8272 CONGRESSIONAL BECORD-SENATE. ~fAY 8, . Also, petition of sundry citizens of the third congressional By 1\fr. TU'l'TI~E: Petitions of sundry citizens of Cranford district of Maine, fa>oring national prohibition; to the Com- and Chatham, N. J., favoring national prohibition; to the mittee on the Judiciary. _ Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. PLATT : Petition of sundry citizens of Blue Bush, Also, memorial of the Essex County Bankers' Association, of Clinton Corners, Bangall, Stamfordville, and the Woman's New Jersey, relative to bill No. 15657; to the Committee on Christian Temperance Union and sundry citizens of Circleville, Banking and Currency. all in the State of New York, favoring national prohibition; to Also, petition of sundry citizens of Plainfield, N. J., fa"Voring the Committee on the Judiciary. national prohibition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of Journeymen Barbers' Union, No. 332, Pough­ Also, petition of \arious voters of the fifth congressional dis­ keepsie, N. Y., protesting agaim~t national prohibition; to the trict of New Jersey, protesting against national prohibition; to Committee on the Judiciary. the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. POD: Petition of 26 citizens of North Carolina, fa>or­ By l\fr. ln\'DERHILL: Petitions of sundry citizens of Elmira ing national prohibition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and Elmira Heights; the Horseheads l\Iethodist Protestant By l\Ir. RAINEY : Petition of the Lick Creek General Baptist Church, of Arkport; sundry citizens of Ithaca; 1,421 citizens of Church and 24 citizens of Lick Creek, Ill., favoring national Hornell; and 150 citizens of Way:o.e Village, all in the State of prohibition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. New York, favoring national prohibition; to the Committee Also, petition of the Christian Endeavor Union of Jackson­ on the Judiciary. ville, Ill., fa>oring national prohibition; to the Committee on .Al o, petition of sundry citizens of Uas achusetts, appro>ing the Judiciary. stand taken by the President relati\e to Mexican situation; to By 1\Ir. REILLY of Connecticut: Petition of sundry citizens the Committee on Foreign Affairs. and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Meriden, Also, petition of 50 voters of the thirty-se>enth New York Conn., favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on the congressional district, protesting against national prohibition; Judiciary. to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. ROGERS: Petitions of sundry citizens of Mas achu­ By Mr. WALLIN: Petitions of >arious residents of Amster­ setts, against national prohibition; to the Committee on the dam, N. Y., against national prohibition; to the Committee on Judiciary. the Judiciary. Also, petition of >arious members of the Schenectady (N. Y.) By Mr. RUPLEY: Memorial of the Merchants' Association Typographical Union, favoring the enactment of Senate bill of New York, protesting against bills to regulate interstate busi­ 927, making lawful certain agreements, limiting injunctions, nes ; to the Committee on the ~udiciary. etc.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of the United Societies for Local Self-Govern­ Also, petition of sundry citizens of Amsterdam, N. Y., fa>or­ ment of Chicago, Ill., protesting against national prohibition; ing national prohibition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WILLIS: Petition of John Buehrle, of Bellefoutniue, Also, petition of sundry citizens of Carlisle, Pa., protesting Ohio, protesting against the adoption of Hou e joint resolution against passage of the Sunday observance bill; to the Com­ No. 168, relating to national prohibition; to the Committee ou mittee on the District of Columbia. the Judiciary. Also, petition of the Erie (Pa.) Foundrymen's Association, relative to extending time for considering bills to regulate inter tate business; to the Committee on the Judiciary. SENATE. · Also, petition of sundry citizens of Carlisle, Pa., favoring FRIDAY, May 8, 1914. passage of House bill 12928, retaining section 6, relative to Sun­ day work in post offices; to the Committee on the Post Office The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the and Post Roads. following prayer : Also, petition of ,Washington Camp, No. 58, Patriotic Order Almighty God, we come to Thee in prayer that we may faith­ Sons of America, of Johnstown, Pa., protesting against any fully and well discharge the duties of this day. May we be change in the American flag; to the Committee on the Judiciary. enabled to establish and make permanent that which is true, By Mr. SELDOMRIDGE: Petition of Kiowa County Grange~ change that which is false, and bring all facts and all ideals No. 20G, Patrons of Husbandry, favoring passage of the Bath­ to the measurement of Thine own dh~e will as revealed to us rick farm credit bill (H. R. 11897) ; to the Committee on Bank­ in Thy Word. 1\Iay we get Thy point of view, and as stewards ing and Currency. of God discharge the duties which are upon us. Abo>e all Also, petition of sundry citizens of La Junta, Colo., protest­ things, may we have the charm and blessing not only of fellow ing against passage of the Sunday-obsenance bill; to the Com­ citizenship but of brothers in a common cause, working in the mittee on the Judiciary. interests of humanity for the glory of God's Name. We ask for By 1\Ir. SELLS : Petition of the Grand Army of the Republic Christ's sake. Amen. Post of Greenville, Tenn., protesting against any change in the The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's American flag; to the Committee on the Judiciary. proceedings, when, on request of Mr. GALLINGER ·and by unani­ By Mr. SLOAN: Petition of the Spanish War Veterans of mous consent, the further reading was dispensed wHh, and the Beatrice, Nebr., favoring monthly payment of pensions; to the Journal was approved. Committee on Pensions. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Also, petition of the Civil War Veterans of Beatrice, Nebr., A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, fa\oring monthly payment of pensions; to the Committee on its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed a joint Invalid Pensions. resolution (H. J. Res. 263) designating the se<;ond Sunday in By 1\Ir. SMITH of Maryland: Petitions of sundry citizens of 1\fay as Mothers' Day, in which it requested the concurrence of Savage, Langham, Springfield, Bowie, Annapolis, Baltimore, the Senate. Eastport, and Howard County, 1\1d., favoring national prohibi­ The message also announced that the House had passed a tion; to the Committee on the Judiciary. bill (H. R. 14034) making appropriations for the naval service By l\Ir. STEPHENS of Nebraska: Petitions of 100 citizens of for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1915, and for other purposes, Wayne, 1,100 citizens of Fremont, and 400 citizens of Central in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. City, Nebr., favoring national prohibition; to the Committee El\""ROLLED BILL AND JOINT RESOLUTIO- S SIGNED. on the Judiciary. The message further announced that the Speaker of the House By 1\Ir. STEVENS of New Hampshire: Petitions and protests of Fred S. Crawford and sundry citizens of Woodsville, Man­ had signed the following enrolled bill and joint resolutions, and chester, and Benton; N. 1\I. Nutte and sundry citizens of they were thereupon signed by the Vice Pre ident: S. 5445. An act for the relief of Gordon W. Nelson; Woodsville, Bath, and Lancaster; 47 citizens of Keene; 107 S. J. Res. 97. Joint resolution authorizing the President to ex­ citizens of Concord; Berlin Central Labor Union; 38 citizens of tend invitations to foreign governments to participate in the Hillsboro; 464 citizens of Nashua; 49 citizens of Franklin, all International Congress of Americanists; and in the State of New Hampshire, against national prohibition; S. J". Res.142. Joint resolution authorizing the Vocational to the Committee on the Judiciary. Education Commission to employ such stenographic an.d clerical Al o, petitions of the Congregational Church of North Weare; assistants as may be necessary, etc. the St. James Protestant Episcopal Church, the Unitarian Con­ gregational, the First Baptist, the Grace Methodist Episcopal, PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. the First Congregational, and the Court Street Congregational The VICE PRESIDE~""T presented petitions of sundry citi­ Ohurches of Keene; and Congregational Church of Acworth, all v.ens of McKean, New Castle, Pittsburgh, and Verona, in the in the State of New Hampshire, fayoring lllltional prohibition; State of Pennsyl>ania; of New York City, N. Y.; of Rockfor<l to the Committee on the Judiciary. and Marietta, in the State of Ohio; of Cloquet, Minn. ; and of 1914- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 8273 Wheeling, W.Va., praying for the adoption of an amendment to There being no objection, the petition was referred to the the Constitution to prohibit polygamy, which were refened to Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed in the the Committee on the Judiciary. REcoRD, as follows : 1\fr. GALLINGER. I ask that a telegram which I send to the Resolution suggested for adoption by churches, young people's tlesk may be read. so.deties, clubs, and. other organizations, and by public meetings gen­ There being no objection, the telegram was read, as follows: erally. Woman's Christian Temperance Union speakers are urgently ~~qf~t~s~~u~~~e from all meetings ~hich they address the adoption [Telegram.] PonTsMouTrr, N. H., Mav 1. 1914. ((Resolved, That we are in hearty favor of national constitutional llon. JACOB H. GALLINGER, prohibition, and will do all within oul.' power to secure the adoption TVasllington, D. C.: of a.n amendment to the Constitution forever prohibiting the sale, manufacture for sale, transportation for sale, importation fol' sale.
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