••..; •-• \, •-• •- ' D-8 Cranford Chronicle May 20, 2004 SALERNO DUANE Serving Cranford, Garwood and Kehilworth Vol.116, No. 22 ... .•••••• Thursday, May 27, 2004^ v 50 cents m By LAUREN TRAJNOR . ..It is that work that he loves;. about Captain. Andrews is he duties, Andrews has spent years hopes- to continue working with THE CHRONICLE . • • • and as the department's new cap- comes: to work.' every day and coordinating drunk-driving the taskforce, whose members tain of operations, Andrews said gives 110 percent effort," said checkpoints as well as DPW came out to Council Chambers ; CRANfFQRD : —'Jerome he hopes tp; find time to stay Chief Eric Mason. checkpoints, where he basically Tuesday to show their support ' Andr'e-'iys was promoted to the involved while juggling adminis- Andrews-said the effort comes inspects heavy trucks, he said. for their colleague. •',• post of police captain Tuesday trative tasks as the. head of the naturally. "I still like to come to; Andrews, has also been active Initially working for the night,after years of successfully Patrol Division, the Detective work after 34 years, so that's part, with.the Essex/Union Auto Theft. Patrol Division, Andrews worked guarding the streets, defending : Division, and the Traffic of iti",he said. "I got my fingers in : Taskforce.fdr the past 10. years'. for a number of years in the : residents against drunk drivers, -Division. •; .• .'• a couple of different things that -: Although his new; schedule will Detective. Department before and tracking stolen automobiles His boss has'faith that he's up keep me being active." -require him to spend more hours across the county. ••'•••.. to the task. "What impresses me Iri addition to his regular at the municipal building, lie . ..(.Continued.on!page;A-2) ' Bids due Pareiits ..- FonuPio f OR YOUR TRADE . •:•• .Just present this coupon, after you've made your deal' ,;| BOMBS. on upset,t>ut NEW 2004 GALANT NEW 2004 GRAND CHEEROKEE WO V8 AWD NEW 2004 PACIFICA NEW 2004 GRAND AM GT NEW 2004 YUKON XL 4X4 MITSUBISHI CHRYSLER PONTIAC GMC prograin 4 dr, 4 cylinder, aulomalic, p/s/b, a/c, am/lm stereo w/CD player, power • 4dr, e cyl, auto, p-'s/b, a'c. arn'fmslereo w/Cb player, power windows, 4 dr, 6 cyl, aulo, p.-s-b; ac-am Im stereo w'CO, 6-pasSDnger, power lift' 4 door, 6cylindor, a'c.'automatic, power steering & brakes, leather, • 4 dr, 8 cyl, autq, p'sb. a c- Bose promtum-sound system w/6.disk- 'power locks, Slk & Vin# 4C3S9782. MSRP-S3.1..170. Incl $3,500 lease • gate; power windows.& locks;' 17* chrome wheels, Slk.'S Vin». CD changer, XM radio, iealher, power windows & locks', Stk S Virr*!. windows 8 locks, Slk &'VW 4E093878, MSRP $19,592. Includes : ; arrrtrh w.'CD player, power Windows & locks, Slk S Vin/f 4C123713. By LAUREN TRA1NOR $1,000 customer loyally. $999 total dufe :al inception, no rel. sec dep • cash, Sr.OOO lease loyalty, $3,000 cuslomer'casb. .$3,000 due al: 4R631779, MSRP.$34,290 .incl $3,000 lease cash 8 $3,000 c'us. .MSRP $25;1'95.-;- Incl S3.500' consurrier. cash rebate. Puce.. , 4G219755, MSRP S46.135. lnci'$4,00Q consumer cash rebate. & [.• : So close : req. pricoexcludes lax, title & MVfeog..'-.. • .\ • • •'. " inception incl rel sec dep. Price excludes tax,.tille S MV lew' •-.'•• • to'mer cash. • $3,000 due al inception, incl rel sec dep. Excludes Ian . excludes tax. iiile &-MV loos, • • ' . ••'•' "••' • $1000 truck-lost rebate. Pficoexcludes-lax,.tille& Melees. • '. '• T-HE-CHRONICLE . '. titles'Mvfees.' • •.••'•.••-• '•• •;••• , • ''' ' ' ' ;; •<> • Pie Crsnfoid High sofiball suffered ;: : ' "' ''•'. • • ': ' LEASE FOR .'•.••"••:.' ••'.'• CRANFORD , — . .Cranford ' • '•• •••,•.'"• ' ' LEASEFOR. •••' ' -'; ..„•'•.•• ' . LEASEFOR' -S ';'•• .''• BUY FOR •.••'..-• :..' .: •'•••.,••:•. ' another Heartbreaking defeat in the 1 Union County Tournament final, ' Crossing.is inching its .way along, falling to, Roselle Park 2-1 In, 13 though a groundbreaking .'date has to innings. Forsiory see Sports: Page yet to be confirmed and a Guaranteed Maximum Price • •• per month • -•• •• per month per-month. ':.(GMP) yet to be determined. 36 months' ., • 39 months. 2d monlhs- But those steps should be com ing soon, officials said-at Tuesdays By GREG MARX Township Committee meeting Bids for the project's parking THE CHRONICLE; . , . ' garage will be in to the Township KENILWORTH — The Board - Clerk by .-3 • p.m.; today, said of Education's decision to replace Township Administrator Marlena the district's .extended day. kinder- <Zt-t R'VSLER MITSUBISHI Schmid. ... PONTIAC MOTORS : garten program with a convention- FUEL FOR THE SOUL WE ARE PROFESSIONAL GRADE wake up and drive' -Once the bids are .collected by al halMay offering has some local the clerk, one copy will be sent to parents outraged and looking to . FREE LOANER CARS engineers O&S Associates, Int take action. But, according to mvESTAfi 2G7 BROAD STREET, . who will recommend to the town Superintendent - Lloyd Leschuk, ship li reasonable GMP, and one HOURS: 9-9 MON-FRI, 9-6 SAT -.' :NICOLE DIMELLA/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER there is little chance the program copy will be forwarded' to. legaL will be restored for the coming S'.•'•• 1 MILE FROM SHORT HILLS MALL SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY : Students make for counsel Joe Bauinann. i- school year. , Once the. price'is set,, the town And they're off! Prices include.all-costs to be paid by a consumer except tax, title & MV fees. Prices include all manufacturer rebates/incentives, if any. -A-On select models. ffrade-in allowance will be base on GALVES WHOLESALE book'value. Deductions from allowance may be made for The board's hand was forced-by; Cool teachers' sliip may: set IT number of conch Racers get a jump off the starting line on Myrtle Avenue at Saturday's 5-K run/walk to benefit the the voters' defeat of the proposed equipment failure, body/interior damage, reconditioning costs and/or excess mileage-at a rateof 12e.per mile assed on all mileage over 12,000 miles per year; Ttl pymt/purch opt/ttl cost: Galant $7164/$9600.08/$8163, Laredo $7761/$14,37Q/$10,761 \ Pacifica $5976$20,574/$8976. the "Cool Teachers with Hot tions in its contract witli developer Cerebral Palsy League. The annual event is a key fundraiser for the league, which operates a base school budget and second Leases inpl 12K mi//yr at 15c each add'l mile, Lessee responsible for maintenance, and exc.ess.wear & tear." Purchase or lease .any-new 2004 Galant or Endeavor. All offers are subject to approval'by primary lender. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offers expire 5/25/04/ Topics"program at Cranford High school and other facilities in Cranford. question, and the Borough last week.gave High-school students (Continued on page A-2) Council's subsequent decision to a chance to teach, about some of mandate $329,000 be cut from the" . their favorite subjects — but, more . board's base budget. ' : importantly for some of the children Last week, the -.board approved in attendance, it. offered a-chance to 60 years latei; a vet returns to Normandy those cuts, attempting"..to spread Wlulti eat some tasty treats. See the story the burden -throughout'the district without eliminating any programs on Page A-3. ••,'•., By LAUREN TRAINOR one of my grandsons to return and England, where the tides-of the south coast, the family paid a visit . in their entirety. The :ax fell most • see what it's like," he said. "I think: Barnstaple Bay mimicked the tides to former Cranford • friend -Haklor THE CHRONICLE heavily on the kindergarten, pro- • one of• the tilings, you do in middle at Normandy,'and. where h'e trained •• Selvin before'.moving on to.Fr.ance. • 'gram,-where the move to a half- . New 2004 Chevrolet • Sixty years ago, Richard Wagner age is sort of examine your roots. Hi- . for-the D-Day invasion. ' Across the Channel,'after .tour- day (actually, 2;5-hoiir) offering took part iii history. '- was probably thinking, "I want to "For nine months prior to D-Day ing through' Bricquebec, Saint Lo, will save about $112,000 over the a\IE0 SPECIAL Wagner was art assault boat offi- learn .more-.about my father and my I took my.crew into the bay with and Ste. Mere Eglise, the group : ! 'V, \ •• .,-.' . board's proposed budget. ."••.. VIN.WB! 72594, Stk #(2839,4 DR, 1.61 DOH.C. cer in the Navy for Landing Craft, mother before they die,' and.I think boatloads of soldiers-to practice for arrived at Utah and Omaha beach- 103HP enn.,, 5spd5 spd.. nianunlmanual, a/ca, , p/s/b, cd and Vehicle, and Personnel (.LCVP) he did." Normandy," he said of liis .assign- es, the 10-mile stretch of land where Unsurprisingly, the decision has MP' 3 playJwck, MSRP^:S11,9.9O: . upset- . some local ' parents. 9Wi boats, and one of two LCVP officers . "There's smother reason, too." ment tp the base between June the American forces landed.' According, to two of. those parents, smart Buy smart Buy smart Buy Buy out only attached to Landing Ship Tank 282 Wagner said,.."I've always., had -1943'and. April 1944: : "The beaches were in their natu- Audrey Savona and Krista for D-Day, the Allied invasion of mixed emotions about why that After leaving, the relatively calm ral, quiet state, in sharp contrast to •Swanson, a petition is now circu- Normandy, France that helped turn part of niy life was so.interesting. 1 memories of Instow; Wagner and his. the obstacles that had-.lined the ';, .} J ,.,..; lating that, asks the board-to ill •the tide of World War II. '/.' . family made their way down to water's edge and the din of unload- objected to going to war at that- restore the extended-day^ kinder- mHH.um.rn i mm.uK.rn Earlier this, month, the Cranford time.
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