1972 22, June News Bulletin 27 No. - 16 UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH Vol. U_ of G. Research City releases Hanlon Creek watershed showing University Village in the upper left corner and Kortright Waterfowl park on the Speed River centre foreground. Hanlon Creek winds from the upper two-phase right hand corner of the picture along the edge of the farmland and into the Speed near the Kortright duck ponds. Photo by TD Photos Communication, was initiated in March 1971. a swamp, rate so much attention?" Surely, Ecological study Phase A recommended changes in the more than one would-be nautralist has been design of the expressway and urged specific deterred by the swarms of mosquitoes and precautions during and after construction to biting flies which breed in the swamp. minimize detrimental effects to the water­ The report concurs that "little of the shed area. With one minor exception, all environment of the Hanlon Creek is either recommendations were accepted and incorpora­ unique or of outstanding quality." But it ted into the plans at little extra cost. goes on to explain that the watershed's Phase B dealing with the more general value is its location combined with its not question of urbanization of the watershed yet urbanized condition. Without guidelines area south of Stone Road was sponsored by the (which the report sets forth), the watershed's The Hanlon Expressway, which officially City of Guelph and the Grand River Conserva­ capability to support life would deteriorate. opens this week, will not spell ecological tion authority. The two-volume Phase B Such guidelines would allow continuation of disaster to the surrounding area, thanks to report emphasizes the importance of keeping at least-the existing levels of aquatic and recommendations made by a team of open as many options as possible for future terrestrial life (yes, even those mosquitoes). University of Guelph researchers in their use of the Hanlon Creek watershed while In describing the study, Professor Milliken Hanlon Creek Ecological Study. The first accommodating known needs. said it is not particularly unique, but it is, phase of the study, presented in September Both extremes, total urbanization and in his awareness, the most thorough analysis 1971, dealt specifically with the ecological total prohibition of urban development, were of an area pridr to urban development. Such effects of the (then proposed) expressway on deemed undesirable. Instead the report a study is possible because the University has the Hanlon Creek watershed. The second recommends preservation of natural systems, the necessary wide-ranging expertise. Both phase, presented to the Guelph City Council while accommodating a moderate level of phases of this study involved more than a this month, deals with the more general issue urbanization. Specific recommendations dozen faculty members in seven departments of urbanization of the watershed. deal with water resources, soil, vegetation, — Landscape Architecture, Botany, Sociology Professor Jack Milliken, Landscape Archi­ drainage, wildlife and "people needs." and Anthropology, Engineering, Land Resource tecture, project coordinator, explained that Members of the study team don't pretend Science, Horticultural Science and Zoology. the study originated 18 months ago when the to have all the answers; they have tried to Through discussion and informal consultation, city's plans to build an expressway were fairly point out the long-range consequences of many others were involved as well. Professor well advanced. A group of about a dozen projected actions in the Hanlon Creek area. Milliken feels that this type of study, faculty members, concerned that such an Recognizing that planning is a continuing perhaps more akin to consulting than research, expressway could prove disastrous to the process, the study team will continue a will come more within the University's undeveloped Hanlon Creek area, drew up a monitoring program in the watershed area. sphere in the future because universities have tentative proposal for a thorough ecological By regularly checking such indicators as the unique capability to carry out such inventory and analysis of the area. The water quality, water level and flow rate, specialized work at relatively low cost. Hanlon Expressway Technical Advisory they hope to reveal any detrimental trends While the report does not carry any legal Committee immediately accepted their pro­ before they disrupt the delicate balance of weight, Professor Milliken feels that the city posal and the first phase of the study, spon­ nature. will use it as base data in establishing guide­ sored jointly by the City of Guelph and the Disgruntled Guelphites may ask, "Why lines for the future development of the Hanlon Ontario Department of Transportation and does the Hanlon Creek Area, which is mostly Creek Area. REPORT FROM SENATE----- June 20, 1972 Meeting before their funds were spent. An amended 1972/73. Nominations covered 17 standing motion by Professor Tom Settle, Philosophy, boards and committees, two special committees A pot-pourri of reports was presented to the allowing library staff to "initiate" selections and 10 university committees. final regular meeting of 1971-72 Senate last against an allocation was approved by week. But as at least two University Senate. Board of Undergraduate Studies Senators announced somewhat joyfully that Senate also approved the transfer of . Senate approved a list of new courses for their duties as committee chairman had come certain classifications of books dealing mainly the 1973-74 Calendar. They totalled 96 in to an end, President Winegard reminded them with health sciences to the OVC branch semester offerings and involve a contact hour that legally, Senate remains constituted to library. These will be duplicated if deemed increase of 371. By Colleges they are: CBS September 1 under new regulations. Senate necessary in McLaughlin Library. Dean D. G. 8-41; OAC16-75; CF& C 1 - 3; CPS might still be called into session if a meeting Howell, OVC, said the result would "clean 14 -56; Arts 42- 151 and CSS 15 -45. became warranted. up" a long-standing problem. Senate approved a list of course deletions One of the more interesting reports of The question of allowing an employee of for 1973-74. The deletions totalled 86 in the evening came from the library committee an off-campus research organization to semester offerings and involve a contact hour and dealt with results of the first month's conduct all his research for a Ph.D. degree decrease of 323. operation of the recently installed book sparked a lively debate before the concept . Senate accepted a table of changes in detection system. The report showed that was approved in principle. The proposal courses for the 1973-74 Undergraduate of 75,000 exits made from the library during from the Board of Graduate Studies, encount­ Calendar. the month, there were 154 alarms sounded ered the most difficulty when several faculty . Senate approved CSS changes in course of which 111 were false and 43 real. members felt it was imperative that such a 45-120/45-122 (Introduction to Human Chief Librarian Margaret Beckman said candidate conduct at least part of his research Geography) and 86 - 476 (Seminar in Sociology) that the high level of false detect was due to on campus. An amendment to this effect for Fall, 1972. Senate also approved OAC the fact that 3M engineers were "finding lost by an overwhelming majority. course changes: 29 - 430 (Seminar in Crop correct levels" for their equipment to work Dean Herbert Armstrong, Graduate Studies, Science) will be offered in Winter semester, at so alarms wouldn't be sounding indiscrimin­ replying to queries about the proposal, said 1973; 87 - 406 (Problems in Land Resource ately. Mrs. Beckman said the number of false the idea had to be discussed with the province Science) will be offered in Fall, 1972. detects which should occur with the system as regards financing. Residency requirements now should be about "0.001 per cent." would be reviewed since such a program Board of Graduate Studies A breakdown of the real detects showed begun under present conditions would be . Senate approved in principle that a candidate 24 were caused by Guelph students, eight by far too prolonged if taken on a part-time basis. for a Ph.D. degree may conduct all his research staff members; five by faculty; five by high He said the possibility that the idea might for a Ph.D. while being an employee of an school students and one by another university apply to students or faculty at another univer­ off-campus research organization. student. sity had not been specifically considered but Questioned about what penalties might be raised interesting possibilities. Library Committee imposed for attempting to remove library In presenting the annual report of the . Senate accepted the recommendation of material illegally, Mrs. Beckman said none Committee On Teaching and Learning, the Library committee that first copy of has been considered to date but a list of Professor J. Harrison, English, said the material in Library of Congress Classification persons caught is compiled "to see if any committee hoped to further pursue its main R-R3 (medicine) and SF 600 - 1100 patterns emerge." Dr. Winegard said that objective of course evaluations next year. The (veterinary medicine) be held in the OVC the library committee and administration were part-time coordinator, Professor James Shute branch library, with duplication when requested "open to suggestions" as to what might be has not been able to devote the time he would in the McLaughlin Library. First copy of all done with repeated offenders. have liked to on the project. other materials is to be held in McLaughlin The president warned, however, that the Professor Harrison said it was hoped the Library. library staff would still be making periodic committee would be able to find out from .
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