurst Benedetto, a long-time resi­ on to say the Lyndhunt Police are in Yaegel, the coordinator, cordially County Professional Counselors’ Benedetto. Association “Caring Award” prog­ Lyndhurst has caused a great lack of dent of Lyndhunt is married to the need"of a new Commissioner, one hosted the program and presented a Bello announced his candi­ ram. The purpose is to honor those interest in the Board of Commis­ fenner Linda Alien. He and his wife who has the knowledge and the “Caring Award Plaque” to Helen dacy for the Board of Commission- students who are often overlooked sioners election. Local leaders find it have three children, Dawn, Diane, capabilities to create goals and mis­ and a certificate to Mr. Anthony Bia- ers election to be held in May. despite the time and effort they con­ very difficult to find candidates. and Rank, Jr. sions for die police and to strive for succi, L.H .S. Guidance Supervisor. Benedetto/j als0 filed for tribute to their school and communi­ Benedetto’s entry into the Com­ professionalism. Helen was nominated for the Caring the Comissioner’s race. ty. Lyndhunt is indeed fortunate to missioner's race should not surprise Award by her counselor, Mr. Ralph There has been very little public have such a special person as Helen anyone. Benedetto has been active in Lilore. campaigning by the candidates. The Benedetto’s closing remarks were San Martino. load government serving - as a only appearance so far was before straight to the point, “I believe the Helen was nominated for this school board member, past president the Lyndhurst Taxpayers citizens of Lyndhunt want an effec­ most prestigious award because Past L.H.S. recipients include and six yean as the chairperson of Association. throughout the yean she has helped Kimberly Breen, Russell Ciffo, the Alcohol, Tobacco and Drag Edu­ tive and efficient Commissioner of Voters will be asked to approve or her peer group, senior citizens and Aleece I soldi, and James Soltman. cation Committee. Public Safety and I am that person.” reject die budget for this year. It tot­ The tough and heavily exper- , . j j , i • • . als $9,402,525, an increase of over a ienced police administrator pulled Q u a t l * O n e f t l W p n a S I Z f t S l m p r O V e m e i l t million dollars over last year. Most of the increase is due to salary Lyndhunt school board candidate Quatrone describes herself as an ‘Tor this to occur we need leader­ increases and insurance policies. Lorraine Quatrone continarri her independent who is uninterested in ship and involvement — leadership N o tes I i le k * \ 1 campaign emphasizing the need for using the school board as a stepping primarily by the school board and improved leadership and involve­ stone to further political office. administrative team, and involve­ Camping 24 P A G ES ment in the district's schools. Quat­ “School and district improvement ment particularly by the teaching fro m Kditm fel............................ rone, a computer consultant, is mak­ for the benefit of my young child, staff, citizens, parents and even stu­ in w inter tW tW P llt........ ........ ____ 11 ing her fint bid for public office in our town's children and this entire dents to some degree.” Vag*hflnd¡ng ____ 11 the April 4th bawd of education community should be the only main Quatrone also expressed fiscal Boy Scouts of Troopo 81, Lynd­ th e p a st M ediad_____ _____ ____ ____ 18 hunt, recently had a winter camping election. concern of a bóardmember. It is time concerns, “Before deciding to B y Patricia Guida OhiÉBiriM .................... llim The longtime Lyndhunt taxpayer we stopped judging our schools by expend additional ptertîÈSiJ think it trip to Scout Camp NO-BE-BO- K cal Estate .
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