Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1946 The olC lege News, 1946-05-08, Vol. 32, No. 23 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1946-05-08, Vol. 32, No. 23 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1946). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/807 For more information, please contact [email protected]. • ' , 1 • j..., / ·1 � . •• .�, .. HE"'�" EWS VOL. XLII, NO, 23- ARDMORE and BRYN MAWR, PA" WEDNESDAY, MAY 8,1946 Copyrlahl Truateea ot PRICE CENTS Bryn Mawr Colle... un; 10 Toynbee Meyer to Speak Petts to Leave; Signing Out Plan Arnold . To Head Dance Increased Cost On Third War Found Ineffective To Deliver Next I Forces College • ��!�� ����f. Or World G-ov't. .. e : p ' � c_ For Saving Food tor of Physical E on. will J,k Cord Mey.. , Jr" wHi .peak � The signing-out system insti­ Flexner SerIeS leave Bryn Mawr next. year to be To Raise Fees on "World W'8T III or World Gov­ tuted for week-end meala to con. the dance director of the New Am­ ernment" at the tenth College As­ serve on the- amount of food ,pre­ Famed British Scholar erican Opera Company, This Com­ Additional Fee of sembly on Current Affairs, to be 'Pared and served, has Iproved help­ $90 pany will start its season at the To Give Lectures held in Goodhart, on May 9th at ful in only three halls on campus, Divided Between Academy of Music in Philadel­ 12:30 P. 1M. lMiss Howe reports, On the week­ On History phia with the presentation oC the Board, Tuition After Mr. Meyer was graduated end of .May 3, and failures to "Bartered Bride" in October, MiSlS 4, 5, The Mary Flexner LectUrer for (rom Yale University, In the claas sign out ranged trom 19 in Rocke­ Goodhart. May 6th. "In order to Petts will have her own studio to J948-1947 will be Protessor Arnold oof 19413, he beeame a member or feller to in Pembroke. meet rising prices it has betn ne. which she invites any Bryn Mawr 336 Toynbee, author of The Study or the 22nd Marine Reriment, and Two halls. Roekeleller and Mel'­ cessary to incl'1!ase the fees for student who wishes to continue History and Director of Studies in served as the leader of a machine­ ion, maintained a commendable graduate and undergraduate atu­ dancing under her instruction. She the Royal Institute ot Internation­ gun platoon during the Guam and record, with 8, 3, 0, 8 failures for dents", stated President McBride plans to eontinue at the Academy .al Affairs. The lectures will be de­ Eniwetok campaigns. He was se­ Friday dinner, Saturday dinner, at a spe(ial assembly thi. morn­ of Vocal Arts, where she has voted to the comparative study of verely wounded, and was decorat.­ Sunday dinner, and Sunday supper ing on "Fees and Collere Finan­ taught th� art of stage movement .contemporary eivilizations, which ed wibh the Bronze, ... SLar. -Alter in Rock, and 1, failures ·in ces". The graduate tuition fee will , for the past six years, In the sum­ J2, 1, 6 will b@ the subje'et, in partlor the convalescing, Mr. Meyer scrv.'d 88 Merion for the same meal�, Worst be raise!r by .$60, t.he residence fee mer she will again direct her own last volumes of the Study of His­ an aide to tCommander Harold E. offendCl' 'WIHI Pembroke .....ith 89, b)t $75; the undergraduate tuition Berkshire School in Lenox, tory, still unpublished. Stassen at the San Francisco Con­ 79, 104, and G4 students neglecting fee by $50, the residence fee by Miss Pelts took hel' tl'llining at Professor Toynbee began his aC­ ference Jast spring. Among the to sign out in the foul' meals fOI' $40. The inflrnuu')' fee of $25 will Wellesley College. BefOI'e she I ademic cal·eer as Fellow and Tutor flrticles he has written !lor maga­ which signing·out sheets lire I)I'(). remuin unchanged. cume to BI'yn Mawr, eighteen in Balliol College, Oxford, in 1912, zines is "A Serviceman Looks at vided. Titis measure was taken only I\f­ the Peace" years ago, Miss Petts taught aports but since 191 5, when he joim!d the published in the Sep­ Denbigh, Radnor nntl Rhoads fell tl'r II detailed analysis of the eol­ at the Madeia'a School. She then Political Intelligence Division of tember, 1945. issue of the ,Atlantic between these two extremes, with lege budget and predicted cosl"!, Monthly; the Foreign Office, he has devoted records of 24, IG. G, 16 failures in explained Prcsident McBride. Ec­ the greater part of his time to ill Denbigh, 31, 25, 31, and 30 in Ollomie"l have been made and the government service and his wri- Radnor, a.nd 29, 32. 20, and 48 in increase is the minimunl possible to meet the rising costs of "food, ting, At present he holds a research D e I ega t es Atten d Bonfante Defines Rhoads. Hall 'Presidents have profeuorship in International His- • agl:ced.... to ncL-aa--liaison between coal, supplies, and wages." The sit>­ lory-at the Univ@nity ot- bondon,· uation is the same in all the col­ La b o..---r_ 1\11fle-etJn gs Dante-'s Position students and hall managers in try­ but he is best known for the many-­ ing to make the piAn more effectM leges, she added. volumes published under his own ive. This riae in prices is not new, but . , name. or under hiS. direction. At Hudson Shore In Italy's Heritage Miss Batoheller I·el>orts that COIl­ during the war increased costs Professor Toynbee Is one of the were balanced in the college budget In commemoration of the twen­ Deanery, May 1, "The history of sidel'able savings were effected in ,greatest living historical scholars. by the reduction in the number o( Italy and the Italian language is tats and oils over March 1945 .....ith· His Study of History, of which ty.fifth anniversary of the Hudson faculty salaries, owing to many a proof of the triumph of spirit in the pas� two months. In March, six volumes have already appeared, Shore Labor School, a conference absences, 1\Iiss McBride Mated, To­ over matter" summarized Profes­ 19.:16, deep.frying was reduced by not owy preaents a new theory on w., held at the .chool on May 4 2 servings. double·crust pies by 3, day prices grow steadily, but the aOl' Giuliano Bonfante, pl'ofessol' the working of cause and effect in budget fOI' I!aiariell has returned and 5, It was attended by delegates of Romance languages at Prince­ Prencit dressing Iby 8, and mayon­ the development of civilizations, H; to nOl'mal. The proposed inerease from Bryn Mawr, Connecticut Col- ton Univer�y, in his lectul'c- 011 nuise by in April, 1946, suv­ but in ita scope and command of ' ings resulted in reductions of 5, in tees is just enough to meet in­ lege 10 Women, Haverford, Mount "Dant.e anat he Italian lan.u.ge". the intricate details of many ob- 1' creasing costs, nnd makes no pro­ Professor Bonfante emphasized 4, 12, 12 in the !lnille items. Fig­ scure phases of ,human affairs it is Holyoke, the School of Industrial vision for increased faculty salur­ the inter-relation of language, cul­ ures cover the number of times the probably the most complete survey Relations 'of Cornell University, ies, ture, and civilization in the fOI'ma. items appeal'ed on the menus. cI this field to be written by one Additional scholarsitip money ia Vassar, and Wellesey, as well as ti'On of a natian:-f-1e p'()inr�d our Wheat t'Onservfttion has i>een ef- man. The annual Surveys of Inter nvaihlble for those who are un­ · by industrial workers from New thut while France nnd Spain tle- national Arraira which usually ' , able to meet the increase, "We York and Ph, ladelph,'., rive t hcu'' ullltyf rom a centl'uli%ed .come off the press in the months want to keep fees down to a point Several discusllions took place monarehy, in which the common immediately following the events at which Bryn Mawr is possible during the week·end, Mr. Carl spirit. arose out of l.t unity roreed Prom to Feature described, are a unique combination to people of a wide range of finan­ Pretzgold, of the newspaper "P. upon peoples wishing to live apart, of accurate historical documenta- .M.", cial bacgkround and the quality of spoke on "The Current Labor there is a coniraat. in-Lhe. cuouoLj.LJ.erry- 0" OUD tion and the breadth of vision whieh G R d t e stu ent and""'The personIS the Situation". He examined the effect Italy in which the common force" P ro f..e or T oyn bee has ach leve' d' a Gaiety and festivity seem.. to be deciding factor of admission", ahe of the war and of New Deal re- arose ou e common sp' , t 0 t th m a the del' of day, as the long range in his Study of History ol' the far as emphasized. The President eited . forms on the Labor situation, and .
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