![Brief Tend]Er Notice Zilla Parishad Thane Rural Water Supply Department E-Tender Notice No 5 /Ee/Rwsd/Zpthane/2014-15](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
BRIEF TEND]ER NOTICE ZILLA PARISHAD THANE RURAL WATER SUPPLY DEPARTMENT E-TENDER NOTICE NO 5 /EE/RWSD/ZPTHANE/2014-15 Chief Executive Officer ,Zilla Parishad Thane ,Near Talavpali ,Station Road Thane (w) PIN NO.400 601 invites online percentage rate tender from contractors registered in appropriate class/category with Zilla Parishad Thane & Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. for following Works in District Thane . CLASS TIME Remar AMT OF EARNES TEN SR. HEAD OF OF LIMIT k NAME OF WORK TALUKA TENDER T DER OF NO ACCOUNT CONT RS. MONEY FEE CALEN RACT DER Providing Water Supply 6 Month Arrangement For 1 VASAI MLA fund 7,75,000/- 8000/- 200/- Class-6 1 st call Bandarpada At Village Arnala Providing and Construction 6 Month Drinking Water Supply Thakkar 2 Scheme with Storage DAHANU 12,32,184/- 13000/- 500/- Class-6 1 st call Arrangement At Shilonda bappa Amunpada Providing and Construction 6 Month Drinking Water Supply Thakkar 3 Scheme with Storage DAHANU 7,47,517/- 8000/- 200/- Class-7 1 st call Arrangement At Ashte bappa Patilpada Providing and Construction Drinking Water Supply Thakkar 4 Scheme with Storage DAHANU 10,17,790/- 11000/- 500/- Class-6 6 Month 1 st call Arrangement At Kalamdevi bappa Lahangepada Providing and Construction Drinking Water Supply Thakkar 5 Scheme with Storage DAHANU 7,49,690/- 8000/- 200/- Class-7 6 Month 1 st call Arrangement At Shilonda bappa Gangadpada Providing and Construction Drinking Water Supply Thakkar 6 Scheme with Storage DAHANU 7,24,142/- 8000/- 200/- Class-7 6 Month 1 st call Arrangement At Kalamdevi bappa Gavitpada Tal 10 Rural Extention of Water Supply Water Supply 7 BHIWANDI 10,75,032/- 11000/- 500/- Class-6 1 st call pipe line pimpalghar Scheme 6 Month Repairs 10 Rural Construction of Pipe Water Water Supply 8 Class-6 1 st call Supply scheme at Kon BHIWANDI 9,70,881/- 10000/- 200/- 6 Month Naikwadi Scheme Repairs Construction of Pipe Water 10 Rural Supply scheme at Kon Water Supply 9 BHIWANDI 7,69,444/- 8000/- 200/- Class-6 1 st call Pachmar and Khare Scheme 6 Month Compound Repairs 10 Rural Construction of Pipe Water Water Supply 10 Supply scheme at Devali BHIWANDI 11,75,646/- 12000/- Class-6 1 st call 500/- 6 Month (Rahur) Scheme Repairs Extention of Water Supply Protsahan 11 pipe line at Pundas BHIWANDI Anudan 10,03,985/- 11000/- 500/- Class-6 6 Month 1 st call Vadachapada 14 R.R.W.S Bleaching Powder Supply (5 Scheme 6 Month 12 All 10,00,000/- 10000/- 200/- Class-6 1 st call K.g) maintenance and repairs Construction of Mini Pipe Thakkar 13 Water Supply scheme at BHIWANDI 4,94,252/- 5000/- 100/- Class-7 6 Month 1 st call Fulorepada bappa Special Repairing to 21Repairs of 14 Drinking water well ar SHAHAPUR 2,08,872/- 3000/- 100/- Class-8 1 st call Shirol Pendhyachapada Dug well 6 Month PRE FABRICATED 1 st call GROUND WATER 25 Prostahan 15 STORACE TANK AT JAWHAR 13,32,240/- 14000/- 500/- Class 6 6 Month KASHIWALI TADPADA anudan TAL. JAWHAR PRE FABRICATED 1 st call GROUND WATER 25 Prostahan 16 STORACE TANK AT JAWHAR 13,32,240/- 14000/- 500/- Class 6 6 Month MALGHAR NAVAPADA anudan TAL. JAWHAR PRE FABRICATED 1 st call GROUND WATER 25 Prostahan 6 Month 17 SHAHAPUR 15,05,520/- 16000/- 1000/- Class 5 A STORACE TANK AT MAL anudan KATICHAPADA PRE FABRICATED 6 Month 1 st call GROUND WATER 25 Prostahan 1000/ 18 SHAHAPUR 15,05,520/- 16000/- Class 5 A STORACE TANK AT MAL anudan WARGHADWADI PRE FABRICATED 1 st call GROUND WATER 25 Prostahan 19 SHAHAPUR 15,05,520/- 16000/- Class 5 A STORACE TANK AT MAL anudan 1000/ 6 Month PATILWADI 1 st call Construction of E.S.R At Protsahan Class-5 20 Sambhaji Nagar Asangaon SHAHAPUR 19,37,500/- 20000/- 1000/- 6 Month (A) Tal. Shahapur Anudan 1 st call Repairs of P.W.S.S Scheme Protsahan 21 Kasara (Bu) Tanajinagar SHAHAPUR 9,34,572 10000/- 200/- Class-6 6 Month Tal Shahapur Anudan Providing & Errecton Auto 1 st call Protsahan Gas Chlorination System @ Class-5 22 Sakhare Treatment Plant to DAHANU 15,56,111/- 16000/- 1000/- Anudan (A) 6 Month Badapokharan R.R Water (Water Fund) Supply Scheme Tal.Dahanu Repairs to pipeline of Protsahan 1 st call Badapokharan Regional Class-5 6 Month 23 DAHANU Anudan 19,35,233/- 20000/- 1000/- Rural Water Supply Scheme (A) Tal. Dahanu (Water Fund) Construction of water 2210 Public 1 st call Supply Scheme at P.H.C Helth Tribal 24 VIKRAMGAD 5,52,926/- 6000/- 200/- Class-7 Sub Center Kurze area 6 Month Tal.Vikramgad (22104876) SPECIAL REPAIR ING TO 14 R.R.W.S 1 st call RISING MAIN AND Scheme 25 LEADING MAIN OF SHAHAPUR 14,90,317/- 15000/- 500/- Class-6 6 Month VEDVAHAL VILLAGE OF maintenance AGHAI TAL. SHAHAPUR and repairs PROVIDING AND 1 st call CONSTRUCTING PIPE 26 WATER SUPPLY MOKHADA Thakkarbappa 14,99,387/- 15000/- 500/- Class-6 6 Month SCHEME AT. KHODALA TALYACHIWADI Repairs to Regional Pipe 25 Prostahan 27 water Supply Scheme at BHIWANDI 4,75,060/- 5000/- 100/- Class-7 6 Month 1 st call Vajreshwari anudan PROVIDING AND CONSTRUCTION DRINKING WATER 28 SUPPLY SCHEME WITH TALASARI Thakkarbappa 7.19,828/- 8000/- 200/- Class-7 6 Month 1 st call STORAGE ARRANGEMENT AT. ANVIR THAKKARPADA VIILAGE WATER Accelerator 10,000 24 29 SUPPLY SCHEME AT. TALASARI 4,85,28,837/- 485300/- Class-2 1 st call /- Month TALASARI Programme VIILAGE WATER 6 30 SUPPLY SCHEME AT. JAWHAR 10,87,665/- 11000/- 500/- Class-6 1 st call Thakkarbappa Month OZAR GAONTHAN EXTENTION OF WATER 25 Prostahan 6 31 SUPPLY PIPELINE BHIWANDI 13,53,619/- 14000/- 500/- Class-6 1 st call Month AT.MOHCHAPADA anudan PROVIDING AND CONSTRUCTION DRINKING WATER SUPPLY SCHEME WITH 32 TALASARI Thakkarbappa 7.19,828/- 8000/- 200/- Class-7 6 Month 1 st call STORAGE ARRANGEMENT AT. DONGARI KHARADPADA PROVIDING AND CONSTRUCTION DRINKING WATER 33 SUPPLY SCHEME WITH TALASARI Thakkarbappa 7.19,828/- 8000/- 200/- Class-7 6 Month 1 st call STORAGE ARRANGEMENT AT. UPLAT NAVAPADA PROVIDING AND CONSTRUCTION DRINKING WATER 34 SUPPLY SCHEME WITH TALASARI Thakkarbappa 7.19,828/- 8000/- 200/- Class-7 6 Month 1 st call STORAGE ARRANGEMENT AT. DONGARI PATILPADA PROVIDING AND CONSTRUCTION DRINKING WATER 35 SUPPLY SCHEME WITH TALASARI Thakkarbappa 7.19,828/- 8000/- 200/- Class-7 6 Month 1 st call STORAGE ARRANGEMENT AT. UPLAT KALBATPADA CONSTRUCTION OF 2210 Public PIPE WATER SUPPLY Helth Tribal Class-5 36 PALGHAR 23,62,222/- 24000/- 1000/- 6 Month 1 st call SCHEME AT MASWAN area (A) P.H.C (22105676) CONSTRUCTION OF MINI PWSS AT 37 BIBICHAPADA BHIWANDI Thakkarbappa 5,42,234/- 6000/- 200/- Class-7 6 Month 1 st call CHINCHAWALI KHANDPE 1) The complete bidding process will be online (e-tendering). All the notifications regarding this tender notice hereafter will be published online on website http://mahatenders.gov.in 2) Bidding documents can be seen and download from website” http://mahatenders.gov.in ” from 3.00 pm on 05 /11/2014 to 11 /11/2014 upto 5 .00 pm 3) The bid can be submitted in electronic format on the website ” http://mahatenders.gov.in ” from 05 /10/2014 at 3 .00pm 4) The deadline for submission of bid is 11 /11/2014 upto 5 .00 pm 5) Conractor should deposit, Tender Fee and EMD Amount in Account of CHIEF ACCOUNTS & FINANCE OFFICER Z.P.Thane in State Bank of India Branch THANE (MAIN) account No. 34001882896 , IFSC CODE SBIN0000489 , MICR CODE 400002094 by RTGS/NEFT Only. (6) Contractor should upload Technical documents included with Unic transaction registration (UTR) No. of RTGS/NEFT and also upload certificate regarding EMD/Tender Fee deposited (Annexure A) Enclosed. (7) Technical Bids will be opened online if possible on 14/10/2014 at 12 .00 am website ” http://mahatenders.gov.in ” in the Office of Chief Executive Officer ,Zilla Parishad Thane, Near Talav pali, Station road, Thane (w) 400 601. (8) Time and Date of opening of financial bids will be informed by e-mail to responsive bidder. (9) 1% amount of E.M.D will be adjusted in Security Deposit & 4% Security Deposit will be deducted through running bill of work executed. (10) The guidelines to download the tender document and online submission of bids and Procedure of tender opening can be download from website http://mahatenders.gov.in ” (11) Time allowed for completion of each work is shown in above Table and defect liability period shall be 6 Months (as required) from the date of completion of work. (12) Right to reject or cancel any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof what so ever is reserved by the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, Z.P.THANE . Executive Engineer Chief Executive Officer Rural Water Supply Department Zilla Parishad Thane Zilla Parishad Thane Annexure 'A' PART OF E-TENDERING DOCUMENT ¯ÖÏ´ÖÖ Ö¯Ö¡Ö ¯ÖÏ´ÖÖ× ÖŸÖ ú¸ü µÖÖŸÖ µÖêŸÖê úß ´ÖÖ. ´Öã µÖ úÖµÖÔ úÖ¸üß †×¬Ö úÖ¸üß ×•Ö»ÆüÖ ¯Ö׸üÂÖ¤ü šüÖ Öê µÖÖÓ“Öê ú›üᯙ ‡Ô ×−Ö×¾Ö¤üÖ −ÖÖê™üßÃÖ ÎÓú -------פü.----------†−¾ÖµÖê ¯ÖÏ×ÃÖ¨ü êú»Ö껵ÖÖ −ÖÖê™üßÃÖ−ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü †Ö´Æüß ÖÖ»Ö߻֯ÖÏ´ÖÖ Öê ‡Ô ×−Ö×¾Ö¤üÖ ±úß ¾Ö †−ÖÖ´ÖŸÖ ¸üŒ ú´Ö NEFT/RTGS «üÖ¸êü ´Öã µÖ »Öê ÖÖ ¾Ö ×¾Ö¢Ö †×¬Ö úÖ¸üß ×•Ö»ÆüÖ ¯Ö׸üÂÖ¤ü šüÖ Öê µÖÖÓ“Öê Ùêü™ü ²ÖÑ ú , šüÖ Öê ´Öê−Ö ÖÖŸÖê ÎÓú------- ----------´Ö¬µÖê •Ö´ÖÖ êú»Öê»Öß †ÖÆêü.
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