ndd- 7~/d- The Alaskan Mineral Resource Assessment Program: Background Information to Accompany Folio of Geologic and Mineral Resource Maps of the Tanacross Quadrangle, Alaska By H. L. Foster, N. R. D. Albert, D. F. Barnes, G. C. Curtin, Andrew Grixom, D. A. Singer, and J. G. Smith GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 734 United States Department of the Interior THOMAS S. KLEPPE, Secretary Geological Survey V. E. McKehrey, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Foster, Helen Laura, 1919- The Alaskan mineral resource assessment program. (Geological Survey Circular 734) Bibliography: p. 20 1. Geology-Alaka-Tanacross region. 2. Mines and mineral resources-Alaska-Tanacross region. I. Foster, Helen Laura, 1919- 11. Series: United States Geological Survey Circular 734. QE75.CS no. 734[QE84.T27] 557.3'08s[SS3'.09798] 76608228 Free on application to Branch of Distribution, U.S. Geological Survey. 1200 South Eaas Street, Arlington, VA 22202 CONTENTS Abstract ----__----------------------2----------m------------------- - ---------------- -- Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose and scope ------------------------------L--------------------2A----------- Geography and access ----_--_-_---_-LL_---~--------L2--~u------------------------ Mineral production and exploration --I--------------------------------------------- Acknowledgments. ................................................................ Geolog~clnvestlgat~ons ................................................................ Previous geologic and mineral resource investigations -_---_-__-----_--__-L__----~-- Premnt study -I----L_-_--_-_-L_-------------------------------------------------- Geology of the Tanacross quadrangle .............................................. Potassium-argon ages from the Tanacross quadrangle ---7-------------------------- Description of component map of the Tanacross quadrangle folio ------- --------------- -- 7 Geology (Map 1-593) ........................................ 7 Felsic volcanic rocks _--_~-----_--_-_-__--------------~-----------------------7 Mafic volcanic rocks -----~l---_A-L-_-__--------------- 10 Syenite of Mount Fairplay ------------------------------I------2----L--------u Geophysics ------------ _-_--------- -- - -- --- -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - Aeromagnetic map and interpretation (Map MF-767A, 2 sheets) ---------------- Gravity map (Map MF-767B) .................................................. Interpretation of Landsat imagery (Map MF-767C, 3 sheets) ........................ Land status (Map MF-767D) ...................................................... Mineral resources (Map MF-767E) ................................................ Reconnaissance geochemistry (Maps MF-767F-0) .................................. Collection of samples ------------------I----I-LL------------------------------- . Descnptlon of sample media .................................................. Preparation and analysis of samples----------------a-------------2------------- ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 1. Index map showing location of Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska .................................. 2 2. Map showing physiographic provinces of the Tanacross quadrangle and its location in relation to major faults ............................................ 2 3. Map showing potassium-argon ages of rocks from the Tanacross and southern Eagle quadrangles -------- 5 4. Index map showing localities where revisions are made to the Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska (Foster, 1970) ........................................................8 5-12. Maps showing: 5. Revisions in the northwest corner of the Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska (Foster, 1970) _--_---_-_-----_-----------------------9 6. Revisions in the west-central part of the Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska(Foater, 1970) ---__--_-__-_--_-------------I-----~--L- 10 7. Revisions in the southwest corner of the Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska (Foster,1970) -----__-_L_--__-_--------------~--------L 11 8. Revisions in the north-central part of the Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska (Foster, 1970) _~----------------1-----~L~LL------------------------ 12 FIGURES5-12. Maps showing--Continued Page 9. Revisions in the east-central part of the Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Tanacroaa quadrangle, Alaska (Foster, 1970) ........................................ 12 10. Revisions in the southeastern part of the Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska (Foster, 1970) ........................................ 13 11. Revisions in the south-central part of the Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska (Foster, 1970) ----------------L--l------------------- 14 12. Revisions in the northeastern corner of the reconnaisance Geologic Map of the Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska (Foster, 1970) ......................................... 15 13. Explanation for figures showing corrections to the Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska (Foster, 1970) -----------_-------m---------------------2---------------------------------L 16 TABLES Page TABLE1. Component maps of the Tanacross quadrangle mineral resource assessment ---------------------------.-1 2. Potassium-argon ages, Tanacross and southern Eagle quadranglea, Alaska -----_--------------------------- 6 The Alaskan Mineral Resource Assessment Program: Background Information to Accompany Folio of Geologic and Mineral Resource Maps of the Tanacross Quadrangle, Alaska By H. L. Foster, N. R. D. Albert, D. F. Barnes, G. C. Curtin, Andrew Griscom, D. A. Singer, and J. G. Smith additional field and laboratory studies. The Tan- The Tanacross quadrangle, consisting of 17,400 km2 (6,700 across quadrangle is the result of a multidisci- mi2) in east-central Alaska, was investigated by an interdis- plinary study and evaluation in a very poorly ciplinary research team for the purpose of assessing the min- exposed but highly complex geologic terrane eral resource potential of the quadrangle. This report provides which has had only reconnaissance-type geologic the background information for a folio of maps on the geology, geophysics, reconnaissance geochemistry, Landsat imagery, mapping. and mineral resource evaluation of the quadrangle. Revisions GEOGRAPHY AND ACCESS to the previously published geologic map of the Tanacross The Tanacross quadrangle covers approxi- quadrangle, 18 new potaasiurn-argon ages, and a comprehen- sive bibliography are also included. mately 17,400 km2 (6,700 mi2) in east-central INTRODUCTION TABLE1.Xomponent maps of the Tanacross quadrangle mineral resource assessment PURPOSE AND SCOPE This circular, together with a separately avail- Map Subject able folio of maps of the Tanacross quadrangle, (I S Geologrcal Survej M~scelloneour Orologrcol I~l~zstrgotfons11, Mop Alaska, is one of a series of U.S. Geological Sur- vey reports intended to provide information for 1-593 (Foster. 1970) ........................ Reconnaissance geology. U.S. Geologicul Surrrry Mis~.ellaneous formulating a sound long-range national miner- Field Studies (MF)Map MF-767-A (Grincorn. 1976) ................ Aeromagnetlc map and inter- als policy to aid in Federal, State, and local land- pretation. B (Barnes, 1976) ..................... Gravity map. use planning, to provide significant data for min- CJ(Albert and Steele, 1976) .......... Interpretations of satellite Imagery. erals explorations, and to increase the geologic D (Duacl, 1916) ........... Land atatus. E (5lnger and others, 1976) .......... Mineral resources. understanding of the area. The work was carried F (Curt~nand others, 1976a).......... Geochemical distribution and abundance of co per out under the Alaskan Mineral Resource Assess- G (Curtin and others, 1916b)......... C*ochemieal distrigutibn and by abundance of molybdenum. ment Program (AMRAP), authorized Congress H (Curtm and others. 1976~).......... Geochemical distribution and abundance of lead. to begin on July 1, 1974. I (Curtin and others, 1976d) Geochemical distribution and The Tanacross mineral resource assessment abundance of zinc. J (Curtln and others, 1976e) ......... Geochemical distribution and abundance of arsenic and consists of this circular, a previously published mcrcury. geologic map, geophysical and geochemical maps, K (Curtin and others, 1976f~.......... Geochemical distribution and abundance of tin.--- L (Curtin and others, 1976g) ....... Geochemical distribution and interpretations of satellite imagery, and an abundance of beryllium. M (Curtin and others, 1976h).......... Anomalous distribution of analysis of the mineral endowment (table 1). copper and molybdenum. N (Curlln and others, 1976i) .......... Anomalous distribution of Many of the basic data for this report were col- lead and zinc. lected prior to July 1, 1974. Since then, an inter- 0 ITripp and others. 1976) ............ Minoralogical and geochemi- cal data for heavy-mineral disciplinary team of scientists has carried on concentrates. FIGURE1.-location of Tanacross quadrangle, Alaska. Alaska (fig. 1) between lat 63' and 64" N. and long 141" and 144" W. Three major physiographic provinces are included in the quadrangle: the xugged glaciated mountains of the eastern part of the Alaska Range, the plains and low rolling hills of the Northway-Tanacross Lowland, and the un- glaciated, maturely
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