24 09 / / 04 2009 VOLUME 64 Avoiding credit cards Doing homework Fine print Is it even possible? without a home The library, the video store, For some students, the bar – do you owe them money? news page 3 poverty is a reality arts & culture page 17 news page 5 02 The UniTer September 24, 2009 www.UniTer.ca Go green! Code of conduct: LooKInG FoR LIstInGs? Cover Image campus & community listings and Mickelthwate can't volunteer opportunities page 4 "namakan Lake Minnow" Win prizes! music page 12 wait to wave his baton galleries, theatre, dance and comedy page 13 Photograph by campus news page 6 arts & culture page 11 Film page 13, literature page 15 Bill Beso news UNITER STAFF ManaGinG eDitor Vacant » [email protected] BUSiness ManaGer Manitoba rejects harmonized sales tax Maggi Robinson » [email protected] PrODUcTiOn ManaGer Province would lose money if GST and PST amalgamate, finance minister says Melody Morrissette » [email protected] cOPy anD styLe eDitor Chris Campbell » [email protected] eThaN CaBel Photo eDitor Mark Reimer [email protected] BeaT reporTer » newS assiGnMenT eDitor Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] The Manitoba government has de- newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor cided that tax harmonization – a Cameron MacLean » [email protected] federal proposal to amalgamate the GST and the PST – will take away arts anD culture eDitor provincial tax control and hurt Aaron Epp » [email protected] consumers along the way. cOMMents eDitor “We are no longer considering Andrew Tod » [email protected] the option of an HST,” said Rosann Listings cOOrDinator Wowchuk, Manitoba minister of J.P. Perron [email protected] finance. “When the federal govern- » ment makes a proposal we must caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer study it and as we see it right now, Courtney Schwegel » [email protected] Manitoba would lose money.” BeaT rePOrTer Manitoba would lose over $240 Caitlin Laird » [email protected] million in tax revenue according to A ra BeaT rePOrTer a C.D. Howe Institute report, she nd A Ethan Cabel » [email protected] said. Ad This makes Manitoba one of few ams BeaT rePOrTer provinces not going ahead with Samuel Swanson » [email protected] harmonization. Both Ontario and culture rePOrTer British Columbia plan to adopt University of Winnipeg. The Ontario Chamber of ment chooses to tax through the C. Jordan Crosthwaite [email protected] an HST by 2010, while the three According to many, including Commerce recently estimated that GST, the province would be ob- » Atlantic provinces continue to im- the federal government, businesses an HST would cost Ontarians $905 ligated to include the PST in the plement a combined HST rate. are currently subject to convoluted million in additional sales taxes a charge. This will diminish the prov- The proposal to harmonize tax regulations because they are year, while the bill for companies ince's ability to use tax-exempt ser- CoNTrIBUTORS: would have seen Manitoba’s seven forced to administer two different would reduce by $1.6 billion. vices to encourage better behaviour per cent PST eliminated and added taxes (PST and GST), based on the Purchases that are currently ex- and purchases, Fernandez said. Brooke Dmytriw, Patricia Benham, to the five per cent GST to create product or service. Harmonization empt from PST – from haircuts to There have been several sugges- John Gaudes, Karlene Ooto-Stubbs, an overall HST of 12 per cent. would eliminate this problem by essential items like children’s cloth- tions over possible changes to the Melanie Murchison, alexander Kavanagh, Meanwhile, the government giving businesses only one rate to ing and diapers – would be charged HST rate, or the adoption of tax re- rob holt, Paul Figsby, Brian rice, seems to have made a decision, administer. an additional seven per cent under bates for consumers, but Manitoba Mike Duerksen, crystal Laderas, Sam but some remain convinced that Manitoba businesses would no harmonization in Manitoba. remains unconvinced that harmo- hagenlocher, Lee repko, Brandon harmonization could benefit the longer have to pay the PST on op- “Taxation is about more than nization is the answer for the pro- Bertram, ali Fulmyk, James culleton, province. erating materials (computers, cash just raising revenue,” said Lynne vincial economy. adam Klassen, Jaya Beange, Sagan Morrow, Melissa hiebert, J. williamez, Businesses, particularly small registers), which would be covered Fernandez, an economist at the “We cannot harmonize un- Kathleen cerrer, aranda adams, clayton businesses, are widely considered under the federal input tax credit, Manitoba office of the Canadian less there is a different formula winter, Jonathan Dyck, natalie Dyck, the main benefactor in the adop- along with the GST. Centre for Policy Alternatives. “It in place,” said Wowchuk. “Right cindy Titus, ryan Janz tion of an HST. “An HST would reduce the cost can be used as an incentive or dis- now we don’t see any advantage "Businesses would definitely of bookkeeping for businesses sub- incentive for certain behaviour for the general public. In fact, we save money on administering stantially,” said Abizadeh. “However, … harmonization decreases this see a disadvantage due to declining The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland taxes,” said Sohrab Abizadeh, a consumers will end up paying [ad- ability.” revenue.” Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership professor of economics at the ditional] tax on services.” Whatever the federal govern- based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a member of the canadian University Press and campus Plus Media Services. SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in by CourtnEy SChwEgel text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline Q: HoW Do YoU stay oUt oF Debt? for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print submitted material. The Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we tolu Ilelaboy Kristie Matheson Jared Kesler also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. third-year, rhetoric/French First-year, undeclared First-year, kinesiology “I just work my ass off all “I just watch what I spend. It is “I try not to go out as much. I summer. I am not a fan of taking as simple as that.” just save all the money I can and out loans.” put it towards school because it CONtACt US » is the main priority right now.” General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uniter.ca LOCAtION » room ORM14 eleni Vailas Rod teske Allen Richter University of Winnipeg assistant manager, barnes lead operator for the City of Red sales representative, telus 515 portage Avenue and Castle Deer, Alberta Mobility Winnipeg, manitoba r3b 2e9 “I just make sure I am putting “It's almost impossible isn’t it? “Still working on that one. I whatever is priority ahead of but if I want to buy something, try to save money and possibly everything else. no frivolous I save as much as I can before I even get a second job. I think spending.” actually buy it. Start saving!” accountability with money is a big one that I am going to start Mouseland Press Board of directors: doing.” Michael rac (chair), Shawn coates, courtney Berthelette, clayton winter, Devin King, alex Freedman, Shannon Sampert, rob nay, Brian Gagnon, Meg McGimpsey, Kelly ross (UwSa representative). For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] NEws 03 www.UniTer.ca September 24, 2009 The UniTer Sidestepping debt in a credit-driven world staff credit cards may be tors began pestering her at work. Being debt- She is now working to pay off her a necessity these free simply isn't remaining debt in one lump sum, but because of the missed payments days – just watch documentation she couldn’t obtain a lease for her how you use them enough that you are apartment until it was under some- a fiscally sound one else's name. However, Jennings' debt woes individual. pale in comparison to Doug's hell- ish ordeal. CaITlIN laIrd “I’ve had about eight credit BeaT reporTer cards,” said Doug, who asked that his last name not be printed. “My total debt from that and a loan Odds are if you are over the age of which I took out to pay that debt 18 you fall into one of three catego- off was about $25,000 by the time I ries: You have (a) never obtained a was 21. I bought things like a couch credit card and therefore have no and two big screen TVs.” credit history and can’t use eBay; Doug then used a debt pool- (b) obtained at least one credit card ing service called Canada Debt and found yourself saddled with Assistance to help streamline his some amount of unwanted debt, while some students are able to avoid credit cards, others have massive debt after purchasing luxury items like couches and big monthly payments. Upon hand- with moderate difficulty paying it screen TVs. ing them the last $10,000 he owed off; or (c) obtained multiple credit to them, the company inexplicably cards, made several large, ill-advised vanished and he lost it all, putting purchases, racked up tens of thou- throughout his studies, said obtain- “I’d prefer not to have one, but I and found that upon returning him back where he began.
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