·---- -- • ... ---~.....-~.............-- ,.-:-..,. ..... 01~......... ___ I •._r• --".'W"'TT ... _.. - ... February 8, 1988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1199 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, February 8, 1988 The House met at 12 noon. times to join in protecting this country. Using I urge my colleagues to join me in cospon­ The Chaplain, Rev. James David several amphibious vehicles at Guadalcanal, soring this legislation. Under the rules of the Ford, D.D., offered the following the Coast Guard participated in a mission to Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs and Coin­ prayer: extract marines from the shore where they age, any medal bill must be cosponsored by Bless all people, gracious God, who were trapped by Japanese gunfire. Amid the at least 218 Members before it may be con­ seek to honor You by honoring those spray of bullets, signalman, first class, Doug­ sidered. Members may join me as a cospon­ with whom they live or work. Enable las Munro maneuvered his vehicle to a posi­ sor by calling the subcommittee at extension us to see that we ought to praise You tion between the marines and his fellow coast 6-3280. and respect the people about us. May guardsmen. His quick and decisive action dis­ the love we offer You, 0 God, be tracted the enemy fire, allowing for the safe translated into affection and concern rescue of all of the marines. Munro lost his life ORDER OF BUSINESS and care for every person. Amen. in this effort. He was posthumously awarded Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ the Congressional Medal of Honor. imous consent that my special order While this extraordinary act of heroism has THE JOURNAL might come before that of the gentle­ been appropriately commended, I believe that man from Texas [Mr. GONZALEZ]. The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ all Coast Guard personnel are deserving of The SPEAKER. Is there objection amined the Journal of the last day's the distinction which my proposed medal will bring. On daily patrol on Long Island during to the request of the gentleman from proceedings and announces to the Wisconsin? House his approval thereof. World War II, Coast Guard seaman, second There was no objection. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the class, John C. Cullen came upon four suspi­ Journal stands approved. cious individuals. Recognizing that they were in danger of being caught, the individuals bribed Cullen to keep quiet. Cullen played IT IS TIME FOR PEACE IN THE MAKING IN ORDER ON WEDNES­ along, pretending to accept the bribe, and im­ MIDDLE EAST DAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1988, ONE mediately returned to his base to report the in­ The SPEAKER. Under a previous MOTION TO INSTRUCT CON­ cident. Cullen's skill and calm demeanor led order of the House, the gentleman FEREES, NOTWITHSTANDING to the capture of four German saboteurs who from Wisconsin [Mr. OBEY] is recog­ THE SPEAKER'S APPOINTMENT had come ashore from a German submarine. nized for 60 minutes. OF CONFEREES ON H.R. 5, The crucial responsibility of aiding the na­ Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, "courage is SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ACT tional defense does not overshadow the grace under pressure." That was OF 1987 myriad of duties which the Coast Guard un­ Ernest Hemingway's definition and for Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ dertakes daily. Among these are assisting the a generation that definition fit Israel imous consent that notwithstanding Customs Service in the war against drugs, and its leadership to a tee. the Speaker's appointment of confer­ providing education programs for boating The creation of Israel is one of the ees on H.R. 5, that one motion to in­ safety, performing rescue operations at sea, remarkable stories of the postwar era. struct conferees be in order on and striving to protect marine environments. For the world, that event in 1948 rep­ Wednesday, February 17, 1988. In 1896, for example, a schooner with nine resented the collective recognition of The SPEAKER. Is there objection people aboard was driven aground during a its responsibility for the attention, to the request of the gentleman from hurricane near the Outer Banks of North Caro­ blindness, and neglect that led to the Wisconsin? lina. Waves crashed against the vessel, break­ systematic destruction of millions of There was no objection. ing it into pieces and threatening the lives of innocent and defenseless human those aboard. The men of the Pea Island Life­ beings in the Holocaust. saving Station formed a human chain and For Jews, it represented the culmi­ MEDAL TO COMMEMORATE waded through the tumultuous waters, saving nation of efforts to finally establish a COAST GUARD BICENTENNIAL the captain, his crew of six, his wife and 3- homeland, a place to call their own, a The SPEAKER. Under a previous year-old child. nation that could provide a secure life order of the House, the gentleman The work of the Coast Guard has been, and without relying upon the sometimes from Illinois CMr. ANNUNZIO] is recog­ continues to be, an integral factor in protect­ wanting actions of other peoples and nized for 5 minutes. ing individuals and our Nation as a whole. As I other societies. Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, today I am in­ speak today, the Coast Guard is attempting to As a young teenager who was just troducing legislation to design, strike, and sell contain an oil spill in the Rosario Straits off of beginning to be conscious of world a commemorative medal honoring the bicen­ Anacortes, WA. A barge sank on Sunday, Jan­ events, I viewed David Ben-Gurion and tennial of the U.S. Coast Guard in 1990. The uary 31, 1988, carrying 384,000 gallons of oil others of and after his time as repre­ Revenue Cutter Service, the forerunner of the which could be disastrous to the marine envi­ senting the Western ideal-philosopher Coast Guard, was established in 1790. The ronment and to the surrounding area. The statesmen who were strong enough to Cutter Service was developed primarily to multifaceted role of the Coast Guard in this fight, and moral enough to never lose assist the Department of the Treasury in the type of situation includes efforts to prevent sight of their own humanity, even as enforcement and payment of customs and harm to people, marine life, and nearby com­ they fought the fight. tonnage duties. Not even a decade passed munities. Anyone who watched Israeli leader­ before these duties were dramatically expand­ These examples illustrate the important ship forge a society based on humane ed to include assisting the U.S. Navy in the roles that the Coast Guard performs for our values and democratic institutions, defense of the country. Since those early country. In 1975, the Congress passed legisla­ anyone who was familiar with the cru­ days, the responsibilities of the service have tion commemorating medals honoring the bi­ cial and leading role of American Jews continued to evolve and increase. centennials of the U.S. Army, Navy, and Ma­ in building and protecting those same The Coast Guard has been involved in virtu­ rines. I believe that the valuable work of the values and institutions here at home, ally every conflict in which U.S. military forces men and women of the Coast Guard, both could feel little but gratitude for their have been engaged, and stands ready at all past and present, equally merit this honor. role in making the world and in 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 1200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE February 8, 1988 making our own country a more en­ to that strain and narrowed Israel's Arab party. We owe it to our own con­ lightened and civilized place. ability to think through choices with science and we owe it to our friends in But as is the case with virtually any its eye on the long view. the region to proceed. great event in history, the creation of And now the West Bank and Gaza And, Mr. Speaker, we should imme­ the State of Israel created problems have exploded into violence. diately, tomorrow, insist with all the and dilemmas for others-namely, the Palestinians, many of them children, force of commitment we can display Palestinians who lived in the territory have engaged in protests on an un­ that Israel not follow through on the to be known as Israel. precedented scale in order to protest intention announced by housing ad­ Those dilemmas lead the Arab world their continuing status within the oc­ minister Levy to break ground on to a mistaken decision to meet the cre­ cupied territories. Israels reaction to three Israeli settlements near Arab vil­ ation of the State of Israel with a mili­ that explosion has left many Palestin­ lages on the West Bank. It would be tary effort to overthrow "on the ians dead, many more of them beaten, the height of irresponsibility to throw ground" the partition of Palestine hospitalized or jailed, and some of gasoline on Palestinian passions and that defined the borders of the new them under threat of deportation. we must insist that announcement not state. They lost. What we have seen and heard has be implemented. As a human being I can understand often been appalling. Mr. Speaker, there are some who the emotions that lead them to that Mr. Speaker, in reacting to the frus­ object to any criticism of Israeli policy decision, just as I can understand the tration and brutality of pa.st weeks, we or to the questioning of any increased emotions that lead the world's Jews to must-in the interest of fairness, and financial commitment to Israel in a demand the creation of Israel.
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