Overview of Hyper-Kamiokande Masato Shiozawa ANT11 Workshop, Oct.-10-2011 Kamioka Observatory, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, U of Tokyo, and Kamioka Satellite, Institute for the Mathematics and Physics of the Universe, U of Tokyo Establish θ13, then CP violation T2K collaboration, PRL107,041801(2011) Fogli et al., arXiv1106.6028 T2K observed indication of νμ→νe titled “Evidence of θ13>0 from global ν analysis” Data ν Osc. e CC ν ν MeV) μ+ μ CC 3 ν e CC NC 2 Nobs : 6 νe candidates Nexp : 1.5±0.3(syst) 2 for sin 2θ13=0 1 nonzero θ13 at 2.5σ Number of events /(250 Number of events 0 0 1000 2000 3000 ν Reconstructed energy (MeV) nonzero θ13 is already >3σ w/ solar and reactorν ‣T2K aims to establish nonzero θ13 and measure it w/ more data ‣reactor experiments are starting data taking (Double CHOOZ, RENO, Daya Bay) It’s now time to seriously think about next generation 2 experiments assuming θ13≠0 (sin θ13= a few %). Hyper-K WG, arXiv:1109.3262 [hep-ex] Letter of Intent: The Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment — Detector Design and Physics Potential — K. Abe,12, 14 T. Abe,10 H. Aihara,10, 14 Y. Fukuda,5 Y. Hayato,12, 14 K. Huang,4 A. K. Ichikawa,4 M. Ikeda,4 K. Inoue,8, 14 H. Ishino,7 Y. Itow,6 T. Kajita,13, 14 J. Kameda,12, 14 Y. Kishimoto,12, 14 M. Koga,8, 14 Y. Koshio,12, 14 K. P. Lee,13 A. Minamino,4 M. Miura,12, 14 S. Moriyama,12, 14 M. Nakahata,12, 14 K. Nakamura,2, 14 T. Nakaya,4, 14 S. Nakayama,12, 14 K. Nishijima,9 Y. Nishimura,12 Y. Obayashi,12, 14 K. Okumura,13 M. Sakuda,7 H. Sekiya,12, 14 12, 14, 3 12, 14 12, 14 3, 14 M. Shiozawa, ∗ A. T. Suzuki, Y. Suzuki, A. Takeda, Y. Takeuchi, H. K. M. Tanaka,11 S. Tasaka,1 T. Tomura,12 M. R. Vagins,14 J. Wang,10 and M. Yokoyama10, 14 (Hyper-Kamiokande working group) 1Gifu University, Department of Physics, Gifu, Gifu 501-1193, Japan 2High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 3Kobe University, Department of Physics, Kobe, Hyogo 657-8501, Japan 4Kyoto University, Department of Physics, Kyoto, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan 5Miyagi University of Education, Department of Physics, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0845, Japan 6Nagoya University, Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8602, Japan 7Okayama University, Department of Physics, Okayama, Okayama 700-8530, Japan 8Tohoku University, Research Center for Neutrino Science, Sendai 980-8578, Japan 9Tokai University, Department of Physics, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa 259-1292, Japan 10 arXiv:1109.3262v1 [hep-ex] 15 Sep 2011 University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan 11University of Tokyo, Earthquake Research Institute, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan 12University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, Kamioka Observatory, Kamioka, Gifu 506-1205, Japan 13University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, Research Center for Cosmic Neutrinos, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8582, Japan 14University of Tokyo, Institute for the Physics and Math- ematics of the Universe, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan (Dated: September 16, 2011) 1 8 TABLE II. Physics targets and expected sensitivities of the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment. σ is the Hyper-K WG, SD WIMP-proton spin dependent cross section. arXiv:1109.3262 [hep-ex] Physics Target Sensitivity Conditions Neutrino study w/ J-PARC ν 1.66 MW 5 years (1 year 107 sec) × ≡ 2 2 CP phase precision < 18◦ @ s 2θ ( sin 2θ ) > 0.03 and − 13 ≡ 13 mass hierarchy (MH) is known CPV 3σ discovery coverage 74% (55%) @ s22θ =0.1, MH known(unknown) − 13 ‣Baseline design 2 74% (63%) @ s 2θ13 =0.03, MH known(unknown) 2 of the Hyper-K 66% (59%) @ s 2θ13 =0.01, MH known(unknown) ‣physics potential Atmospheric neutrino study 10 years observation MH determination > 3σ CL @ 0.4 <s2θ and 0.04 <s22θ − 23 13 θ octant determination > 90% CL @ s22θ < 0.99 and 0.04 <s22θ − 23 23 13 Explain them, Nucleon Decay Searches 10 years data p e+ + π0 1.3 1035 yrs (90% CL) − → × especially physics 5.7 1034 yrs (3σ CL) × p ν¯ + K+ 2.5 1034 yrs (90% CL) case in this talk − → × 1.0 1034 yrs (3σ CL) × Solar neutrinos 8B ν from Sun 200 ν’s / day 7.0 MeV threshold (total energy) w/ osc. − 8B ν day/night accuracy < 1% 5 years, only stat. w/ SK-I BG 20 − × Astrophysical objects Supernova burst ν 170,000 260,000 ν’s @ Galactic center (10 kpc) − ∼ 30 50 ν’s @ M31 (Andromeda galaxy) ∼ Supernova relic ν 830 ν’s / 10 years − WIMP annihilation at Sun 5 years observation − 39 2 σ = 10− cm @ M = 10 GeV, χχ b¯b dominant SD WIMP → 40 2 + σ = 10− cm @ M = 100 GeV, χχ W W − dominant SD WIMP → of 0.5 1.3eV/c2, and does not depend on whether the neutrino is a Dirac or Majorana particle. − Hyper-K is also capable of detecting supernova explosion neutrinos from galaxies outside of our own Milky Way; about 7,000-10,000 neutrinos from the Large Magellanic Cloud and 30-50 even from the Andromeda galaxy. Detection of supernova relic neutrinos (SRN) is of great interest because the history of heavy Hyper-Kamiokande candidate site ✦ 8km south from Super-K ✦ same T2K beam off-axis angle Mozumi Super-K ✦ 2.6km horizontal drive from entrance Mine ✦ under the peak of Nijuugo-yama ✦ 648m of rock or 1,750 m.w.e. overburden N ✦ 508m above sea level ~8km~10km ✦ dominated by Hornblende Biotite Gneiss and Tochibora Migmatite Mine ✦ 2.3km from waste rock disposal place ✦ 13,000 m3/day or 1megaton/80days natural water Hyper-K N 1,156m a.s.l. Candidate site 0M=845m a.s.l. overburden! 648m Hyper-K -300M Mine -370M Entrance 200m 508m a.s.l. -430M More on baseline design Geological survey Twin cavern analysis Concrete layer, polyethylene lining, PMT FEM analysis (Factor of safety) support Water system Gd loading test (Super-K collaboration) DAQ Photon sensor ADC+TDC network network switch Front End PC event builder with Software trig. switch 10 ev bld Total ~ 0.5 GB/s ~500 PMTs/FEPC /compartment ( / compartment ) ~20 FEPCs ~10MB/sec ( / compartment ) ( / compartment ) ~25 MB/s/FEPC Data flow manager Organizer TRG Front End PC GPS Front End PC To offline system 8’’ and 13’’ HPDs available in 2012 ( outside of the mine ) ! Hamamatsu will release in 2012 Hiroyuki Sekiya NNN10 Dec 15 2010@Toyama 18 Physics targets ‣explore full picture of neutrino mass&mixing ‣explore unification picture of quarks and leptons ‣ J-PARC ν’s ‣ Discovery of Leptonic CP violation ‣ ν mass hierarchy ‣ Atmospheric ν ‣ supplemental information on ν properties ‣ Proton (or neutron) decays ‣ Solar ν ‣ Astrophysical objects ‣ Supernova burst ν and Supernova relic ν ‣ WIMP annihilation ν ‣ Solar flare ν, GRB ν, ... ‣ Neutrino Geophysics x25 Larger Target ~0.6GeV !µ" 295km Higher Intensity Quest for CP Violation >1.66MW (KEK roadmap) in lepton sector νμ→νe probability Normal hierarchy neutrino anti-neutrino 0.1 0.1 2 2 sin 2e13=0.1 sin 2e13=0.1 0.08 0.08 b= 0 b= 0 ) ) e = 1/2 b / e b= 1/2/ 0.06 b= / 0.06 Ai b= / Ai + = -1/2 + i b / b= -1/2/ 0.04 i 0.04 P( P( 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 Ei (GeV) Ei (GeV) − − ‣ CPV test by comparing P(νμ→νe) and P(νμ→νe) ‣ sensitive to exotic (non MNS matrix origin) CPV ‣ Fake CPV effect by matter effect 2 ‣ P(matter)/P(δ)~1/3 for sin 2θ13=0.1 2 ‣ P(matter)/P(δ)~1/10 for sin 2θ13=0.01 (pure δ-driven CPV) JPARC ν Near Far Detector target/ Decay volume Muon Detector (Super-K) Horn detector !" p ! off-axis proton on-axis 0 m π 11011 m 280 m 295 km 106 Neutrino run 106 Anti-neutrino run T T S R SR PO PO 5 5 21 21 10 SR 10 SR Se /10 /10 2 2 Se Se 104 104 Se 103 103 /50MeV/cm /50MeV/cm S S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ES (GeV) ES (GeV) ‣ J-PARC ν’s ‣ T2K flux based on beamline geometry, horn (320kA), hadron (π, K) production data, proton profile ‣ anti-ν by inverted horn current ‣ Quasi-monochromatic ν w/ peak energy at oscillation maximum ‣ intrinsic beam νe (BG) is <1% at peak energy Detailed study figures for 40% photo-coverage Super-Kamiokande IV Run 999999 Sub 0 Event 209 ν Full simulation of ν interaction, hadron 10-02-17:16:23:39 e ‣ Inner: 3136 hits, 6453 pe simulation CC Outer: 3 hits, 2 pe Trigger: 0x03 D_wall: 1218.7 cm secondary interactions (NEUT) e-like, p = 701.5 MeV/c Charge(pe) HK detector response by modified Super- >26.7 ‣ 23.3-26.7 20.2-23.3 17.3-20.2 14.7-17.3 12.2-14.7 K simulation 10.0-12.2 8.0-10.0 6.2- 8.0 e 4.7- 6.2 3.3- 4.7 PMT density 40%→20% 2.2- 3.3 ‣ 1.3- 2.2 0.7- 1.3 0.2- 0.7 light propagation, electronics response < 0.2 ‣ 1300 0 mu-e 1040 decays ‣ small geometry difference (~35m(SK) 780 520 260 ⇔50m(HK)) 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Times (ns) νe event selection Super-Kamiokande IV ! Run 999999 Sub 0 Event 458 NC 1π 10-02-15:01:36:54 Inner: 3366 hits, 8116 pe Outer: 7 hits, 5 pe simulation 1.
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