IM7I I Independent Dally I SH 14010 |HU<4 atlir. lisadtT uroufh rndtr. atciBd Ciui ft 7c PER COPY SSc PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 162 FaU U R»d Bank ao4 a AMUlonl MtiUof OWCM. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1961 BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Salary Boosts ^^^ i . Middle-Road Congo Planned; Police Plan Is Offered UN Request More NEW SHREWSBURY — An ordinance providing By Bilateral Group pay raises for policemen, some borough employees and laborers was introduced last night by the Borough Council. ns Priest Slain Hope to Avert The measure, which will have • public hearing In KIVM Terror March 2, lists increases Storm U.S. Direct Clash for Jerome Reed, borough USUMBURA, Ruaada-Urundi (AP) — Congolese soldiers on clerk, up $400 to $6,100; Embassy the rampage killed • Belgian Of East-West Mrs. Ruth B. Crawford, To Pick Catholic priest yesterday in tax collector, up $300 to LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — Bukavu, capital o( the Congo'* UNITED NATIONS, N. $5,500; Mrs. M. Jeannette Cobb, The American and Belgian Klvu Province, and arrested Y. (AP)—A group of Asian municipal court clerk, up $1,000 and beat up Anicet Kashamura, GOP Slate CONKRINCI AT THI UNITID NATIONS — Soviet Ambassador Valerian Zorin, left, Embassies were stormed and African nations moved to $2,400; Ernest Hiltbrunner, the No. 2 man of the pro-Com- today to seize the initiative road and sanitation department •nd Altksei E. Neiterenko, center, • member of the Soviet delegation, confera with ast night by screaming munist Lumumbist regime in supervisor, up $200 to $7,200, and Omar Loutfi, delegate from the United Arab Republic, before meeting of U.N. Se- Nigerians in an outburst of the northern Congo. in the Congo crisis with a Mrs. Ruth Gordon, general clerk, NextWeek curity Council on the Congo situation. (APWirephoto) antiwhite feeling, bringing Word of the outbreak was peace plan for the Security up $140 to $3,640. FREEHOLD — The Monmouth riot to the streets of this brought by Europeans (ram louncil to take a middle Bukavu who fled across the County Republican Steering Com road between the United States African capital where whites had Kivu border Into the neighbor- Police Salaries mitee will hold a dinner meet- 9 and the Soviet Union. ing Wednesday, March 1, at Jo- always been welcome. ing Belgian trusteeship territory The salaries scheduled for po- Mitchell: No 'Pat Tax Plan of Ruanda-Urundl. They said A flurry of diplomatic activity lice are: Chief James Herring, up seph's Restaurant, West Long More than 10,000 Africans, whipped into a fury by the beat terror was spreading' through raised cautious hopes of avert- $390 to 16,250; Sgt. Fred Garra- Branch, to pick its slate of can- terference with peaceful picket- ing a direct East-West clash in Tells Rotary ing of native drums, took part in Bukavu. brant. up $200 to $5,500; Patrol- didates for four seats—three in ing and can even be interpreted the African republic stemming man First Class William Brown, the Assembly and the other on The bill, termed a "very strong to stop newspapers or other med- the biggest anti-American demon- The refugees' reports were from the slaying of Patrice Lu- up $200 to $5,300; Patrolmen Sec- the Board of Freeholders. Broad Base' ia from carrying advertisements stration yet emerging as a confirmed in a telephone call mumba. ond Class William Tozer and Get- J. Russell Woolley, county GOP prohibits violent or coercive in- (See MITCHELL Page 13) result of the death of Patrice to UN headquarters la Bukavu. Lumumba. The three African-Asian mem- chell McCall, up $200 to $4,900, chairman, said today Assembly- Not Solution bers of the U-nation council- and probationary Patrolman Wil men Alfred N. Beadleston and The angry mob overturned cars neutralist Ceylon, pro-Western Li- liam Holden, up $200 to $4,600. Clifton T. Barkalow, and Free- RED BANK-History is against driven by whites and mauled, beria and the left-leaning United broad-base tax advocates who Resubmit All laborers would get five-cent holder Abram D. Voorhees, are stoned and spat on white pedes- Arab Republic—were expected to expected to run again. predict relief in property or other trians". put forward today a compromise hourly increases. The new rates special taxes. would be $2 for general laborers The fourth post, an additional No Americans were reported Unchanged resolution backed by 18 other first class; $1.75 for second class, chair in the state's Assembly That's what former U.S. Labor injured in the melee, which police :ountries. awarded to the county after re- Secretary James P. Mitchell told met with swinging clubs and tear and $1.65 for part-time. Budget Proposals The ordinance was introduced apportionment of the Lowe the Rotary Club at the Molly gas. One Dane was severely House two weeks ago, has many Pitcher Hotel yesterday. Basically, the emergency sec- after council had received a let- mauled before being rescued. UNION BEACH — The Board tion of the proposed resolution— candidates, Mr. Woolley said. of Education, at a special meet- ter from Edward W. Wise, attor- Mr. Mitchell, whose drive for 1. Urged UN troops in the He indicated a choice may be Rain Rocks ing last night, voted to resub- ney for Local 39 of the Patrol- the Republican gubernatorial Congo to use (orce if necessary made from among Irving Keith, Shouting "imperialists," the mit the defeated 1961-62 school men's Benevolent Association, of nomination got the support last to prevent civil war; Bradley Beach; Harold Feinberg, week-end of the county mob marched first on the neigh- budget at a second election— which New Shrewsbury is a mem 2. Demanded Belgian and oth- Belmar; Mayor John T. Lawley steering committee, offered, no boring U.S. and Belgian Em- without change. ber. ir non-UN foreign military per- and Ira Grayson, Middletown, solution to the state's financial bassies and let loose with a rain 'Inidequtte* The election will be held sonnel, mercenaries and political and Thomas Gagliano, Ocean situation, however. of rocks, smashing windows in March 1. Mr. Wise said present salaries advisers leave the Congo im- port. "I have no pat answer, no pan- both buildings and then in the •re "inadequate" in New Shrews- Board members debated the mediately; Mr. Woolley said he left the acea to the tax situation in New U.S. Information Agency offices bury. question of withdrawing funds 3. Called on all countries to name of Red Bank Mayor George Jersey," the former Eisenhower about half a mile away. from the surplus account to re- These salaries were recom prevent such personnel from go- A. Gray off the list because, Cabinet member said. "I'm not At the height of the rioting duce the budget, but decided mended for 1961: despite some suggestions that the U.S. Ambassador Joseph Palmer ing there, and sure that I am prepared to take against it on grounds that the 4. Called for an immediate and Chief, $6,500; sergeant, $5,700; mayor become a candidate, Mr. a position yet." rode through the excited crowds. surplus is "vital to the planned patrolman first class, $5,400; pa- Gray is not interested. He drove a small car instead o impartial investigation into Lu- Mr. Mitchell described the new construction program and mumba's death. trolman second class, $5,200., anri "Mr. Gray is still my eandi his official diplomatic limousinr the welfare of the school sys- probationary patrolman $4,800. state's tax structure as "patch some supporters of the Afri- date for District Court Judgi work" and said he would make; to escape recognition. tem." In addition, Mr. Wise proposed and I know of nothing that will can-Asian plan were counting on decision concerning After being driven from the The three newly-elected board th« council pita to Increase wages change that view," Mr. Woottey • united front of file nations from of taxation only after studying embassies, the mob moved on to members sat in on the session, by 5 per cent in 1962 and 1983 said. their two continents to bring the "the total picutre." a rally at which it shouted ap- and were in agreement with the This could be done, he said, by proval of resolutions demanding big powers into line. Other diplo- placing the proposal on a refcren But he said that years of pub- board in its decision not to cut mats feared the Soviet Union lic and governmental service that the Nigerian government — the schedule. dum this year to cover the in a member of the British Common- would remain adamant in its op- crease for the next two years. Eatontown have taught him what "when you Board member Richard A. wealth — back the Communist (See CONGO. Pg. 3) Councilman John Lemon, Jr., put money into the hands of Shannon, Jr., was absent. police committee chairman, said government, it will be spent. supported rebel Congo regime of If the budget is defeated a Introduction of the salary ordi Board to Meet ROTARY WELCOME —Former U. S. Labor Secretary Antoine Gizenga. second time—on March 1—it "Those people who expect cut- Soviet demand for the ouster of (See SALARIES. Pg. 13) backs in property taxes because James P. Mitchell of Little Silver, left is greeted at the will then go to Borough Council Mayor Tries (See RIOTS, Page 3) for revision. On Budget of a broad-base tax are just start of yesterday's luncheon at the Molly Pitcher Hotel kidding themselves. The budget totals $516,671, an And Tries EATONTOWN - The Board of by Herman Huber, Red Bank Rotary Club president, increase of $29,331 over the Plan to Build Education meets tonight at "That's not history." right, as Or.
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