BRITISH VALUES By Allan Davisson 1/4 Farthing Farthing Fine VF EF Unc Ch. Unc. Proof Fine VF EF Unc Ch.Unc Proof BRITAIN GREAT COIN VALUES: 1839 8.00 20. 90. 250. 500. * 1864 — 5.00 40. 165. 330. * 1851 8.00 25. 90. 300. 600. * 1865 — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * 1852 8.00 20. 90. 225. 450. * 1865 5/2 — 8.00 60. 200. 400. * BRITISH VALUES 1853 8.00 25. 110. 250. 500. * 1866 — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * 1853 Proof * * * * * 1250. 1867 — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * PRICE GUIDE 1868 Proof * * * * * 1000. 1868 — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * All prices are in U.S. dollars 1869 — 15. 65. 200. 400. * 1/3 Farthing 1872 — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * British Coin Values is a comprehensive retail 1873 — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * Fine VF EF Unc Ch. Unc. Proof 1874-H — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * value guide of British coins published online as a 1844 12. 40. 125. 400. 800. * 1875 Large Date — 15. 60. 200. 400. * part of World Coins . The values are provided as a 1844 RE for REG 25. 65. 550. 1000. 2000. * 1875 Small Date 10. 35. 135. 300. 600. * reader service to collectors desiring independent 1866 — 10. 50. 100. 200. * 1875-H — 5.00 20. 110. 220. * 1868 — 10. 50. 100. 200. * 1877 Proof only * * * * * 10000. information about a coin’s potential retail value. 1876 — 12. 50. 120. 240. * 1878 — 5.00 15. 110. 220. * Sources for pricing include actual transac- 1878 — 10. 50. 100. 200. * 1879 — 5.00 15. 110. 220. * 1881 — 12. 60. 120. 240. * 1880 — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * tions, public auctions, fi xed-price lists and any 1884 — 10. 50. 100. 200. * 1881 — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * additional information acquired by the World 1885 — 10. 50. 100. 200. * 1881-H — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * Coins valuing analyst. (Note: Dealer buy prices 1902 — — 15. 50. 100. * 1882-H — 5.00 40. 125. 250. * 1913 — — 15. 50. 100. * 1883 — 8.00 60. 175. 350. * are wholesale valuations. Published buy prices in 1884 — — 20. 80. 160. * no way guarantee that a particular dealer will buy 1/2 Farthing 1885 — — 20. 80. 160. * 1886 — — 20. 80. 160. * a coin at a published buy price. Therefore, certain Fine VF EF Unc Ch. Unc. Proof 1887 — — 35. 125. 250. * coins in this valuing section, especially some of 1839 — 15. 65. 200. 400. * 1888 — — 20. 80. 160. * the esoteric items, may differ greatly from adver- 1839 Proof * * * * * 800. 1890 — — 20. 80. 160. * 1842 — 15. 65. 200. 400. * 1891 — — 20. 80. 160. * tised buy prices, both higher and lower.) 1843 — 8.00 30. 125. 250. * 1892 — 15. 60. 200. 400. * Market conditions, supply, demand and rarity 1844 — 8.00 30. 125. 250. * 1893 — — 18. 100. 200. * 1844 E/N in REGINA 1894 — — 20. 80. 160. * are key considerations. Values are listed for coins 5.00 20. 125. 400. 800. * 1895 Young Head 8.00 25. 100. 350. 700. * that are strictly graded in each grade category ac- 1847 — 10. 30. 125. 250. * 1895 Veiled Head — 5.00 40. 85. 140. * cording to the current market standard. Cleaned, 1851 — 10. 50. 150. 300. * 1896 — — 5.00 50. 82. * 1852 — 10. 50. 150. 300. * 1897 Bright Finish — — 5.00 50. 82. * whizzed, damaged or otherwise altered coins 1853 — 10. 60. 175. 350. * 1897 Dark Finish — — 5.00 50. 125. * bring less value than posted World Coins listings. 1853 Proof * * * * * 1000. 1898 — — 5.00 50. 125. * World Coins 1854 — 25. 125. 300. 600. * 1899 — — 5.00 50. 125. * uses the European system of Fine, 1856 Small Date — 25. 125. 300. 600. * 1900 — — 5.00 50. 125. * Very Fine, Extremely Fine, Uncirculated, Choice 1856 Large Date 65. 150. 450. 800. 1600. * 1901 — — 5.00 50. 125. * Uncirculated and Proof to describe the condition 1868 Proof, bronze * * * * * 950. 1902 — — 5.00 40. 65. * 1868 Proof, copper-nickel 1903 — — 5.00 50. 85. * of a coin. On the 1 to 70 scale now in common us- * * * * * 1000. 1904 — — 5.00 50. 85. * age by third-party grading services, dealers and 1905 — — 5.00 50. 85. * Farthing 1906 — — 5.00 50. 85. * auction houses in the United States, these grades 1907 — — 5.00 50. 85. * Fine VF EF Unc Ch. Unc. Proof would be approximately equivalent to: Fine: About 1908 — — 5.00 50. 85. * 1838 — 8.00 65. 250. 500. * 1909 — — 5.00 50. 85. * F-12; Very Fine: About VF-20 to VF-35; Extremely 1839 — 8.00 65. 250. 500. * 1910 — — 5.00 65. 110. * Fine: About EF-40 to EF-58. Unc refers to an Un- 1839 Proof, bronzed copper 1911 — — 5.00 30. 50. * circulated or Mint State coin in condition MS-60 * * * * * 750. 1912 — — 8.00 25. 40. * 1840 — 8.00 65. 250. 500. * 1913 — — 8.00 25. 40. * to MS-64, Ch. Unc refers to a coin in condition 1841 — 8.00 65. 250. 500. * 1914 — — 8.00 25. 40. * MS-65 and higher. In grading, Proof is used to de- 1842 — 60. 150. 600. 1200. * 1915 — — 5.00 30. 50. * 1843 — 8.00 65. 250. 500. * 1916 — — 5.00 25. 40. * note a method of manufacture, and here refers to 1843 I for 1 in date 70. 300. 800. 1200. 2400. * 1917 — — 5.00 25. 40. * a Proof coin in Choice condition. 1844 70. 150. 1000. 3000. 6000. * 1918 — — 5.00 25. 110. * 1845 — 10. 50. 250. 500. * 1919 — — 5.00 12. 40. * 1846 — 10. 50. 250. 500. * 1920 — — 5.00 12. 40. * Bullion sensitive coins based on spot 1847 — 10. 50. 250. 500. * 1921 — — 5.00 12. 40. * price of gold at $1,150 per ounce and 1848 — 10. 50. 250. 500. * 1922 — — 5.00 12. 40. * silver at $15 per ounce. 1849 — 85. 500. 1000. 2000. * 1923 — — 5.00 12. 40. * 1850 — 10. 50. 250. 500. * 1924 — — 5.00 12. 40. * 1850 5/4 30. 100. 200. 500. 1000. * 1925 — — 5.00 12. 40. * KEY TO LISTINGS 1851 — 10. 50. 250. 500. * 1926 — — 3.00 12. 30. * BV .............................................. Bullion value 1851 D/D Sideways in DEI 1927 — — 3.00 12. 30. * 25. 125. 450. 800. 1600. * 1928 — — 3.00 12. 30. * EEC................European Economic Community 1852 — 20. 100. 300. 600. * 1929 — — 3.00 6.00 30. * ExR ..........................................Extremely rare 1853 WW Raised 8.00 60. 150. 300. 600. * 1930 — — 3.00 6.00 30. * –– ... No data, insuffi cient data or not relevant 1853 WW Incuse 30. 125. 350. 700. 1400. * 1931 — — 3.00 6.00 30. * 1853 Proof * * * * * 1200. 1932 — — 3.00 6.00 30. * * .....................................................Not issued 1854 — 10. 85. 160. 320. * 1933 — — 3.00 6.00 30. * H ................................................. Heaton Mint 1855 — 10. 75. 150. 300. * 1934 — — 3.00 6.00 30. * 1855 WW Raised — 10. 65. 200. 400. * 1935 — — — 6.00 30. * KN ......................................King’s Norton Mint 1936 — — 3.00 6.00 30. * 1856 WW Incuse — 30. 85. 250. 500. * LCW.....................................Designer’s initials 1856 R/E 15. 85. 400. 750. 1500. * 1937 — — — 6.00 15. * 1938 — — 5.00 6.00 15. * RE ..............................................Reeded Edge 1857 — 10. 65. 200. 400. * 1939 to 1952 — — 6.00 6.00 30. * 1858 — 10. 65. 200. 400. * WW......................................Designer’s initials 1953 to 1956 — — — 6.00 20. * 1859 — 25. 85. 300. 600. * 1860 copper * * * * * 12000. 1860 Round Beads, bronze Half Pennies Prices for silver and gold Britannia coins that — 5.00 35. 125. 250. * Fine VF EF Unc Ch. Unc. Proof sell for bullion value plus a trading premium are 1860 Toothed Beads — 3.00 25. 110. 220. * 1838 5.00 15. 85. 400. 800. * Coin World’s 1861 — 3.00 25. 110. 220. * 1839 Proof only * * * * * 750. reported weekly in Precious Metals 1862 — 3.00 25. 110. 220. * 1841 5.00 15. 85. 400. 800. * and Bullion Coins chart as a regular feature. 1863 25. 75. 225. 450. 900. * 1843 25. 75. 300. 1000. 2000. * *WC British Values 09-07-15 1 10/6/2015 1:26:57 PM Half pennies Half pennies Pennies Fine VF EF Unc Ch.Unc Proof Fine VF EF Unc Ch. Unc Proof Fine VF EF Unc Ch.Unc Proof 1844 12. 35. 175. 450. 900. * 1917 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1875 5.00 20. 125. 450. 900. * 1845 200. 550. 2500. — — * 1918 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1875-H 45. 325. 1500. 3000. 6000. * 1846 12. 35. 150. 500. 1000. * 1919 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1876-H 5.00 20. 125. 450. 900. * 1847 12. 35. 150. 500. 1000. * 1920 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1877 5.00 12. 125. 400. 800. * 1848/7 12. 35. 150. 500. 1000. * 1921 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1878 15. 50. 275. 750. 1500. * 1848 35. 90. 300. 750. 1500. * 1922 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1879 5.00 12. 125. 750. 1500. * 1851 5.00 15. 80. 375. 750. * 1923 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1880 20. 55. 200. 550. 1100. * 1851 Incuse Dots on Reverse 1924 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1881 5.00 45. 300. 800. 1600. * 5.00 15. 80. 375. 750. * 1925 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1881-H 10. 35. 135. 750. 1500. * 1852 5.00 15. 80. 375. 750. * 1882-H 10. 25. 125. 500. 1000. * 1925 Modified Effigy — — 10. 55. 100. * 1853 Proof * * * * * 1100. 1883 5.00 20. 85. 350. 700. * 1926 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1853/2 8.00 40. 185. 450. 900. * 1884 5.00 20. 85. 350. 700. * 1927 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1853 5.00 15. 80. 200. 400. * 1885 5.00 20. 85. 350. 700. * 1928 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1854 5.00 15. 80. 200. 400. * 1886 5.00 20. 85. 350. 700. * 1929 — — 10. 55. 100. * 1855 5.00 8.00 75.
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