Chronological Discography arranger g guitar as alto saxophone 0 pipe organ bb brass bass (sousaphone/tuba) p piano bj banjo ss soprano saxophone bs baritone saxophone t trumpet c comet tb trombone cl clarinet ts tenor saxophone d drums v vocals db double bass vib vibraphone dir director vn violin f flute This chronological list contains most known releases on which Danny Barker plays and sings. Titles are given as they appear on the record labels. Where possible, the first issue number is given, but the complexity of subsequent reissues is such that these are not shown. In preparing the list much use has been made of the works cited in the acknowledgment section as well as Stagg and Crump: New Orleans: the Revival (Dublin, 1973). 1931 Ward Pinkett (t, v); Albert Nicholas (cO; Jack Russin (p); Danny ]une9 NewYork Barker(g);Joe Watts (db); Sam Weiss (d) Dave's Harlem Highlights 95337-1 Everything is okey-dokey (WP:v) Bluebird B-6144 Dave Nelson (1, v); Clarence Brereton (t); Melvin Herbert/Harry 95338-1 I'm on a see-saw (WP:v) Bluebird B-6130 Brown (t); Wilbur de Paris (tb); Buster Bailey (cl, as); Glyn Paque (cl, 95339-1 Red sails in the sunset (WP:v) Bluebird B-6131 as); Charles Frazier (ts); Wtryman Caroer (ts, f); Sam Allen (p); 95340-1 Tender is the night (WP:v) Bluebird B-6131 •Danny Barker (bj); Simon Marrero (bb); Gerald Hobson (iii 95341-1 I'mpaintingthetownred 69905-1 Somebody stole my gal Timely Tunes C-1587 (to hide a heart that's blue) Bluebird B-6130 69906-1 Rockin' Chair Timely Tunes C-1576 95342-1 Tap Room Special (Panama) Bluebird B-6193 69907-2 Loveless Love Timely Tunes C-1577 69908-2 St. Louis Blues Timely Tunes C-1588 1935 •Danny Barker maintains he was not present at this session, and Dec 27 New York that the banjoist was Arthur Taylor. The Little Ramblers Bill Dillard (1, v); Albert Nicholas (cO;Jack Russin (p); Dantry Barker 1934 (g);Joe Watts (db); Sam Weiss (d); AdrianRollini (vib) Dec28 NewYork 98398-1 The music goes 'round and Buster Bailey and his Seven Chocolate Dandies around Bluebird B-6220 Henry Allen (I); J. C. Higginbotham (tb); Buster Bailey (cO; Benny 98399-1 I'm building up to an awful Carter (as); Charlie Heal (p); Danny Barker (g); Elmer James (db); let-down Bluebird B-6232 Walter Johnson (d); Fletcher Hendmon (a) 98400-1 I'm shooting high Bluebird B-6220 16445-1 Call of the Delta Vocalion 2887 98401 -1 I've got my fingers crossed Bluebird B-6232 16445-2 Call of the Delta Columbia 35677 16446-1 Shanghai Shuffle Vocalion 2887 1936 Oct 12 New York 1935 Henry Allen and his Orchestra Jan 23 New York Henry Allen (t, v); GeneMikell(cO; Tab Smith (as); TedMcRae(ts); Henry Allen and his Orchestra Clyde Hart (p); Dantry Barker(g);John Kirby (db); Cozy Cole (d) Henry Allen (t, v); Pee Wee Erwin (t); George Washington (tb); Buster 20049-1 Midnight Blue Vocation 3339 Bailey (cO; Luis Russell (p); Danny Barker (g); Pops Foster(db); Paul zooso-1 Lost in my dreams Vocation 3340 Barbarin (d) 20051-1 Sitting on the moon Vocalion 3340 16671-1 Believe it, beloved (HA:v) Banner 33337 zoosz-r Whatcha gonna do when there ain't 16671-2 Believe it, beloved (HA:v) EpicLN-3252 no swing? Vocation 3339 16672-1 It's written all over your face (HA:v) Banner 33337 16672-2 It's written all over your face Melotone 91940 1936 t668r-I (We're gonna have) smooth Nov 17 New York sailing (HA:v) Banner 33355 Henry Allen and his Orchestra 16682-1 Whose honey are you? (HA:v) Banner 33355 Probably similar personnel to session o[Oa I2 I9J6 20267-1 Did you mean it? Vocation 3377 1935 zoz68-1 In the chapel in the moonlight Vocation 3377 Oct5 NewYork zoz6g-1 Here's love in your eye Vocation 3389 The Little Ramblers zoz 70-1 When my dream boat comes home Vocation 3389 CHRONOLOGICAL DISCOGRAPHY / 201 1936 21277-1 You'llnevergotoheaven (if Dec 29 New York you break my heart) Vocation 3594 Henry Allen and his Orchestra 21278-1 The Miller's Daughter, Marianne Vocalion 3007 Henry Allm (t, v); Tab Smith (as); Billy Kyle (p); Dan"Y Barlter (g); ?John Williams (Jh); unlmo~~>n (c~ IS, bs, d) 1937 2.0458-1 I adore you Vocation 3422 JulyY NewYork 20459-1 He ain't gotrhythm Vocalion 3432 Mills Blue Rhythm Band 2.0460-1 This year's kisses Vocation 3432 Lucky Millintkr (dir); Charlie Shaven ((}; Carl Warwick((}; Harry 20461-2 Let's put our heads together Vocation 3422 Edison ((};Alfred Cobbs (tb); Wi/burtk Paris (tb); Tab Smith (as); Ben Williams (c/, IS); Eddie Williams (ts); Harold Arnold (ts); Billy Kyle 1937 (p}; Dan"Y Barlter (g); John Williams (Jh); Lester Nichols (d); Feb 11 New York unlmown girl (v); Eli Robinson (tj) Mills Blue Rhythm Band M-545-1 Jammin' for the jackpot (ER:a) Variety 634 Lucky Millintkr (dir); Charlie Shaven ((}; Carl Wa,ick ((};Harry M-546-1 The Image ofYou (v) Variety6o4 Edison((}; San4Y Watson (tb); Wilbur tk Paris (tb); Tab Smith (as); M-547-1 When Irish eyes are smiling Variety 624 Eddie Williams (fa!); Ronald Haynes (IS); Harold Arnold (IS); Billy M-548-1 CampMeetingJamboree Variety 624 Kyle (p); Dan"Y Barker (g); John Williams (Jh); Lester Nichols (d, vib); Chappie Willet (a) 1937 M-1-2 Blue Rhythm Fantasy Variety 503 July 23 New York M-2-1 Prelude to a Stomp Variety 546 Billy Kyle and his Swing Club Band M-3-2 RhythmJam Variety 546 Charlie Shaven ((}; Tab Smith (as); Ronald Haynes (ts); Billy Kyle M-4-1 Jungle Madness Variety 503 (p); Dan"Y Barlter (g); John Williams (Jh); Fran Mar.r (d); Leon Laftll (v) 1937 M-569-1 Can I forget you? Variety 617 March 4 New York M-570-1 All you want to do is dance Variety 617 Henry Allen and his Orchestra M-571-1 Handle my heart with care Variety 659 Henry Allen (t, v); Buster Bailey (c/); Tab Smith(as); Sonny Fredericks M-572-1 Girl of my Dreams Variety 659 (ts); Billy Kyle (p); Danny Barlter (g); John Williams (Jh); Alphonse Steele(d) 1937 20759-2 Afterlast night with you Vocation 3524 Sepq New York 20760-1 Goodnight, my lucky day Vocation 3490 Henry Allen and his Orchestra 20761-1 There's a kitchen up in heaven Vocation 3490 Henry Allen (t, v); ?Giyn Paque/Edmond Hall (cO; Tab Smith (as); 20762-2 I was hom to swing Vocation 3524 Sammy Davis (ts); Billy K;yle (p); Danny Barker (g); John Williams 1937 (Jh); Alphonse Steele (d) March 18 New York 21630-2 I owe you Vocation 3704 Billy Kyle and his Swing Club Band 21631-2 Have you ever been in love? Vocation 3704 Charlie Shaven ((}; Eddie Williams (cO; Tab Smith (as); Harold 21632-1 Is it love or infatuation? Vocation 3690 Arnold (ts); Billy Kyle (p); Dan"Y Barker (g); John Williams (db); 21633-2 Can I forget you? Vocation 3690 O'Neill Spencer (d); the Palmer Brothen (v) M-278-1 Sundays are reserved (PB:v) Variety 574 1937 M-279-1 Havin' a ball Variety 574 Sept 10 New York M-280-2 Big Boy Blue (PB:v) Variety 531 Chu Berry and his Stompy Stevedores M-281-1 Margie Variety 531 Irving Randolph((}; KegJohnson (tb); ChuBerry (ts); Ben"Y Payne(p, v); Danny Barker(g); Milt Hinton (Jh); Leroy Maxey (d) 1937 M-622-1 ChuberryJam Columbia37571 April28 NewYork M-623-1 Maelstrom Columbia 37571 Mills Blue Rhythm Band M-624-1 My Secret Love Affair (BP:v) Variety 657 Lucky Millintkr (dir); Charlie Shaven ((}; Carl Wa,.ick ((};Harry M-625-1 EbbTide Variety657 Edison((}; Alfred Cobbs (tb); Wilbus tk Paris (tb); Tab Smith (as); Ben Williams (cl, ts); Eddie W.1liams (ts); Harold Arnold (ts); Billy Kyle 1937 (p); Danny Barker (g); John Williams (Jh); Lester Nichols (d, vib); Dec 10 New York Chuck Richards (v) Cab Calloway and his Orchestra M-429-1 The Lucky Swing Variety 604 Cab Calloway (v, dir); Shad Collins((}; Irving Randolph((}; Lammar M-430-1-2 Please pity my heart (CR:v) Rejected Wright((}; Claude Jones (tb); KegJohnson (tb); DePriest Wheeler(tb); M-431-1 Let's get together (LN:vib) Variety 604 Chauncey Haughton (c/, as); Aadrew Brown (cl, as); Ben Webster(ts}; M-432-1-2 Since I've heard it from you Rejected Walter Thomas (ts); Bennie Payne (p, vib); Danny Barker (g); Milt Hinton (db); Leroy Maxey (d) 1937 M-690-1-3 Every day's a holiday (CC:v) Vocation 3896 April29 NewYork M-691-2-3 Jubilee (CC:v) Vocation 3896 Henry Allen and his Orchestra M-692-1 In an old English village Henry Allen (t, v); Glyn Paque (c/); Tab Smith (as); Harold A mold (CC:v) Vocation 3912 (ts}; Luis Russell (p); Danny Barker (g); John Williams (Jh); Paul M-693-1 Oustan)errorinthenews Barbarin (d) (CC:v) Vocation 3912 21070-1 Sticks and Stones Vocation 3564 M-694-1 A Minot Breakdown (Rusrle of 21071-I-2 Meet me in the moonlight Vocation 3574 Swing) Rejected 21072-1 Don'tyou care what anyone M-695-1 Bugle Blues Vocation 4019 says? Vocation 3574 2 1073-1 A Love Song of Long Ago Vocation 3564 1938 Jan 26 New York 1937 Cab Calloway and his Orchestra June 19 New York Same personnel as session ofDec 10 1937 Henry Allen and his Orchestra M-743-1 OneBigUnionforTwo(CC:v) Vocation 3970 Same personnel as session ofApri/29 193 7 M-744-1 Doing the reactionary (CC:v) Vocation 3970 21275-2 Till the clock strikes three Vocation 3607 M-745-2 Rusrle of Swing Vocation 4144 21276-2 The Merry-go-round broke down Vocation 3594 M-746-1 Three swings and out Vocation 3995 202 / A LIFE IN JAZZ M-747-I l like music (with a swing M-gro-1 Tee-urn, tee-urn, tee-i, Tahiti like that) (CC:v) Vocation 3995 (CC:v) tee-i, Tahiti M-748-I Foolin'withyou(CC:v) Vocalion 40I9 M-911-I Angels with dirty faces Oune Richmond:v) Vocalion 4498 1938 March 23 New York 1938 Cab Calloway and his Orchestra Nov9 NewYork Samepenonne/ as session of Dec 101937 Ethel Waters, accompanied by Eddie Mallory and his Orchestra M-787-I Azure Vocation 4100 Ethel Waten (v); Eddie Mallory(!); Shirley Clay (t.); Tyree Glenn (tb, M-788-I
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