SATURDAY October 26, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents Co-defendants found not guilty of sex traffi cking, rape charges opened their cases on Tuesday “They have no credible testi- ling as irrelevant. Jurors fi nd Jennifer Lea Short morning and gave closing state- mony,” said Christopher Cahill, “The defense attempted to ments late Wednesday after- the defense attorney for Muriet- paint this as an attempt by [the and Javier Murietta guilty of noon. ta. “We have shown that she is victim] to infl uence the testimo- The victim claimed that Muri- unworthy of belief, because she ny or to create a witness through one count of child molestation etta forcibly held her down and herself disproved her own facts her sister,” said Cherokee Ju- penetrated her while her mother to which she testifi ed … she has dicial Circuit Judge D. Scott BY JAMES SWIFT Jurors spent almost all day remained on his porch. After- fabricated evidence before, she Smith. “The contents of the tape [email protected] Thursday deliberating the case wards, the victim claimed that admitted that. She’s lied in court would not be hearsay, so they are involving Jennifer Lea Short, her mother received cash from before, she admitted that. We’ll defi nitely statements that involve Jurors found two Cartersville 38, and Javier Murietta, 43. The Murietta, alleging that Short lat- never get a straight answer from two witnesses that have been residents guilty of one count two were arrested last November er used the money to purchase her, it’s going to be like nailing here for testimony and cross-ex- of child molestation in Bartow after Short’s daughter told Car- marijuana. Jell-O to a wall.” amination.” Superior Court Thursday after- tersville Police Department in- Short With no physical evidence that At one point in the trial, In that phone call, the victim’s noon, but they did not fi nd the vestigators that her mother pros- a sex crime occurred, the trial Short’s public defender James sibling claims to have witnessed co-defendants guilty of commit- tituted her to Murietta for $100. places the timeframe of the inci- largely boiled down to the State Champlin made a motion to Murietta sexually abusing her ting one count of rape and one The now 18-year-old victim dent between Aug. 11, 2012 and and the defense debating the dismiss a redacted audio re- sister. count of traffi cking of persons said the incident occurred when Aug. 10, 2013. credibility of the victim’s testi- cording of a phone call between for sexual servitude. she was 11. A bill of indictment Prosecutors and the defense mony. the victim and her younger sib- SEE VERDICT, PAGE 5A PLES team wins TICKET TO READ 1st place again at Hundreds Chalktoberfest BY DONNA HARRIS turn out [email protected] For the second consecutive year, students at Pine Log Ele- for CPS’s mentary School have shown how they can use something as simple as chalk to create a masterpiece. annual Book The seven-member chalk team, led by art teacher Charlene Such, once again won fi rst place out of fi ve teams in the elemen- tary school division of Chalktoberfest 2019, a two-day chalk, Character beer and wine festival presented by the Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art on the Marietta Square. As part of the Community Chalk Contest on Oct. 13, Amelia Parade and Logan Brown, David and Darci Sutton, Jesse Shyer, Jolene Valentine and AnnaBella King used professional sidewalk BY DONNA HARRIS chalk to produce a western-themed drawing in a 5-by-5 square [email protected] of asphalt. “I was very excited and proud of my students,” Such said, After having to reschedule last noting she also was grateful to their parents for bringing and year’s Book Character Parade four supporting them. “I think they did a great job following direc- days later due to rain, Cartersville tions and working together as a team.” Primary School Principal Gina Bish- The team members also were thrilled to bring home another op made a pre-emptive move to out- win for the Rydal school. wit the weather this year by moving “It was a really fun experience, and it was cool getting fi rst it up a day. place again,” Jesse, 11, said. “I moved the parade from Friday “It was really cool to win fi rst place, and it made me very hap- to Thursday due to Friday’s forecast py,” 9-year-old AnnaBella added. [of rain],” she said. “I wanted to make Jolene, 10, said she felt good about winning, and she also “en- sure that we were able to have the pa- joyed seeing all the other people’s art.” rade.” Allison Frink, director of education for the Marietta/Cobb And have it they did. Museum of Art, congratulated the team on winning the elemen- More than 1,100 preschoolers, kin- tary school division two years in a row. dergartners, fi rst- and second-graders “Their drawing of a stagecoach riding across a desert sunset and 125 staff members paid tribute to had good design and bold colors,” the contest organizer said, their favorite books by dressing up as noting an impartial judge from Kennesaw State University literary characters for the 11th annual chose the winners. “The trail sign with the school name was parade, which was started by former also a fun detail.” Principal Walter Gordon. For taking fi rst place, the team won a free entry into KSU’s “This year was another record spring chalk competition, and Such received $30 gift card for turnout,” Bishop said. “All of the side- The School Box. walks around the building were full “We all look forward to winning the KSU event,” she said. of families. All of our students and The art educator said she wanted to enter her team in the staff participate, and not only fami- contest again this year to expose the young artists to a higher lies but individuals from the commu- level of artwork. nity come to watch the parade. I am “I really enjoy seeing the professional art in Marietta, and amazed at the amount of people who I want my students to experience the event as well as see how come out to watch the parade.” fabulous the professional art is and where the artists come from The school’s signature event also is to compete in this event, she said. its biggest event, according to Bishop. RANDY PARKER/DTN “The CPS Character Parade is such a SEE CHALKTOBER, PAGE 5A Cartersville Prima- special event because it gives the stu- ry School sec- dents and teachers an opportunity to ond-grader Preston showcase how much they love reading Gamble was The and enjoy portraying their favorite book Polar Express in character,” she said. “This is such a the school’s annual spectacular event, whether you are par- Character Parade ticipating in the parade or a spectator.” Thursday morning. SEE CHARACTER, PAGE 6A United Way seeks runners for Turkey Trot 5K BY MARIE NESMITH United Way. “The fi rst year, we it really is important to have that also certifi ed, which is also very [email protected] had 17 runners. Last year, we had last ‘push’ of funding.” important to runners. over 400. The Turkey Trot was Departing at 9 a.m., the 5K “We are hoping the chip tim- In the midst of their nonprof- established as a special event to will be a Peachtree Road Race ing and certified course will it’s fundraising campaign, Unit- help raise money for our partner qualifi er, with timing provided bring runners from all over ed Way of Bartow County’s sup- agencies. by Wire2Wire Running. the metro Atlanta area. Anoth- porters are busy preparing for its “The two most important ways “At over 400 runners last year, er way to help United Way hit 14th annual Turkey Trot 5K. Set for United Way to raise money is we were able to raise just a lit- their goal of $10,000 for the for Nov. 23, the event will be pre- our payroll deduction campaigns tle under $9,000 for last year’s Turkey Trot is for a company sented at Sam Smith Park, 1155 and our special events. Without race,” Morehouse said. “Our goal to do a sponsorship,” she said, Douthit Ferry Road in Carters- the success of our special events, this year is 500 runners. We are adding race and T-shirt spon- ville. we would run short of our goal so lucky to team up with Wire- sorships are available for $500 SPECIAL “I can’t believe how much it each year. That is why they are so 2Wire on having chip timing, and $250, respectively. The Pine Log Elementary chalk team shows off its has grown,” said Brenda More- important. With the Turkey Trot which is important to those who award-winning chalk drawing at Chalktoberfest 2019 on house, president of the local being the last event of the year, are runners. Our race course is SEE TURKEY TROT, PAGE 2A Oct. 13. 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