Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.28.1.139 on 1 January 1966. Downloaded from Brit. HeartJ., 1966, 28, 139. CASE REPORT Combined Mitral and Pulmonary Valve Stenosis R. M. McCREDIE* AND J. G. RICHARDS From the Hallstrom Institute of Cardiology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia The incidence of pulmonary valve involvement in an enlarged heart with prominence of the left atrium and rheumatic heart disease is estimated at less than 2 per of the main pulmonary artery. There was early septal cent in most necropsy series (Cabot, 1926; Clawson, cedema at the lung bases and diminished pulmonary 1940), but the occurrence of hmmodynamically signifi- vascular markings in the lower zones. This was thought cant rheumatic pulmonary stenosis is very rare. Of the to be consistent with mitral valve disease with pulmonary few reported cases of pulmonary stenosis in chronic hypertension, but it was noted that the pulmonary artery rheumatic heart disease, most have been cases of quadri- was larger than is usually seen in this situation. Heemo- valvular stenosis recognized only at necropsy (Shattuck, globin was 12-7 g./100 ml., white cell count 9200, E.S.R. 1891; Schwartz, and Shelling, 1931; McGuire and Mc- 37 mm. in 1 hour (Westergren), blood urea 42 mg./ Namara, 1937; Clawson, 1940; Hardin and Daniels, 100 ml.; negative investigations included urinary 5- 1942). The association of severe pulmonary stenosis hydroxy-indole acetic acid, anti-streptolysin titre, with severe mitral stenosis in the absence of evidence of Casoni, and Wasserman reactions. organic aortic or tricuspid valve involvement has not Cardiac catheterization was performed in September been reported. In the present case this combination 1962. The results are set out in the Table. The left of valve lesions was diagnosed at cardiac catheterization heart was catheterized using the transseptal approach and and treated with combined pulmonary and mitral valvo- the diagnosis of mitral stenosis confirmed. The mean tomy, with temporary relief of symptoms. diastolic gradient across the mitral valve was 23 mm. http://heart.bmj.com/ Hg and the mitral diastolic valve area was calculated by the Gorin formula at 1 1 cm.2. The right side of the Case Report heart was also catheterized and an unexpected finding was a gradient across the pulmonary valve, the mean A 41-year-old rural worker was admitted to hospital in systolic gradient being 46 mm. Hg. There was mode- September 1962 with an 8-week history of congestive rate rise in pulmonary vascular resistance. heart failure. His presenting symptoms were fatigue Results of respiratory function tests showed that, and ankle swelling, with only moderate dyspncea and no apart from some increase in residual volume, lung orthopncea. He had had rheumatic fever 15 years before volumes were normal. Pulmonary diffusing capacity on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. and bronchitis 2 years earlier. Otherwise he had been for carbon monoxide and the diffusing capacity of the in good health. pulmonary membrane were slightly reduced and pul- His blood pressure was 160/100 mm. Hg, his pulse monary capillary blood volume was very much reduced. normal and regular with a rate of 100 a minute, and Selective cine-angiocardiography was performed in jugular venous pressure was 6 cm. above the sternal October 1962 with injection of contrast material into the angle with a dominant "a" wave. There was a hyper- right ventricle (Fig. 3), and the findings at cardiac cathe- dynamic right ventricular impulse and pulsation over the terization were confirmed. The right ventricular out- pulmonary artery. At the apex there was a full-length flow tract was clearly delineated and during systole the mid-diastolic murmur with presystolic accentuation and typical dome-shaped appearance of severe pulmonary a systolic murmur maximal at the left sternal edge. valve stenosis was seen; there was also moderately severe The pulmonary closure sound was very loud and an narrowing in the subvalvular region during systole, with early diastolic murmur was heard along the left sternal relaxation during diastole. The mitral valve was clearly edge. No opening snap was audible. seen in later frames, and confirmed the severe mitral Electrocardiogram (Fig. 1) showed sinus rhythm with stenosis. severe right ventricular hypertrophy and evidence of Operation was performed in October 1962, and a com- biatrial hypertrophy. Chest radiograph (Fig. 2) showed bined attack on both mitral and pulmonary valves was made under cardiopulmonary bypass. There was * Research Fellow, National Heart Foundation ofAustralia. moderately severe stenosis of the mitral valve with heavy 139 Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.28.1.139 on 1 January 1966. Downloaded from 140 McCredie and Richards 17-2 A - _::,, 'iii,',..... 11 - vi' IT V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 20 -11-63 ; t; .; 1; t < ' S 8 w +sxa**.e9ot'fb*-ze|w N tS !+lill -nm 1 irr~E i aVR aVL aVF http://heart.bmj.com/ on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. VI V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 FIG. 1.-Electrocardiograms taken before operation (17.9.62) and one year after operation (20.11.63). Note the diminution in height of P wave in lead II in the second trace. calcification, particularly of the medial commissures. in the valve, the edges of which were thickened and Withthe patient on partial bypass transventricular mitral fibrous. With knife and scissors, two of these commis- valvotomy was performed; the lateral commissure only sures were opened out almost to the ring. The infundi- was split, the medial one remaining firmly fused; the bulum was palpated and no obstruction felt, and so no final diameter of the valve was 4 cm. infundibulectomy was performed. The pulmonary artery was then opened with the The patient developed atrial fibrillation on the sixth patient on total bypass and the pulmonary valve was post-operative day, which reverted satisfactorily with exposed. The valve was moderately severely stenosed quinidine; otherwise his post-operative course was un- and there were three primitive commissures, two ofwhich remarkable and he was discharged four weeks after were fairly densely fused; there was some calcification operation. Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.28.1.139 on 1 January 1966. Downloaded from Combined Mitral and Pulmonary Valve Stenosis 141 FIG. 2.-Chest radiograph before operation. http://heart.bmj.com/ on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. FIG. 3.-Angiocardiograph with selective right ventricular injection demonstrating severe pulmonary.valve stenosis and some infundibular constriction. Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.28.1.139 on 1 January 1966. Downloaded from 142 McCredie and Richards TABLE pulmonary valve is unusual, but does not help in deter- CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION RESULTS mining the atiology; perhaps the presence of pul- monary hypertension, which is not seen in the usual form Pressures of congenital pulmonary stenosis, predisposed to the cal- cification. Phasic Mean The diagnosis of organic pulmonary valve disease was Right atrium .. 1 =9, v=4 1 not suspected clinically in this case, though dispropor- Right ventricle 112/0-4 tionate enlargement of the pulmonary artery on radio- Pulmonary artery 66/33 44 Left atrium .. a=37, v=30 22 graph was noted. After the hwmodynamic diagnosis Left ventricle 1 10/0-*5 had been made, it was obvious that the pulmonary ejec- Aorta .. 110/81 86 Brachial artery 123/66 90 tion murmur had been obscured by the pansystolic Cardiac output 4-76 l./min. murmur of functional tricuspid regurgitation, and the Cardiac index 2-83 1./min.m.2 B.S.A. Mean mitral valve gradient 23 mm. Hg murmur of organic pulmonary incompetence had been Calculated mitral valve area . 11 cm.2 wrongly ascribed to the pulmonary hypertension with Mean pulmonary valve systolic wradient .. 46 mm. Hg functional incompetence. Calculated pulmonary valve Surgical treatment was initially successful and re- area . 09 cm.2 Pulmonary vascular resistance 370 dsc-5 sulted in marked symptomatic improvement. From Arterial 02 saturation (%) 89-4 being in frank congestive heart failure before operation, he returned to heavy manual work and continued with only mild fatigue and occasional ankle cedema for a year. His subsequent deterioration may have been due largely Symptomatically he was much improved and returned to irreversible pulmonary vascular disease, though to hard physical work. He was seen again in November restenosis of one or both valves cannot be excluded. 1963, one year after operation, and had maintained his Unfortunately he refused any further diagnostic pro- improvement. During this time he was maintained on cedures. digitalis without sodium restriction and his only symp- tom was occasional ankle cedema and mild fatigue. Summary Clinically, he had the signs of moderate residual mitral stenosis, mild pulmonary stenosis and incompetence, A 41-year-old rural labourer with chronic rheu- and mild tricuspid incompetence. The electrocardio- matic mitral stenosis was found at cardiac catheter- gram (Fig. 1) showed some decrease in the height of the ization to have severe pulmonary stenosis as well. P wave, and the chest radiograph was unchanged apart This was confirmed at operation and the two lesions from some pleural thickening at the right costophrenic successfully treated by valvotomy, with good tem- angle. He continued at work until February 1964, porary relief of symptoms. when there was fairly sudden deterioration with the http://heart.bmj.com/ return of congestive heart failure. He refused any We would like to thank Dr. G. further investigation or treatment and died in May 1964. Bennes of St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, for the angiocardiography on this Permission for necropsy was not obtained. patient. Mr. Bruce Leckie performed the operation. Discussion References Although quadrivalvular stenosis has been diagnosed Ayres, S. M., Arditi, L. I., Lambrew, C.
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