ROGER KATWIJK Prinsengracht 737 | 1017 JX Amsterdam T +31 (0)20 6273808 | www.rogerkatwijk.com | [email protected] Openingstijden galerie: don t/m zat 13-17 uur en op afspraak ---PERSBERICHT--- ENVIRONMENTAL ABSTRACTION Isabelle Borges, Bram Braam, Dag Prybilla, Martijn Schuppers, Katleen Vinck 3 September - 9 October 2021 Galerie Roger Katwijk opens the new gallery season with a groupshow ‘Environmental Abstraction’. The exhibition is curateD by Martijn Schuppers. In ‘Environmental Abstraction’ 5 artists show how they Deal with the lanDscape in space in an abstract way. Often from the point of Departure that the landscape is dominated by archecture. Bram Braam (1980, SittarD ) lives anD works in Berlin A search for the raw traces to be founD in our urban environment - a lanDscape DominateD by architecture - are the points of Departure for the work of Dutch artist Bram Braam. This search manifests itself in a sculptural anD poetic representation of materiality anD Decay. His work repeateDly engages with moDernist Design turning arounD the shifting reception of Constructivism, De Stijl, Bauhaus anD le Corbusier anD more. A recurring theme is how control is manifest in architectural planning anD the fate of monuments that fail in their inherent task of memorialization. Bram Braam graDuateD from the Royal AcaDemy of Fine Arts in Den Bosch (NL) in 2009 anD stuDieD communication anD Design at St Lucas College in Boxtel, The NetherlanDs (2003). He has exhibiteD internationally at venues incluDing Gallery Burster Berlin (DE), Marissa Newman projects New York USA, N.B.K. Neuer Berliner Kunstverein Berlin (DE), LAGE EGAL curatorial projects Berlin (DE), Till Richter museum, Bugenhagen (DE), LFN gallery Spinnerei Leipzig (DE), Galerie Frank Taal RotterDam (NL), Another space Kopenhagen (DK) Import Projects Berlin, SteDelijk Museum Den Bosch SMS (NL) Dag Przybilla ( 1964, EbenswalDe/ Gemany ) lives anD works in Berlin. Dag has since his studies been working with abstract geometric forms. Influenced by Kasimir Malevich or Wassily KanDinsky they are the starting point of his non-objective paintings anD murals. His paintings are pulsating constellations that flooD canvases as well as exhibition spaces, turning the white surfaces into a playgrounD for geometric turbulence. Dag stuDieD Art EDucation anD German Literature at HumbolDt University / Kunsthochschule Berlin- Weißensee. After 1989 – Orientation in the art scene of LonDon anD Berlin. 1994 – Partisipant at the first Croma Park exhibition. 1995 – Collaboration with Jim Avignon. Since 2001 – Solo career. Numerous international exhibitions in galleries anD museums (Goethe Institute, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Singapore, etc. anD galleries in Tel Aviv, Tokyo, Chicago, etc.). Isabelle Borges ( SalvaDor/ Brazil, 1966) lives anD works in Berlin. The main theme of her work is space anD how we perceive it. It’s about the space behinD the space, the in between spaces. She perceive the space between things not as been empty, but like a fabric, that folDs and moves, uncovering many layers of our perceiveD reality. The spatiality createD in my work happens through folDs of planes anD lines. , be it thorough paintings, paper cuts, collages, installations. Between 1985 anD 1987, she stuDieD Social Sciences at the University of Brasilia. Between 1988 and 1992 she liveD in Rio De Janeiro, where she attenDeD at the Escola Visual Do Parque Lage anD haD professors as Beatriz Milhazes, Daniel Senise, Charles Watson, among others. In 1993 she immigrated to Germany, initially liveD in Cologne anD workeD as an assistant to the stuDio of Antonio Dias anD the American artist Jack Ox, who was doing research on Kurt Schwitters, a German daDaist artist. The contact with Schwitters’ work haD a strong influence on the work of Isabelle Borges, especially in her collage series. Between 1996 anD 1997 he workeD as assistant to Sigmar Polke. StuDieD at the art academy in DüsselDorf. At the enD of 1997, she moveD to Berlin, where she currently resiDes anD works. Martijn Schuppers (1967, NL) lives anD works in Groningen. “In our Day the supposeD contraDistinction between illusion anD reality seems to have vanisheD, has been absorbed into an intangible virtual reality. The reality in the works by Schuppers only exists thanks to his painterly imagination; it is evokeD anD surpasseD rather than imitateD. The illusion has transposeD itself. The illusion in the work of Schuppers may inDeeD still exist by the grace of the ‘paint tissue’ that simultaneously keeps it at a Distance, but his work has the aura of moDern-day hi- tech. The latter is primarily due to the use of fluorescent colour, which is not inspireD by the light of nature or by the religious light that comes ‘from above’, but by the artificial light of monitors.” Martijn Schuppers attenDeD the Minerva AcaDemy in that city anD receiveD his further eDucation at the Hunter College in New York anD the Frank Mohr Institute in Groningen. In 2006 he haD his first museum solo exhibition Unisono 14: The Nature of Painting in the Stedelijk Museum Schiedam.. He has also previously participated in several important exhibitions in German art institutes. His work coulD be seen During his solo exhibition Pentimenti at the Museum für GegenstanDsfreier Kunst in Otterndorf (DE). Work by Martijn Schuppers is in the collections of Dutch and foreign museums, incluDing the SteDelijk Museum SchieDam anD the Centraal Museum Utrecht. His work is also incluDeD in corporate collections such as those of ABN AMRO, AKZO Nobel, Aegon, AMC, Gasunie, LUMC, UMC, TheoDoor Gelissen anD Rijnstate Katleen Vinck (1976, Antwerpen) lives anD works in Antwerpen. Katleen Vinck’s sculptural work is often characterized by heavy-looking materials anD natural shaDes. She creates oDD yet somewhat familiar shapes, fragments from another worlD or another time. Nonetheless, they seem to reflect well-known constructions anD carry an essence of architecture. Katleen Vinck stuDieD architecture at the Henry Van De VelDe Institute anD obtaineD a postgraDuate degree in scenography from Popok. She has been associated with the Antwerp gallery Base-Alpha since 2010. She haD exhibitions in De WaranDe, MuZEE, Extra City, PARK anD various galleries anD exhibition spaces anD took part in projects such as Into Nature, Coup de Ville,.... Her work was shown at fairs such as Art Brussels anD Art RotterDam. Since 2013, she has been working on a regular basis with choreographer Marc Vanrunxt, for which she creates installations. .
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