Mining of “Marble (Minor Minerals) (M.L.Area-3.35 Ha.) Village - Bayal, District-Mahendergarh, Haryana by Mr. Satish Kumar Garg S/o Shri Ajudhya Prasad 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Proponent:Mr. Satish Kumar Garg S/o Shri Ajudhya Prasad 1.2 Name of the Project:Mining of Marble (minor minerals) at Village - Bayal, District - Mahendergarh, Haryana of area - 3.35 Ha, of Production Capacity = 1,00,000 MTPA [60,000 MTPA (Interburden/Weathered Rock/Marble lumps/marble khanda) & 40,000 MTPA (Marble blocks)] 1.3 Location: Village - Bayal, Tehsil – Narnaul, District-Mahendergarh, Haryana Khasra No:-212 Mahendergarh,Haryana 1.4 Project Category as per EIA Notification: Cat “B2” 2 Marble Mining Details(As per Mining Plan) Open cast mine with bench height shall be 3 m overall pit slope will be 45 deg. There shall be 18 no of benches. Ultimate excavation will be upto 400mrl and 346 mrl. Blasting will be done for overburden. Drill Holes of 100 mm dia with depth of 3m with spacing burden pattern at grid of 3m*2m is proposed. Delay Detonators will be used at the time of Blasting. 2.1 Raw Material Required Along With Estimated Quantity, Likely Source, Marketing Area of Final Product/s, mode of Transport of Raw Material and Finished Product No raw material will be required in the proposed project. The operation involves the excavation of Marble mineral in its existing form and transported to the users. A. The Mineral production (MT) for the Next 5 years is given below: Table 1.2: Year Wise Production Year Bench RL (m) Interburden/ Weathered rock/ Marble Marble blocks in MT lumps/ Marble Khanda in MT 1st 400m RL to 394m RL 60,000 40,000 2nd 400m RL to 391m RL 60,000 40,000 3rd 400m RL to 388m RL 60,000 40,000 4th 400m RL to 388m RL 60,000 40,000 5th 400m RL to 388m RL 60,000 40,000 Source: As per the Mining Plan and Progressive Mine Closure Plan B. Power All the activities will be carried out in a mechanized manner. The material will be excavated and loaded directly into, dumpers tractors-trolley etc by the diesel run excavator cum loaders. The operation will be done in one shifts. The required electricity for lighting and fan arrangement will be made as per MMR 1961, Regulation 146. C. Extent of Mechanization The machineries required for mining are tabulated below. The detailed most of the machine are proposed to be deployed on the hire basis. Table 1.5: Extent of Mechanization S. No. Equipment Size Nos. PREPARED BY: ANURADHA SHARMA (FAE-RH, CAT”A”) 2 Mining of “Marble (Minor Minerals) (M.L.Area-3.35 Ha.) Village - Bayal, District-Mahendergarh, Haryana by Mr. Satish Kumar Garg S/o Shri Ajudhya Prasad 1. Diesel back hoe 1.1 cu.m 1 2. Rear dumpers 10 MT 5 3. Drill 110mm 1 4. Drill 33mm 1 5. Water tanker with sprinkler 10 KL 1 6. Tractor 50 HP 1 7. Tractor mounted compressor 80 HP 1 8. Jeep/ Van Mahindra 1 Source: Mining Plan with Progressive Mine Closure Plan D. Land Use Pattern of Mine Area There is no habitation within allotted area. Table 1.6: Land Use Pattern S. No. Particulars Present Land Use (ha) At the end of mining year(ha) 1. Quarry area 0.22 1.95 2. Infrastructure 0 0.03 3. Kutcha road 0.26 0.26 4. Agriculture 0 0 5. Plantation 0 0.70 6. Water body 0 0 7. Habitation 0 0 8. Undisturbed land 2.87 0.41 9. OB dump - - Total 3.35 3.35 E. Amenities/Facilities Manager's Office To produce some 1,00,000 tones of Marble. The activities shall be supervised by one competent person i.e. Mines Manager, one Mining Mate cum blaster to supervise the drilling and blasting operation. Since this is very small mines. The office of Manager 5 x 3 mtrs shall also provide accommodation for supervisory staff as well. Canteen -cum-rest shelter In order to provide the rest shelter for the personnel working in the mine and also to provide tea/refreshment etc.as per the Mines act,1952. The arrangement shall be made to install a rest shelter-cum-canteen as shown in plate no.4 and shall be utilized by the workers. The rest shelter will be for having rest during the lunch hours by the operators/ labor. The size of rest shelter shall be about 5 x 3 meter to accommodate the working labours. Store Since the mining operation will involve heavy earth moving machinery, a small storeroom will be provided for day to day operations. No provisions for a separate workshop is being made as the heavy repairs will be carried out elsewhere. First Aid Room To provide the first aid for any sort of injuries encountered during the mining operation, one small first aid room shall be provided . First aid kit and sufficient stock of material / medicines needed for first aid shall be provided as per requirement. As the mining engineer / Manager and mining mates are qualified first aiders they can provide first PREPARED BY: ANURADHA SHARMA (FAE-RH, CAT”A”) 3 Mining of “Marble (Minor Minerals) (M.L.Area-3.35 Ha.) Village - Bayal, District-Mahendergarh, Haryana by Mr. Satish Kumar Garg S/o Shri Ajudhya Prasad aid to the injured on the spot. More ever the Govt. Hospitals is there at Nangal Chaudhary and Nangal Chaudhary which are just 6 Kms and 25 km. respectively from the mine and necessary medical aid can be provided from there. V.T. Center Necessary arrangement will be made for conducting refresher course as laid down in Mines vocational training rules. Water Supply The water supply for drinking purpose proposed as well as for dust supressionis proposed to be done through hired tankers. 3.0 Risk Assessment Mining are associated with several hazards that pose impacts on employees & surrounding area necessitating adequate implementation of Safety and health measures. Hence, mine safety is one of the most essential aspects 3.1 Site Specific Hazard Identification (HAZID): Site Specific Major Risks involved in Marble Mining are following: 1. Physical Hazards(Slip/TripFall) due to marble cutting 2. Mechanized Heavy Machinery Failure 3. Top Soil Erosion 4. Water Accumulation During Rainy Season and Flood 5. Occupational Health Hazard due to Inhalation of Dust 6. Physical Vibration Hazards due to Blasting Impact Zone 7. Natural Hazards(Mahendergarh District) Earthquake Floods Fires Drought Road/ Rail Accidents Industrial/ Chemical Accidents Extreme Temperature Lightening and Hailstorm Nuclear/ Terrorist Attack 3.2 Natural Hazards in Mahendergarh District Owing to its geographical location, climatic conditions, modes of development Mahendergarh is prone to multiple hazards listed below: 3.2.1Earthquakes Mahendergarh falls in earthquake hazard Zone- III. Moreover it is situated on Jaipur depression.Mahendergarh has faced an earthquake of 5.2 rector scale in 1998. The risk of earthquakes further increases owing to following fault lines passing through district: • Jaipur Depression below Mahendragarh PREPARED BY: ANURADHA SHARMA (FAE-RH, CAT”A”) 4 Mining of “Marble (Minor Minerals) (M.L.Area-3.35 Ha.) Village - Bayal, District-Mahendergarh, Haryana by Mr. Satish Kumar Garg S/o Shri Ajudhya Prasad • Mahendragarh-Dehradun fault • Delhi-Haridwar Ridge passing under Mahendragarh • Exis of Delhi Folding passing under Mahendragarh towards Rohtak • Sohna Fault passing from Sohna towards Delhi • Delhi Muradabab fault zone passing from muradabad towards Mathura • Mathura Fault Passing from Mathura towards Panipat These faults line increases the probability and severity of Earthquakes. Figure 2.1: Earthquake Zone and Fault lines, Mahendergarh Source: Seismotectonic Atlas of India) Earthquake History around Mahendergarh District Long(D Magnit Sr.no Date Time Lat(de eg. Depth ude Station Name g. N) N) KM 1 28/01/2012 23:24:52 28.8°N 76.7°E 10 3.5 ROHTAK- SONIPAT DISTT BORDER REGION,HARYANA 2 29/01/2012 21:37:05 28.8°N 76.8°E 10 3.2 ROHTAK- SONIPAT DISTT BORDER REGION,HARYANA PREPARED BY: ANURADHA SHARMA (FAE-RH, CAT”A”) 5 Mining of “Marble (Minor Minerals) (M.L.Area-3.35 Ha.) Village - Bayal, District-Mahendergarh, Haryana by Mr. Satish Kumar Garg S/o Shri Ajudhya Prasad 3 05/03/2012 07:41:05 28.7°N 76.6°E 16 5.0 HARYANA - DELHI BORDERREGION 4 17/05/2062 13:39:19 28.9° N 76.7°E 27 3.5 DISTT.ROHTAK, HARYANA 5 13/06/2012 03:16:03 28.7° N 76.6°E 10 2.8 ROHTAK, HARYANA 6 19/06/2012 14:00:08 28.7° N 76.6°E 5 3.8 DISTT. JHAJJAR, HARYANA 7 22/06/2012 02:44:42 29.0°N 77.1°E 07 3 SONIPAT, HARYANA 8 22/06/2012 04:38:47 29.0° 77.0°E 15 3.4 SONIPAT, HARYANA 9 19/11/2012 06:25:21 28.7° N 76.6°E 5.0 3.5 DISTT ROHTAK, HARYANA 10 19/12/2012 22:32:00 28.6°N 76.8°E 10 2.9 DISTT JHAJJAR, HARYANA 11 20/12/2012 03:44:15 28.6° 76.7°E 20 2.7 DISTT JHAJJAR, HARYANA 3.2.2 FLOODS There are two seasonal rivers of this district are namely The Krishnawati and The Dohan Theses rivers enter in district Mahendergarh from Rajasthan State. Now Rajasthan State has constructed Dams on these rivers. So there are less possibility of over flow of water in these rives. In view of the past experience and the prevailing condition of this district.
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