Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-10-1964 The B-G News March 10, 1964 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News March 10, 1964" (1964). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1776. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1776 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Tuesday. March 10. 1964 Bowling Green Slate University. Bowling Green, Ohio Vol. 48. No. 36 AWS To Choose Officers Thursday The annual elections for Association of Women Students Council, a past member of AWS Executive Hoard an-', class representatives will be held Thurs- Legislative and Judicial Hoards, day. past president of Treadway Hall, and a residence hall counselor. Voting booths will be located in the lobby of Founders Carol A. Croissantt a sophomore Quadrangle, the Union, and North Hall of Women's Residence in the College o( Education, lias an accumulative grade point aver- Center from 8 a.m. until -1 :.'?0 p.m. aye of ;..:> ami is a residence hall Women students unable to vice president of AWS. a member counselor. vote on Thursday may vote of AWS Executive. Legislative and Treasurer from 7 to ;• p.m. tomorrow in Judicial Board and AWS Rules Roberta A. Gmeon, a sophomore RUSH COMES TO AN END. AS NEW PLEDGES ARE GREETED BY ACTIVES the AWS Office on the ground Revision Committee, past corres- in the College of Education, has floor of Moseley Hall. ponding .secretary of AWS. secre- an accumulative grade point aver- Identification cards must be pre- tary of Leadership and Service aye of 8.1, She is a member of sented at the polls to vote. Board, past president of Trcadway AWS Legislative Hoard. AWS Following is a list of the AWS Hall, and a student orientation Constitutional Revisions Commit- 274 Men Accept Fraternity Bids candidates and their activities. leader. tee. Student Charities Board, and President Crlstlna s. Carfrey, a junior in sophomore house chairman to Formal fraternity rush ended Saturday morning with 271 men accepting bids to join The runner-UP for president the College of Liberal Arts, has an AWS. social fraternities. automatically will become first accumulative grade point average IVyyy K. Conrad, a sophomore vice president. of 3.0. She was secretary of her in the College of Education, has Delta Tau Delta received the largest pledge class. The Delts pledge U9 men. sophomore and junior classes, a - Joyce J. Bednar, a junior in the an accumulative grade point aver- Kappa Sigma received the second largest pledge class, pledging -!2 men. Colleges of Liberal ArU anil Edu- ■student orientation leader, a mem- aye nf 8,1, She is a residence hall "This is the largest number of men that have ever joined the fraternity system at one time. cation, has an accumulative grade ber of Sociology club, ami a mem- counselor, a freshman residence point average of 3,3, She is see,Kid ber of AWS Legislative Board. hall corridor representative, and a It is certainly reassuring to know that there is so much interest in the fraternity stystem at Judith I.. Qunn, a junior in the PanhoHenic representative, the University," said Christo- College of Liberal Arts, has an Ann L. Wohler, a .sophomore in Greathouse. Warren I.. Hai-tmnn, Stuart A. Gregg, William K. Man- accumulative grade point average the College of Business Adminis- pher C. Seeger, president of Stephen L. Leister, Douglas J. Lor- ley. Leslie G. Mezenski. William K. Von Braun of 3.7. She is a number of AWS tration, has an accumulative grade rnterfrutornity Council. •Itselli Gerald T. Mazanec, Richard Miller, Stephen J. l'eteri'.sak, Ray legislative and Judicial Boards; point average of 3.0, Men who have become pletlpes A. McSeveney, Charles 11. Meyer, I'. Piotrowski. Kenneth D. TiUman, junior class representative to Corresponding Secretary and the fraternities they are Michael R. Williamson. To Lecture, AWS; secretary-treasurer of Gam- Frank P. Oliver!, John F. Polanc, Susan N. IHckey, a freshman in pledging follow. Robert C. Runyon, Robert II. Rus- Kappa Sigma ma Epsilon. German honor society; Alpha Tau Om.<ja a member of Beta Beta Beta, bi- the College «»f Education, has an ■O, William II. Schodorf, Alan H. Gerald I.. Baker, John C. Flat- accumulative yrsule point average Thomas R. Anderson, Byron W. Schneider, Thomas J. Stucky, ter. Raid W. Grefe, Dennis s. Show Slides ology honor society; Book and Motor Honor Society; and Chemi- of U.S. She is an AWS freshman Ayers. Dennis L. Bailey, John M. James R. Townsend. Matin K. Wag- Ker.-ten, William .1. I.aSalle, (I. Jim "Space" will lie the topic of Benson, Thomas K. Bodiker, David ner, Herbert E. Warner. Steven T. cal Journal Club. representative! and a member of Pavolko, Michael L. Schwanger, a lecture by Dr. Wernhor von the Union Activities Organisation. L. Brenner, Don I. Burch, Larry J. Worstell, Douglas R. Wurstcr. Richard c. Waul. Ronald P. Bald- Second Vice President lturt, Charles T. Butwid, Michael Cheryl I.. Myers, a freshman in Delta Upiilon win, Limey J. Porahey, John K. Braun, noted American phy- Sally A. Althoff, a sophomore C. Carney, Mark A. Carle, Greg- the College of Education! has an Douglas II. Bressler, Ralph H. Gugger, Raymond I'. Kmisel, sicist and space technologist, in the College of Education, has ory R. Carleton, John W. Clever- accumulative grade point average Burner, David E. Dean, Michael James W. Maloney. I.eroy G. Rose. an accumulative grade point aver- don, Ronald B. Courchene, William at 8:15 p.m. Friday in the of 3.2. She is secretary of the A. Dunlap, Richard J. Gasser, (Cont. on Page I. Col. 6) age of 4.0. She is AWS correspond- N. Creijrlow, Douglas J. Criswell, Freshmen class. ballroom. ing secretary, residence hall coun- John M. Donnelly, Stephen II. Hall, Linda A. DeLong, a freshman in Dr. von Braun. director of the selor, and past president of Moon- George K. Hcrron, Robert J. Hol- the College of Education, lias an George C Marshall Space Flight ey Hall. vey, Walter S. Howell, Dennis R. accumulative grade point average Student Court To Ask Council Center, National Aeronautics and Linda J. Peihlow. a sophomore Kennedy, Richard T. Ue, Allan J. of 3.0, She is secretary of Lowry Space Flight Center ill Hlllltsville. in the College of Education, h«s Mason, James H. McCumber, Hall, and a member of the honors Ala., will supplement his talk with an accumulative grade point aver- program. James F. Meyer, Sheldon R. New- For Greater Discipline Powers slides. age of 3.8. She is a sophomore comer Jr., Michael J. Pixley, John Nancy K. Lukcy, a freshman in The action that will take place The recommendation that Court Born in Germany, Dr. von Braun class representative to Student the College of Business Adminis- H. Sohn, Joseph L. Souliere. Ralph was awarded his bachelor's degree K. Spencer III, James R. Wantland. at this week's Student Council increase its powers is a result of tration, has, an accumulative grade meeting may be the first of a a motion passed by Student Coun- from the University of Berlin. point average of 3,7. She is secre- Beta Thota Pi series of moves that will have a cil last fall. The motion suggested Two years later, he received his March 18 Deadline tary of Harmon Hall. John K. Banks, Edward F. direct effect on the students of the that a committee made up of the doctorate in physics from the same Hehm. Thomas J. Costell, Dennis university. For Student Court, Recording Secretary University. At this meeting, Stu- members of Student Court study Judy S. Ringer, a freshman in F. Ferncngel. William E. Ferring- dent Court will recommend to the possibilities of expanding the He remained in Germany and ton, Carl F. Kulas, James O. Lake, worked on small anil liquid-fueled Student Body Posts the College of Kducation, has an Council that the Court's powers be Court's powers. accumulative grade point average Harry J. McGinnes, Roger A. New- expanded to cover major student rockets until the end of World War The deadline has been extended For almost six months, the com- of .1.(1 She is a member of UAO. man, Stanley Osur, Kenneth F. discipline. II when he and 100 other scientists to March 1H for applications for mittee studied the issue. It checked Kay M. Cihson, a freshman in Reiter, Ted K. Rose, Steven L. Richard K. Colcman. chief jus- -surrendered to the Allied Powers. leadership positions in Student the discipline cases that had come the College of Kducation, has an Solis. tice of Student Court, will recom- After coming to the United Court and Student Body. r accumulative yrade point average Delta Lambda before the personnel deans in the States in l!>4. >. Dr. von Braun di- "The previous deadline set was mend to Council that the Court be of 8.4. She is president of I^owry William A. Twining. given the powers to try cases in- last six years. It studied the ex- rected many rocket ami missile tomorrow but this change was tensive powers of the student Hall, a member of AWS Legisla- Delta Tau Delta volving student theft, disorderly programs.
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