Churchwardens’ Accounts for Illogan 1702 ‐ 1782 Source: LDS film no. 1597292; original records CRO ref. AD 106 Contributed by Stephanie Hocking Fox and Badger (Grey) 1s for each head Hedgehog, Fitch and Kite 2d for each Clerk: one years wages £2‐0‐0 for washing the Linen £0‐6‐0 Sexton: one years wages £1‐4‐0 Events: 1713 locking of ye Church to ye Tower 1713 proclamation of peace 1743 driving the Methodists 1781 to the carriage of stone for the Pinacle of the tower 1786 prayer on the preservation of the King Page 1 (Loose Rates page, undated, two and a half rates ‐ probably 1748) A Rate made By the Consent of the parishners for the Reparasiones of the Church of the Parish of Illuggan John Knight and William Polkinhorn Church Wardens 8 0 John Pridex Bassett Esq for Teheddy 1 0 0 2 0 for Adgevear ten 0 5 0 0 8 for Adgeavean 0 1 8 0 9 for Merres 0 1 10½ 1 6 John Gartrel 0 3 9 0 4½ James Jenken 0 0 11¼ 2 0 Honner Hocken 0 5 0 3 0 Thomas Hocken 0 7 6 0 4 Gorge Jeffry 0 0 10 2 0 Teheddy Mills 0 5 0 0 4½ William Uren 0 0 11¼ 1 0 Will Polkinhorn 0 2 6 0 6 Chygarda 0 1 3 0 6 Eliz Hocken 0 1 3 1 10 Mr Brown great ten 0 4 7 2 0 for Lechares ten 0 5 0 1 6 for Trealls ten 0 3 9 2 2 John Hocken ten 0 5 5 1 1 James Willougby 0 2 8 ½ 2 6 for Real ten 0 6 3 0 2 Hallendown woode 0 0 5 1 0 Thomas Boden 0 2 6 0 2 Joseph Blite 0 0 5 0 3 Nanc keag Woode 0 0 7½ 1 1 Will Polkinhorn 0 2 8½ 2 2 John Brown 0 5 5 1 0 Richard Penny 0 2 6 3 0 Mr Johns for Nanc ten 0 7 6 1 2 for Trengove ten 0 2 11 1 2 for Chestuey 0 2 11 0 10 for Egloshalla 0 2 1 1 0 for Rail Mills 0 2 6 2 6 feadden ten 0 6 3 3 0 for Tregeavear 0 7 6 1 4 Tregeavean ten 0 3 4 1 2 Pollowedn? ten 0 2 11 0 8 for Chetoden ten 0 1 8 1 8 Carvannal ten 0 4 2 1 0 Trenouth ten 0 2 6 Page 2 (Envelope) “Loose paper to go with Illogan Churchwardens’ accts A.D.106” Page 3 (Scrap of paper) Febrary the 16th = 68 John James Account for Glasing Illogan Church Page 4 (Small paper upside down) Page 5 (1768 repairs of Church ‐ note from William Harry) 1768 Repairing the Breaches in Loggan Church Janeuary Wm: Harry ye‐28‐febry ye 8‐28‐ 3 days 0 6 0 March Wm: Harry ye 29‐30‐31‐April‐1 4 days 0 8 0 Page 6 (Scrap of paper from disbursements? of 1705?) .. & expences att ye Court for ye year 1705 1 8 ? Rates for ye years 1704 & 1705 being four Rates is 25 9 8 Page 7 (Rates for 1704, 1705) Illuggan } A Rate made by ye Consent of Franses Bassett Esqr & Rate 1704 } other ye Prenciple Inhabitants of ye psh? also? vey? ye & 1705 } Church Wardens & Prerpecars? of ye Pool for ye Reparation } of ye Church & Other Ornaments thereainto Belonging Francis Bassett Esqr for ye Bartenoff? 2 8 0 Abell Angove & Thomas for Tehiddy Mills 0 8 0 Wilby senr Church wardens Carnbrea 0 4 0 The occupants of ye other Half 0 4 ? Adgenvenr? 0 10 0 Nowell Luke for Treneweth? 0 3 ? Batressar? 0 1 4 Phillips Cailerei for pt of } Pollawin 0 4 8 Pellawin } 0 2 ? Panks Tent 0 2 0 Pheadden 0 10 ? Tangys Downs 0 1 0 Richd Edy for ½ of Trengove 0 5 ? Nance Tent 0 12 0 Walter John for ye other Half 0 5 ? Trengove vean 0 6 0 ye Occupants of Reall 0 8 ? Chestue 0 6 0 Jo Leacher & Richd Carvorth 0 2 ? The Reeelbs? In Magor 0 6 0 Chegarda 0 2 0 Egles=Hollow 0 3 4 Nancekeage ? 0 2 0 Rayll Mill 0 5 4 Cambridge 0 2 0 Mr Reynold Angove for Tregajoran 0 6 0 Thomas Brown for his pt } Bosleak 0 4 8 of ye Tent in Nancekeag vean} 0 7 4 Magers Tent 0 4 0 Jo Blight for His pt 0 0 8 Martins Tent 0 8 0 for Leachers Tent 0 8 ? Carnbrea downs 0 2 0 for Treas Tent 0 6? 0 Vogepaler Mill 0 4 0 The Widdow Fox A Tent } The Ould Blowing house 0 4 0 n Nancekeag vean } 0 8 0 Mr Abell Angove for Trevenson 0 8 0 for ½ of Polkinghorns Tent 0 4 ? for Tuchfoilds? Tent 0 4 0 Reynold Duff for ye Other ½ 0 4 0 Jo Harrys Tent 0 2 0 The Widdow Brown for } Morwinian 0 5 4 ye Great Tent in Nancekevean} 0 10 0 Treloweth Vean 0 2 8 Thomas Brown for his } His pt of Penhellock vean 0 1 8 Tent in ye same Village } 0 4 0 James Hocking for his pt 0 1 0 Jo Blight for his Tent 0 4 0 The Higher Tent in Brea 0 10 0 Hallingdown Wood 0 0 8 The Lower Tent Jo Knights 0 10 0 (subtotal) 5 3 8 Henr Carpenter Junr for His Tent in ye ? 0 4 0 Outhoulders for Mr Alexanders Tent 0 4 0 The Occupants of ye Forrest 0 16 ? Henr Carpenter Senr for his Tent 0 4 0 for Lanyon 0 2 ? Jo Richards for Canarton 0 8 0 Mr Thomas Werth for Canarten 0 4 ? Treskillard 0 12 0 Mr Thomas Hearle for Carvannell 0 6 ? Mrs? Crase for ½ Grilles 0 2 0 Mr Udy West for Treloweth 0 10 ? Jo Kemp for ¼ of Filltrick 0 4 0 Wm Trevarten for filtrick 0 4 0 Phillip ffrarran for 1/6 0 2 8 Vinsant Davy for Chetodden 0 2? 8 The Widdow Osbron for 1/6 0 2 8 ye Occupants of Penhelleck 0 12 0 The Widdow Roo for penventen 0 2 0 ye Occupants of Tregea vear 0 12 0 Crases penventen 0 0 8 ye Occupants of Tregea vean 0 5 4 Carnkie Downs 0 1 0 Wm John for 1/6? of filtrick 0 3 4 Rosewithen ye ye Mills Buzwithen? 0 2 8 (subtotal) 4 1 ? Emanuell Crase for his pt of Bosleak? 0 3? 4 & Contra 16 6? ? Richd Winreses? pt 0 5 0 as above 5 3 ? Edmond Arthur for Ludvall 0 2 0 (total) 25 11 ? Richd Angove for Burncoose 0 4 0 Rosewithen & ye Mills 0 5 4 Mr Hugh Poly for Treloweth 0 12 0 Henr Goodman for his Treloweth 0 3 4 Wm Sampson for Park 0 4 0 Gweldudnan 0 3 4 ??lvadnen 0 2 8 ‐oscroggan vean 0 8 8 Jo Messer for ½ of Rosroggan vean 0 2 0 Richd Leverton for ye Other half 0 2 0 The Widdow Tresoddorn & Mr Glyn for ? 0 8 0 Jo Clemans for his Tent in Magor 0 7 0 James Richards for a? Tent in Illogan 0 8 8 Jo Tippett for his pt of Morwinian 0 4 8 Richd Bennets for his pt 0 2 4 ‐mes Jenking for Adgivean 0 2 0 Edward? Trounson for his pt of Morwinian 0 3? ? ‐narn? for his pt 0 3? ? ‐ Hocking for his ½ 0 4 0 (page torn) ? ? for ye ? ? An Account for Buriall in ye Church for ye year 1703 Wm Gartrell 10s 1704 A child to James Richards 5s Eliz: Hocking 10s 1705 Wm Paull 10s A child to Gabrill Mill 5s Gabrell Mill 10s A Child to Mr Hugh Pauly 5s Ed: Brown 10s Emanuell Fox 10s A child to Jone Mill 5s Richd Angove (page torn) Page 8 (Rates 1702) The three? Rate for ye year 1702 Edward Eud~ for Cambrise Widdow James Widow James’ tythe Nanckeage Thomas Brown Little Nanckeage Letchers Tenemt Treals Tenemt Emanuell Fox 0 2 ? Half Polkinhorns Tenemt 0 1 ? Hallindown Wood Reynold Duff 0 1 ? The Widdow Brown 0 2 2? Henrey Brown 0 0 10? John Blighe 0 0 ? Richard Carveth for his part Nanckeage wood 0 0 3 John Lecher for his pt 0 0 3 Nance 0 3 ? Trengove Vean 0 1 ? Chestua 0 1 4? Eglashallow 0 0 ? Rail Mill 0 1 ? Weeths in Magor 0 1 6? Richard Eddy for Trengove 0 1 ? for Burnithen 0 6 ? Walter John for Trengove 0 ? ? Gilbert Coad? For Nancseam? 0 ? ? John Tripent? 0 ? ? Carvannall 0 ? ? Vincent Davy for Chytodden 0 ? ? Pollawin That was widdow Phillips 0 ? ? Nowell Luke for Trenoweth 0 0 10 William Tarthend for Merras 0 7 3 Bartho: Robins : Henry Oppy : & Arthur Bryan? for Mara 0 ? 3 Andrew Townson for mriey? Thomas Hockin for Merris Francis F?erris for Merres (total) 2 0 ? Page 9 (Scrap from disbursements) Payd Thomas Terrise for 16 hedghoggs 0 2 8 for 4 kites 0 0 8 for 1 fitch 0 0 2 Payd John Ley for 5 fox Heads 0 5 0 paid Edmond Ley for 8 hedghogs heads 0 1 4 paid John Ley for verments that hee kild 0 2 0 paid William (Ser)?man for vermants heads 0 0 6 paid Clem yearon for one hedghogs head 0 0 2 paid James Ley for to hedghogs & 1 fich 0 0 6 Payd Richd Edwards for 3 fox heads 0 3 0 More for 2 hedghoggs and a fitch 0 0 6 (total) 0 16 6 Page 10 (1702 disbursements) The Disbursments for ye year 1702 John Knight ? Church Wardens Pd John Ley for wages & Washing of Lining 2 ? ? Pd Francis Heplett for wages 1 ? ? for Expences ye 4th Novemr 0 12?? Payd Mr Angove for oyle 4th Novemr 0 ? ? Payd Richard Brewer for Mending ye bells 0 2 ? Payd Richd Brewer for Mending ye Seals 0 1 ? Payd John Ley for an oake Plank 0 1 ? Payd Hannibal Sanders for Glazing ye windows 0 ? ? Payd Mr Angove for 2 bottles wine to Whitsuntide 0 4 ? Payd Mr Angove for 4 bottles wine to Xmas 0 8 ? Payd Mr Angove for 12 bottles wine to Easter 1 4 ? Payd Thomas Terrile for New Regulating ye Book 0 3 ? Payd for Bread to Whitsuntide, Christmas and Easter 0 2 ? Payd the Smith for Nailes and Rings and for Locks to ye bells 0 4 ? Payd for Reed and Workmens Labor about ye Church‐ in mending the breaches 0 19 ? Payd John Ley for Copping ye Births & burials & Expencs 0 ? ? Payd Stephen James for Expence att ye Sealing ye Indenturs 0 ? ? Payd John John for farls? Hoslep? ye headwards att Portreath 0 ? ? 3 bottel of wine more After Easter from Mr Angove 0 6? ? pd for keeping ye Book 0 4 ? (subtotal) 10 4 ? Due to ye Churchwardens since ye year 1701 3 0 ? Lay’d out as p Contra 0 10 ? (subtotal) 14 1 ? Receivd by Rates 16 0 5 Reced by Coaters 0 9 6 16 29 ? Due to ye pish 2 8 ? Recevd of Nowell Luke 6:0 } By ? ? Mr Roop 4:6 } Mayy? Andrews Rate for givow? } by ye consent of ye psh } 1:6 } by James Kessell 2:10 } 14:10 of Mr Crase our Disbursmts is 13 ? ? and ye Rates is 16 ? ? Due to ye ? Page 11 repeat of page 9 Page 12 repeat of page 10 Page 13 (Scrap of rates) ?? ½ of merres vean 0 11 ? ?? of ye Other half 0 11 3 Nowell Luck for Trenoweth 0 9 0 ? illi ? Children for pt of Pellawin 0 4 6 Feaden 1 2 6 Rich Edy for ½ of Trengove vear 0 11 3 Walter John for ye Other half 0 11 3 ye Widdow Cleader? for Rayll 0 18 0 Jo Leacher & Rich Carverth 0 4 6 Chegarda 0 6 0 Nan?keage Tithe 0 4 6 Cambridge 0 4 6 Thomas Brown for His pt of A Tent in Nancekeage Vean 0 16 6 Jo Blight for His pt 0 ? 6 for Leachers Tent 0 18 0 for Trealls Tent 0 13 6 The widdow Fox for A Tent in Nancekeage Vear 0 18 0 for ½ of Polkinghorns Tent 0 9 0 Rey:d Duff for ye Other Half
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