3/29/2021 Texas Discovery Gardens Plant Sale List Page 1 of 9 ALPHABETICAL BY PLANT GROUP** Sun Req. Tx=Tx Common Name Botanic Name Height Plant Group Plant Type Host / Pollinators native Nectar Attracted & X=Not Comments Hot sun X-Mex Truncate Parry's Agave parryi var. 3 ft Heat & Drought Tolerant Evergreen Agave truncata Hot sun Tx Cholla Cactus Cylindropuntia Heat & Drought Tolerant Evergreen imbricata Hot sun Tx Red Yucca Hesperaloe 4' Heat & Drought Tolerant Evergreen N Hummingbirds parviflora Hot sun Tx Yellow Yucca Hesperaloe 4' X 4' Heat & Drought Tolerant Evergreen N Hummingbirds parviflora yellow Hot sun Tx Hesperaloe Pink Hesperaloe 'Perfu' 4' Heat & Drought Tolerant Evergreen N Hesperaloe funifera cultivar Parade™ x Hesperaloe parviflora Full to part Tx Devil's Shoestring Nolina 3' X 3' Heat & Drought Tolerant Evergreen N sun lindheimeriana Part sun Tx Texas Beargrass Nolina texana Heat & Drought Tolerant Evergreen N/H Sandia Hairstreak Hot sun X- SE US Variegated Yucca gloriosa 4 ft Heat & Drought Tolerant Spanish Dagger 'Variegata' Hot sun Tx Pale Leaf Yucca Yucca pallida 1-2X1-3' Heat & Drought Tolerant Evergreen N Hot sun Tx Twist-leaf Yucca - Yucca rupicola 2 ft Heat & Drought Tolerant Evergreen N Green Hot sun Tx Old Shag Yucca treculeana to 20 ft Heat & Drought Tolerant Evergreen N Don Quixote's- Lace Full to part X Dianthus 'Coral Dianthus 'Coral 1 ft high Heat & Drought Tolerant N sun Reef" Reef" (sun) Hot sun X-Mex Golden Barrel Echinocactus 2 ft Heat & Drought Tolerant Tender Cactus grusonii (sun) Hot sun Tx Prairie Flax Linum lewisii 18 in Heat & Drought Tolerant Perennial (sun) Full sun X-So Am. Moss Verbena Verbena tenuisecta 8 in Perennial Groundcover N Part sun Tx Texas Buckeye Aesculus glabra 6-20' Perennials & Wildflowers Deciduous N (shade) Shade Tx Red Buckeye Aesculus pavia 6-20' Perennials & Wildflowers Deciduous N (shade) Shade X-Eur, Nw Dwarf Ajuga Ajuga reptans < 6" Perennials & Wildflowers Groundcover Af, SW Asia 'Chocolate Chip' ' Valfredda' (shade) Shade Tx Yellow Aquilegia 3' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N Columbine, chrysantha (shade) Texas Gold ' Hinkleyi' Part sun X-S AM White-veined Aristolochia 8" Perennials & Wildflowers Groundcover H Pipevine to shade Dutchman's fimbriata (shade) Swallowtail Pipevine Shade Tx Wooly Pipevine Aristolochia 15-30' Perennials & Wildflowers Vine H Pipevine tomentosa (shade) Swallowtail Part sun X-NM Desert Pipevine Aristolochia 6-12" X 2' Perennials & Wildflowers Groundcover H Pipevine to shade watsonii (shade) Swallowtail Part sun X Phillippine Violet Barleria cristata 5-8' Perennials & Wildflowers Tender N to shade (shade) Perennial Part sun Tx American Callicarpa 10' Perennials & Wildflowers Deciduous H Rustic Sphinx, to shade Beautyberry-white americana (shade) Common Gray berries Berries for birds Part sun Tx American Callicarpa 10' Perennials & Wildflowers Deciduous H Rustic Sphinx, to shade Beautyberry americana (shade) Common Gray Berries for birds Part sun Tx Horseherb Calyptocarpus vialis 10" Perennials & Wildflowers Groundcover to shade (shade) Part sun Tx Chile Pequin, Bird Capsicum annuum 18-36" Perennials & Wildflowers Annual / H Carolina and Five- to shade Pepper (shade) Tender Spotted Perennial Sphinx,birds Shade X Night-Blooming Cestrum nocturnum Perennials & Wildflowers Tropical N Cold hardy to 8a Jasmine (shade) Part sun Tx Inland Sea Oats Chasmantium 36" Perennials & Wildflowers Grass H Bell's Roadside to shade latifloium (shade) Skipper Shade X Autumn Fern Dryopteris 2 ft Perennials & Wildflowers Evergreen erythrosora (shade) 'Autumn Brillance' Part sun X Loquat Eriobotrya japonica 10 - 25' Perennials & Wildflowers Evergreen N to shade (shade) Shaded row indicates shade tolerant. Tx indicates a native Texas plant (loosely defined). X indicates the plant is indigenous to other areas of the USA or other regions of the world. 3/29/2021 Texas Discovery Gardens Plant Sale List Page 2 of 9 ALPHABETICAL BY PLANT GROUP** Sun Req. Tx=Tx Common Name Botanic Name Height Plant Group Plant Type Host / Pollinators native Nectar Attracted & X=Not Comments Shade Tx White Avens Geum canadense 4 to 18 in. Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N Early spring insects (shade) Shade X-W US Coral Bells Heuchera 18" Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial 'Palace Purple' micrantha 'Palace (shade) Purple' Part sun Tx Heartleaf Hibiscus martianus Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial to shade Hibiscus (shade) Shade X-SE US Oakleaf Hydrangea 5 ft Perennials & Wildflowers Shrub N Hydrangea quercifolia (shade) Part sun X-Europe Common or Hypericum 1-2' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N to shade and Asia perforate St. perforatum (shade) John's Wort Part sun X-NE US Great Blue Lobelia siphilitica Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial Needs lots of water to shade Lobelia (shade) Full sun to Tx Turk's Cap- Malvaviscus 3' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N Hummingbird shade Red arboreus var. (shade) Favorite! drummondii Shade Tx Golden Packera obovata 3" Perennials & Wildflowers Groundcover Groundsel (was Senecio (shade) obovatus) Shade Tx Yellow Passion Passiflora lutea 15' Perennials & Wildflowers Vine N/H Gulf & Variegated Vine/Flower (shade) Fritillary Shade Tx Louisiana Phlox Phlox divaricata 8-10" Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N (shade) Part sun Hy Paparazzi Jagger Phlox X Paparazzi 8-10" Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N to shade Phlox (purple) (P. subulata X P. (shade) stolonifera) Part sun X Root Beer Plant Piper auritum 4-8' Perennials & Wildflowers Tender to shade (shade) Perennial Part sun Tx Buffalo Currant Ribes aureum 3 ft Perennials & Wildflowers Deciduous N native bee nectar to shade (shade) shrub Part sun X-Mex Eyelash-leaved Salvia 1-2' Perennials & Wildflowers Tender to shade Sage blepharophylla (shade) Perennial / Part sun Tx hy Scarlet Sage Salvia coccinea 18" Perennials & Wildflowers Tender N to shade 'Pink&White' (shade) Perennial / Tropical Full to part X Mex Limelight Salvia mexicana 3-4' Perennials & Wildflowers Tender N sun Mexican Sage 'Limelight' (shade) Perennial Shade Tx Mountain Sage Salvia regla 3' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N (shade) Shade, Tx Cedar Sage Salvia roemeriana 8-12" Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N dappled (shade) Full sun to Tx Hoary Scullcap Scutellaria incana 3' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N likes acid soil shade (shade) Part sun Tx Indian Pink Spigelia marilandica Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N Hummingbirds to shade (shade) Part sun Tx Coralberry Symphoricarpos 2' to 4' Perennials & Wildflowers Deciduous N/H Snowberry to shade orbiculatus (shade) Clearwing Part sun X-Taiwan Toad Lily Tricyrtis formosana 20" Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial to shade (shade) Part sun Tx Frostweed, Verbesina virginica 3-5' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N/H Fall favorite of to shade White (shade) Monarchs Shade Tx Wood Violet Viola missouriensis 6 in Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N/H 20 butterflies and (shade) moths Part sun Tx Golden Alexander Zizia aurea 2' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N/H Eastern Black to shade (shade) Swallowtail Full sun X Yarrow Achillea filipendula 2.5' - 3' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial 'Moonshine' or X clypeolata (sun) Full sun to Tx Yarrow - Fernleaf - Achillea millefolium 40'' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N/H Painted Lady shade White (sun) Part sun X-Mex Yellow Giant Agastache 4-7' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N Hyssop nepetoides (sun) Full to part X-N US Nodding Onion, Allium cernuum 14" Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial sun Lady's Leek (sun) Bulb Full sun X Egyptian Walking Allium x proliferum 1 ft Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial Onion (sun) Full to part Tx Antelope Horns Asclepias asperula 1-2 ft Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N/H Monarch and sun Milkweed (sun) Queen caterpillars Shaded row indicates shade tolerant. Tx indicates a native Texas plant (loosely defined). X indicates the plant is indigenous to other areas of the USA or other regions of the world. 3/29/2021 Texas Discovery Gardens Plant Sale List Page 3 of 9 ALPHABETICAL BY PLANT GROUP** Sun Req. Tx=Tx Common Name Botanic Name Height Plant Group Plant Type Host / Pollinators native Nectar Attracted & X=Not Comments Full to part Tx Rose Milkweed Asclepias incarnata 2-4' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N/H Monarch and sun (sun) Queen caterpillars Full Sun Tx Orange Asclepias tuberosa 12"- 24" Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N Monarch and Milkweed, (sun) Queen caterpillars Full sun Tx Whorled Asclepias 6 to 36 in Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N/H Monarch and Milkweed verticillata (sun) Queen caterpillars Full sun Tx Green Flowered Asclepias viridis 1 to 2 ft Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N/H Monarch and Milkweed (sun) Queen caterpillars Full to part Tx Horsemint, Blephilia ciliata 2' Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial sun Downy Wood (sun) Full sun Tx False Boneset Brickellia 2 to 3 ft Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial Fall blooming. eupatorioides (was (sun) Great for Monarchs Kuhnia Full sun X-So Africa Bulbine (Orange) Bulbine frutescens 2 ft Perennials & Wildflowers (sun) Full sun X- Central Bird of Paradise Caesalpinia 6 to 15 ft Perennials & Wildflowers Deciduous N Hummingbirds and So Am Shrub - Yellow mexicana (sun) Hardy to Zone 8 Full Sun Tx Creeping Callirhoe 8" Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial H/N Common Winecup involucrata (sun) Checkered-Skipper Part sun Tx Gregg's Blue Conoclinium 24" Perennials & Wildflowers Perennial N Esp. Monarchs, Mistflower dissectum (was (sun) Queens Host for greggi) Rawson's Full sun cultivar Coreopsis Coreopsis
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