1914 Sept. 26 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 They're for progress, not partisanship. I want to say a special word of appreciation They're for people, not politics.1 for the life and career of a man who has been If you do that, we're going to have a stun- my friend for more than 25 years, Henry B. ning victory in NovemberÐagainst all the Gonzalez. You can be really proud of what tide of history, and against all the money and he has done. all the midterm arguments they can make, And I want to thank my friend Ann Rich- because it's the right thing for our country, ards for finding ways to say things no one for our children, and for our future. else can say that make a point no one could Thank you, and God bless you. misunderstand. [Laughter] She's unbeliev- able. NOTE: The President, spoke at 9:42 p.m. at a pri- vate residence. In his remarks, he referred to din- I want to tell you why I wanted to come ner hosts Haim and Cheryl Saban; musician Mi- here today, for reasons other than the fact chael McDonald; California gubernatorial can- that Garry Mauro has been my friend since didate Lt. Gov. Gray Davis and his wife, Sharon; 1972. Phil Angelides, candidate for State treasurer; Audience member. Mango ice cream! Leonard Barrack, national finance chair, and The President. And the mango ice cream. Steve Grossman, national chair, Democratic Na- tional Committee; and Ron Burkle, chairman, [Laughter] Yucaipa Companies. A portion of these remarks First of all, many of you whom I've already could not be verified because the tape was incom- met have said some wonderful personal plete. things to me about my family, and I thank you for that. You know, it's easy to forget in Washington, but Presidents and their fam- Remarks at a Reception Honoring ilies are still people, and it meant more to Gubernatorial Candidate Garry me than you'll ever know, and I thank you Mauro in San Antonio, Texas for that. September 27, 1998 But I also want to tell you that I des- perately want this election year, all across The President. Thank you very much. America and in Texas, not to be about what's Audience member. Don't give up! The President. Well, ladies and gentle- going on in Washington, DC, but what's menÐyou don't have to worry about me giv- going on in San Antonio, in El Paso, in ing up. [Applause] Thank you. Garry Mauro Lufkin, and towns like them all over America. promised me that if I came to Texas in the You know, this is still a democracy; you're wake of all this controversy, I would get a still in the driver's seat, but you have to get warm welcome. And he nearly overdid it behind it and drive if you want to be heard. today. [Laughter] Now, I ran for PresidentÐI started almost It's great to be back here. I want to thank 7 years agoÐin just about a week it will be Frank Herrera and his whole family for mak- the 7th anniversary of my declaration for ing us feel so welcome at their humble little President. When I started, nobody but my homestead here. We ought to give him a wife and my mother thought I could win. hand. Thank you. [Applause] I had a lot of good friends in Texas and got I want to thank all the people who pro- two-thirds of the vote in the Democratic pri- vided our music and catered our food and mary here on Super Tuesday, and it cata- made this such an enjoyable occasion. I want pulted me on. to thank the candidates who are here who Now, I ran for President because I wanted are running for officeÐJim Mattox, Charlie to make this country work for ordinary citi- GonzalezÐRichard Raymond is not hereÐ zens again; because I wanted us to be a lead- Joe Henderson. I want to thank Molly Beth er for peace and prosperity and freedom in Malcolm, your State chair, and all the mem- the rest of the world, to which we're closer bers of the Texas House and Senate who are and closer tied; and because I wanted to here. bring this country together in a spirit of har- mony and unity across all the lines that divide 1 White House correction. us. Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Sept. 27 1915 And in the last 6 yearsÐGarry mentioned If that happens, it will hurt Texas very, very it, but I just want to reel it off to youÐwe badly, and our economy. tested the ideas that we brought to Washing- You see terrorism throughout the world; ton. They're no longer the subject of debate. you see people fighting with each other If you believe elections are about ideas, throughout the world because of their racial, ideals, and the impact they have on ordinary their ethnic, religious differences. We have people, in every election in this country, and challenges, and we have challenges at home. in every election in Texas, you ought to tell And the real question in this election in people we have the lowest unemployment America and in Texas is, what are we going rate in 28 years, the lowest crime rate in 25 to do with this moment of prosperity? years, the smallest percentage of people on This is Sunday, so I'll just make one Bib- welfare in 29 years. And Wednesday we'll lical reference. One of the most successful have the first balanced budget and surplus leaders in the Bible was Joseph. And what in 29 years. did he do? When Egypt was fat and sassy, But the real question is what will we do he saved the grain. He made all those people with it. I want you to remember what Garry go out and work and do things they'd just said today. Our enemy is not adversity. Look as soon not do. And they said, ``This Joseph, at this crowd. Feel your own enthusiasm. Re- why doesn't he let up on us?'' But when the member what many of you said to me today. famine came, the people of Egypt were all Adversity is our friend. It forces us to dig right because a true leader did something in deep, to ask ourselves what we believe in, good times, understanding change. what kind of people we are, what kind of When people ask you about Garry Mauro, you tell them about Joseph, and tell them people we want to be, where we want to go, what a mistake it would be for Texas to say, and what we want to do with our lives. Adver- ``We're just going to stand pat because things sity is our friend. Our enemies are compla- are good; who cares if anybody does any- cency and cynicism. Those are our enemies, thing? As long as I feel good, everything is and don't misunderstand it. all right.'' The biggest problem Garry Mauro has got Let me tell you what's going on in Wash- in this election is if people think, ``Well, ington. I believe as strongly as I can say that things are going well. Why do anything?'' A we have to use these good times as a respon- lot of people think, ``I had a tough time in sibility to look to the future and deal with the eighties, and things are going well now, our challenges. Let me just mention four of and why don't we just relax and let things them. Number oneÐand I'll compare the rock along?'' And I can tell you that's appeal- positions of the two parties. Number one, ing, but it's wrong. In Washington people Wednesday we're going to have the first bal- think, ``Things are going well; why don't we anced budget and surplus for 29 years. I've fight with each other and see who we can worked hard for it for the last 6 years. hurt?'' [Laughter] And it's tempting, but it's In 1993 we had a vote without a single wrong. It's wrong because the world is Member of the other partyÐnot a oneÐthat changing very fast. passed by one vote in both Houses, that I just got back from Silicon Valley, where brought the deficit down over 90 percent be- all those computer companies are born, you fore we passed the bipartisan balanced budg- know? Those people change for a living every et amendment. And that started this recov- day at blinding speed. But they understand ery. Now, the guys that didn't vote to balance something a lot of our fellow Americans the budget say, ``Well, we're going to have don't, which is the world is changing for ev- a surplus for the first time in 29 years; let's eryone. You pick up the papers; you know give everybody an election-year tax cut 6 that we've got economic problems in Japan weeks before the election.'' Now, it's very and the rest of Asia. There's a real risk that popular. It's very popular, but it's dead it will spread to our friends in Mexico and wrong. And I'll tell you why. throughout Latin America who are doing a Number one, it's wrong because the rest pretty good job managing their economies.
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