NOME OWNED ] nH? THE EVANSVILLE ARGUSHOM E OPENATED VOL. 1—NO. 6 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1938 V^ PRICE FIVE CENTS #> #& UNITED BROTHERHOOD MAKES PROGRESS BUSINESS DIRECTORY Negro Fire Chief Where The Negro Business League Will Meet Organization In President of Brotherhood NAACP To Hold C And H Shoe Shop dens is a very beautiful place, Takes Over Post Display Of Fine Mass Meeting At The C and H Shoe Shop lo­ air cooled by nature. The Gar­ cated on Lincoln Avenue,- direct­ dens can always accomodate NEW YORK. —(ANP)—When ly in front *of ~the Lincoln Gar­ your private parties, just con­ Mayor LaGuardia shook hands and Work For Race Liberty Church dens is announcing special prices tact Dorsey. Opened 24 hours a congratulated Wesley Williams on high class shoe repairing. day. You may dine and dance Friday at noon on the steps of Central Body To Hold Meet Attorney Bailey will be prin­ Henry Piland and his son-in-law, at the Gardens, located at the the city hall, it marked another Monday Night cipal speaker. Clarence Donhoff have a small corner of Dixon and Alvasie Sts. step in the steady climb up the ladder for the first Negro in the The president of the local but complete shop that is equip- Dorsey has a complete line of The United States Missionary branch of the N.A.A.CP. an­ ped to give you the best of 'ser­ cigarettes, ice cream and cigars. N. Y. city fire department, for Baptist Brotherhood has made Wesley, as he is well known in nounces that there will be a vice in the shoe repair line. YOUNG RACE MAN HAS Harlem by his host of friends, rapid strides since its organiza­ big mass meeting at the Liberty Free Heel Plates Will Be Given MODERN TONSORIAL SHOP made the grade of battalion chief, tion several years ago under the Baptist Church Sunday Aug. 7, Away With Each Repair Job Mr. Ewitt McFarland, owner carrying a nifty salary of $5,300 leadership of Gilbert B. Bell. at 3 p.m. There is expected to lie C and H Shoe Shop has of the McFarland Barber Shop ner aSTJUtn and a command of six The organization has promoted be a capacity house to hear At­ been in business only for the past located ini the heart of Derby­ fire companies. many worthwhile projects that torney R. L. Bailey, who will few months and in the short ville, is announcing a celebration Right up through the grades he have helped the members of be the principal speaker. time that it has been established, of the first year that his modern went fireman first, class; lieuten­ our race in this city and has Appeal To Be Made To the owners have been able to shop has been in the present ant; captain and now battalion aided in a great way to elimi­ Clemency Commission location. chief. Hid accomplishments were nate the great misunderstanding build a large' patronage. won solely on merit, each promo­ The purpose of the big ml McFarland has worked in dif­ that usually exists where two ing is to formulate plans M See Their Ad For Special tion being made as the result of races of people reside. Prices On Shoe Repairing—The ferent shops in the city for 7 a competitive examination. His which an appeal can be madnad' S Ad May Be Found On Another years and has added quite a physcial rating is one of the high­ Policy Of The Organization to the Clemency Commission b; Page In This Paper. number to his long list of satis­ est in the department, and his The purpose of the organiza­ Mr. Gilbert B. Bell, president the citizens of the city, on be OLSHINE CREDIT CLOTHIERS fied customers, since he has record as a firefighter is almost tion is to increase knowledge of half of the Swain case. Th* j unequalled in the department. of the Missionary Baptist Brother­ The Olshine Credit Clothiers established his business on Lin­ church policy and discipline and hood. Before coming to this city commission will act on the case I coln. Thomas Piper assists Mc­ It is his iob to attend every to aid the churches in a finan­ he gained fame as a noted lec­ August 9. Attorney Bailey, chair­ located at 615 Main Street has fire in his district, riding to t^e one of the- most complete lines Farland in the shop. cial way. Several incidents fos­ turer and orator. Mr. Bell is em­ man of the State Legislature fire in a snecial car wi^h a pri­ tered by this association in the Redress X!ommission -of the N. of clothing for the entire family STERDLIZATION OF vate chauffeur, supervising all ployed by the city of Evansvile that can be foUnd in the city. INSTRUMENTS work while at a conflagration past few years, have been ac­ and holds a very responsible po­ A.A.C.P., presented the* petition ] Mr. Bohrer, manager of the All instruments that are used and supervising the activities of claimed by some of the outstand­ sition. He resides in the Lincoln signed by Evansville citizens, to store declares, "we are clearing in this Union Shop are complete­ the units under his « command. ing leaders of the city. Gardens. the Governor of Indiana, last) our shelves making ready tor the ly sterilized. There are plenty Chief Williams is one of the best Program To Be Rendered At week which resulted in the! fall merchandise that will soon of comfortable ..chairs, for the liked officers in the department, Regular Meeting Monday Night 9 granting of a stay of execution \ come in. We do not want an waiting customers, in this air- and has his eyes set on a higher The Brotherhood' of the Inde­ until: the eleventh day oi Au- \ ranking before h's retirement. He pendent Church of the city will The 'Big Dipper gust. J overstocked store, so we are of­ cooled shop. The barbers specia­ is also one of the youngest bat­ fering special prices on clothing lize in ladies' work and are render a program at the busi­ talion chiefs, b^ing around forty- ness meeting of the Central Ass'n Wants Sentence Commuted for the entire family at reduced equipped to give a complete five years of age. Conies To Town Body which will be held at the To Life Imprisonment prices". A charge account at Ol­ tonsorial service, including shaves, The N.A.A.C.P., is working to shine means (1) you can buy haircuts, massages, hair straight­ Community Center. The program This conversation was recent­ will start at 8 p.m. have the death sentence of now (2) save now <$) wear now ening, etc. To Dedicate Debt-Free ly heard on the avenue. 1st James Swain, who was indicted BUT PAY LATER. Go To Mc's The Next Time You Officers Of The Brotherhood party: "I hear that the Big Dip­ G. B. Bell, pres.j ffc E. Emage and sentenced for killing of "Tftat's Credit With A Smtfe" Need Some Barber Work. Church In Gary per has come to town". The Chris Bredenkamp, local white MITCHELL'S FOOD MARKET vice, president; W. M. ' Johnson, second party, "what is the Big second vice president; • H. ' W. groceryman, last fall, commuted The Mitchell's Food Market is GARY, Ind., (ANP)—The mem­ Dipper"? The first party, "have to life imprisonment. Swain, in bers and friends of Israel CME Hackman, sec'y. Austin Griffith, not you heard, it is that new having its grand . opening this NOTICE! treas.; B. F. Lambert, chaplain,. company with James Alexander, church with their pastor, the wide brim drape model hat with 16, entered Bredenkamp's Gro­ week at 273 Canal St. The Mar­ The Evansville Argus is spon- Rev. J. Claude Allen, will see Adrian BeJJ^ auditpA^ James V. the low crown, recently intro­ cery with the intention' of rob* < ket isiocated in the,:,building [jspriEig. ,-a^ Cash Drawing .Cqntest -the realization ...of,.. their- dreams' Roach* musical^jdkector. T." B. duced to Harlem and is now bing the 'store, and as a result • formerly 'occupied by the S afift* 'tfi^'wul start Saturday August j and efforis when • they w6*Shrjjtj 'S^w'^pui^ii^^cna^^TjPimes Sweeping the nation from coast of such actions the groceryman B Market. During Opening Week 6, 1938 and will be held every in their hem churcnVthis SuiStay.- v.; afoach, ^Sirm., w" program The Owner Of The Market Is Bishop J. A. Bray of Chicago to coast. It is now featured at was killed. two weeks thereafter. $2.00 in committee. LEVINSON AT THIRD AND Offering Some Quality Meats cash money will be given away is expected to preach, at the President Of Association Attends And Groceries At Greatly Re­ morning service. MAIN STREETS. The second to the holder of the lucky ticket party, "well, I just purchased Pastor's Institute B duced Prices. See These Items The dedication service will James Weldon Johnson Rev. M. R. Dixon; Jr., presi­ At the public drawing that will last two weeks, August 8-22 a new suit from STANLEY Listed In An Ad On Another be held at the offices of the Left "Oyer $10,000" dent of the N.AA.C.P, has gone Page In This Week's Paper. Go while many local and out of CLOTHING CO., one of these ARGUS every other Saturday town men and women will ap­ new shades of green in a drape to Chicago where he will attend To Mitchell's Market Today And at 4 p.m.
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