Election Cod* 'O n th * Editorial Inside' Pag* 2 page 2 Vol. XXIII No SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA Tuaaday, Oct. 17,1961 s a c b m b t Censorship Of College Press Unwise, Brubeck Quartet Foreman Proposes Worns New State College Chancellor Tomorrow Night Campus Goals Editor'a note I The following state­ carries the moral responsibility of forts to suppress editorial freedom By CAROL BUCHER ment was written by Chancellor roportlng facts aoourately, of giv­ through censorship. Achieving this ABU President Lee Foremen will Buell G. Gallagher or the Califor­ Tomorrow night is the night! begin work In three long ing adequate news spate to points type of perspective is one of the nia state college system, when he of viewiw divergent from the paper's marks of journalistic maturity. Dave Brubeck and his famous r «:l* h* was president of the City College own edlidttorlal............... policy, of adhering to "A college president faces grave quartet appear in the Men's Gym night the estel it New York. El Mustang fools scoopted standards of deoonoy. problems In dealing with the un- armed with a host of "Brubeck- committees on _ that It summarises what the edl- "Cc'ollege newspaper editor* graduate press. Practically every isms" sure to please the local tors would say were wo called upoii ■hould have the privilege of deeld- year he la faeed with new editors Jess fans, to state the role of a true col­ Ing what will and what will n<not be oporters, some of whom have Era-TiaABB offloo facilities. sat legiate newspaper and its policy. published. I, for one, would not not yet*t learned that press freedom Tickets for the performance The meeting will take place el "A responsible undergraduate have it any other way. price tag of moral re- are on sale In the AIB Office at 7 p.m. in room 114 of the Library. press can be the conscience of the ' lowover, the privilege carries $1.50 for student body card Foreman will ask that an inten­ college community, but moral re­ lion ssu“He is faced /l" with the holders. General admission ia $1 sive study be made in all three sponsibility must rest In freedom. oonsoquonoos of advene for non-card holders. areas and that the committee! Censorship of news policy or edi- publicity resulting from i The concert begins at till p.m. bring their findings and recom­ torsi opinion is inadmissible be- eehti Bnuoai serut munity, The] irresponsibility. Ho is calls and Is open to the publie. mendations to IA0., cause it destroys a fundamental college community. They must re to serve occasionally as a rt____ Two of the studies—Incorpora­ tool of ,u e democratic education cognise the rightsri ‘ of‘ oth era to erit- Brubeck appears on eampus With lets* the undergradeu between the newspaper editors tion bf the Student Body and the 1 S T 1 freedom of diseusion and ________ luate preoo. and other segments of the oollogo hi* well-known ildc-men Paul study of AIB offloo facllltji Freedom of th*t proas and freedom Desmond, Joe Morello. and Oca* to crltiso th*_______are aymuwtm, eommunlty that may feel unfairly among 10 goals set by Ftforeman -Duning mr tenurekb re asi president treated by the eampus press. right after completing a sue- for this aoademio year. _t where questions of in- of the City College of New York, dene;iy and offense to public morals, "Finally, ho may be faced with c!ud„ „ Georg* X. Maybee, senior rep- I1 have Jealouslyjealously safeguardedsafei ardod the the prospect of seeing a campus s' dnsL'SMiftE roeontaUvo,e, will report on the or o>f legal___ redress__, for po*pmilhil* Festival. on tfi heritage of preoo freedom on our libel aotlon are involved, the publication 'captured' py a small Mottorcy Bowwl classic. Last week itI eampus, I shall continue to light Desmond, one of the foremost ed that ths oity of Los means that should bo involkod ta organised minority-aametimos a was learn for the right of our undorgradu rain the standard* of eollogo Jour­ whose alios“ ifianooe are to a alto sax men in the buslaoos Angelos willdll provide free bus Journalists to say what they ' nalism are the legitimate educa­ ular politicalal doctrine rather teams with Morello, drums, nnd service to thehe LColiseum for all Ian and feel, especially whoa l _ _ tional prodcssea of suggestion, B to the principlesslplos of objective Lyl* Oblspansans arriving by train, agree with what they have to say journalism. tonight's agenda i oritiolsm, and praise. Also on tonli_ "But every right has Its respon­ "Undergraduate editors must "These are real and delicate pro­ James L., Clark will roportreport on sibility) every privilege its oblige- tailP .to draw a distinction be­ blems. They cannot and should not Ms year's Intramurals program) tion. The right to free expression ohn Quinn, Homecoming Com- tween legitimate oritleism and of- bo settled by administrative flat." Jmltteo Chairman, trill report all ‘sns for the Oct. 17-11 cel*- Sationi Joe Mellno will report on Journalism Society nmmo rsss the Fall Leadership Conference, which took plaoe Oct. 6, 7 andl. Meets Here Oct. 21 Blgma Delta Chi's first regional Sixty-Nine Now Momborg MilliChoitnTo Play conference in the national profes­ sional Journalism society's reor­ Addod To Faculty Roitar 'All My Sons* Laid ganised and expanded program­ The oast for the fall quarter ing will bo held on the Cal Poly Sixty-nineixty-nlna nawnow mambaramomt hava Inatructlonal onpaeitlaa a n John i addad to tha a w F o f tho 11. (llliim-t, handling olaaa ichad- play, "All My Sons", was ohoson campus, Baturday, Oct. II with last week. col inniga thlainis quartar, Thla oampua ullng and Howard Wan, Public Leading the oast in the role of about 40 prominent leaders and an­ now boaataboasts ofc a ataff of mon than Halation* Coordinator. Joe Haller will be Derick Mills. other BO or more students freon BOO persons. Buainaaa Managamanl additlona Judy Mebane will portray the part various colleges in attendance. • In the Agricultural division, now rai Halan D. Waring i Richard of Kate Keller, with Rawson Lloyd Chairman Robert Goodoll. editor members inoludei Robert Ledyard, . Waatarman, Aoaoui tgi liter. as Chris Keller and Pam PowillPuwell of the Telegram-TribuneTeWam-Trlbune Inin IanBan ilture Business Mm 0 « as Ann Deever, Rodger Hills will Luis Obispo, said that resenrationsreservations B,L Dunn and R trami.’ Linda R. DaWalt, Ellaabath appear as George Deeve, Burt are already in for that number and n, Agriculture" WEni ) R, Wheeler, Anti riveUntor register Friday at Motel Danaryi Corwin 1(. Johnson ana sTu.*'*jmms,'Tss awTfej?js®r.rwsInn. The professional section ana WllUsim T. Thomson, Cropsi Howard H. Yokoyama. Ornamental B. Wataon, Purahaalng. r rttiiK i.uoey, ana mare niw on the umlnrgraduate section will hold panels and meetings all day Bat- Horticulture and Wallace F. Olid- the eight year old boy. Buri. -------------- ,, confer den. Veterinary Helena*. DAVE BRUBECK The play will be under the di- Now to tne Applied Arts dirt- i & E S L S S B i roetton of Keith Nielson, English Thorn** D, Numgara/. Harry L. Wright, on teaa to aroata aoma and Bpeeeh department with sets Soott nnd Raymond VKlador. Naw of tha moat modarn Jaaa aounda designed and built under the su- A g re e of Chloago as featured , Pederson, Ingush i Pauline on tha Saourfty foraa la Jamaa A. to data. rvlsion of J. Muray Imlth, taffor and Wien T. Itookoy, Mapaa. Bruback tea teooma a aymbol igllih and Ipeech Department. speaker. Other big name speak­ tme Economical Wilhelm C. KTne three-aot play will be pre­ ers Include newspaper, radio and ikwsrsott. Music and Doris A. In tita Itudant Paraonal dlrl- sented November 14, 17, and 11 in college journalists of wide reputa­ Itomas, Patricia J. Warmordam ■Ion, Kranola P, Holdradga and i s m s tions. Anna R. Marcall ara lit Admla* foralgn eon.countrlaa,____ _ _aa wall___ __aa___ te- the Air Conditioning Auditorium. yl Mary Lon White, Physloal hind "tab Iron Curtain. His know- ndueatlon.Education. ledge of music includes net only In thathe AppliedAppliad SolencesSolaneaa divisiondtvlalor Aihmun.taLhsb Marjorla aa, J, txtrm teo n a, jass but reaches into tha ei newnaw membersmambara aroiarai Parian*Parlana J.J Arthur H. Hogara, Jolea B. Stona realm, whieh he proved n ___ , on a disc entitled "Bernstein Plays SR csiaac tunttnuBR as Brubeck and Brubeck plays Bern­ I’hylll.111. J. Mana,Mart., SIf.rnru it L. Strauiatnuu Nlchola* Balgethy. Library Haalth Cantari fiammla If. Dodd*! stein." The alburn features th* § I I, Hogg* and Thomaa 0 Houaingt Sandra J. Adair. Plaq* famous quartet with versltlo com­ Uthrop, Mathamatioa. and Capt- manti Adlana B. Roa and Carlin poser Leonard Bernstein. Ian T. K. Prloa, Military Solanea A. Waggoner, Raronia and Pranola and Tactici, 0. Holley, Ragiatrar. In tha Engineering dlvlaion Thomaa A. Pnnar. Peter Pram ton OfCollogo Co-Antbon *nd Claranea L. Paaiona ara ir Campus Personnel Architectural Teh-loh Chon and Agriculture Teaching Book Set Driving Record Dean of th* College, Dr. Dale Harrya v H. / Honegger i t a and usssbi Orlen W stly op-authored Simmon*. Welding flul M»Ullurgy Tha Btata anyployaaa on oampua Adminiatrativa ehangaa In non- m&HS iss5£® Ifomla *** Social Scloaca Clab Booth W ot Thla waa dlaaloaad raoantly In lubjoete a ted in volume ran from i Top Honor At Activity Carnival room Boelal Science Club's art dls- deles assigned to this eampus ooouiE s T E H S play of articles from other iooun- ^V O M d ttM II miles during the marioa through • (Uaauaalon tries won first and secondend placesr six month period without an aeei- « Ug, hortlcultura, crop produa- respectively last „at the an- Smb, 1 tion, ornamental horticulture, vari- Aual Activities Carnivalr in Poly In oo w s kinds of livestock, and poultry.
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